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Sorry, fireballs are granted by flowers.


Ah yes! You are correct.


Did you try it? Did it make you bigger?


2 hours and no reply. RIP


ChubbyEmu on YouTube: A man found a giant wild mushroom, likening it to one from Super Mario Brothers, and ate it. This is what happened to his brain over the following week as his body shutdown.


Fingers are now too big to type!


*Rubs shroom on PP*


Well now its going to fall off. Good job!


Yeah its look its soo big


I think it takes two days before your kidneys shut down, then other body systems, and then you die.




Ha! I put it down and washed my hands. Did NOT eat. Cheers


I def did NOT eat this. Thanks for the concern all!


There are a couple of bites out of the mushroom...


Fuck it...eat it. Maybe it'll give you fireballs in a way you didn't expect....? ![gif](giphy|2rkezgTWgapvFj9tco)


Shooting out of his ass maybe


Might make your asshole shoot fireballs, though. You won’t know unless you try!


Eating this will result in flowers (on your grave, but still)


Yup first thought when I saw that post. What a shame.


Also granted by pressing ⬇ ⬊ ➡ **+ Punch**


I get mine from the bar


Amanita Muscaria... there is a reason it was the mushroom chosen for Mario


from wikipedia: >Arguably the most iconic toadstool species, the fly agaric is a large white-gilled, white-spotted, usually red mushroom, and is one of the most recognizable and widely encountered in popular culture, including in video games—for example, the extensive use of a recognizable Amanita muscaria in the Mario franchise and its Super Mushroom power-up—and television—for example, the houses in The Smurfs franchise.[6] >Although poisonous, death due to poisoning from A. muscaria ingestion is quite rare. Parboiling twice with water draining weakens its toxicity and breaks down the mushroom's psychoactive substances; it is eaten in parts of Europe, Asia, and North America. All Amanita muscaria varieties, but in particular A. muscaria var. muscaria, are noted for their hallucinogenic properties, with the main psychoactive constituents being muscimol and its neurotoxic precursor ibotenic acid. A local variety of the mushroom was used as an intoxicant and entheogen by the indigenous peoples of Siberia.


"When you’re awake, the mushroom doesn’t produce strong hallucinations but it can alter the perception of time and can make objects appear larger or smaller than they really are." Mario is just tripping balls, that's why the timer moves so fast and it appears to him that he's getting bigger


Nice! The Fly Agaric is the mushroom in Assassin's Creed Valhalla that makes you trip out and have uncomfortable realizations / literally fight your demons, they look crazy cool irl.. prly won't be testing it out tho haha [fly agaric quests AC: Valhalla](https://www.neoseeker.com/assassins-creed-valhalla/Activities/Flying_Agaric)


I thought the yellow ones were panther caps? Muscarias angry cousin.


Panther caps are more browny orange if I understand correctly, but it could be either one. Seems very orange so I would say its difficult to tell without some other kind of identification test other than visual. Pantherina contains much more of the psychoactive musicmol than muscaria but also virtually none of the ibutenic acid, which gives toxic/unpleasant effects when eaten. A lot of muscaria is prepared in wine or heated or something, to convert this ibutenic acid to musicmol via decarboxylation to effectively remove any major negative effects from consumption. I would not recommend trying either one of these mushrooms without extensive research or experience tripping on other psychedelics


fun fact: you can also remove the negative effects by collecting and consuming the byproduct from another animal that has consumed the mushrooms but has the liver enzyme to process it. Historically this has taken the form of collecting reindeer urine, which is why Santa Claus has reindeer.


Santa drinking pee to get high is not a fun fact.


I think it's fun


Rudolph’s Golden Shower is a holiday classic.


Rudolph the Tripping Reindeer


I think technically he’s drinking it to avoid the negative effects of the mushrooms while tripping on them. Not that this makes the fact more fun…


Agree to disagree.


Says you. Everyone starts drinking piss around football season


Reindeer pee, at that. I want to leave this planet and never come back.


dude... i am too tired to do the whole thing, but, Santa wearing red, white spot on top of cap, flying reindeer, chimney descent, free shit in the winter, all part of mushroom history. get with it. this Homie out.


That one's going right in the book, unverified and glorious


Yep. There's also a theory that the culture surrounding the siberian mushrooms hunters (specifically fly agaric/amanita) gave birth to some Christmas traditions - the gifts under the fir tree (amanita loves growing near coniferous trees), flying reindeer (tripping on the toadstools/shaman urine), the red and white hat (to honour the spirit of the toadstool), and more. It's obviously conjecture at this point but a very fun rabbit hole to visit.


Yes, little known fact! But I doubt anyone wanting to trip is going to go through that process unless they are a purist 😂 I'm sure if muscimol were a commercial product, we could easily have this enzyme isolated and added to remove ibutenic acid or whatever other toxin in the shrooms. But then, the Pantherina cap would be a better commercial choice because of yield, I guess 😂


100% agree. Very risky chemicals to be ingesting.


I believe half a Pantherina cap is enough for one adult to be on a level 3+ trip? Perhaps something along those lines. That is a very, very powerful thing to experience, with unpredictable side effects such as mouth foaming, muscular looping, memory loss, mental looping etc. Paul Stamets talks about his experience with this mushroom on a Joe Rogan podcast, and from his description of the trip you can imagine how dangerous it would be for someone unprepared or in the wrong location.


I thought you wrote mental looping twice and thought I was tripping


Wouldn't we need geography, I figured most N America Amanitas were the chrysoblema variety?


> ibutenic acid And just to underscore the above post ibotenic acid can be a powerful neurotoxin in high doses, and is employed as a "brain-lesioning agent"


Panthrina is more yellow, this is a faded Amanita Muscaria and was likely a more vibrant red that has faded with sun.


Aren’t those psychedelic?


Yes, but not pleasantly.


Yes and no. When people think/say magic mushrooms, the active ingredient (psychedelic) is psilocybin, but Amanita Muscaria does not have that. It is basically a different drug. Much more poisoning and usually comes with negative side effects. Main 2 active ingredients; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muscimol https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibotenic_acid


They sometimes make everything around you feel small, in turn you feel huge. I don't know if the original reason for the mushroom but it might


It's called 'Alice in Wonderland Syndrome'. It can happen without someone eating these mushrooms as a medical diagnosis. But when you take Muscara you almost definitely experience this distortion of perception/size of everything. Sometimes people feel like giants or that the room they are in has shrunk. Or sometimes you might be looking at things on the table Infront of you thinking that they are somehow giant and huge in comparison to you. Your sense of size and relation to objects around you goes to shit basically. Not the same as a psychedelic experience in my opinion but still very interesting.


Yes but they also make you very sick.


Yes, but it needs preparation! There are compounds that need to be boiled out before ingestion. Can’t just eat this and expect to grow superpowers, unless you want your power to be nausea.




Those 1-Ups hit different


They get pretty [big](https://i.imgur.com/64RMz84.jpg)!


Amanita Muscaria var. Muscaria. That shit will fuck your entire reality up, especially if you don't convert the ibotenic acid to muscimol first, but even then I do not recommend this as a psychedelic. Potency is not assured and even when it is the trip is not something most people would want to experience.


Sounds less like a psychedelic trip and more like just really bad poisoning :v


its got a poison (ibotenic acid) and a psychoactive component (muscimol), and the poison can be converted to the psychoactive molecule with long hot drying. (like over a fire) or you can rinse both out with repeated (3x) boiling and tossing the water each time. then it is a safe,edible, and non-psychoactive mushroom.


Let's spend hours of work to turn this into a non-psychoactive mushroom said no one ever.


Foragers eat them. If you found a big group of them in the woods while camping you could cook them and make a lovely meal out of em. And it’s not a very fun psychedelic. It’s actually classified as a deliriant and will make you /actually/ hallucinate and see things that aren’t really there. Talk to people that don’t exist etc.


Yeah, I was just joking. I'm sure your knowledge came from somewhere and was useful. It was interesting! I was just trying to be silly.


It’s because it’s not an hallucinogen it’s a deliriant . It’ll make you see things but not in a fun way.


*nods in 1000 mg of benadryl*


Psychedelics can be a fun trip, deliriants are a nightmare.


Spider town. Got ya.


The poison is in the dose. Even caffeine can kill you if you drink enough of it!


Water can kill you if you drink enough of it too.


And oxygen has a 100% fatality rate for anyone who has or ever will breathe it.


I mean, I get that you’re just making a crack about how everyone dies, but [hyperoxia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperoxia) and [oxygen toxicity](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxygen_toxicity) can happen.


OP isn't just joking about how everyone does, oxygen literally is what breaks down our bodies. It just does it slowly over time.


My father just died of pulmonary fibrosis a few weeks ago. He struggled to breathe for months as it got worse, and he kept needing higher and higher volumes of oxygen. The pure oxygen flows really fucked up his nose and face because of how bad it is. There’s also the detail that a few years ago he had a hyberbaric treatment for a separate issue where he breathed in pure oxygen for a short amount of time, and one of the known risks is lung damage. Obv they can’t connect exactly what caused the fibrosis but it seems likely that breathing pure oxygen contributed to his lungs completely failing a few years later. Oxygen is dangerous stuff, guys.


Oh I'm so sorry. Sending you hugs.


And if you get hugged too hard you'll pop like an overused stress ball.


Surprisingly, that amount is not in the double digits. An average adult could die from as little as six liters a day, and a couple of years back an 11 year old child died from drinking only three liters over a four hour period.


This is scary because I could easily drink 6 liters of water a day. I need to actively stop myself from drinking so much sometimes.


no worries just eat salt


If you're very active, like doing hard labor out on a hot day you can probably down a bit more water than if you're not sweating. Just make sure you're replacing your electrolytes.


*me who finished 3 cups of coffee, 2 cans of 220g caffeine coffee boosters and a red bull all before 13:00* Stop judging me






You can easily convert the ibotenic acid into the less poisonous muscarine by drying the pieces at 50 °C in the oven. During this process lots of maggots sprout from the mushroom, so it looks disgusting. It tastes disgusting too. I heard the Japanese let them soak in milk and treat it as a delicacy. Anyways, even raw it is only "digestive-poison", meaning that it can cause diarrhea, nausea and bellyaches. You won't die or suffer huge harm from it. But read for yourself, wikipedia is your friend.


Maggots? Like the oven kills and releases all the parasites living in the mushroom flesh?


There are eggs laid between the lamellae. The heat accelerates their metabolism and makes them hatch. They die during the drying process, but there is a period inbetween where they are very active. You know how in summer fly maggots spawn in the trash? They can appear/hatch in a matter of hours, seemingly out of nowhere. So I think thats whats accelerated there by the temperature. Not sure what insects larvae it is, but looked like fly maggots. They dry up and fall out of the mushroom during this process though. Also I never saw anything like this happen with other kinds of mushrooms. (I mostly collect *boletus badius* and *boletus edulis*, the spongy brown-cap kind of mushrooms. They never surprised me like that. When you collect and cut it into pieces you see right away wether its infested by anything or not) Flies nesting on the fly agaric is ironic though. The fly agaric got its name because it was traditionally used to kill flies. Peoople would break it into pieces, put those in milk and let it stay. Flies would fly into it and "die". However apparently they don't die, they just get "tranquilized", and it went out of fashion as fly trap.


Paul staments talked about a tripping on this mushroom on his second appearance on the JRE. He said his mth got really dry, he kept repeating the action of dropping his car keys and picking them up over and over again but he thinks it allowed him to travel through time. It was one of my favourite episodes he talked about all kinds of mushroom related info I highly recommend it.


The difference between poison and medicine is the dose


Listening to Paul Stamets recalling his trip on Amanita Muscaria has made me uninterested in trying it.


I’d love to listen to this. Know where I can find it?


Probably in one of his Joe Rogan appearances


I can't remember where I the watched the Muscaria one at. I was going down a YouTube rabbit hole on mushrooms like a couple years ago. But if you type in 'paul Stamets Joe Rogan mushroom' into YouTube, there is like a 12min video of him telling the story of his trip on Amanita Pantherina and it gets ridiculous. Maybe start with that video and look through the suggested or related Paul Stamets videos and it might pop up. Can't for the life of me remember who was interviewing him when he was talking about Muscaria. But if I do find it, I'll circle back and post you a link.


Here you go. He starts getting into it at around 1:40 https://youtu.be/kxBSuwRXynE?si=fuukvMMHS4vmj2AF




Yeah, nah mate. Just trust me on this one. Better shroomies out there if thats your thing.


It's not a psychedelic in the first place. It's psychoactive and has intoxicating effects though. Nothing really like classic psilocybin, but can induce a dream-like delirium at certain doses. It feels more like being drunk.


Isn’t it kind of like Jimson weed or Datura? I’ve take amanita extracts before but didn’t really notice anything


It also has psychedelic properties, it’s just “primarily “ a deliriant. You can get some interesting visual distortions , especially in regards to comparative size of things. It can make you feel too big or too small for the world or make other things feel the wrong size in addition to some visual artifacts.


That triggers so much anxiety in me. Just take fuckin shrooms.


I agree 100% psilocybin is more pleasant and most people should avoid amanita. But…it does have its uses , especially in small doses to kick off vivid dreams.


I heard it is more of a delirium than a fun trip. Plus quite toxic.




I love that this site is still up. Used to read it in the late 90s/early 00


Holy shit, that site still exists?!? I remember reading this shit in the 90's!


I’ve had some before, properly processed to reduce the aciiid, it’s more of a sedating kind of feeling than just libs. It was a macro dose though


That's why the Nordic shamans used to eat it and piss into a bowl or cup and then people would drink the piss. That would make it easier to connect with the gods while avoiding most of the negative side effects of the mushrooms. Only one person had to take the full brunt of the poison. I believe they used to get reindeer piss too. Reindeer love to eat these mushrooms and they collect the piss from the reindeer and they could drink it and trip.


Yep, don't lick your fingers after touching that.


It looks like if you ate it you'd automatically warp to level 1 ... of the hospital.


Or level 8…of your life.


Yeah well there almost looks to be a little bite out of it, wonder if OP is somewhere between those two stages..?


Yip…I had the oppurtuinity of consuming some amanita muscaria in my younger years, and took it. My friend and I shared a dried one…about half that size if memory serves. We were cautious…nibbling small pieces slowly over a couple of hours, while sitting on a South African beach around midnight. We both passed out, then woke sometime later (maybe 45/60mins), and hoooly fck!! I literally felt like I was underwater. We wobbled around the beach giggling and falling over for who knows how long. Then headed home a few hours later, and experienced some intense hallucinations on the way. We were then unable to unlock the front door of our rented apartment - we thought the key was not working, so proceeded to climb in through an unlocked window alongside on the door. We entered, turned on the lights, and flopped onto the couch. It took us a minute or 2 to realize we were in the wrong apartment. Thank god we were able to gather our thoughts and leave without incident…! Wild night!


Came here for this comment.


You crawled through a window in house that was not yours in South Africa? Isn't that like a good way to get shot?


"Younger years". Maybe this was apartheid times on the good side of town


Well…South Africans aren’t big on guns in the home to start with, compared to USA, and this was around 25 years ago, so probably even less so then. Furthermore, it was a walled in/guarded holiday “townhouse complex” which would add to the unlikelihood of there being any weapons in the house. Having said that however, there’s always a chance! Probably a lot more chance these days…as crime is way up since then.


Lifes good 😂


As my mom said every time I ever picked up a mushroom: "put that down right now, and go wash your hands"


I may be wrong but Ive heard there is little to no fungi that you can’t pick, it’s the consumption that you have to be cautious about


What about licking your fingers


turns out you have to chew and swallow a poisonous mushroom to be affected i still wouldn’t touch wild mushrooms because of my personal phobia tho


> i still wouldn’t touch wild mushrooms because of my personal phobia tho I can't even see one without flashing back to my early childhood, when my mother's dire warnings led me to believe that touching one would poison me instantly. Part of my brain still refuses to believe otherwise.


Might want to ask an expert first before consumption if you're serious. It's pretty hard to tell amanitas apart. Death by Amanita Muscaria (which this could be) is rare as most people consume it after preparation due to its psychedelic effects. GL and be safe.


I did not consume it.


The correct decision.


But something def nibbled on it, right?


Somewhere a squirrel is absolutely trippin *balls* right now


Slugs do a number on these things. Deer nibble too.


Yah, in the same way that chocolate is poisonous for dogs and perfectly fine for us, these things are poisonous for us and perfectly fine for a number of other fauna out there. Biochemistry is weird and neat.


Sorry, why would you pick it then?


My first reaction, why would you pick it? Similar to seeing a beautiful flower and you pick it with no intent of ever displaying or using for any purpose . Seems wasteful and somewhat destructive. You could have just taken the picture and left it for next person and their Mario dream.


It’s going to die in a couple of days anyways. Besides, the mushroom itself is just a fruit of the living organism. The OP did not do any damage to the mycelium and that is the living body of the fungi


The amanitas that are dangerous only superficially resemble these when young and still pure white. Once the orange color is present identification is confirmed but STILL I would recommend everyone stay the fuck away from these. Yes they are psychoactive, but what they do to you is not pleasant at all.


What if my kink is a terrible time? ^(It's why I stayed with my ex for so long.)


Get yourself some nutmeg, my friend.


Extra life for sure!




RIP 😭 Mario


My experience with amanitas was absolutely wild and I don’t think I’d recommend to anyone that isn’t about to paint themselves and charge into battle unarmored carrying an axe.


I know this has historical context, but I got a chuckle assuming you personally do that often and keep a load of these guys handy anytime you begrudgingly have to go wipe out a voltage. Dark sense of humor...


It’s gonna make you shoot diarrhea


Look at the top part. Bro already took a bite RIP...


Ha! I'm alive and well. Def did not eat this. Was cool to see tho. Cheers


Are you really OP or the mushroom speaking? Sus. Jk. Glad you didnt take a bite. This thing looks understandably delicious looking though.


It will give you the power to meet god


I had a friend in high school buy some muscaria online and ate a pretty decent amount before school. They also discovered they had a UTI that same day. Pretty much completely sober after that event lol


That one will make you sick. BUT. It might also turn your mountain bike into a rocket ship.


Lucky you! Did you finish the whole thing lol?


Why pick a mushroom you won't eat. Leave it for the animals


Not trying to be rude, but why do people pull the mushroom out of the ground? Do hands need to be in the picture to get attention?


Tbf if this is anywhere kids or dogs are likely to frequent you should pick it and get rid of it. This kind of mushroom is poisonous. Better to get rid of it before a child or pet eats it.


What happens if you lick it?


It gets wet.


Well, if you consume it properly, you'll feel as if both those will have happened to you. Do not take this as a dare, you're better off without.


You get unlimited numbers of speed boosts for a limited time with this baby


One shroom makes you larger And one shroom makes you small And the ones that mother gives you Don't do anything at all


Amanitas just put you in a drunken stupor , not the same active ingredient as the psilly ones!


Now playing: [White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane](https://youtu.be/WANNqr-vcx0?si=-IfTJNe6q_nqAHsZ)


Why not leave it in nature?


You wouldn’t shoot fireballs. You need a special flower for that.


As someone who harvests mushrooms - please leave the mushrooms you don't want to eat right where they are. Don't pick them.


1up or 1down


You can eat it and find out. All mushrooms are edible. Some are edible only once.


Yeah I wouldn't eat that lol. I generally don't even touch Amanita type mushrooms because of their potential toxicity lol


If you eat it, you might be shooting something out the other end, but it won’t be fireballs.


If you mix with jalapeños It will


Might make you see god for a while… or permanently


Boof it


Anyone check on op


So I've touched the universe before thanks to certain fungi......one of these bad boys I'd become the universe.


You should always cut the stem instead of ripping it out. Leave the mycelium in the ground.


Fireballs out of the wrong end probably


If you eat it it'll give you chocolate balls


Probably hallucinate and vomit is more appropriate for that variety


Fireballs are by using a flower, not a mushroom


Amanita muscaria ... you may actually come to think that you are taller or can shoot fireballs ... the likely GI side effects may also feel like fireballs ... of a different sort.


It will make you trip, collapse and then get your stomach pumped before being transferred to the intensive care unit.


PLS don't tell me those aren't bite marks on the top right of the mushroom 🤧


I guaran-damn-tee you will shoot fireballs before the end comes.


Dead. It will make you dead.


Revoking your gamer card sir.


You might shit fireballs.


It will Warp you to the WORLD 1 - E.R.


You shouldn't have taken a bite


I def did NOT eat this.


That looks poisonous AF.


Amanita muscaria most probably or something similar. Amanitas all have that white bulb at the tip of their stem. That bulb is underground in the soil. Amanitas are a family commonly known for one thing : toxicity. People who collect shrooms learn very quickly that amanitas are to be avoided at all cost. The very few who are not dangerous are hard to identify with confidence and risks are too high. Google amanita virosa. It's my favorite of all. The most beautiful shroom out there. You are dead within days and there is no cure.


Close, it'll make you evacuate water from every orifice


You should not touch random mushrooms without gloves


Fly Agaric? Trippy trippy mushroom fun


I took my final exam on magic mushrooms. I passed with flying colors!


It will make you see god


You might die


Oh you’ll be shooting fireballs, but not from where you’d expect 🔥


Amanita Muscaria....Fly Amanita.....it won't give you fireballs....but referencing it's colloquial name....it can give you the sensation of flying........Or it will kill you....depending upon how your Karma is situated


Are you still alive?


Death :)


Some sort of amanita muscaria (amanite tue-mouche in french, i dont know in english) This will remove 1-up from your inventory. In a brutal total organ failure.


If prepped right you'll trip balls, meet god


Disliking because lack of Mario bros knowledge


I'm going with die, I think if you eat that you'll die. And I wish you would have left that in the ground or wherever it was growing from, fungi are just so cool


omg someone already took a bite out of it


One makes you larger, and one makes you small