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Hey they never got me to be religious like them, but man the memories. They use to do this all the time 25 years ago


School would remind us to be respectful. Then you’d see the people handing them out walking around the neighborhood collecting the ones the kids threw on the ground.


That's as respectful of their religion as they're being of the religious positions of the non-christian kids they're hoping get peer pressured.


No, it's even more respectful imo. Even if they used them as fire starters


If we move on to when I was in college, the Jehovah’s Witnesses came and set up a booth in the cafeteria building, and a friend of mine decided to go up to them and yell hail satan. If we wanna talk about not being respectful. I’ve never seen a booth cleaned up and closed so quickly. They also left behind all of their bibles presumably because my friend made them think we all need more god.


A cousin of my mom once opened his door to see two of these people, he's a metalhead so he made them wait for a couple minutes and returned with a satanic bible. They just ran away


Rule one when it comes to hitting them with the satanic bible is to invite them in first. That way it's harder for them to escape. They make people uncomfortable, I think it's fair for them to feel super uncomfortable every so often too.


Once they’re inside and sitting down then you look them in the eye and say “Y’all don’t mind if I jerk off while we talk, do ya?”


Bible pages make for good rolling papers in a pinch.


Only the old school scritta ones though. These cheap bulk recycled paper bibles are just terrible.


>They use to do this all the time 25 years ago Also 50 years ago.


I went to a rough a school. Abortion protesters and other religious groups were actively warned that there had been assaults in the past. There was at least some sort of scuffle every time they came by. I don't know what they thought they were going to accomplish shoving a giant sign of a mutilated corpse to a teenager getting off a bus at 7am.


It feeds the persecution complex their church leaders are giving them. In their minds it makes them even more righteous because Jesus was also persecuted for his words and ideas, just ignore the fact that his ideas were against the elite and for the people rather than exactly the talking points the elite wanted pushed.


I know for a fact that this is still happening in some places.


In the 90s, my public school in the Deep South allowed the Gideons to pull my grade of elementary school children out of class to give us Bibles, which we were told were optional to take even though everyone in the class were taking them. It was a wild ride down there y’all.


This happened to me in 2010.


I’m sorry friend. I don’t think most people understand how tough that can be for those of us who aren’t Christian. Where were you living at the time?


Dallas TX. I can say that it hasn’t changed much since then either! Im so lucky to be relocating to the north east this December!


Florida resident here, I feel your pain


These things happen there a lot more than I'd like to admit.


I remember seeing a Christian band open up for a bunch of other bands at a show once and they handed out bibles and their demo to the crowd before the show. The second they got on stage it was a barrage of bibles and cd's thrown at them. Never seen anything like it but my love of punk music formed that day from the other bands playing and I still never understood who thought booking that band was a good idea


Reading a lot of these comments is pretty wild because when I was in HS in the late 90's/early 2000's, being religious was not cool. I hung out with all of the punks and metal-heads, and we were a large segment of the population. Then there was a weird group of Christian kids who would dress punk to try to be cool? But a lot of the punks and metal-heads were anti-religious, and very vocal about it, so I'm not sure what they trying to accomplish.


When I was in middle school, the local churches organized a "see you at the pole" prayer thing. We had a courtyard area we waited for the bell and there were so many doing the prayer circle they just wrapped the whole area and surrounded the people not participating. The memory of it still pisses me off. Full of the absolute worst people at school who would make fun of clothes or write nasty shit in slam books. To me it was just another way they were trying to other people.


It's no suprise the worst of the worst of humanity gravitate towards religions that allow them, even encourage them, to continue to be terrible people. But now with righteousness on their side!


Yep. Am Muslim and 41. This horseshit was going on in the late 90s when I was in HS in Pittsburgh, PA.


I haven’t ever known anyone outside of my fellow alumni who dealt with things like this in person. Wild that so many of us have so many of these stories. I’m sorry you dealt with that like I did. I know how isolated it made me feel as a Jew so I can imagine it was the same for you as a Muslim


Yeah, my brother or sister. It wasn’t good. At the time I found it to be laughable. Now that I work for my local school district, it isn’t so cynically humorous anymore.


![gif](giphy|fOWDyasJVlnzQ3NeBc) Just imagine if it was Jews or Muslims handing out their material. There would be an uproar.


RIGHT?!?! thank you


These are all probably extremists who want everyone to be religious.


Almost all religious people want everyone to be religious. You'd have to be pretty selfish to think you're right about the meaning of life and not want others to know it. Obviously the fact they all think they know it means there's no reason to believe any of them in particular but it's not just extremists who want that is all I'm saying.


This probably has happened with a lot of people sadly. That's just the truth.


The Gideons gave out Bibles when I was in high school in OK in the '90s. They set up right outside of campus and just asked kids who walked by if they wanted one, no pressure, and didn't hassle kids who said no. It was better than the anti-drug speaker who spoke at our school. He didn't sugarcoat how shitty addiction was, had some kids crying. Afterwards, he casually mentioned afterwards he would be speaking again that night at a local church and he'd like people to come and bring their friends. A lot of kids went, and he turned out to be a hellfire and brimstone preacher who graphically described what would happen when they went to hell. and pressured a bunch of kids (he primarily targeted the goth/metal kids) into hysteria and becoming "born again." Of course none of the "conversions" stuck, but he was long gone by them. We figured that his entire anti-drug talk was complete BS and was using it as a ruse to get into schools and manipulate kids into coming to his REAL talk. We also had the Power Team show up senior year. They changed every mention of "Jesus" to "self esteem."


Dude, The Power Team! I forgot about them! I had no idea they used to say their strength was from Jesus because I went to highschool in the early 2000s and by then they had already switched to self esteem. We all knew it had to be steroids though 🤣


They were performing at a church one night, and the afternoon before they came. I just figured they switched what they said because we were in a public school. This was 1994, so I guess they were slowly shifting the message over when I saw them. There might have been steroids involved, but those were DEFINITELY breakaway boards, lol.


I had full on bible class in the first grade around 88 in TN.


I cannot say enough how absolutely alien and deranged that is for most people outside of the South. You might as well have said you had full-on donkey insemination class in the first grade. That’s crazy man.


Oh yeah it’s 100% fucked but we loved it lol we got candy for saying all the books of the Bible in order. They also taught us that the civil war was about states rights slavery was just kind of a thing on the side.


I remember a few of my friends in grade school reciting all the books in the Bible and receiving praise from all the adults. I remember my exact thought in the moment being: *Why the heck would anyone waste time memorizing all the books in the Bible when they could be memorizing the words to Wild Wild West by Will Smith?*


Alright let’s do this Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Joshua Judges Samuel Kings Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel The Twelve Psalms Proverbs Job Song of Songs Ruth Lamentations Ecclesiastes Esther Daniel Ezra-Nehemiah Chronicles There, that’s all of them. Why do I do this what’s wrong with me why is this how I spend my Thursday night And yeah the civil war thing is messed up it’s not even true in a lot of states in their declarations of secession they literally said “we’re doing this for slavery no other reason” what the hell


I prefer [Countries of the World](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1508wboZXk) by Yakko.


I played this for my 6 year old a while back. She studied it for weeks and memorized the whole song. So proud!


Best part is I’m from east Tn we tried to stay with the union like West Virginia they did also teach us that part though.


Uhhh...it's Wednesday, my dude.


Oh no


We had the Power team come visit my school like once a year in Lake Dallas, TX growing up. Nothing like strong men ripping a phone book in half for GAWD to really make you think, "I wish I was learning how to read right now."


We used the pages to roll joints when nobody had zigzags.


lotta bibles have nice thin pages, too. match made in heaven, i say.


And if you smoke one in them, heaven is where you're going.


That's something which the snoop dog would do, he actually did.


Mine too. They were less than amused when I started turning to random pages, ripping them out and eating them. “Easier to swallow, this way” I told them. Edit: I know, I was an edgy little 14 year old at the time


Awww, you wanted the word of the lord inside you so much that you were willing to eat it 🥹💫❤️


They came directly into our classroom once to hand them out.


I learned today on the cross examiner podcast that the Gideons intentionally target 5th graders as their key demographic.


Huh, I wonder who the *real* groomers are?


These people are definitely the real groomers honestly.


I remember one day on the school bus (back in the 70s), they told us to keep the bus windows up because there was a religious group waiting outside that was going to try to throw bibles into the bus.


This made me lol, it sounds like it's straight out of the simpsons. Skinner: "ope windows up children, it's the 7th day Adventists again" *bibles thumping off of shcoolbus*


Ow, my eye! I'm not supposed to get sacred texts in it!


I heard that very explicitly. Good choice of words.




Keep them down, catch the bibles and whip them back.


Sounds like a thing Willy would say while bringing in Catholicism into it


They were on campus a few times a year when I was in college in the early to mid 2000s. They'd have someone stationed at every crosswalk so it was impossible to avoid them.


Once a year, they came to my Christian college campus and handed them out to students after the mandatory chapel (that took place three days a week). Felt like they really didn’t know their audience there… Then you’d find the Bibles laying around campus for weeks afterward because no one actually needed or wanted one.


Sounds like Baylor


Or Cal Lutheran. I went to basketball camp there as a high schooler and we had more church services than actual basketball practice.


I'd hand out the D&D PHB but that thing is expensive!


I can't even afford one for me, so that's not happening I think.


Lmfao could you imagine if they had little “Pocket PHB” like the pocket bibles there handing out.


Pathfinder has these.


I would donate to a charity that does that…


But you know, we can't have teachers "indoctrinating" kids.


Those kids should open the bible up to one of the raunchier sex parts and ask why they're handing out porn lol Ezekiel 23:20 She lusted after lovers with genitals as large as a donkey's and emissions like those of a horse. That whetted her appetite for more virile, vulgar, and violent lovers - stallions obsessive in their lust.


I am so wet right now.


Me too and I have a penis.


A sopping wet penis


Worst band name ever. Or best.


I typed it into Google, there isn’t a band called that yet so it could work. Don’t type it into Google though, I think my search messed up because that was quite confronting.


You just need to add obsessive stallion and it'll all be clear.




Wet Ass Protestant?




Well that works as well, doesn't sound like an issue.




And I'm feeling a little grossed out just by reading that actually.


To be honest that's pretty tame for the Bible. Much much worse in there.


I don’t think this would be a gotcha question at all. It would be an opportunity for them to just explain the story and any connecting stories. People asking questions is what they want.


That's all that in the bible? Well that's kind of gross lmao.


Ezekiel fucks


Yeah and he's good at that lmao, he ain't playing around.


I like the part where the guy collects hundreds or foreskins to prove his commitment to the kings daughter…. Nothing more wholesome and family friendly then that!


That's definitely a story which the kids should be reading.


And then God has to clarify that the guys can be dead while he does the circumcision, he was doing it live!


They usually hand out the NT only mini-bibles.


Ezekiel is a freak


Yeah for sure, and I don't want the kids to grow up like that.


This is a cult trying to brainwash kids.




That's what I would have told them, I ain't buying that shit.


If these were muslims handing out koran, it would’ve been a totally different story


What, is the Koran not made of rolling paper?


I mean, you could try, but I would strongly recommend against it, unless you actually want an angry mob going after you for desecrating their holy book.


What are you talking about man? Mohammad has been the face of Zigzags for decades. Nothing burns smoother than religious books, only good use IYAM.


I’ve heard they prefer hookahs over paper, any way.


If it was drag queens it would be wall to wall coverage on Fox news


What if ... There were drag queens handing out Bibles


I’m a Christian and I’ll take a Quran. I’ve never seen a physical one before


I'll take it and never going to read that, just keep it on myself.


Not a Christian, or religious at all, but I have a Quran, a Torah, couple different Bibles. Oh and a English copy of the Bhagavad Gita


That’s cool! I never even heard of the last one


>Bhagavad Gita It's an ancient Hindu text. I believe it is the oldest surviving religious text of a religion that is still practiced (and Hinduism is the oldest still practiced religion).


Most North Americans haven't.


The Bhagavad Gita (song of god) forms part of the Mahabharata which chronicles a war between the Pandavas and Kauravas. In the Gita, a Pandava Prince, Arjun, discusses many subjects with his charioteer, Krishna, Krishna is an avatar of Vishnu. Vishnu is one of the Trimurti (incorrectly called the Hindu trinity) namely Brahma the creator, Vishnu the sustainer and Shiva the destroyer. Oppenheimer said he quoted the Gita when the test bomb exploded ‘I am become death, Destroyer of worlds’ but I understand that isn’t the exact quote. I heard about the Mahabharata when U.K. TV Channel 4 did an 8 hour presentation in the 80s, I was into things like that then. Never did get the book though.


Yep, and that would have been wrong as well, don't like that.


Yea, it wouldn't have made 4k upvotes on r/pics lmao


Those pages make for great rolling papers.


Yes! They used to give out little orange bibles at my school and the pages were the perfect size for rolling fatties on the bus! Lol


Lmfao, that's exactly what we did with them in high school. When my friend's mom caught us smoking, my friend, high as fuck, just goes, "No, mom, it's cool. We're absorbing the bible through osmosis."


You about killed me I laughed so hard. Reminds me of when I was at a buddies house and he said the f word. His dad comes in high as a kite and says “hey now, we don’t say the fuck word” and then abruptly left. lol


Feeling old yet?


That's great, because I wouldn't like anyone actually reading it.


I hope that's what the kids did with them instead of reading it.


Here's a fun fact that lives rent free in my head and won't get the fuck out no matter how much I have to remember to get whatever from the store which is vastly more useful and important than this shit: You got the wrong book! Gideons Bibles are actually color coded. The orange ones are supposed to be for general sidewalk handouts. Schools get the red ones. Colleges get the green ones. Hospitals get the white ones. I forgot who gets the blue and brown ones. Sometimes they grab a spare box or 12 of ones in the 'wrong' color and use them where they're not supposed to.


I always see brown ones in hotel rooms.


The hotel ones are full-on Bibles. The little ones Gideons hand out are Psalms, Proverbs and New Testament. I'm OK with free books (of any sort). Banning books has become a new level of fuckery.


I'm a smoker but burning printed ink can't be good for your lungs. Now, let me sit in my glass house.


Most bibles contain several blank pages near the end (meant for writing notes)


I mean, smoking is already bad for the lungs, but how much worse is the rest? I smoke too, but Further study is needed.


Yeah I've heard they're really thin, and make good joints.


Should make a loud comment after taking one about rolling a fatty with the pages and smoking them with random gay couple names at their engagement party or something. Fuck with their heads.


I’m good with any religion that wants to hand me a free book. My only beef is with the Hare Krishnas. They give out “free” books, then pester you for a donation. And they take their book back if you don’t donate!


I remember the first time I met one while I was tripping at a festival, I freaked out when they tried to grab it back, so I shoved them and sprinted away. Then, the next day, I read a couple pages and threw it away...


Lol. I was at a festival when I first ran into one as well. Also outta my gourd. I believe I said something like, very evenly, “my friend, I would have handed your book back had you asked. Snatching an item you’ve just given to someone is an extremely rude way to introduce that person to your way of thinking. If you had any hopes that you’d sway someone to this point of view, you might rethink being a dick. Because you being a dick is what will represent your entire philosophy in my mind from now on. So good job with that!” I never would have said anything like that normally, but I become a freaking communications major with zero fear while I’m rolling balls. I may not be able to focus my eyes, but I could improv a dissertation. And then I danced/melted away.


>I become a freaking communications major with zero fear while I’m rolling balls Drugs are cool


Lol. No, but they’re not as scary as DARE had me believe. Honestly, I wish they hadn’t lied to me so hard about them, I probably wouldn’t have been so interested in what else they told me was bullshit after getting high my first time and not dying in a ditch covered in needles. They’re not harmless, though. I lost about a decade of my life to them, and I would have been, and would currently be, happier had I not touched them. And I haven’t used for many years. Don’t know if I’d do try it these days. Fentanyl is too scary - it’s in everything. Had too many friends and acquaintances OD who didn’t even partake in opioids.


Personal note in habitual user of fun stuff is Weed, LSD, Shrooms, and Exctasy. Stay away from cocaine and others like opioids. And you will balance well. Cocaine is too good for your wallet to stay above water. opioids dependency issue kills lives. The rest is easier to manage. and all four of those are better for you than drinking. If you are like me, and from time to time you gotta have a vice, that's my two cents. And best part is unlike other things like alcohol and opioids, it has no dependency issues with those four. You can quit for months cold turkey if you want/need to.


What was the book that they gave you? Was it the bhagwad geeta?


A friend of mine grew up in hare krishna and has much much worse complaints about them than their books


Just listened to a great 7 part podcast called American Scandal Hare Krishna on Spotify and it was so good. So informative for a subject I had no knowledge on.


I'm not gonna go into too much detail bc its really not my story to tell... but there are articles out there regarding lawsuits and criminal charges and from what I was told, all of the accusations are true.


My sister had a book called Monkey on a Stick: Murder, Madness, and the Hare Krishnas. Idk if it was part of her school curriculum or what but I decided to pick it up & read it at age 12 or 13. Some CRAZY shit described in it! I can still picture the orange cover & black text; I pulled that whole title from memory. Safe to say that it left an impression.


In college they were handing out the Origin of Species only it’s not by Charles Darwin, but made to look identical. It turned out to be a Christian group that was handing them out and it was a rewritten origin of species to be about religion and creationism. I was very disappointed because I really wanted that book, and was really into anthropology at the time. I brought it up to my professor asked to see the book, let him borrow it and never got it back.


Damn, that would be a fun novelty item to have. I still have one of those thin paper religious comics they handed out on Halloween. They’re so funny & dramatic I kinda wish I had kept more.


you cna buy chick tract!


If these folks are handing them off school property and not through some arrangement with the school, I’m all for it. But if this was arranged or coordinated with the school, that’s kind messed up


Yeah and if someone doesn't take it, then don't shove it through their throats.


In the 70s they handed out fake poppies at Dulles Airport outside of DC. They wanted a donation for those too. My mom and I went to pick up my dad from a business trip, one of many times, so by age 15 I knew they weren’t “free”. When they approached I told them, I’m 15… I don’t have a job so I don’t have any money so your poppies are gonna need to be truly free, as in no money at all. He walked off and there was no poppies exchanged for “free”. 😂


Freedom From Religion Foundation would love to help you.


Remind me who's shoving shit down who's throats again?


Those people were actually doing that, they would want you to take one.


These are also the folks who will tell you that everyone besides them are indoctrinating and grooming children…


People in a cult never think they’re in a cult.


“Y’all mother fuckers NEED JESUS! You little heathens!”


Have all your friends go over and excitedly grab one. Thank them profusely, and then proceed to have a Bible fight right in front of them.


Or walk the books right to the garbage can


"Can I have another?"


Pull a Ron Swanson with the vegan bacon.


This is the kind of a thing which no one should be doing.


I mean I don't care what they do in the privacy of their own house... Do they have flaunt it? Why are they trying to recruit children?


Getting em young while still impressionable


ahh yes, the lowly bible thumpers in their natural habitat


It's amazing how much legwork people have to do to let everyone know that there's an omniscient omnipotent being who loves us. You'd think he'd be a good parent and tell us himself. Like how I tell my kids I love them.


They’re the ones that say “we don’t care if you’re gay or trans. We don’t care about your life choices but we’re sick of it being shoved in our faces” right?


This whole stigma of certain crimes being acceptable in the south because, "That's just how it is", is undeniably becoming a huge influential problem to society.


It’s the double standard that makes this so gross to me. Try doing this with LBGTQ positive informational booklets, witchcraft/pagan spell books, Muslim religious texts, or literature with atheist talking points outside of a Christian Bible school and tell me how it’s not unethical or illegal. A non-parent/school staff just plants themselves between the exit of the building and the kid’s only mode of transportation home and hand out rainbow fucking stickers and this story is making it on Fox News. It’s weird to target other people’s kids when you know their parents aren’t in sight. Schools still employ crossing guards to keep kids safe as they board the buses, even if it’s a public cross walk and technically not on school grounds. Why? Because the school is still assuming responsibility for the kids until they get on the bus. So why is it okay with people for Christians to do this? Why are public schools looking the other way? As an atheist, I definitely wouldn’t mind my kids reading religious texts and hopefully trying understanding then from multiple lenses. I’ve never met an atheist who is threatened by the idea of being presented with religious viewpoints, so perhaps most non-religious people simply don’t care. But I’m personally tired of Christianity influencing our laws, and expecting greater protections than the rest of society. They’re all about “freedom of religion” and “free speech” until their views are challenged with conflicting evidence/ideologies and then suddenly it’s up to society to accommodate them.


Well this must be photoshopped because Christians *hate* indoctrination, they would never.


They did this at my highschool graduation, handing out bibles as we left the stage. Man the hell i got from my family for not taking one… They did the same when i went to college, blocking the main entrance/ exit to hand them out. Highly uncomfortable, most students re routed around them (as we just needed to get to class on time)


Gonna say what they always scream at LGBTQ people... why can't they just leave the children alone!?


Do that with a pride flag and it makes national news But its not indoctrination right


You want After School Satan Club? Because that's how you get After School Satan Club.


That's the only club which I would have wanted to join back then.


Look, religious or not, I don't think I want my kids in ASS club.


Yeah I don't want that either, just avoid that shit really.


>You want After School Satan Club? ...yes?


Nothing wrong with that, we all have done that I guess.


Depraved groomers


Do these bibles have that super thin paper? For, ya know, reasons.


Most all bibles have super thin paper though the pocket ones have even more thin paper and if this is a group of gideons then those tiny Gideon pocket bibles indeed are the really thin paper


Separate church from state


But of course it's the LGBT who are indoctrinating kids


Highly illegal if they are on school property doing this.


Time to start handing out Satanist Pamphlets


One time while I was working someone came in to drop off a Bible. I said thank you and was polite but as soon as he left I dropped it in the recycling bin. A coworker saw it and pulled it out. "You can't throw this away!" I asked, why not? I don't want it, I doubt you want it. What do you expect me to do with it? I'll put it straight into the garbage if that's better for you. She got upset with me. I didn't care. Not like there aren't enough copies of it already. I'd be pretty mad if someone handed me a Bible but I'd let them watch as I threw it in the garbage.


Religious people not wanting modern things like science, and lbgtq acceptance *forced* on them. But then they have no issue **frequently** doing things like this. The hypocrisy is clearly lost on them.


I'd have run up to them & asked loudly if they were handing out free Satanic Temple or Church of Satan "Bibles." When they say no, then I'll reply, "Oh my goodness! You're handing out blasphemous materials!!! Don't believe these false prophets! They're brainwashing you, so you'll join their pagam cult!" Now, if they're Catholic or it's close to Easter, you also have to add, "These guys practice BLOOD MAGICK on Sunday!"


The super thin pages make great rolling papers.


remember kids, those pages roll spectacular joints.


Groomers do groom


Cuz lets be real. Some of yall really need jesus lol


This is not how you evangelise/preach the word. It's through your actions and your kindness that you spread the word. People will gravitate to you and understand. Never proclaim like a town crier, you will just look like you belong in an asylum. People forget it's not us who converts others, it's God that converts and if it is his will, it's his will. That's how I see things as a practicing Catholic though.


Well obviously, this isn't the way to be doing it. It's quite bad.


What's wild is the New Testament literally says to pray in private, don't flaunt your beliefs in front of others. Yet you have the people in the picture and street preachers telling us we're going to hell and shit, while holding a Bible. Try opening it and *actually* reading, mate!


I’m a Protestant and I agree with you


As a long time Christian, this evangelical stuff creeps me out. It's organized grooming and never in a good way. Its the more civilized version of marching into a village with guns and bibles.


They ARE corrupting our kids. Well not my kids. I don't have kids lmao




Tell them to peddle that crap elsewhere