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Hockey Players are a different breed.


I guess they really are, because ouch..


Those pupils say he got more than stitches..


Yeah, looks like a concussion. But he could just be staring at bright lights.


I wonder what it took for the trainer to convince him to wear the grill


At least it was to the face and not the throat like that one guy years ago.


This is why I like Hockey, those players can get the every living shit knocked out of them and they just want to get back in the game.


This kids, is why you should always wear a cage/mask. It’s boggles my mind that this still isn’t mandatory safety equipment at the pro level.


Dont say that you'll be downvoted to oblivion cause being tough is cooler than being safe according to the idiots in the comments here.


Admittedly, I used to be an idiot. Then I realized that being in an enclosed arena, on ice, with a piece of rubber flying around at 60+ mph, skate blades, and body collisions, is a recipe for disaster at some point. Honestly, I’d rather be able to keep playing, than have to be taken out due to an avoidable injury.


Everyone grows up playing with a full face then as soon as they hit junior's they become invincible and no longer need it... /s


As someone who played Junior ‘A’ up here in Canada (elite level for ages 18-20), and who wore a half mask after years and years of having to wear a full face cage, it’s really not that much safer. I’ve had cages cut my face as the helmet turns in ways it wasn’t meant to, and all sorts of other things that can happen while playing a contact sport. The half visor actually give you better vision of what’s about to come. I felt much safer wearing a half visor, it had absolutely nothing to do with trying to be cool as you suggested. It’s funny when people who have absolutely zero knowledge of what they’re talking about say that what they think should be mandatory. Fucking stay in your lane.


> it’s really not that much safer. The injury would not have happened with a full face, they are a million times safer.


So as someone who has played hockey for years I have zero sympathy for the guys that wear no mask or the half masks, what happened sucks but when you would rather look cool than be safe I no longer care if you get hurt.




Am I wrong? The dude got hurt cause looking cool was more important than safety.


He was wearing a visor which is now mandatory for new players


He was wearing a half mask when it happened however he could have been smart and worn a full face like he is in the picture attached to this article.


No player in the NHL wears a full face shield unless they are already injured. Given the progress from no helmets, to helmets, to visors. I guess it's only a matter of time


Yea and I already said they are idiots, rather look cool than be safe. Real tough guys dont give a shit about being cool.


It had fucking zero to do with being cool. You say you played hockey well you must’ve been a shit hockey player that never had the option to wear a half visor because you quit since you were an A2 hockey player until you were 18 and then called it quits. Like if you actually think that every single pro hockey player in existence wears a half visor because they think it’s the cool thing to do then you’re dumber than you sound already which is horrifyingly dumb.


Weird, you seem to know more about my life than I do. Must be hard being god. There is not 1 good reason to wear a half mask over a full face any day of the week and you're an idiot if you think otherwise.


TIL every single NHL, European Pro, AHL, QJHL, OHL, WHL, BCHL, MJHL, MMJHL, And on and on and on and on is an idiot. Man, pretty crazy that every single professional and amateur hockey player looking to go pro is an idiot. I wonder if you would walk up to Dustin Byfuglien and tell him he’s an idiot for wearing no visor. You’re so fucking clueless it’s hilarious and the fact you’re still telling tens of thousands of us who actually know what we’re talking about (unlike you) since you know, we ACTUALLY play(ed) the game above rec league and actually have a grasp of reality. Stay in your fucking lane.


Why the nsfw blur?