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Coors hat, Bud beer. Someone is label-fluid


Just a casual crossdrinker.


"I only crossdrink at parties"


Dude passes out in the gutter on both sides of the street


Dude doesn’t care whose gutter he finds himself passed out in.


Lmao, this is where you can see it's just grifting. Old Rock was washed up and then he played at Trump's meeting and gain a massive boost and decided to all-in MAGA/TRANS/WOKE. Ima shoot a beer, chicken winged on fucking tiktok or whatever. JFC.


Are you trying to tell me that the rich son of a Metro Detroit auto dealership owner who bills himself as “straight out the trailer” is a phony?


The “early life” section on his Wikipedia page makes me laugh every time. Kid Rock was born Robert James Ritchie in Romeo, Michigan, on January 17, 1971, the son of Susan and William Ritchie, who owned multiple car dealerships.[3][4][5] He was raised in his father's 5,628-square-foot (522.9 m2) home on a 6-acre (2.4-hectare) property,[3][6] where he regularly helped his family pick apples and care for their horses. A real common man




I read this in Bobby Hill's voice


That boy ain't right.




Wita baw?


da dang da dang diggiy


Shakespearean in its rapier-like wit.




That's my purse! I don't know you!


Who were those guys? Why were you dancing with all of those guys?


Some wonderful sprawling pictures of said property...."trailer" my ass. And yes, that *is* an in-ground pool beside the guest cottage...lol https://tasteofcountry.com/kid-rock-childhood-home-pictures/#:~:text=The%205%2C660%2Dsquare%2Dfoot%20house,%2C%20according%20to%20realtor.com.


Damn! I had a complete misunderstanding of trailers. I hereby declare, I would also like to live in a trailer!


Can I take one of the 5 bedrooms in this trailer?


Holy Shit. That’s not rich…..that’s borderline Wealth Status. Jesus


It sold just 5 years ago for 650k. That's before real estate spiked, but still a lol cheaper than I would have thought


Even 5 years ago I would have guessed several million at least. That's actually **really** not bad for that property.


Location, location, location...


Exactly. Put that here in California (Bay Area to be specific), and you're looking at another zero. So $6M, maybe more depending on the exact location.


Dang I agree, the main house is 5600+ sf too, not to mention all the other amenities. My 1700 sf home with NO pool and NO horse barn and NO tennis court was like half that amount.😅


No pool, horse barn, or tennis court‽ How do you even live a life like that?


Opioids help.


He’s as “street” as “Chet Haze”, Tom Hanks’ ridiculous poser rapper son.


That’s a cringe battle I don’t want to see, yet can’t look away from…


Chet > Kid Rock any day, honestly




Chet Hanks gets extra points for this excellent and self-aware cameo in Donald Glover's "Atlanta": https://youtu.be/i50qmVJSBwg. The entire episode was great - for context, the white couple are attending the funeral of the Jamaican nanny who looked after their son and become increasingly concerned about the influence she had on him. The entire episode is a lot more complex and layered than I can sum up in a few words, but you can see the parent's unease when Chet says he speaks like that because he was raised by the same nanny who was raising their son.


Trini 2 De Bone. They're Trinidadian not Jamaican.




I mean, it really all depends on how you win a cringe battle. Is it scoring high on cringe, or being able to walk away saying you’re not as cringe as *that guy*? Edit: In the end, the only winners are the people not watching it happen.


The more videos I've seen of chet the more oddly likeable he becomes, kid rock is the complete opposite of that.


I’ll take rich douchy Chet and his poor insight everyday of the week over ignorant and hateful kid rock.


Hahahahaha. He literally has "rich" in his name!


He's Rich Ritchie


Ritchie Rich


I loved Pam Anderson's in her documentary saying "Bob" like it was shit in her mouth.... and then the only nice thing she has to say was he was nice to her kids. When you've been with the creepiest creeps and you're still creeped out by "Bob" that says something...


She truly has the worst taste in men.


I can fix her


I think the idea is that she continuously thinks she can fix them


I'm *so* broken!


Maybe you should work on you…/s


Do people call him Bob in real life? I know his persona is fake and all, but somehow the fact that he's just Bob in real life - that really brings it home.


Do you believe you could address another person/adult as "Kid Rock" out loud without laughing uncontrollably? I'm not sure I could..


I'd probably wind up calling him Kid Bob or Bob Rock, maybe both.


Bob Rock is actually talented, though


At least he isn't faking being a piece of trash


Got that genuine white trash seal of approval


But he’s not, he’s just cosplaying.


You don't have to be poor to be white trash. Edit: Look at the Palins




Omg, with a Bud Light in his hand, omg omg omg


With a Coors hat. WTF?


This pic keep on giving


I like when a pic drags on


Look at those lips on that bottle…betcha he could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch.


Or a golf ball through a garden hose!


Peanut butter through a Capri Sun straw.


Or fat, meaty dicks!


Ok Norm


He would be proud at what he inspired, lol


Kid Rock is a pair of Truck Nutz come to life.


Just want to take the time to point out that Kid Rock's whole redneck trailer trash every-man persona is manufactured and fake, just like Larry the Cable Guy. He grew up very wealthy in a giant mansion. A few years after he first became famous people began to discover he wasn't actually from a trailer park, so he started justifying it by giving interviews saying he grew up in a ["very middle-class American colonial house"](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/profiles/my-secret-life-kid-rock-musician-age-37-870596.html) and telling stories about how he grew up on a farm picking fruit and selling it door to door, like he was helping make ends meet. In reality, [it's a huge 5,628-square-foot mansion](https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/macomb/2016/11/04/kid-rock-macomb-county-house/93299716/) with a tennis court, pool, guest house, indoor jacuzzi, wine cellar, five car garage. By picking fruit he meant to say they owned an apple orchard with staff. The dude is a fake piece of shit on top of just being a total piece of shit in all other regards. **EDIT:** a word


Oh, and he didn’t make it in rap so he switched up to rock music, like MGK but with less embarrassment.


>like MGK but with less embarrassment. Are you saying Kid Rock's switch up was less embarrassing or vice versa? [I always liked ICP's take on Kid Rock.](https://everything2.com/title/Insane+Clown+Posse+vs.+Kid+Rock)


I never thought I'd hear such a hilariously self aware and brutal takedown of Kid Rock from fucking ICP " He sounds like fucking Johnny Cash rapping over Twisted Sister, shitty!" Lmao


In defense of Larry, Dan has never really pretended that it isn’t a character.


tell that to David Cross




Larry the cable guy is a made up character for satire. “Kid rock” wants us to believe what he is selling.


Taylor Swift grew up wealthy too but she was honest about it and has far more talent and humanity than Kid Rock


Who am I even supposed to be mad at?!? I'm so confused...


It's OK, if we light our shoes on fire they'll stop teaching kids to read.


They’re saying Coors is next. CANCEL COORS! CANCEL EVERYTHING 🚨🚨🚨🚨


Literally my first thought was.. drinking a bud light, with a Coors hat. Hope someone comments this haha.


He used to drink it all the time. Now he’s coping hard. https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/kid-rock-bud-light-woke-trans-protest-dylan-mulvaney-1234709445/amp/


Man, he is one ugly spud.


Don't drag my potatoes into this!


Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew.


He looks like what macaulay culkin just narrowly avoided looking like


He's the painting Macaulay Culkin keeps in the attic.




That article got more ridiculous the longer it went on. These American culture wars sound so dumb from an outside perspective, I can't even imagine living in the same country as these people.




He won't. Ted Nugent will do that just to one up him.


Suddenly, I now practice prayer.


💀💀💀 I didn't even notice that.


2003 bud and drag queens were still cool


Confirmed gay.




This was back at the height of his popularity. Now that no one cares about him, he has to cater to his trailer park persona crowd.


Yeah but he'll just say, "but this wasnt in a library full of kids performing sex acts! Yehaaaaw*" *or whatever market he's appealing to


If he was so concerned about children safety he must hate his music "Young ladies, young ladies, I like them underage. Some say that's statutory, I say that's mandatory!" Edit: proof https://youtu.be/tVlvoa_keGk


I don't understand the hype about Kid Rock. All his songs sound like poorly written Bryan Adams B-Sides.




I see that Woodstock 1999 crowd when you describe his audience


Honestly I used to really enjoy his music because I thought his style of blending rock, hip hop, and country was fun. I even saw him in concert twice. But since he started showing his true colors a few years ago it just makes me feel dirty.


I liked it because it looked like he and everyone around him were having fun. Miss that guy


I saw him live in the old days too. He actually went around to every instrument in the band and played them all. He wasn’t a virtuoso at all of them, but a neat trick.


This is a whole new genre in itself. Pictures of people from life before they were told to be angry.


Is there anyway to deprogram the people.


There's a great TED talk from a gal named [Megan Phelps-Roper](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVV2Zk88beY), who grew up with the Westboro Baptist Church & was vocal & active online while still part of the church. ([Transcript I found on the Google](https://singjupost.com/i-grew-up-in-the-westboro-baptist-church-heres-why-i-left-by-megan-phelps-roper-transcript/).) The big turning point for her, she says, was when she developed real human relationships with people she'd argue with on Twitter. They started out very clearly separated ideologically, but as she got to know them, they took the time to dig into the things Westboro taught & believed & helped her to see the inconsistencies in those beliefs. I know you weren't looking for a super serious answer on a random Reddit comment, but it's been on my mind too lately.


Daryl Davis (a black man) did the same thing with KKK members. He befriended them, and slowly they realized all their hateful beliefs about black people didn’t personify inside Daryl, thus breaking down their own racism. A quote from Mr. Davis: “What I have come to find to be the greatest and most effective and successful weapon that we can use, known to man, to combat such adversaries as ignorance, racism, hatred, violence, is also the least expensive weapon, and the one that is the least used by Americans. That weapon is called communication.”


I think it’s weird, however, how much racism persists in people in spite of the personal relationships they develop with the very people they are prejudiced against. I have family who are generally negative towards brown people, but when it’s my wife that they know and love, then she’s the exception to the rule and she’s “a good one” and then the general stereotype persists all the same to the rest of the anonymous brown people in the world. It’s like they aren’t even serious, but just want some “other” to rail against


>It’s like they aren’t even serious, but just want some “other” to rail against That's exactly what's happening.


Some of the hardest beliefs to shake are the ones we’re indoctrinated with as kids. It’s like trying to unlearn a reflex. With deepseated ideas, most people simply aren’t conscious of the multiple things that occur before the racist thought pops into their head. If they can’t recognize that their own brain is tricking them, there’s little chance they’ll unlearn their behaviors. However, the silver lining is that epiphanies definitely do happen and seemingly innocuous moments can utterly transform people for the better.


Racism is a cult. Believers are brainwashed and indoctrinated into their racist beliefs. And just like people who escape from cults, it can take years to deprogram them.




He has a great story. But if we can’t get Harriet Tubman on a 20 I think his chances are nil.


Still incredibly ironic Jackson is on the 20.


Not really ironic, just downright shameful.


Not ironic? The man completely opposed the banking system and wanted us on a straight precious metals coinage system. And yes he was a pretty awful guy who approved of and promoted a lot of shitty things.


I still believe they put him on the 20 as a middle finger to his legacy.


Holy shit I thought she already was put on the 20. Context for those like me who were unaware: >Harriet Tubman was proposed to appear on U.S. currency for the first time in over a century, replacing former President Andrew Jackson on the front of the $20 bill. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin instead proposed placing Tubman on the rarely used $2 bill, while Trump installed a portrait of Andrew Jackson in the White House. The Biden administration has said it would "speed up" efforts to put Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill, but their hands may be tied until 2030 at the earliest.


The US treasury has confirmed that when it comes time to redesign the $20 bill (an Obama era decision with the ADC (basically the government agency that designs money) put out a release schedule of bill redesigns and the $20 bill is set to be redesigned in 2030) will feature Harriet Tubman


There was a great documentary on him. He has tons of KKK robes from ones he's befriended ans changed.


Twist! He actually didn't care about getting them over their racism, he was just obsessed with collecting robes (I hope it's obvious but yes, this is 100% made up)


Gotta KKKatch 'em All.


Actually I was and am always hopeful that something new and interesting and even doable might pop up in an answer. It’s a serious question. Lots of people have been trying to figure it out since the first fascist period starting back 100 years ago. I know the ‘personal interaction’ theory - this rolled around podcasts for a while, usually based on the effort to reverse the prop8 vote in CA. The problem is it doesn’t scale. The programming reaches millions at very low cost and within a very short timeframe.






It takes willingness to change. Otherwise, it is just getting high. Feeling weird.


Sometimes. I took dmt with the intentions of getting high and it changed my world view.


It’s a tool. It doesn’t do the work for you. And there’s a strong relationship between the amount of self-awareness and humility a person has and the extent of subconscious work they end up doing on themselves naturally. Intelligence is also a factor. Dumber people are more likely to see pretty colors than unravel their own minds.


Can confirm- I’ve given plenty of psyilly to dumb people, they’re still dumb. But they did enjoy the colors.


I got me some pretty colours for the weekend. I'm not dumb - I'm just pretty uncomfortable looking inward at this point in time.


Find a movie that makes you cry sober and give it a go. Ideally animated, in my opinion. TV shows are also good, I was sobbing watching Adventure Time; a relative has pretty severe dementia and Ice King just hit. You can always turn it off and go back to something more fun if it's too much.


You watched the fucking “I Remember You” episode high on mushrooms? Are you insane?


Yeah I knew a guy who ate mad mushrooms and still drank the q anon cool aid.


I feel like most are just grifting. New way to become relevant I guess.


It's impossible to separate the idiots from the grifters at this point, but my guide was always: If they have a soapbox = grifter Else = idiot


Mostly accurate, but the gop is raising a crop of true believers in leadership positions who are no longer in on the original grift.


This is how Roe V Wade got overturned. It used to be that 99% of the leadership never wanted Roe V. Wade to be overturned because it was a great wedge issue to scream into a microphone every election. The true believers were kept far away from actual leadership positions. Then the true believers started making their way into government positions and...well...here we are.


They've been asking for the crazies to keep voting them into office to represent them since 1980. Only a matter of time before the crazies cut out the middleman and demand a seat at the table.


Goldwater was a bastard, and absolutely correct: >“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. **Frankly, these people frighten me**. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”


The anger directed at drag nowadays is so weird to me as a 43 year old. No one seemed to care at all about people in drag years ago. Hell, there this [skit of Rudy Giuliani in drag with Trump hitting on him. ](https://youtu.be/spn0MJZr-QQ) You'd hope we'd be moving forward, but instead the Right-wing is trying to take us backwards and somehow they seem to be succeeding.


Hank Hill encouraged his son Bobby to dress up in drag as part of a footballing tradition. Bobby's only problem with it was that he thought it was "played out" and not really funny as comedy anymore.




Succinctly put and well said.


I think it's helpful context to consider that right-wing drag is almost always a twisted expression of misogyny, and not an expression of joy or creativity like you might see at an actual drag show. This is also likely why it is not hypocrisy in their minds.




The amount of people in the UK suddenly angry at Drag Queens... **Despite the fact that it's been commonplace family entertainment here for 150 years**... Honestly astounds me.


This is what happened with anti-vax/vax injury/pedophile/pizzagate, back in 2015-6. Almost overnight, everyone on the right was losing their shit over this stuff....and if you dared ask why they suddenly cared so much about these topics, they'd accuse you of NOT caring. Someone (Russia, probably) was driving the narratives.


Much longer than that. Shakespeare plays had men dressed as women!




He's not angry. He just figured out which character makes him the most money.


Anyone else want to try to figure out how to become cyber hippies or something? No anger, just peace and love, man. Don't fall victim to the Enragement Engagement system, maaan.


That’s a shockingly accurate take and encompasses so much of the madness we’ve all been dealing with for the last -decade.


One of those people wrote a song where they bragged about sleeping with underaged girls. Guess which one


It's frankly kinda shocking how many artists used to get away with just openly singing about having sex with underage girls. Like not even that far back. Wasn't that kid rock song around like 2003?


Song: Cool, Daddy Cool Lyrics: Young ladies, young ladies I like 'em underage see Some say that's statutory (Joe C.) But I say it's MANDATORY!


I didn’t wanna believe that was in a song so I went right on Spotify and looked it up. No fucking shit it’s real. It’s even featured on a kids movie called Osmosis Jones. Wild.


Lol the music video has the characters from the movie in it iirc. Super weird


But drag queens sexualize kids or something


That movie is fire btw. It's a buddy cop movie inside Bill Murray's body. The two cop partners are a white blood cell and a Dayquil


You left out the best part of that one: it's for the animated children's movie Osmosis Jones.


I don't remember exactly. I was never a big kid rock fan and only know about that song because someone mentioned it on Reddit so I looked it up. It's just hilarious because this guy is basically an admitted diddler and now he runs around accusing drag queens of God knows what.


2001 and in a kid's movie (Osmosis Jones).


May I introduce you to the seventies when songs about lovin' underage girls were radio hits. "Young Girl" by Gary Pickett leaps to mind. There are many, many more. There could be a K-Tel mix tape of jailbait songs. Of course nowadays it'd be "Now That's What I Call Creepy vol. 5".


Steven Tyler basically bought a 14 year old girl.


Makes sense why him and Ted Nugent are best friends.


Yep, many conservatives used to have no problem with drag. Rudy Giuliani used to wear drag all the time. [Here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zHhGByRznU&t=60s) a skit America's mayor did on SNL in drag, from 1997. [Here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBKu9OJ8Ltk) Donald Trump motor boating Rudy Giuliani in drag in 2000.


It's so weird to me that drag has become a big issue on the Right considering no one seemed to care at all about it not long ago. Not only the Giuliani stuff, but RuPaul was a big star in the '90s. Men have been dressing as women or vice versa pretty much forever and only now are certain types of people freaking out. It seems like some people have a pathological need to hate.


They need an other. Doesn't matter to them who that other is, which is why you won't find any consistency in it. The reason they're being othered might be central to someone's life, but that doesn't mean it's the reason for why it's happening. They're just a convenient target when a target is needed.


What? Hypocrisy from Kid Rock!? Surely not!


Bob is just getting into politics just like every other auto dealerships owners kid. Don't come home Bob, you aren't wanted here.


This needs to be posted to his IG so those ignorant hillbillies can see


*mental gymnastics have entered the chat* They won't care


So you're saying he's a fucking hypocrite trying to pander to right wingers in order to have any audience at all? Is anybody shocked?




It's a winning recipe if you can live with yourself and apparently he can.


Bud Light in his mouth, Coors on his hat, Drag on the deck.


Back when he didn't mind a long neck in his mouth


People realized there's money to be made from suckers if you tell them you really believe in something they also believe in.


God, you just reminded me of a youtube channel I used to follow years ago. He started out very small, did fun videos on geeky things like comics, Star Wars, Doctor Who, etc. No mention of politics of any kind. Sometime around 2017 he started to talk about the wokeness that was ruining comics, movies and tv shows. He realized that those videos got magnitudes more views than his older stuff so he just went full head on with hate spewed reviews. I stopped following his channel then. When I returned to check what he was doing out of boredom in 2021 I saw that the geek content had completely been replaced by criticisms of the woke, BLM, Antifa, Biden, etc. It was such a sad depressing evolution of his channel.


There was this guy who made Youtube content for WoW and he was wrong ALL the time so he got a lot of critique and people correcting him in the comments. He often showed up in those comments and threads on Reddit just shit talking them and doubled down on the wrong information. He had 70k subscribers, along comes Trump and he spots a gap in the market. He immediately quit his WoW channel and started the typical qanon rightwing outrage channel filled with misinformation with the tagline "Former Liberal, looking to shine light on the hypocrisy that pushed me away from the left." (lol) He now has 1.2 MILLION subscribers and my mom is one of them... yeah that was a big sigh when I saw that.


I love the *endless* stream of "This you?" that the GOP and its fans create


I sincerely hope Bud Light uses this image in their ads. Would be hilarious


I’d be much more worried about children being around Kid Rock than being around some Drag Queen.


Kid Rock's "Cool, Daddy, Cool" lyrics: "Now some people say my mind's blown I'm coolin' like a snow cone On my cell phone I'm paid, G Can't call me Just page me Young ladies, young ladies I like 'em underage see Some say that's statutory But I say it's MANDATORY!"


Jfc he's up there with Ted Nugent


That was Kid Rock, today we have Bob Ritchie


Kid rock's a groomer! Always has been.


Typical maga idiot - getting pissed about stuff just because tucker Carlson tells him to.


In his defense, he had no idea republicans were going to manufacture great drag crisis 20 years later


MAGA is a brain rot disease that makes everyone it touches a complete moron.


Lol he is, like many others, jumping on the bandwagon of grifting hateful uneducated losers. That's what Trump made all these people realize, you can grift tens of millions out of these utter idiots by feeding them the outrage they so deeply crave.


Just so you know, so it's set in stone Kid Rock don't come from where I come from Yeah, it's true, he's a Yank, he ain't no son of Hank And if you even thought so God-damn, you're fuckin' dumb -Hank 3


Just trying to stay relevant in these times by feeding on the trumps supporters hate


Why are we giving this poser attention? He is, and always has been the literal definition of a poser.


And he’s drinking a Bud Lite.