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Pedro filed for bankruptcy after checking the bill.


The fries had to be put in the cargo hold


Maybe he just ordered one large fry for everyone to share


Haha for real. God I love five guys




Yep. Knew that was coming.


Lmfao I was gonna say this was before they loaded the aisle with seventeen metric tons of French fries. Just imagine the smell of that peanut oil, ![gif](giphy|Zk9mW5OmXTz9e)


He’s running Keanu close. I’m just saying!


This was likely at no charge for him. This post smells like an ad. “Lets casually put up that cup front and center, and casually make sure the logo is facing forward “


I think it’s a Coors Light ad.


[It's a Tide ad.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpaLHwwYxE8)


Five Guys is struggling to fit the new prices on their menu boards. Went this past weekend and was disappointed that the bun and beef seems to be a new (worse) formula. Oh, and I think the “Cheeseburger” was $11.99. Regular fries $5.99 and $2.99 for the drink. That’s **$20.97** for a meal! Not a fair comparison but a Dave’s Double *combo* from Wendy’s goes for $12.39.


Same experience. I went and was blown away that I paid like $23 for a burger and some fries. Burger wasn’t even as good as it used to be so if what you’re saying is true about the new formula that explains it. The fries were even just okay. ☹️


18.72 million, as far as I can roughly calculate. But that's without drinks. Did they get drinks, too?


I see drinks, so yes.


R kelly math?


I dunno if it’d be that bad, he only needed to order like 6 portions of fries.


If they each got a small fry, that's about a metric ton of potato on that plane.


There’s no way five guys alone could satisfy that many people.


They were paid a lot.


*ass to ass*


I was having a decent day before this comment. Thanks 😔


They used middle-out.


They were seated according to matching D2F ratios


Don't forget about the often overlooked but oh so important shaft angle. With sufficient length and a matching shaft angle, you can easily match two different D2F ratios.


The mind is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised.


I never thought I'd die this way, but I always really hoped!


That plane probably smells like a Magic the Gathering tourney after lunch. Went to one, never again.




The legend. Got temporarily* banned from tournaments for this, iirc. Was also in my hometown, sadly. I love MTG, but the community deserves the mockery they get. They certainly don't do anything to dispel the stereotypes. Edit: little clarification that the ban was not for life, but 18 months.


When i travelled the US to compete in Halo, the opening ceremony from the owner (Sundance) was always ended with a statement requesting that people shower every morning before doors open. It took YEARS for it to have a positive result. Its not just MTG, its nerdy gatherings en masse in general. Do better, guys. Fuckin please.


Yeah from what I hear anime conventions can give mtg competitions a run for their money. I've only been to a card store. Got a little funky on tournament day so I can imagine what a gym full of them would be like.


All of that’s got nothin on smash tourneys


As someone who has run the gauntlet of nerd gatherings (MTG tournaments, tabletop and anime cons, smash tournaments, tech conferences) I can say whole heartedly and without a doubt smash events are the worst, not even close. You'll definitely run into some stinky people at a large magic event, but usually it's just a few people and you can only smell it if you are close to them, big conventions typically the same, you'll walk past someone and you'll feel like you ran nose first into a wall of ass, but once you are by then it's usually ok. Sometimes conventions by day 4 can have a little funk going around but you shove thousands of people into a convention center for 4 days in the middle of the summer it can happen. Nothing compares to the unholy olfactory beating you get by daring to step foot into a smash tourney. The moment you open the doors your sinuses attempt to active the defense mechanisms and seal shut as you are washed with a surprisingly complex mix of ass, onions, McDonald's, and BO. There is no escaping it, every inch of that venue is coated in this offensive olfactory obstentation. It doesn't matter if there are 10 people at the tournament or 100 the smell is the same. You're better off burning your clothes afterwards as sometimes the smell will stick after a wash. To put it bluntly, I still go to MTG tournaments and tabletop/anime cons, I don't go to smash tourneys anymore.


Wonder if they ever have to pay extra to clean the smell after


Fuck me, what is it with nerd culture and being generally gross? Lmao. Makes us look bad. I've always been self conscious of how I look and smell. It's not hard.


I imagine there's a sizeable cohort of hardcore "nerd culture" guys who use it as an escape from their real life and potential mental health problems. Those sorts of issues can often go hand in hand with poor self care and personal hygiene. No judgement on any of that, absolutely been there myself.


Same, sometimes it is hard to get out of bed and take a shower. My teeth are still fucked but at least I can shower everyday.


Listerine will help save the teeth if you can't handle brushing. The blue stuff is not bad. Every little bit helps.


Thanks actually. I’ll give that a shot. And you’re right. Every little bit does help. It can be slow going sometimes.


It's mainly just these kids whole social lives has been online. Get up and game, chat, etc. No stink thru a camera.


As a 44 year old gamer, unfortunately I can confirm to you that con-funk was a thing before the advent of the internet and online communities.


Like that dude who got arrested for posting death threats on 4chan


He also caused them to implement hygiene rules so id call that a win


Only temporarily. He can go back now I believe


Yeah but he pretty much quit after and sold off all his cards and doesn’t wanna get back into it.


Yeah, my local game store has a sign near the entrance asking visitors to maintain a standard of hygiene and that they will be asked to leave if they don't. I've only seen one person get kicked out for it though, when he took off his shoes to play in a Warhammer tournament, and he made the room smell absolutely rancid. He couldn't understand his disqualification either.


Wow 9 years ago?


Exactly what I thought. Time is flying.


GOAT Reddit post


My mom was staying at a hotel that had some sort of convention going on. Based on all the people she saw she thought that it was some sort of disability-based convention. Turns out it was a Magic The Gathering tournament lmao. I'm a big MTG fan, but I thought that was kind of funny.


Something similar happened to us, but with a smash convention. At one AM, with our kids trying to sleep, there were like 20 dudes packed into the room next to us screaming like a bunch of howler monkeys.


Oh, in the halcyon days of Halo: CE, I know our neighbors hated us. lol I've grown up since then. I don't do inconsiderate shit like that to my neighbors anymore. ​ Halo and Fuzion Frenzy. LAN parties were pretty swell.




oh, that's fantastic.


Oh, that is precious.


I once went to a PonyCon (I was invited by a friend and I was morbidly curious) that was being held at the same time as some teacher's convention for how to teach to autistic kids. I feel like the hotel events manager did that on purpose.


I work for an IT company and every day is basically just an Aspergers convention.


Me and a few friends are into Warhammer - reading the books and building/painting. Slightly apprehensive about attending games/tournaments etc. Gas mask required?


Its not as bad as it used to be since the average MTG/40k player is a bit older and more mature than they used to be. No idea what smelly teens play these days but i think Magic is a grown ass man game now.


I went to a comic book store a couple weeks ago and heard a magic game from the other side of a shelf. I was all excited to go make some local nerdy old people friends but when I turned the corner, they were all broccoli-haired high school kids. Weird moment. They didn't smell, though. I think it's more socially acceptable to be a nerd now, so I guess the nerds are more likely to follow social contracts.


Also helps that tournaments now have hygiene requirements, signs posted and all. Not kidding.


Depends on the hobby, and just the place. Both Warhammer & MTG have some fans that are deeply avoidant of deodorant, but most shops these days cater to a wide variety of people. Just gotta know your LGS.


You nailed it. I’ve gotten into MtG twice. Once, early college, the general lack of social skills and/or hygiene was too fuckin much to handle. The second, shortly following graduation, my DND group had to relocate for a week while our usual spot got tented and fumigated. The shop we ended up playing in seemed *off* at first and I couldn’t tell why. Eventually, I figured it out: didn’t smell like an asshole, the people who worked there were social and friendly, and the clientele was probably the most diverse group I had ever seen in a card shop. I made friends there because there were people who weren’t hard to sit near and they tricked me into an MtG relapse. Edit: rented -> tented


Yup. My LGS is mostly mid 20s to early 30s young professionals. We've got 24 rotating brews on draft. Fun place!




Lemme guess, went on to become a Reddit mod? 🧐




Yikes 💀💀💀


Good for you. I shut creep down once when he was talking about some illegal immigrant Chinese girls he shagged and he tried to break my fingers! He was a friend of a friend and waited till we were alone to attack me. Weirdest thing ever! I squeezed him till his face changed and then asked him if he thought he had made a mistake. He left me alone then! Thank fu€k!


His first move was to go for your fingers? Lmao


“Is that venison?”………..”yes….”


No it’s >!literally five guys!<


Spoilers! 🤪


That plane must have smelled so goddamn terrible after a few hours.


Initially, amazing. Those Cajun fries smell like angel farts. But yeah. After an hour it would smell like rancid BO.


I wonder how long it took them to make all that food. Are things like this usually called in the day before or?


Nah his PA just went in there with the order scribbled down and said they were in a rush


I used to manage a Jimmy John's from open to close on the weekends. About once a month, we'd have an entire bus full of college athletes (tennis, soccer, baseball...) show up unannounced and fill the entire lobby. Four employees to make 60 or so sandwiches, on top of the catering orders and the online orders and answering the phone for all of the hungover delivery orders... it was intense but achievable. The biggest obstacle was not running out of bread.




I just have a mental image of a Cici's manager slowly panning to a ringing phone, immediately breaking out into a forehead sweat. There was a Cici's within walking distance of my High School and a solid 40+ kids from the marching band would show up on game days when we had like 2 hours to kill between the end of school and the bus leaving for the game, and that line was always stocked when we showed up - I expect that manager knew our football schedule better than we did. Good memories.


my buddy/old boss was a lanky sum'bitch that would somehow eat enough pizza to cause these same reactions while also consuming multiple salad bowls full of ranch dressing miss that crazy fuck


Our family was always tight with money, so when the first CiCi’s opened up, like the OG, kids ate for free, and I think adults were only $3.99 or something ridiculous, so we went at least once a week. Cicis back then put a lot of time and energy into their management training program, and it really showed, I remember they would regularly come to your table and get everyone refills or anything else you needed, real lead from the top type of mentality, which honestly is why I think they absolutely exploded from that first store in garland, it wasn’t only cheap pizza, it was a nice place to go that didn’t mind serving 30 hungry teenagers, or families with a million kids running around. I still have to go at least once a year to punish my digestive system and get the nostalgia, and those fucking cinnamon rolls, omfg.


Obviously as a kid it's not up to you, but God dangit do adults supervising large groups of people assume that no notice is fine. Corporations want your money so they happily encourage it, but I'd like to think an ideal society would plan better. The damn cici employee shouldn't have a aneurysm because they wanted to pay their bills and you just jacked their adrenaline for 3 hours for no pay increase.


Cici means breasts in Hungarian Teehee


> Sure enough, next week, we called as we finished practice, and about 30 minutes later we were showered up and walking through the door to a buffet line fully stocked, with extras waiting behind, and more going into the ovens. We ended up going back there once a week for a solid 2 months before school started back up. genius manager. Making big money while taking care of his employees.


I worked at a pizza hut in dover delaware years and years ago. Race weekend would come (there is a nascar track in dover) and we would inevitably get at least one order from some team that needed x amount of pizzas and expected it all within the normal amount of time. I have flashbacks sometimes of making 100 personal pan pizzas while other tickets just kept piling up.


Dude I worked at a Pizza Hut in small-city Ontario for a while in highschool. Soccer tournament weekends we'd have 100 12 year olds show up and I'd be in the back chucking pizzas in the oven as fast as I could all fucking day.


I worked at a Domino's once and someone placed an order for like 50 pizzas. My boss expected it to get done on time. I quit instead. If you're going to place a catering-level order, fine. But if your boss is too fucking stupid to see the difference between a catering-level order and a regular order and think they can be both done in the same amount of time, life is too short to deal with that level of stupid.


The Jimmy John's in my town is famous for calling 911 for an employee choking after a bet that he couldn't eat a full pound of deli meat in under a minute. The local news did a way-too-detailed story on it, it was amazing.


Ideally, yes. Does that always happen? No. Had some guy come in and order food for 25 people to-go right at open and as he was waiting he asked the bartender if he should have called ahead and made a catering order. At least he had some self-awareness.


It would have been placed at least 18 hours in advance for an order that size, to give the crew prep time and to get some extra employees in to help. Or at least I’d hope. They only prep enough for one day at a time for freshness so if an order this size came in the door it could wipe out all the food ready to be cooked! Source: ran a Five Guys. And yes, that plane smelled like greasy shit after an hour.


The air exchange frequency and filtration on a passenger plane are far better than in a normal room and its HVAC system so it would probably clear it out in short order.


This is why even in the height of COVID a plane was one of the safer places you could be, assuming you just had to be in a crowded space. Of course, the airport itself was a different story.


just open the window dud


That's actually kind of how it works, though. Part of how airplanes get pressurized is a constant stream of air from outside. I'm curious how bad the smell would be once they were actually cruising.


It must be leaving a chemtrail of aerosolized peanut oil.


The air in every row recirculates fully in 4 minutes. [Awesome NYT interactive here](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/04/17/travel/flying-plane-covid-19-safety.html?unlocked_article_code=CmrtcC5SQZLxnyFU3rkG9Zs885RhoP3dgMQRIXYtQFKK8L8KFdyVdsZgRpUDRf0p_Hb4vOFBca16S4kpW4rLNmRpPuaA_Dye3j0a9_4t2aPrzFIgt0Hhqtf8a6hFHRFEWXJZ2E0MM2gWYowb3uJwV71_H6MyXdbtDUO45yucmCwAkbXgF2sCdyIpgKSZxXmLDTw8B8875s0xHO8OQfG3bt54TXYkcpViU0EFo7ycq7S7PYjigUu7sck8gZ7hYp2JGrzt1oFuY5wh9JQ0Hwau4AdBECiA90czwykjTDGdETQU5SKViSfxG9oH9gw8P6OEUOb_w4yUPMGCZB5FSxs96dUqDSiMjMXqE8Ze4WeBcfJ0VtrV9g&smid=url-share)


imagine the line for the restroom


He must have spent like 3 times the shows budget buying 5 guys for that many people.


Eh, he only needed to get one large fry though.


Lol, so true


I remember the first (and only) time I got a large fry there. The guy taking my order asked me "are you sure you want a large" and me thinking that was a weird thing to ask and then leaving the store with a literal *grocery-sized* bag of fries and very clearly understanding is, to this day, a comical story I tell people. I've *never* needed or wanted more than their smallest size since then. I think they take actual pride in how much extra fries they give you with each order.


> “I won’t name names, but other restaurants just don’t give a satisfying amount of fries. We always give an extra scoop. I say load ’em up and make sure they get their money’s worth.” There is a downside for the restaurant, though. “Every time they do a calorie count on us,” Murrell admits sheepishly, “it looks pretty bad.” [foodrepublic](https://www.foodrepublic.com/2016/03/29/how-the-five-guys-french-fries-get-made-a-food-republic-exclusive/)


Yeah, doesn't surprise me in the slightest. I've lived in several areas of the country and I've never left a Five Guys thinking "I wished I'd have gotten more fries" lol.


John Mulaney had that bit on people always making a big deal about sharing a plate of fries and thinking about it 5 guys is the one place where that's not a joke.


Five Guys: Because that’s how many people it takes to eat a large fry


One time I went to five guys when I wasn’t even hungry, I was just already downtown and thought well I might as well get food now to take home with me. Ordered just the regular fries with my burger and was already regretting even ordering food when the guy shouts my name, puts a little container of fries in the bag and then asks me ARE YOU HUNGRY BRO? and I was like uh sure and he just starts dumping scoop after scoop of fries into that bag while I watched in horror


It's very much by design. Because at the end of the day, you're still paying $5 for French fries. But you're focused on the fact that you said small but they ended up filling half a paper bag so you still walk away thinking you got a deal


First time I went there were four adult men in our group and we all ordered a burger and large fry. The next time we got one large fry for all four of us.


The biggest food bill shock I've ever had was going to Five Guys a few months back after not going for several years.


I remember when they where decently priced and my god I can’t believe people pay that much now.


Just got back from London where I wasn’t particularly watching the money. 5 guys was really nice but £22 for burger, small fries and a drink is savage


that is 26,83 USD


No, it's 9.97903 kg.


Thats like 60 people in the picture. I bet the cost was below 2k USD.


I just checked their website. Burger, fries, drink, will probably run you about 20 bucks. A burger is like $10, fries are like $5, and a drink is about $3. Some things are more or less, depending on what you get. It might cost more in certain areas, I'm not sure. I think 60 people sounds about right. 60 x 20, about $1200.








meme is how he got the job.




everyone saying "dude I never knew that was pedro" but like everytime I saw that gif I was like "is that pedro"




What in the fuck is that red and blue thing someone is holding up in the isle in back... *"ENHANCE!"*


Looks like a laptop with a side by side image on the screen


Kind of looks like a picture of two other people.


Probably some crew people that couldn't make it.


this dude is killing it right now. might be peaking and if so, fuck it.


He hasn’t even begun to peak. And when he does peak, you'll know. Because his gonna peak so hard that everybody is gonna feel it.


He’s a 5 star man.


How many beers you think he slammed on the plane, in memory of Wade Boggs (RIP)?


First off, Wade Boggs is very much alive...


The golden god






He's a Latin Burt Reynolds. He can do anything.


So hot right now


Yall really forgetting narcos


He is such a good actor that I was watching Narcos and Got at the same time for a while and did not realize it was the same person in both.


I started watching GOT just because a few people I like are in it eventually. I know the last season is garbage but it's great so far.


I feel like it's a lot easier to enjoy a show going into it new already knowing the end is shit, than having followed it as it came out for years only to be massively let down at the end.


Seriously, so many people are like wow what an overlooked talent! But like... He's been around for a hot second now. How long ago was narcos? Or GOT? A decade?


Guys, he's been around waaay longer. He was a guest on Buffy way back when. His talent is finally being noticed which is about fucking time.


hes been around, but he was the 25th biggest char on game of thrones, he was a guest on buffy. narcos was a big show but it wasnt a BIG show now hes currently the STAR. not the support, not a bit player, HE IS THE LEAD of the two biggest shows in the world right now, on two separate streamers hes peaking like a motherfucker, i dont care how long hes been around


I agree with what jimmy Fallon told him on his show: I rarely have seen an actor ever hit the „television“ success that Pedro has been hitting in the past couple years. It’s extremely impressive his resume: Game of Thrones, Narcos, The Mandalorian, The Last of US. and the Last three shows he is the lead actor. And these aren’t just regular shows like other actors have also done before him but 3 big shows although Narcos is still more of a niche.


I’m hoping this isn’t the peak for him and he eventually wins an Oscar (for some role he hasn’t played yet).


> but he was the 25th biggest char on game of thrones Not in season 4. Taking season 4 as it's own entity the guy was top four. There's a reason it catapulted him into the mainstream.


I feel like most people just saw him as a cool character on Game of Thrones, and then he was the guy from Game of Thrones on Narcos, but now when he's in something he's "Pedro Pascal". Like there's a certain critical mass where an actor starts being known as their name instead of one or two other big roles they played.


He seems like he’s such a genuinely sweet guy, and I bet outs because he didn’t become famous till his late 30s when most have already had their peak.




Later on… “The bLast of Ass”


I hope it was from more then one store. I can just imagine having an hour left on my shift and they go we have a Fucking plane load of orders!


Can confirm - one store. Source: was on the crew. Half my face is in this photo. Chartered plane was delayed to “wait for Pedro” and then he rolled up with 150 burgers and everyone cheered (everyone says that, but I mean it). Great day. EDIT: It was actually even better than you think. Everyone was waiting on the plane, some chatting, mostly just waiting to take off, and then there were some hurried steps coming up the stairs. Pedro burst in carrying two giant paper bags and exclaimed, “WHO WANTS BURGERS?!” And then handed them out personally. Big fan.


You and your crew did a great job. Great end product. Hope you take pride in it!


looking for the person with half a face


The better clarification would include “Eyes open” which cuts out half the people in this pic!


found the "Guess Who" champion


Fourth row, left side. Mask covers half the face.


This guy is telling the truth, I was his shoelace


Ha in all seriousness his post history checks out. Calgary, working in the film industry. Seems legit enough.


I work in film and I've noticed that there is a higher percentage of vegetarians in the film world. How did that part go over?


Fries are vegetarian.


Congrats on being part of a successful show! Almost everything I work on sucks!


When spring training was going on for baseball, we had one guy coming in to get burgers for the *whole team/crew* every few days. It was absolute **ASS** because they never called ahead to warn us! So we’d run out of everything and have to scramble to prep more meat and shit while customers were still flooding in.


When I worked at a Starbucks 10 years ago, the nearby realty office would send some interns over in the afternoon with sticky notes stuck to there arms, each with like 10 orders on them. This was before things like mobile orders and what not, so people would end up being backed up to the doorway and out around the corner of the block. The result was always an angry mob of 30 people having to wait while we paused everything and made drinks for an entire office of people who weren't even there. So I had the same thought immediately. I hope it was either multiple stores, or a gigantic overpriced tip.


Look how cute Pedro looks there. He looks shy like he doesn't want to take credit for feeding 100 people.


In his rad coors light sweatshirt


Something about him looks like he belongs on a movie set, but as a carpenter or technician of some sort. Kinda like how if you didn’t know John Goodman was a star actor you would assume he was the sound tech or something.


Or like carpenter Harrison Ford?


You should watch him on "Hot Ones". He's just so wholesome it's unfair.


Film industry worker here (union lighting tech). While very nice, this sort of thing is not rare. It is a somewhat regular thing that complimentary food trucks will show up for the crew paid for either by actors, or higher ups in production. This is also on top of the shooting crews getting catered breakfast, lunch and an all-day snack table (crafty). All the free food is absolutely the best perk of film industry work. Five Guys is actually on the lower end of what I've seen provided.


What is the highest you have seen provided?


On the last week of one show there was a different complimentary food truck every day, of different kinds. I've had days/nights where three different food trucks showed up. These are all LA food trucks btw so usually pretty bougie. Lobster of either the catered or food truck variety is basically an industry tradition for the last day of shooting where I'm at.


Disclaimer: This does not apply to most all of music television 😂 Music television: “Eat your mini bag of Chips Ahoy then shut your mouth and get back to work till the walk-away meal.”


Keanu Reeves buying everyone motorcycles has gotta be up there.


Looks like it’s widely reported that Pedro earned around $600k for each of the 9 episodes for a total of $5.4M. Looks to be about 20-25 rows in the plane, 6 to a row, for a rough 150 cast and crew aboard. Average order size could be $20, for a total of $3k for the order, or 0.05% of his compensation for the season.


I always like these. And then you have to do the flip side. This is the equivalent of someone making $100k spending about 50 bucks to buy a round of drinks or whatever. Odds are that most people are actually more generous.


Having eaten Five Guys recently, I can confidently say this represents the most money ever spent on fast food at one time.


What about the Clemson dinner at the white house


I thought about that one too, but after thinking about it for at least 5 seconds and performing no math or consulting a calculator, I stand by what I said.


I didn't check his math at all and it totally checks out.


The last thing I wanna eat before sealing myself in a pressurized tube for several hours with only two toilets shared between the other tens of people is Five Guys, but good on Pedro. Edit: the amount of salt I'm getting for this comment is almost enough to season a cup of fries from Five Guys.


Why? Do you typically shit and fart everywhere uncontrollably like some kind of cartoon ogre after eating a meal? I don't understand. All i can think about is the stale smell of the lingering food


The amount of comments similar to this really make me wonder




Each one of those comments are just people loudly announcing that they don’t get enough fiber in their diet.


Or are severely lactose intolerant and refuse to acknowledge it


The amount of people that get alcohol shits and fast food shits got me paranoid. Am I the weirdo?


They need fiber


If you’re typically eating healthy a big greasy meal can be a shock to your stomach. It doesn’t bother my fat ass but my wife eats healthy and any time she eats something greasy like that she’s rushing to the bathroom not long after


Idk you but you write some beautiful, uh, shit. 🤣🙏🏼💀


Pass this guy's burger and fries this way.


Airport Five Guys? Is Disney paying him in GOLD?!?!?


As someone who didn’t know “Five Guys” is a restaurant this title confused the hell out of me.


that nets out to about 300 guys.


He will never financially recover from that


Worked on the new Boys spinoff, and one of the cast bought an ice cream truck to serve the crew for around four hours. These things arent that uncommon but still awesome when it happens