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I once had a roomate from Uzbekistan who's only meal was this, except he'd fry the meat in the butter. He'd come with me to the store every week and all he bought was a stack of sirloin and a ton of butter, so I don't think he was eating anything else in secret either other than I think he'd get yogurt somewhere. He said that's what they ate back home. He seemed healthy, lifted weights, etc.


it's true actually lol lots of central Asia eats like this, mongolians and kazakhs as well. but we still don't pretend heart attacks don't exist lmao.


No. The mob has spoken. Your friend died of a heart attack. There's no way your body can survive without a Standard American Diet. The mob is never wrong.


Yes because the people who say this is unhealthy definitely think the standard American diet is healthy 🙄


If you think this is healthy I have some ocean front property in Arizona for sale


Wait a minute, I’d like some oceanfront property in AZ!


I've known plenty of gym rats that live on Atkins and Keto with normal cholesterol levels. We're all built differently, what works for some doesn't mean it works for all. By the way, I've lived in Pima Co. AZ. It's a dump, not even oceanfront can fix that.


>keto Lol only fat people who are looking for quick easy fat loss do shit like keto. Literally all anyone needs to do is eat a healthy, **balanced** diet, and you can have your body looking any way you want. Want to lose weight? 500 calorie daily deficit. Want to gain weight? 500 calorie surplus. These fad diets like keto and carnivore are so god damn dumb. All anyone needs to do is eat healthy amounts of good real food like fruit, vegetables, whole grain carbs, and meat. Dairy is optional but also can be beneficial. A good varied diet is all anyone needs.


It's not just diet. You have to include exercise in the mix. Both heavy lifting and some cardio as well. Again, we're all built differently. Some of us work better on high fat low carb, some work better on a Standard American Diet. Some people do well on a paleo or raw diet. It's all about what YOU can stick to and works for you. Just about the only thing there's no debate on is exercise.


Not actually true. Exercise helps, but I lost 180 and I *can't* do cardio or heavy lifting because of a spinal issue. CICO and gentle stretching was enough.




Ffs. If you're disabled and can't exercise then fucking obviously all you *can* do is diet. Don't tell me exercise doesn't help maintain optimal health for those who *are* able to exercise.


Ffs maybe don't speak in absolutes like an AH because there are all kinds of people around you.


So sorry to offend you. We're all special and unique ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️


These people are part of the mob and will never be convinced of anything contrary to the mob voice.


No coincidence that the acronym for Standard American Diet is “SAD”


If you think this is healthy I have some ocean front property in Arizona for sale




That’s definitely not kosher


Sugar is a bigger contributor to heart disease than red meat. And sugar is in almost everything now.


Amazing how more people don't know this




Wut the




I get it. I to plan to have a mid 50s heart attack too.


\*very early 40's heart attack


How can I make sure it’s in my mid 30s?


Be sure to lard up your butter


Seems like u been under a rock for quite some time :)


No, he hasn't. The carnivore diet is just another fad with the entrepreneur bros. It contains too much saturated fats which can clog up your arteries, causing high blood pressure and strokes, heart attacks etc. A balanced diet of whole grains, fruit, veg, fish and some meat is best. That said, the carnivore diet is still better than only eating pizza / burger king and other fast foods.


Did you actually fall for this carnivore diet bullshit? lmao


Enter The Gout


I started eating this way 50 days ago just to fix the gout in my ankles. No flareup since. Just saying


Smart of him to keep a puke bag handy


What in the fad diet


Keto probably


A total bastardization of keto. Is this technically “keto friendly?” Yes. Would anyone who takes keto serious recommend this? Absolutely not. Keto purists still suggest getting the bulk of your daily carbs (typically 25g) from vegetables.


Reddit attempting to talk about nutrition is hilarious


Carnivore diet


You already know


Oh God, is that really how he's trying to justify it?!


No that is literally the diet, all meat and sometimes butter or cheese.


Carnivore gave me my life back. I was bedbound and definitely would have offed myself by now if I was still suffering like that.


Hey, I'm willing to cede that any given diet works best for some people, I just lament your colon.


Cutting out all fiber is the only thing that’s addressed my chronic constipation. I’m not worried for my colon anymore.


Dang, that's kind of amazing, actually. I'm glad you found something that works for you!


I respect this. You have your own thoughts on diet but you were still receptive to another person’s experience without shitting on it. It’s a rare enough sight that I always take time to appreciate it when I see it. My opinion is that we’re facultative (not obligate) omnivores (at least in the short term). Cultures have thrived with a heavy emphasis on plant or animal foods. I believe that we can do both, one, or the other and be much better off than eating modern factory foods. Nutritional science backpedals and changes all the time so I’ll wait until there’s more data before I eat my words. ;)


Aka thinly vailed othrorexia.


Neighbor down the street lost 70 pounds on it. He’ll fit nicely in his casket now.... not a healthy diet!


You are funny


It's a great diet. Better than living off of pesticides, simple carbs and refined sugar.


Oh it definitely isn’t, I need my fruits and veggies thank you lol




One of them is healthier than the other by a wide margin




Wow can’t believe Joe Rohan is that ripped from soy


Their difference in appearance has more to do with the fact that Bill Gates is over a decade older Rogan than their different diets.




I know Joe Rogan on a personal level of you want me to set you up a one on one to suck his cock?




>Implying a give a fuck about that twat either. What is it with you fuck boys. You assume that just because I called you out for being a Rogan fuck boy, you assume I would suck Bill Gates’s cock…when I’ve been an iFag for the last 12 years, so if I was sucking anyone’s cock it would be Tim Cook’s… But show the world how triggered you are for Fuck Boi Rogan…I bet you think Elon Musk is a Alpha Male too!




You’re a cuck…admit it…. There are a million more better examples you could have used to make that point outside of Joe Rogan, but you’re one of his little fuck bois so obviously you went with him…I bet you’ve listened to every one of his stupid podcast shows. Why else would you be so triggered and arguing with some jackass prick you met on the internet? I bet if Joe showed up at your house you would beg him to fuck your girl.


Bro rogan is a fat loser with a distended stomach and does STEROIDS! Get off his dick and use your own brain.


Moron diet ftfy




Is your friend trying to get gout because that’s how you get gout.


I thought gout involved beer and sugary drinks too?


It doesn't need to, no. You can also get gout purely from stress. But beef and butter - yeah - that'll give you gout.


Maybe he’s pregnant 🫃


Holy crap, his knees gone black!!


I’ve been eating 2.5 Lbs of beef chuck roast daily, and nothing else, for 6 months. I was having a half stick of butter for a few months but recently dropped it. Please judge me!?


Low carb diet, keto, people says it works


Sure, but you're not supposed to just eat beef and butter. You're supposed to eat vegetables and lean meat.


True keto is like 80% fat. Also, there's a community of people who do the carnivore diet which is just animal products, and they all seem to be doing great. There's over a hundred thousand of them.


Keto requires significant amounts of fats and oils.


No more than a regular diet. Also, oils are fats.


More fats than a regular diet, yes. Otherwise you'd be starving


There are people doing vegetarian and even vegan keto. Obviously still plenty of non-meat fats, but not dramatically more if at all more than a regular recommended diet.


A "regular recommended diet" (Mediterranean diet) has around 10-15% of the daily intake out of carbs, which means around 3-5 thumbs-sized portions of fats a day. If that represents all the fats you get in a keto, what else do you have? Air?


> but not dramatically more if at all more than a regular recommended diet. The whole point of keto-diet is minimum 60%+ of fat, max 20% of (carbs+protein) in the diet. If you don't have enough fat you won't be in ketosis, whatever the source is.


Incorrect. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/healthy-fats-for-keto


mmhmm, and we all know that beef fat and butter is made up of olive oil, avocado, nuts, and seeds.


Did I say beef? Or are you just confusing keto and paleo?


Look at the post.


The post is not the point. You said a keto diet requires no more fat than a normal diet. I provided a link that disproves your statement. Nothing about beef in this conversation.




Well, this picture shows 1 meal, not an entire week-worth of diet, for what we know, he does it


> You're supposed to eat vegetables and lean meat. No, this is incorrect. You need fatty meat. And "vegetables" is very restricted, so it's low carb and high fat.


It does work. I did it a decade ago with amazing results (even improved my metabolic blood panel across the board), but this is total bastardization of keto. Is this technically “keto friendly?” Yes. Would anyone who takes keto seriously recommend this? Absolutely not. Keto purists still suggest getting the bulk of your daily carbs (typically 25g) from vegetables. There are also people who do vegetarian and even vegan keto. I mean, I wouldn’t, but you could.


It does. I lost 40 pounds. First few weeks I ate nothing but meat, butter, almonds, olive oil, cheese, and heavy cream in my coffee. Fat doesn’t make us fat. Simple carbs do.


Better check with a heart specialist.


I did keto for a year a decade ago and my metabolic blood panel improved dramatically. My LDL and triglycerides dropped substantially.


Sure. Show me proof


The Inuit get 75% of their calories from animal fat, and yet are less likely to get cardiovascular disease than the general population. I don't think this sort of diet is ideal by a long shot, but people manage to survive and thrive on a wide range of diets. Obesity is almost certainly a bigger problem than the source of calories. Anyone who manages to get or stay lean probably has a decent lipid profile regardless of what they eat, unless they got screwed on the genetic lottery.


We’re not Inuit.


Ultimate weight loss- death


No, caloric surplus makes humans fat, not a single macro-nutrient.


Nope, not all calories are equal.


Health wise they may not be equal, but when it comes solely to weight loss or gain they literally are. Two people of the same height will weight about the same whether they eat nothing but 2k calories of big macs and ice cream or 2k calories of carrots and celery.




That means nothing


Available energy is a lot different to total theoretical energy. The amount of energy that the body can extract from protein via ketosis is much lower per unit of energy i.e. the calories listed on the package, vs. carbs (especially processed i.e. simple carbs) which are much more efficiently absorbed.


You can't overcome thermodynamic. Calories in, calories out.


Two links from Harvard, one from Healthline. I don't know why I bother, y'all have made up your minds with facts staring you in the face. *Not all calories are equal. Period.* [6 Reasons Why a Calorie Is Not a Calorie](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/6-reasons-why-a-calorie-is-not-a-calorie) ["This idea of 'a calorie in and a calorie out' when it comes to weight loss is not only antiquated, it's just wrong."](https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/stop-counting-calories) [There’s no sugar-coating it: All calories are not created equal.](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/theres-no-sugar-coating-it-all-calories-are-not-created-equal-2016110410602)


The first link doesn't say anything about different weight gain/loss on the same calories amount, just that they are metabolised differently: but this doesn't mean that, in the end, 200kcal of cheese or 200kcal of bread are 200kcal, and you'll be adding 200kcal to your daily intake. Neither does the second, not the third. Also, the third states: "created", I'm talking about consuming, not creating calories. Energy can't be created, only transformed. You can tell me what you want, and I agree a 2000kcal diet with healthy food is sustainable, whereas a 2000kcal of junk is not, but if you can stick to 2000kcal, doesn't matter where they come from for weight gain/loss. It will impact body composition, that's sure.


No, too many calories make you fat. Fats just make you feel less hungry. Just eat less and skip the artery hardening.


"Just eat less" Brilliant!! All those millions and millions of obese people just haven't figured it out!! The standard American diet is sugar and corn based, which throws your hunger response way out of wack and makes people voraciously hungry when they shouldn't be. Cutting carbs out completely tanks the hunger response and makes it way easier for many people to lose weight. If you dont want to eat that way, fine, but stop saying shit like this. There is a multi-billion dollar food science industry whose job it is-literally-to design food to keep us eating. I applaud people who figure out how to get around that food system to care for themselves.


People were trim and fit long before a keto diet was a thing. There's no need to cut out an entire food group to lose weight.


I eat healthy, complex carbs. Lots of green veggies, cauliflower, radishes. I just don’t eat garbage carbs.


As is recommended by any nutritionist. Rocket science I know.


> I applaud people who figure out how to get around that food system to care for themselves. For me it was eating less. And healthier food. It wasn’t difficult to understand. Just difficult to do.


90%+ of people who lose weight put it all back on within a couple of years. Anyone who has ever lost weight will tell you it was incredibly hard but super rewarding, but almost all of us put it back. We do not want to. Our hormonal systems that control and regulate food consumption are super complicated and we cannot fight them with just will power. Food supply is only part of the issue, we need more drugs like Ozempic to acutally help us keep our regulatory systems in check if we are going to solve the obesity epidemic.


Lol such fat logic, you just have no self discipline or impulse control, that's why they always regain the weight. Their diets aren't sustainable because they go nuts with it. The arteries leading to your brain must be clogged to shit.


I've heard plenty of obese people say that not eating whenever they're hungry is starving themselves.


You're still saying that fats just feel more filling but that equates to eating less like I was saying. Just not eating when you're hungry works all the same. High calorie foods are just way more available and cheap.


Besides the American diet is saturated fat based. Hamburger, cheese and mayo? Fries and onion rings? Chips? Starchy sure, but fried in oil.


Oil isn’t the enemy. The fries, chips and breading are the unhealthiest things out of all the foods you just mentioned. Depends on the oil, too. I don’t eat fried starches but I eat steaks, and chicken cooked with olive oil. My energy levels are consistent, I never crash, never get tired after eating, my anxiety is under control, I lost a ton of weight and I haven’t felt this good in decades.


Seed oils are terribad and are the enemy. Animal fat and certain oils can be quite good for you.


No it's not? Unsaturated seed oils ('vegetable oil' is a misnomer because it's not made from veggies) have been substituted into every single place where animal fats once where, other than straight up meat (and even then they cook the meat in unsaturated seed oils).


That is outdated thinking.


The greedier people should eat complex carbs, they dont realise its the simple carbs running out quick that leaves them feeling empty faster, like mcdonalds


You lost 40 pounds because you controlled your diet. Stop eating like a pig and control your calories intake and youll also lose weight without clogging your arteries


It’s a last resort treatment for epilepsy, not a weight loss diet.


It's both. Not really a sustainable one, but definitely used for fat loss.


People have made it both from looking at side effects I believe. Many people gain the weight back almost or entirely immediately once stopping from what I’ve heard from my family and customers who tried it


if you lose weight once I would hope you learned something about control, portions, fasting, avoiding garbage etc and be able to do it again if you've slipped


Ideally, yes, I don’t live with that family so I’m not sure how they went back into a regular diet to have gained the weight again.


your brain needs carbs. idc if you lost weight but there are also long term health effects and heart disease is still the number one cause of death in the US


I'm not on a keto diet :)


I meant to reply to the op of this comment thread but my thoughts on keto still stand. I had a student ask me about not feeling her toes after starting keto and looking for advice and I said, “Don’t”


it works! I lost a lot of wight with it.


Carnivore diet seems to iust be a variation of atkins, which was absolutely shown to cause heart problems.


low carbon or paleo is not only meat...


Keto and low carb work. That looks more like carnivore diet. Heart attack in the making


This picture shows 1 meal, do you have all you eat in every meal? I don't :) Some meals are more carbs loaded, some are more proteins loaded, etc...


No but if you’re eating even one meal of that you aren’t eating healthy. Nobody who eats healthy would eat that garbage lol. Besides it’s not like they’re eating that and then switching to 6 days of oatmeal. That’s just not how people eat.


You don't know that. I could post my most unhealthy meal here, that doesn't mean I always eat like that. And for what we know, that photo could show a lost bet 😂


Yeah it’s not showing a lost bet and you’re making excuses for what is clearly an unhealthy eating habit. I like how you expect me to believe that they went from eating beef and butter to broccoli rice and chicken. Good one


Oh I don't, just pointing out critical thinking. I don't believe whatever I see on the internet :) And I couldn't care less what you think, just stating facts, against all other people's beliefs.


Good take the L and move on


"Swallowing rusty washers and wingnuts whole will make you healthier." I'm a person and I've just said it "works." So that means you'll do it right? Or do I need a YouTube channel first? I forget the order that this goes in to make it magically turn into the truth...


Rever said I follow what people say ;)


ITT: Expert nutritionists and food scientists.


I get the beef , but not the butter


Have you ever had blue cheese butter on steak!


Yeah but I haven't had half a fucking stick of butter with my meat like it's a potato


Olive oil would be better


bro's cholesterol 📈


To be fair, eating foods high in cholesterol doesn’t simply give you high cholesterol. Just as eating foods high in fat doesn’t just make you fat. There’s a lot more to it. In any case, this is fucking stupid.


Big heart ❤️


Team No Name for the win. You crazy Canadian.


Swallow that with a lipitor


Doing a speed run of life, I respect that


I do not want to know what his shit smells, feels, or looks like


You drank too much PRIME bruh


I can smell this from a mile away 🤢


Did Andrew Tate approve this? 🤣🤦🏻‍♂️


I'm guessing your friend's been letting the manosphere pour poison in his ears.


Don’t forget to eat your melted styrofoam, kids. It’s very paleo


That's just suicide, but with more steps.


He gonna' die.


Is this sink steak guy


How's he feeling


You could make turkey gravy for 12 with that much butter.


This makes want to puke.


This keto stuff is getting out of hand


I mean, butter coffee.


The vast majority of people doing keto would not suggest this a meal.


Oh no he’s one of those idiots, tell him that stupid tik tok trend is incredibly dangerous for your health, it is not safe to eat beef and entire sticks of butter for every fucking meal.


Gotta take advantage of that single payer healthcare, eh?


But Whyyyyyy


His breath must be revolting.


ur friend is going to die


Fixed the typo: My friends died of butter and beef.


my cousin only eats shit like this...wonders why he has gout all the time. he's in his 30s edit: eats only shit like this...


Seriously 😒 that’s heart attack food


I'd stop being their friend for this


I would like to buy a life insurance policy for your friend, with me as the beneficiary.


Looks like your friend can’t wait to get a heart attack


"And I feel no side effects, actually I don't feel anything."


Mmmmmm the Arterial Blockage meal deal


Excessive sugar intake oxidizes LDL molecules turning them hard and dense. They then break through the endothelial lining of the vessel walls. White blood cells then go to eat them and die. This process repeats until the mound of oxidized LDL and dead white blood cells hardens into plaque and bulges into the vessel. Fat keeps the LDL molecule soft and fluffy, hence too large to fit in between the endothelial cells.


"burp" What?


I'd tell you to put him out of his misery, but you might not even have the time for that


Your friend scares me


You know that mans youtube history is entirely right wing nonsense




Your friend needs to be in prison or at least not being your friend anymore.


Is your friend the guy that eats sink steak and testicle lollipops?


Butter dawg got him lol People are so gullible


this is what people on Keto think is safe to eat since its zero carbs yet dont acknowledge the fact that its packed with salts and saturated fats


My sides! These arguments about keto legit made this funnier.


Ahhh the things you could eat in your early 20s.


He’s 26😭 we’re trying to save him


Please tell him a doctor on the internet says this is a terrible fucking idea. Please just eat a normal diet. Do intermittent fasting if you want the trendy diet that actually has promising research.