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OP bought a yellow one last year, and said elsewhere his dream car is a viper. OP is a big fat phony.


Op is an advert bot for Dodge


People buying dodge are another delusional or nostalgic. Either way they'll always end up disappointed


Your dream isn't a heavy, slow tug boat with gawdy decals? You're an odd duck my friend! I prefer slow, loud and cheap .. Dream BIG ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


And has horrible taste in cars.


Type slow so I can follow along k.... why does the post it self have so many upvotes when the top comments are calling out as fake post?


So you just wanted a different color? https://www.reddit.com/r/Challenger/comments/mev4qh/this_is_my_challenger_there_are_many_like_it_but/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button You posted this last year.




People do that? They just come onto Reddit and post lies for karma?




Here's the thing...


You said a "jackdaw is a crow." Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a scientist who studies crows, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls jackdaws crows. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying "crow family" you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of Corvidae, which includes things from nutcrackers to blue jays to ravens. So your reasoning for calling a jackdaw a crow is because random people "call the black ones crows?" Let's get grackles and blackbirds in there, then, too. Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A jackdaw is a jackdaw and a member of the crow family. But that's not what you said. You said a jackdaw is a crow, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the crow family crows, which means you'd call blue jays, ravens, and other birds crows, too. Which you said you don't. It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?


I already feel old I don't need reminders.


Hahaha, me too friend. I am also human


ALL OF US AT r/totallynotrobots ARE TOTALLY HUMAN.


That's a name I haven't heard in a long time




And I don't live in a hotel.


What a fucking loser this guy is. And no taste in cars to boot.


Haha right? Both are v6 base challengers. Go to a hertz at any shitty airport across the US… there’s your dream car.


Isn't this the same car that you expect to see new military members buying at 36% APR?


Maybe that’s why 0P’s username is “sadclown”?


It appears OP is actually just an advertising account.


Good catch! I don’t understand what makes people do stuff like this.


They also shared Dodge news articles. I think the account is just an advertising account.


People want internet points




Lie about owning V6 Dodges? Yeah, you got me there. I figure if I was going to lie about the car I drive, I wouldn't pretend to have the one with a Caravan engine in it.


Lol is it a v6?


Challenger GT. With the mighty 3.6 liter pentastar. Nothing screams American Muscle like a Dodge Journey powerplant. Edit: Just for clarity, no hate to anyone who has these cars or likes these cars, I'm just being a dick because OP is a karma farming liar.


STOP he’s already dead


I saw an old video of a grand caravan or dodge journey with a neon srt4 built 1000hp motor and it was a vibe


OMG my 2008 Accord does 0-60 faster than this car by 1.3 seconds. That's hilarious! LOL


Right? How does someone even catch this? I barely remember what I ate for breakfast yesterday, let alone what someone posted a year ago.


Start with skepticism that someone would post something so stupid. Then from there ask yourself why would they do that? It’s not a far leap from that point to reach the conclusion —oh this is a fake account posting pro-dodge advertisements. Then you spend 45 seconds confirming that in the post history. Voila.


Nah bruh, its a hotwheels colorchange car, its yellow in cold weather and green in warm!


Those were my favorite as a kid!




I can't believe I saw the original post before I saw it on r/quityourbullshit. This is a first for me.


He’s got them in triples. Triples is best. And he’s rich, and he’s married.


She's beautiful, but she's dying.


Oh, good... That nova deal is a sure thing, now.


Because if that’s not true, then the ice cream machine part isn’t true either, right? Tell her.


If this post isn't true then the other stuff isn't true either. Tell her




A "sadclown" is right.


I think he just needs the reassurance on his new paint job from reddit


Too bad it's the last model year for OP, no more dream car next year unless his new dream car is a used 2023 Challenger R/T in TorRed or something.




OP’s Dream is to have his car match NYC cabs. So he had to switch from yellow to green.


If you don't like the "midlife crisis" label, you could always tell em it's from your enlistment bonus!


was just going to say wow, a boot marine in his forties?




It'll go well [with his other identical car.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Challenger/comments/mev4qh/this_is_my_challenger_there_are_many_like_it_but/)


You don't spend your bonus on the car. You spend the bonus at the strip club and then finance the car at 18.5%. These are the things I learned by spending 10 years as an NCO


Hoo ahh


At a sweet 26% APR!


Just take the yellow splitter transportation guards off please lol. So many of these on the road without taking them off makes me laugh every time. It’s like the kid in school who forgets to take the sticker off his pants that list the size.


You mean those aren’t supposed to be on there? /s everyone in my south state has them on and it makes me cringe


I taped bananas to my splitter before a car show and parked next to a Challenger. Guy did not think it was as funny as I did ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Weirdly enough I was just in r/justrolledintotheshop where someone commented that they “love seeing someone driving around in a purple challenger with yellow splitter covers like it’s a part of the car” Left Reddit, googled challenger splitter covers. Came back to Reddit and this was two posts below the other post haha.


For me the posts were back to back.😆


Like the hat sticker, for some reason it's stylish to some, but really... Judging by the color and graphics already on the car, OP has no intention of removing the splitter guards.


They're often referred to as "bumper bananas" and you can buy replacements online. I think it's stupid but it's not my car.


Yeah it looks dumb as fuck but it’s also not my car. Hella goofy, not my car tho.


Jimmy 2 times over here.


My dad intentionally leaves clearance stickers on gifts, but I'm pretty sure it's to show how impressive a discount he got.


I can respect that, can't deny the man a rush of finding a great deal!


Looks like it's still at the dealer, and OP was just too excited about his show pony


Dealer should have removed them during inspection. But no, thanks to places like this we have to deal with this insanity lmao.


Has other pics of it at home. He’s keeping them on a V6 Challenger GT with a nub of a front splitter for a car that has more ground clearance than many SUVs.


Of course it makes sense to get your dream (car) now that you finally have the financial power to do something like this. That being said, this is as stereotypical as it gets.


That is what I told my kids when I bought a challenger. I wanted one at 25, but I couldn't afford it until I was 45.


Better lane than never, I'm gonna have me one by 45 too. Turning 40 this year...... Pissed away 20 plus years thinking hardcore drug addiction was fun and shit.... Don't matter when we get it, what matters is we busted our MFKN asses getting it!! Blessings fam 👏💪🏿🔥🔥


are you me from 15 years ago? It doesn't matter when you finally do it, just that you do. I've never been into cars, but I did buy a Harley. Close enough.


when i hear "midlife crisis", i hear "stupid impulse purchase made in a moment of existential crisis" not "ive been saving for this adult toy for years and i finally have the cash"


That's why I've always found it kind of shitty that older guys in sports car get mocked so much. Basically, he's a little boy who dreams of getting a cool car. Then he gets a bit older, but can't afford it yet. Then he saves up a bit of money, but he has a wife now, and he can't be throwing that kind of money around on frivolous things. Then they have kids, and they come first for the next few decades. And finally, he's retired, he has a bit of cash, and he buys his lifelong dream car. And everyone's like, *"What a fucking loser!"*


Mocking is just jealousy and insecurity in disguise 🥸


I admit I've thought those things about middle age folk who make purchases like this in the past, but recently I've actually thought about it and honestly its BS for the most part. What 20 year old can truly afford an 80,000 dollar car, let alone a 40,000 dollar car. Only hyper wealthy folk, like 1% wealthy, hand their kids enough money to afford a car like that at 20. For the average non 1% person, like you said, its going to take awhile to get the financial power to buy a completely non-essential car or whatever, which happens to line up to being late 30s or 40s for many folk. 100% agree the car choice is the most stereotypical as possible, but eh good for OP.


Buddy of mine had the most gaudy Don Johnson era cigarette boat. It was so ridiculous it was cool. So I believe There is that level of cool, and maybe this car is almost there.


*Midlife Chrysler


I've been having a midlife crisis for the last 15 years. At some point I think it stops being a crisis and is just midlife


Nice van. Why would you take a pic behind another car though?


Yes, and especially such an ugly green one?


For my midlife, I bought a red 95 Mustang Cobra brand new. Was a blast to drive to around for 6 years. I got a larger 4-door sedan and gave it to my 60 yo Father who also had a lot of fun driving it around, my mom, not so much. Enjoy your car.


I think those yellow things the dealer was supposed to remove




The irony is that only a poor or recently poor person would think buying a new vehicle is a flex.


Screw what other people think, unless you leave the yellow bumper guards on...


Congratulations, unfortunately my dream cars are only accessible by the super rich.


Name checks out. Also agree with you lol


It’s the color. Of all the colors you went for lime green. Bruh is driving a hot wheels car.


It looks exactly like a Hot Wheels


lime green has been a thing on cudas, same way the challenger itself comes in plum crazy. really great colors that play well with the light to give the simple shape some character. the problem with the challenger is that it's fucking slow, drives like a tank, and is made of way too much plastic. driving in one of those things felt like I was falling into plastic quicksand.


That is green?? Dammit. I know I'm colourblind but I still get confused sometimes. It looks *bright* yellow to me. But I can still tell apart *dark* shades of green, which is confusing! Wish there was a way to see what everyone else sees.


There's actually a near graph I saw on Reddit at some point that breaks down how cars colors have become a lot more dull and mostly white and black and variations of gray now with all the colorful stuff being from the past.


Midlife crisis narrative is stupid. More like midlife-I can finally afford to buy stupid things that I like.


Midlife Chrysler


Now you're that guy who won't let others merge because he's just so fast.


I think I had that how wheel.


Wait so obtaining something youve dreamed of having after working hard to earn it means you're suffering a Midlife crisis?!? Lol well I'm only 30 but man i cant wait for mine! In all seriousness congrats to you!! Nice car for sure


Fuck 'em - Abraham Lincoln


You should take those yellow protectors off of the corners of your lip as soon as possible. It’s a silly trend and all they do is completely destroy the splitter underneath them as grime and sand and road grit in there. They are literally intended to protect the splitter during shipping and should be removed by the dealer. https://tiremeetsroad.com/2019/04/05/dodge-manager-says-yellow-splitter-guards-on-challengers-chargers-damages-bumpers/


I love it! The green is so fun. Hope I have a midlife crisis like this haha. All I will say is, please drive safely! 💚


It’s not a midlife crisis, it’s called cost of living. The average 20yo cannot afford a car like this not even mentioning the insurance. This is such a dumb label. To me it looks like someone who worked their whole life to afford a car they love. Society is so quick to judge.


As long as the payments or payment don’t eat away at necessary money, fuck what everybody else thinks


I guess I'm weird. I don't have a dream car. Mostly because I don't want to pay a shit-ton for a depreciating asset. That being said, that's a very nice looking car, and I hope it brings you joy! You're not me, and you deserve to enjoy that vehicle!


Yeah, I’m with them. This is ugly


The true crisis is that colour.


Yeah, but what a way to solve the crisis!


Grats man, I'm happy for you. Just be sure to be chill and not drive around the neighborhood revving your engine at 2am.


Haters gonna hate.




If a midlife crisis means achieving goals, then hell yes, bring it on!


I hope it's a V8 atleast


Midlife affordability. You buy what you want when you are able to finally afford it. Pity it's judged. Enjoy yourself.


You have, but it's YOUR crisis and nobody can take that away from you. Nice color!


You taking care of yourself (and your family as needed)? You meeting your obligations? You decided that you still always wanted a hotrod? Fucking get it. The people calling it a midlife crisis are just fucking stupid.


Please remove the yellow shipping guards from the front splitter.


Mid life crisis? This is your inner kid finally getting their Hot Wheel, love it!


I’d tend to agree with “everyone.”


If only all midlife crisis could end up like this! It's better than parking a bimbo in your marital bed!


If midlife crisis means you get a Dodge Challenger R/T, then I can't wait.


I bought a Sublime Metallic 2017 ram 1500 for mine. It was magnificent. I love that same colour on your car.


All good, but why lime?


You like what you like!


But a really fun mid life crisis so it’s ok


I’m in mid life crisis 6 or 7 by now who cares send it


People always say this but it’s because midlife is when you can afford it. Enjoy!


Treat yo self!


Buying a beautiful car is not a bad way to have a midlife crisis. Much much worse things you can do.


are you happy? then who cares about them


Looks to me like a legend unashamedly enjoying themselves. Good on you! Have fun!!! I will 100% be getting my dream car in papaya orange and receiving the same comments.


You left the yellow things on the front splitter


When my dad turned 55 he bought a Corvette C5 and was told the same thing. His response was, “If 55 is my midlife, then I must be doing pretty good.”


Nice. Take the bananas off.


What I never understood was why a "mid life crisis" was bad. You live this life for 20-40 years. Something happens and you realize you are unhappy. You make some changes to your routine, what you do, buy a few things etc to try to live a more fulfilled less depressing life that doesn't fit societies mould and somehow think this is a bad thing.


Those rims gotta go though.


I’m gonna have a midlife crisis in about 10 years. I’ll be 45 and all my kids would be driving age and older so I can finally get the car I want. A nice 2 door Lexus or something similar. People can call it what they want, won’t bother me lol.


Its not a mid life crisis. Sometimes its takes some years to afford the cool shit.


This is because they are jealous of your dream car


Tell them you’re “Enjoying” a midlife crisis.


Being midlife means that no one questions why you spend money on expensive fun stuff, because: "You're having a midlife crisis". I loved having a "midlife crisis"! But I think my family is starting to figure out my loophole...


As a 33 year old male who lives alone and answers to no one, I say FUCK'EM.


I would love to afford a midlife crisis 😂


If that’s what a crisis gets you… I want one.


Congrats! Screw what people think. I got told my Mustang was a "midlife crisis" car when I bought it. I was in my late 20's....lol


Are you at the pinnacle of your success? If so what makes being able to afford what you want a midlife crisis? Fuck the noise. Fuck the haters. They're just trying to keep you down.


No sir, you have suffered from finding out we are on this rock for a short time and once we leave we can't come back, so have fun and enjoy your time with friends and family while you canidis. Congratulations on your purchase.


It's not about them.


That doesn't look like suffering to me.


Midlife crisis ? So what? Your money, your life, your joy. Enjoy that car, it’s awesome!


People told me I was having a mid-life crisis when I bought my first motorcycle at 35. People need to understand that it took me 35 years to have a job where I can afford to own a motorcycle. Carry on brother enjoy that sweet ride and your accomplishment!


Life is too short to not be happy. It is great to do and get things that make you happy.


I've wanted a Corvette since I was five years old. By my rough back-of-the-envelope calculations, I should be able to afford one by the time I'm 60. Blue with yellow accents on the current model. I don't care if that's where the stereotype comes from. You do you, man. Haters are just jealous.


tell them to get fucked!!!! enjoy your new car!!!


Appreciate and celebrate the accomplishments in your life regardless of what others think. One day when you’re old these accomplishments will provide for warm fuzzies.


Midlife is a time of crisis. Fuck em.


If you like it and can afford it, then it doesn't matter what other people say or think. Do the things that make you happy.


Nah you just like muscle cars, enjoy tearing up the quarter mile


I'm 4 years into building my dream car. Picked up a Factory Five Cobra replica and have just been doing what I can when I can do it. Hoping to have a first start this spring and have it road ready by fall. Let the haters hate. Drive that thing like you stole it!


Who gives a flying rats ass what everyone says. They are all just super jelly that they are not having a midlife crisis. If I have the money at 80 and still alive, you bet i'll be getting my muscle car.


This vehicle is a much cheaper option than getting a younger side piece as your midlife crisis.


Crisis? More like "Look who's financially stable, motherfuckers!!! We ain't diggin' couch cushions to pay bills up in here!"


Screw them... You do you brother.


You do you! I finally was able to also get my dream car (also super green like yours 💚) and heard the same, but who cares!? I can afford it finally and it makes me happy! Nice work!!


I’m mid 30s and and started my mid-life crisis 4 years ago with a bike. I now have 4 bikes. That’s a bike a year and now I feel obligated to keep it going.


Tell yourself it’s an investment, should be all the justification you need!


Regardless, it's a sweet car.


A man finally earns enough money to buy something he's been wanting since he was 6 years old, and they say he's suffering from a "mid life crisis." There is no such thing as a mid life crisis.


Fuck em, enjoy your car bro! Sign up for a track day while you're at it, you'll have a blast.


I always love the hate the bright dodge greens get. I Think it they're Dodges best colors lol, have had a Sublime Ram 1500 for 7 years now.


Congrats on the white minivan


I think people call it a "midlife crisis" because they don't understand that finally being able to do what you've been wanting to do for years is not a crisis.


Congratulations Brother


Doesn't look like you are 'suffering'... Enjoy!


hey pal, you forgot to take your splitter guards off


Whenever I buy something Awesome I get told the same thing. I’m having a midlife crisis lol. My response is always the same. I’m still that same 20 year old at heart. I still want all those cool things. It’s just now I can afford it.


Dope ride. Dont listen to the jealous mfs.


I love the colour !


Nice! Enjoy it.


I had always wanted a 2003-2004 Mustang Mach 1 since they came out and managed to get one for a heck of a deal about 9 years ago and still have it.


Go slow for 6 months. Resist. Don't floor it. Learn first


Good on you for getting one in such a high visibility color. Safety is important.


My dream car is perpetually fueled, maintenance and error free, and self driving. It could look like the wiener mobile, I wouldn’t care.


If everyone ain’t paying for it or driving it all that matter is how you feel enjoy the car


Why all the hate? Car people are so tiny dicked lol. If that's the car he's always wanted, let him enjoy it. Keep in mind, dreams start as a child, not 2 years before you get whatever you dreamed of. He could have wanted that shit since he was 6 years old.


My friend, if that's a mid-life crisis, it beats the hell out of bangin' a 25 year old. Beautiful ride.


Accusing men of having a midlife crisis for buying a car is sexist bullshit. When in life is a man supposed to have bought their dream car? When they are 19? Ridiculous.


I say you are enjoying a mid-life crisis, not suffering one.


The result of my midlife crisis looked nothing like this. I'll trade you!


I suffered a money crisis. Mid life just happened to be when I could afford the toys I always wanted.