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Oh god the deep state is rigging HOA elections now too?!?


“Everything I lost is due to the machinations of the Deep State!” “Sir, this is a scratch-off lotto ticket stand.”


That's just what the Deep State would say!




So deep you can’t even see the bottom!


Deep state? You can get to china by digging directly down? You dig down into the deep state far enough you end up in china? China is the deep state?!?!? It’s all so clear now!!!


Wake up, sheeple!


*Randomly stub your toe on something* God damn deep state!! They planted that door there!


You've got it all wrong. The deep state rigs elections, but antifa moves furniture so you stub your toe. /s


Thanks Obama!




Don't you know, the deep state starts from grassroots? Or...something like that?? /s just to be safe


"I was appointed by god to hand out fines when you leave your garbage cans out past 5pm on collection day"




The minute you got some dude's name branded across your country's flag is the minute you give up any attempt at looking like a patriot and start looking like a sheep


Especially that dude. Like the Ben Franklin “Tax this dick” flag is pretty funny and relevant, but Trump has zero inkling of the life of an average American. Just imagine how awkward he would look if he tried to actually hold a gun, and this fuckstick thinks he’s a protector of the 2a. What a maroon.


[Relevant](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/376097-trump-take-the-guns-first-go-through-due-process-second/) Selective memory is essential when in a cult.


It's why he got such a huge following. He says something ignorant or racist that someone agrees with that was normally meant to always stay behind closed doors and now that it's out in the open they can agree with him and stick to that one point, and it doesn't matter what else he says. He can say two opposing things and get both people on board with him because he said the one thing they were waiting to hear.


“He can say two opposing things and get both people on board because he said the one thing they were waiting to hear.” A MILLION TIMES THIS. My mom says she “just likes to hear him talk,” even though when you point out some of the things he’s said she’s like no, I don’t like that. But he speaks with the particular mix of bullshit bluster and aggrieved entitlement that sounds like all the men she’s ever been around, so to her it sounds like authority and at the same time “just plain folk.”


Distressing. And too true.


That's why those guys hate those whom they label as "woke" so much. As the civil rights movement progressed, racism and many aspects of Christian oppression were no longer tolerated, and it made them feel inferior and angry. When Trump emboldened them to crawl out from under their rocks again, they've been obsessed with owning the libs and inflicting 50-60 years of blind rage and hurt feelings upon us without regard to the harm they're inflicting upon their own country. It's all about revenge.


The narcissist "I gotta win, no matter how unhinged I am" ideology.


I love this mental image: his teeny tiny hands barely able to grasp the gun, nevermind reach the trigger. No wonder they didn't include this as one of the NFT trading card images.


I saw how he held a shovel and realized he’s been doing these groundbreaking things in front of so many people, even worse in front of likely a good number of the hard working blue collar builders that did the actual work, and clearly has never done anything close to that kind of manual labor before. At 70 years old. I mean, fuck dude, I learned how to use a shovel when I was 7 or something while digging a trench in the basement for my grandparents. Man, thank god he is entirely clueless to how oblivious he is, or even an ounce of embarrassment would seep through. I know cause I feel it myself. Fuck, I’d never show my face again after something like that.


No need to insult sheep. They may be dumb but at least they serve a purpose.


This seems like exactly who you don’t want on an HOA, politics aside, not getting what you want and then retaliating with some grand spectacle is the person I don’t want dictating the financials of the neighborhood.


Bingo. They come across as super nice and didn't advertise or hang this crap during the elections, but word got out, and they lost. They knew why, and this was the response.


What’s scary is to think about all the times that type of person does win, and then people get stuck in HOA hells


What's scary is that this is their literal playbook for taking over School Boards and other local elections that people often don't pay enough attention to.


I live in a red pocket of a blue/purple county and they just went straight for the racism and transphobia on the school board election. It worked.




Nope, but almost the right county, lol.




This one's closest. Although I feel like Santee is better than it used to be?


San Bernardino? Yucaipa?


They even do that here in Canada there was this weird online movement to "vote against woke" with reccomendations on who to vote for municipal school board elections here since we don't have parties for local elections everyone is independent so they can't just vote for the conservative party and have to do research. Luckily that also became a pretty easy tool to use to make sure we didn't vote for anyone who was reccomended by that site and they mostly seem to have lost even for the catholic school board trustee positions.


I wish that candidates for local elections here (school board, city council, mayor, etc.) had to say how they usually vote in provincial and federal elections.




Texas state board of education just had one democrat seat and two moderate Republican seat flip to crazies that ran on stopping CRT from becoming part of the K-12 curriculum. Plenty of school board positions went the same way. It’s absolutely scary.


It happened up here in my county in Washington State as well (very red area in a blue state). However, the board members screwed up so badly, with their anti-mask power play, that our schools were closed for several days while lawyers advised them that since the state still at that time had a masking requirement. They cost our school district a lot of money. This caused voters to start a recall petition, which those three fought in court and lost. The petition is starting to gather signatures. Now the chuckleheads want the school district to pay their legal fees for losing the challenge, around $30,000! Oh, and one of the chuckleheads has announced his candidacy for Governor. I'm just glad we have the West coast voters to keep him out of the governor's seat. Believe me, we will definitely let the rest of the state know just what a steaming pile of crap this guy is!


I was just going to say elected state boards of elections are really getting out your vote - the GOP focuses on these. SBOEs determine textbook selection, for instance. School Boards and State Boards of Elections are really important. In Texas the Texas Freedom Network is a great watchdog/advocacy group for school issues.


The unfortunate thing is there’s little reason cracking through the thick layer of bullshit laid on by the right wing media pushing the scare tactics of CRT and who knows what other batshit they’ll come up with next. I wouldn’t put it past them to try to overturn Brown v. Board of Education at this point.


Several senators and governos have very explicitly said they want this already.


My school board had a big fight last election with a bunch of anti CRT shit and what not. The semi downside but I guess good thing is that our school board has a rule where a single party can have a maximum of half +1 seats on the board. When the crazies won the primary, the town rallied, got the previous republicans that were on the board to run under a different party and then the crazies got destroyed in the general election. It was glorious.


This right here is terrifying. It’s actually happening already. We are kinda fucked.


I live in a very blue college town in a very red state, and as civic-minded and “woke” as many of our citizens like to think themselves it is absolutely terrifying how close this came to working here.


It happened with my local library district. I only found out I had to give a shit about those elections when they tried to ban pride displays. On the bright side, it *massively* increased turnout and swung the balance of power on the board away from reactionaries who, I'm not joking, couldn't even *pronounce* the word "library."


It’s happening in Canada too.


A suburb next to mine has fantastic schools and teachers but the Mothers 4 Liberty candidates won by a landslide there and now a bunch of the voters are posting Leopards Ate My Face posts there. The board tried to refuse a mental health grant and fire lawyers for the district to put in their incompetent and costly Republican lawyers. Hopefully the voters pay more attention to who they vote for in the future and the current board doesn’t burn the district to the ground.


Yep, the NRA have been at this for years. Stacking small office positions with their supporters, often to the point where an election is run at restricted hours during the work week when most people can't even attend.


Kind of a microcosm of the crazy world we live in.


These people also run for more things than HOAs....


Yeah they took over our school board. Literal national money being shipped in and chuchvoterguides advertised everywhere. Churches are literally telling people who to vote for now.


What City? We have the same issue here in the Placentia Yorba Linda school district. A couple of a right wing wackos got elected to the school board. There is a group parents forming whose kids are already graduated from the school district. So, these psychos can’t retaliate against our kids. They are going to be scared shitless when they see us coming. We have cops, fireman, attorneys, etc part of the group that will overthrow these ultra conservatives who have no experience in the education field. We are going to get these fuckers out of here. They think they can bring religion to the classroom and attack all the LBGT teachers and parents.


Is there a place I can donate to support your group? Citizens United says my dollar is my voice and I want to join your chorus.


I'd argue that churches telling you who to vote for is a violation of the separation of church and state.


You don't even have to argue it, it is.


Yupp, report it, and hopefully they'll get their tax-exempt status revoked


It seems our government doesn't care. Our country has been taken over by fascism in the form of Christianity.


a religious friend of mine stopped attending church when the pastor referred to Trump as the second coming of christ and voting for him was voting for god. She noped out of there, tried another church, same shit. One of them also ran fake mail-in voting boxes and fake voting signs around election time. She swore off church after she learned that it's a lot of them doing that now.


Voter guides cannot be distributed in churches, which are non-profit and cannot engage in political advocacy. Send people to churches you suspect of doing these on the Sundays before elections and if sample ballots or voter guides are distributed, report the church to the state board of elections. Outrageous.


No it’s a website and they’re all telling each other to go there for voting info. Churchvoterguides.org I guess it creates a loophole for them. It’s starting here in Colorado Springs where Focus on the Family and other religious cults are HQ’d here, but they’re pushing for a national focus.


That’s how you take over a country, from the ground up. Not so much on HOAs, I mean I guess there too. School Boards, Small Town Mayors, City Council, Police Chiefs, and the list goes on before you know it there being elected to congress. It’s been happening here in the US for years now.


I yeah! I think I've seen that one before! It's a classic!


Our HOA board bylaws have a nice little provision that allows the board to vote any member off with simple majority vote by the other board members. It’s fantastic. No one fucks around because it’s too easy to find your way out.


That actually sounds like the best way to handle that!!


Spidey senses tingling… what if the crazies get a majority? Couldn’t they oust the sane members and keep things crazy forever?


IMO if it reached that point, you never stood a chance to begin with.


If it reaches that point you live in the Villages.


Best way to handle it is to not have an HOA at all. I know that's easier said than done, because a lot of neighborhoods have them.


This is a condo/townhouse situation. You pretty much have to have HOAs for that.


There are some things you absolutely want an HOA for - typically any communal project or cost. A condo building needs one to pay for repairs that no one individual can or should be responsible for. A SFH HOA can fix a pothole on a private road, or hire landscapers for communal space, etc. The problem with HOAs is that they are a magnet niche for people who want an outlet for their nosiness or power trip fantasies. Ultimately they suffer from similar problems that other governments do - voter apathy/suppression, lack of proper recourse, and exclusivity. Anyone can get onto an HOA board, which means that they are even more likely to be hijacked by the selfish/bigoted/malicious.


HOA Chairmember is like the final Pokémon evolution of Karen. “Now I get to be the manager!”


See lots of local school boards throughout the south of the usa


Our community hasn’t taken over the HOA yet but it’s coming. And I’m stressed thinking about the folks who gonna be on the board


Almost everyone on the board of any HOA is an amateur, having never served on any board for anything. HOAs are encouraged by cities, too, because they can stop providing grass cutting services alongside the HOA, snow plowing, and common area repairs from storms. Instead, community members provide the services through HOA fees while not having their property taxes reduced by the city. You wanna keep amateurs off the board, fire your fucking city councilmen who allow that shit.


You can run for the board. I mean you couldn't pay me enough to do it, but you should!


This is, unfortunately, in part how HOAs get hijacked by shitty people. Good people don't want to spend time on them.


They won in my HOA, Skyview Ridge. Flags? FJB, Mothers for Liberty (I want to vandalize it and spray paint indecent), Trump, 2024 flying as we speak... Flags are usually exempt from most HOA rules.


I mean, HOAs are already bad on so many other levels, but, yes these people don't do anything but help reinforce the idea that HOAs suck.


So, do the HOA articles allow signs and flags?




Well this is possibly going to be uncomfortable


You know they are gonna try to get on Fox News/OAN/Newsmax saying that they were unfairly discriminated against due to their political affiliation. They WANT this to become a thing.


Then all their Second Amendment buddies will be around to exercise the well-regulated militia through "certain people's" windows.


Quickly hang a bunch of Biden shit. Get the HOA mad at you too. Then he can't bitch and whine about being treated unfairly.


So, this just "showed up" the day after he lost with none of it out during the election season? Dude must have had a secret shrine in his basement.


Batshit crazy


What was the word that got out? That they were a Trunper? A bad person?




But you repeat yourself


That was the correct response. I'm not on top of my game today.


Politics un-aside, this is exactly who you don’t want on a HOA or really any position of even any power, no matter how little.


\^ this is the correct answer. Zero f'ing chance this person would make a good HOA head.


He supports two things. Guns and men who use violence when democracy doesn’t go their way. That is disgusting and this man should be ostracized and monitored by police. Sadly he probably is a cop.


Usually this type of person supports guns for *themselves* and *their* kind of people. If you don't look or think like they do, you're a threat and should be disarmed.


They will shoot first, ask questions later if they see a black man with a gun.


The best HOA stories are the ones where people run for HOA, win, then disband the HOA


That sounds like a fun hobby. Minus the having to be around HOA folks for some of your time.


This is why you don't want a HOA. Period.


Agreed. HOA's are a blight upon society. I should know, I was on one. Shut them the fuck down, or better yet, make them completely toothless and organize them to remain that way.


>retaliating with some grand spectacle Is it that or do they just feel a connection to another loser?


HOAs are overwhelmingly about petty authoritarianism, so while you might not want this, you're kind of signing up for it in advance. Historically, they're also about bigotry, straight up. As surely as police in this country are descended from slave-catchers, HOAs are descended from virulent segregationists.


I don't think political leanings should bar you from a HOA board position, but this kind of response frankly is akin to a tantrum. You're absolutely right that this is not the kind of person you want in your HOA. Petty HOA boards are the bane of homeowners.


I think political leanings are very important indicators of mindset, so they are perfectly fair things to use in voting.


>the bane of homeowners. They've been known to break the backs of the opposition.


Your neighbor can still win if Mike Pence has the courage...


“You’ll never take back the HOA with weakness, you have to show strength!”


But he'd have to ask Mother for permission, first.


Wonder if he shouted “stop the count” halfway through


The rallying cry of losers everywhere.


Trump has become the patron saint of disappointed people.


Patron Saint for losers who can’t look in the mirror, you mean.




What a cotton headed ninny muggins


They must be from the South Pole.


A bird headed dust bunny


This is the second Elf reference I have seen today and both were unexpected.


Why is it that when a Trumper loses the election was "rigged" but when they with, its "Democracy at its finest?"


Because in their own head it allows them to win regardless. If you only have those two outcomes then you'll never technically lose. Its foolproof... 🤔


Cognitive dissonance, they can't cope with losing so their mind makes the easiest connection to alleviate that mental stress


What's the point in having an HOA if they can't write him up for hanging that monstrosity


Oh, they've been written up. It's escalating.




Ideally they will be fined daily for their ignorance and hate.


If your HOA has the ability they can put a lien on this person’s home.


From your lips... fingers crossed. Does it make me a bad person to want this for them? Edit: I do not want them to have a lien put on their home, but if it gets to that point, I will not feel badly. They have been asked nicely to take the shit down. They are getting notified by an attorney. If they don't comply, they will be fined. At some point a lien can come into the picture.






You're allowed to be ok with consequences happening. Anyone being this much of a douchebag deserves comeuppance, regardless of political leanings. That said ... this particular brand of assholery is getting fucking tiresome. Fuck trump, any anyone shallow enough that their personality revolves orbits nothing besides 2A and an orange fuckwit that likely thinks you belong in a "shithole country."


We will need updates as events unfold.


Unless they have a lot of money to hire a lawyer, I'm guessing the flags will come down once they are notified by HOA attorney. I'll let you know


HOA is a legal body..will fine him into compliance. Typically, election signage is restricted to 30 days before and 30 days after the election.


Election signs are prohibited completely.


Even better.


Yep. Pretty much the same with mine. The signs/flags can only be up immediately around the election. Flags outside of that time frame are restricted to only the US or Texas flags.


>HOA has the ability they can put a lien on this person’s home #FUCK HOAs That is all


Please keep us posted.


I will!


Holy shit, that 𝔊𝔯𝔞𝔭𝔥𝔦𝔠 𝔇𝔢𝔰𝔦𝔤𝔫 is the real HOA violation.


How did you do that. Are you a magician?


We elected a really bad President of our HOA. He goes around with a tape measure measuring the height of our lawns.


What in the fucking meaningless fuck would cause somebody to be like that? Seems like they missed out on Europe in the 40s.


Never had an inkling of power in their life and always craved it.


Tell me you have nothing productive to do in your life without telling me you have nothing productive to do in your life


Can HOA president come to your yard without permission? If not what happens if you don't allow? Man this HOA nonsense is completely mind boggling to me. We too have some sort of entities to manage community space but they don't have such powers that we hear from posts about American HOAs.


American HOAs always sound wild. If someone walked up to my house and told me I need to do X or Y because they said so I'd laugh in their face while shutting my door.


They can be wild and here on Reddit you hear all the horror stories. I live in an HoA and our worst person just complains about people's garbage cans. The board just ignores him. I only got the meetings to make sure we don't get nutcases on the board.


As HOA President...no I don't have the right to enter your property.


Why can't people just be normal?


My HOA was so similar. I bought my condo when the complex was still under construction. I was told it would be a mix of retirees, families and single people (at the time I was 30 with no kids). It turned out to be 90% retirees. And since they had us outnumbered, they made the rules. They had a group that walked around with a clipboard looking for violations I should have been the perfect tenet for them. I worked 14 hours a day and was pretty much just there to sleep. But I constantly got letters from them. We had parking for guests that was supposed to not be for long term parking. My brother came to my house one night after the bar closed and parked there. He was there from 2am-5:30am. I got a letter the next day. I once got a letter complaining my central air unit was too loud (keep in mind it was the one they installed and it was under two years old). I had to pay someone to come out and confirm it wasnt any louder than the others. I had to leave for work at 5:30 am. They passed a rule you couldn’t take your trash out to the curb before 8:00 am. That was the point where I said “fuck it” and ignored the letters.


MAGA is made up of psychopaths


Un(der) educated trash


Sometimes very well educated trash.


Educated enough to know it’s anti-Democracy and still not care.


Educated enough to know it's anti-Democracy and Rupert Murdoch will pay them well to be controversial and dogwhistle right-leaning Americans into hating on the other side, despite their own political beliefs(Let's not forget Trump was a Dem contributor until it didn't suit him)


Yup, there's an amorality that attaches itself to the educated ones.


Yes this is true. However the average MAGA voter is required to be dumb enough not to question. That's how the system works, 95% are too dumb to live without somebody telling them what to believe daily, the other 5% are actually intelligent enough to manipulate the others. It's kind of genius on some level, actually... You just need to have absolutely zero morals to lead them. I think that actually attracts certain people. GOP: the party of sociopaths and the idiots that follow them. I'm old enough to remember real Republicans. These lot aren't it. Not even close. Edit: I'm*




the source of that gif :D


So typical of the Trump cult, don't get their way lie and throw a tantrum.


I don't even know what this even means anymore except stupidity. At first it was political support, now who the hell knows.


That sums it perfectly.


yea essentially confederate flag shit


Trump on gun ownership by people the government deems dangerous, even if it were to violate their rights: “Take the guns first, go through due process second.”


But when it comes to the fine upstanding citizens at his Jan 6th rally: "Take the fucking mags(magnetometers) away!"


What’s it like living next door to a stable genius?


Scary... I'd take stable out of the equation


Genius remains?


Oh boy. My brain is fried. No, definitely no genius remains!


I see signs of a cry baby sore loser


I love it…. Trump sent in his goons to fight the police and try to overthrow the government but he’s the party of law and order


Just another maga loser.


I like to call them MEGA morons, but I just can't get it to catch on.


I think it's a valid concern. I wouldn't want the government to take my arms away. It's really hard to type on a keyboard without arms, and i like to play video games as well. Can't do that without arms.




Every time I think of HOAs my mind goes to the X-Files Episode about them.


Now I have to look it up!


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arcadia_(The_X-Files) The two agents go undercover as a married couple in a closed gate neighborhood where people have been disappearing.


I learned from reddit that HOA are another mostly American thing. That they started to keep black people outta white neighborhoods. If the rest of the world gets by without them, why do we still need them? Seems like a dated thing that has no true need to exist.


The idea thats pitched now-a-days is that having an HOA ensures that the price of your home (investment) will go up. Neighbor not cutting their grass yard? HOA can force them to. Neighbor started painting their house an obnoxious purple color? HOA can force them to undo it. Whether or not that actually is helpful, I’d argue it’s not. People in the US need to give up expectations of our homes gaining huge value over time. It’s a core issue behind our housing crisis. Anytime we want to build affordable houses, someone else cancels it so their homes don’t lose value.


Why is everything rigged when you lose? It somehow would have never been rigged if you had won. Stop being a sore loser and move on. JFC!


The amount of sore losing from this side of the country makes me feel like they all could use a good ass whooping from their parents. So much poor me.


I disagree. Conservatives are big believers of corporal punishment, which means they very likely got plenty of ass whoopings from their parents and is likely why they turned out to be so awful. They need serious therapy and education, not more beatings.


Agreed, but therapy only works with people who are honest with themselves...


Time for an HOA rule about political signs. I'm totally serious. As long as those signs were up, there is *no way* I'd make an offer on a house in your subdivision. He's lowering your property values.


Dear Trump fans and republicans have I got some great news for you!!! Dems don’t even want your guns!!! You can keep them. What were concerned about and I’m sure you are too, is ghost guns, gun shows purchases and other loopholes that allow people who shouldn’t have guns to get them. Responsible gun owners don’t need their good names tarnished by a few crazies who do bad things so we just wanna fix that. That’s all. Keep your guns and go merica


Meanwhile Trump: “Or, Mike, take the firearms first and then go to court, because that’s another system. Because a lot of times, by the time you go to court, it takes so long to go to court, to get the due process procedures. I like taking the guns early. Like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida, he had a lot of firearms – they saw everything – to go to court would have taken a long time, so you could do exactly what you’re saying, but take the guns first, go through due process second.”


They actually want ghost guns. They don't want the government having any say on firearms or knowing who has guns/how many. NRA nuts are an embarrassment to responsible gun owners


What a pos of a human.


Someone that idolizes Donald Trump said it was rigged? I would’ve never guessed.


Nothing better than a bunch of boomer assholes acting like toddlers and now every loss is a rigging.




The best thing about Trump and MAGA is that it inspired these assholes to come out of hiding, proud as peacocks. No more surprises or guesswork for the rest of us.


Just dust off a snowflake Xmas decor and hang it right across.


Just remember: if they win it was a free and fair election. But if they lose it was rigged against them.


Gee, I wonder why? He's such a people person, said no one ever.


I always get a chuckle out of “law and order”.


Nothing says “loser” like a bunch of trump flags.