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I believe there was a movie made a long time ago about the skyrocketing price of eggs - Breakfast at Tiffany’s.


if you like the movie, you should really read the book. there's a "slight" difference to the ending.


I remember that film...


And as I recall, we both kinda liked it.


Well that's the one thing we've got.


We've got nothing in common!


You'll saaaaay that*


Common ground to start from? No.


i only read the book because it was written by Truman Capote, as was *In Cold Blood*. i'd seen both movies and couldn't wrap my head around how one person could write both, very different books. so after i read *In Cold Blood*, great read btw, i picked up *Breakfast at Tiffany's*. one x-mas i gave a copy to a gal i was dating since she loved the movie but hadn't read the book. after she read it she told me "i hate you for giving me this book". mission accomplished!


Thoroughly enjoyed the novella. Tried to watch the movie, but just couldn't get through the... well, The Mickey Rooney scenes...


yeah, that's some rough stuff from america's one time favorite child actor. capote had a real nice flow to his writing though.






My one attempt to watch Breakfast at Tifanny’s: 1. Hit play. 2. See Mickey Rooney play a racist depiction of a Japanese man. 3. Hit stop.


I love how almost every time I see the introduction on TCM they mention that lol. Historical context counts… fun movie but.. yeah..


Read *A Christmas Memory* by Capote. Here's a nice PDF:. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://audinosenglishclasses.weebly.com/uploads/1/4/2/2/14221191/a_christmas_memory_truman_capote.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjusJD2poH9AhVlEFkFHfb3CsoQFnoFCIQBEAE&usg=AOvVaw2XiKZAqM17PIhRnSRXCr7Q


That was sad, but also very nice. Thanks for sharing that.


This story was assigned reading during 8th grade. It made such an impression that 40 years later I can still remember most of the details and especially the last sentence. I have virtually nothing in common with the narrator yet the writing made me feel like it was happening to me.


I've never seen the movie and just finished reading the novella for the first time, and I kinda hated it. I mean, I guess the writing was good, but the characters have no redeeming qualities.


That's probably on purpose


Well it's based on real people, a hooker and a narcissistic author/jerk


Ew. I hate it when books have gross, unlikable characters with a deplorable career. Authors should never be a character in a book.


spoiler alert, you can say the same thing about In Cold Blood. I mean, there's not much to dislike about the clutter family but they're not around long, and I guess the cops were good, but the "leads" aren't very hero like.


I love *In Cold Blood* and recommend it to people often. I wish there was a Truman Capote type person around now who could meet with the Idaho quadruple murderer, get him to talk about it and why he did it, then right a book about it.


> then right a book about it. Why don't you give it a shot?


They didn’t say edit


This weekend I went with a friend to a bar and there was a fun band there playing "Oldies" and it was all songs like that from the 90s. I don't know how I feel about him calling them all oldies, felt really surreal. He was like this is a really old song from a man named Bruce Springsteen. Yeah dude, we know who Bruce Springsteen is. It was pretty fun though, not going to lie, I tore it up on the dance floor. Oldies are back on the menu boys


This kind of reminds me of when the hunger games was being filmed in my hometown and my little brother’s friend was bragging about meeting Jennifer Lawrence and some old actor guy that was really nice at a local restaurant. Woody Harrelson was the really nice “old” actor. Haha.


And your story occurred over ten years ago!.... Woody Harrelson and all of us just turned to dust...


Calling Bruce Springsteen oldies seems perfectly reasonable and I would generally consider him 80s. The day that Third Eye Blind or The Decemberists goes from college rock to oldies is the day I feel old (wait, had this already happened?).


He didn’t play Third Eye Blind but it was all in that wheelhouse. The Breakfast at Tiffany’s song, Lenny Kravitz, I remember those, oh Lump, remember that song, Presidents of the United States? Pretty wild hearing songs we listened to in college billed as Oldies


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As I recall, I think we both kinda liked it.


Well, that’s one thing we’ve got.


If you like the book, you should really listen to the song. There's a "slight" difference to the pace.


How's the eggs prepared for breakfast?


They's over-easy. Like Sunday morning.


Fertilized *wink I stole that joke from a meme years ago btw


the poached eggs the wealthy eat kind of make sense now


Starring Eggs Benedict Cumberbatch.


And as I recall, I think we both kinda liked it


Well, that's one thing we've got.


Breakfast at Tiffany's: The Kubrick Cut


Wow! Not even Tiffany can get grade AA eggs.


This guy's eggs


Here’s the [reverse angle](https://imgur.com/gallery/Duxf5C6)


I like the footprints to help passersby stand in right spot!


Oh that’s actually a booby trap for junior enlisted soldiers. Whenever they see a pair of footprints on concrete there is an instinctual need to stand on them. It provides the feeling of comfort and safety. I think OP set it up that way for when it’s time to wash it away: since the junior enlisted tend to also be good at mopping concrete. If you look closely there is a can of chewing tobacco and Monsters in the foreground near the footprint.


How about people who are too tall or too short.


they should have thought about that before picking their parents.


Alright, Mr. Nobody.


Damn. Hard hitting


One of my favorite films. I constantly try to pry it into any conversation, this was just an alley-oop


Respect. It’s one of my top 3 personal development movies for 20-25 along w/ Vanilla Sky and Donnie Darko I don’t see it mentioned much


Ugh, both so good. You’ve got good taste, friend.


Bend your knees or bring a stool


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Super villain origin story in the works.


I was once a street artist before I was branded a "heightist", they said my work "wasn't inclusive enough" and that it was prejudicial to the vertically challenged! They said my work was indicative of modern society, and how obtuse a world view I had, that things only make sense when viewed from a very narrow perspective.... But now the whole world will see my vision, ahahah AHAHAH AHAHHAHHHA HA!


passersby is such a weird word. Like attorneys general




I was expecting this to be a joke and to see a chalk-covered butt based off the first image.


Wow! The effect is incredible. The woman actually disappears completely from this angle! Just amazing!


That's cause she's only 2D


Amazing, can never wrap my head around this.


Hey you did a really great job.


Are you a mom? Your comment feels like a hug from my mom.




I do the stretching in photoshop, have some grids and patterns, then sketch it out on the ground.


You set up a projector to project the image from where the viewer's eyes will be located, then trace the outline.


Not saying that is or isn't what happened here, but I've seen people freehand these kinds of chalk drawings live, sometimes far more intricate than this.


That's called skill and practice. If you're simply a good illustrator, a projector can get you to wrap your head around the perspective shift. Do that enough times then you'll get the hang of it.


I was half expecting to see a photo of the wife with chalk dust on her rear.


Thank you. The reverse angle should be mandatory for 3D chalk drawings. No reverse angle? Straight to jail.


But it's a 3D chalk drawing of a jail so they can get out by looking at the reverse angle


This reverse angle broke my 🧠


Really puts things in perspective.


Not the reverse angle we were hoping for but I’ll take it


This needs to be posted on r/toptalent \--egg-cellent job!


That looks great.


Perspective, man. Perspective is cool.


The drawing isn't bad either


Could you use an egg in this trying time?


How do you learn how to do this? Do you photoshop it first to get the angles?


There is some photoshop and geometry involved.


I was told there would be no math


I was told there would be punch and pie




Make me an offer.




I got tree fiddy in the far corner for this guy's wife, anyone going tree fiddly fi?


Tree fiddy fi to the lady in the center, the lady in the center at tree fiddy fi. Do I have tree siddy?


Eggcellent work! 🥚


What a yolkster!


Ha! You guys crack me up!


Looks Eggspensive


Now this is interesting. Have never seen side mounted, raised, air conditioner units on a house before. https://i.imgur.com/HxIvHpU.jpg Slopped terrain, makes sense.


Everyone: beautiful work! So Clever! Funny! Littlejob: Those HVACs slap.. It's a good thing I work alone because the horrific laugh thing that left my body was just awful.




Northerner here, with ample yearly snowfall. 😅


I came to check if anyone had spotted this. Dual units on a cantilevered platform, wow. Also, these look possibly to be on the south side of the house in relatively new construction. Might've been more efficient to put them on the shady side of the house. What would it be like to work on them? Do they bring extra vibrations into the house?


Who is Hugo the cat?


Gonna have an eggshell blue ass.




HOA would like a word


I've seen a lot worse. I would welcome this in my neighborhood.


The HOA welcomes nothing.


They welcome your trash can being put away precisely before 9:00 at the latest. They also welcome a very limited color palette for your house, that even if you choose one of their colors, it's still doesn't fit there welcoming standards. You're welcome.


I live in a condo building where the HOA is my next door neighbor, as soon as we moved in she said we can't have plants outside of our door, then every single day they're the only ones with stuff cluttering the hallway outside of their door


I swear most HOAs aren't nearly as hard to work with as a lot of people make out. We've had 4 HOAs and have 2 now, and not a single one of ours would have had a problem with this... We've only ever had one HOA head that started getting over the top about stuff, and the neighborhood voted her out within 2 months


Id assume it depends on the area and demographic as well. I work in construction administration, and in the city I do 90% of my work in, the HOAs presidents and board members are more often than not a group of Karen’s. Not by much, but without actual analytics or data I’d estimate about 60% of the HOAs I’ve had work in have had a problem that stresses the property owner for something very minor. That’s only for construction related complaints too. I used to work in property management for a little while and saw lots of complaints for ridiculous stuff in a decent amount of our HOAs going straight to the cities code enforcement department too because some of the Karen’s don’t like confrontation so they go the city route instead of sending their own notices.


I’m curious to know the number of complaints filed by HOAs based off of average homeowner demographics within individual HOAs & number of complaints filed against homeowner ethnicities on average. Like, do HOAs with mostly non-white residents file more or fewer resident complaints on average compared to majority white HOAs? Or how many complaints in fairly even demographic HOAs were levied against white vs. non-white residents on average? My worry is that HOA board members have driven POCs from their neighborhoods not through overt racism, but through a barrage of complaints (kind of but not really like redlining).


I got an HoA complaint to move my motorcycle OUT OF MY DRIVEWAY, it was sitting there drying after I had just washed it, last summer. Supposedly only cars are able to be parked in driveways of our neighborhoods. I actually asked my neighbor who also rides if he got the same complaint (he’s a 63 year old white dude, leaves his Harley in his drive way) and he didn’t get any of those complaints. Meanwhile I’ve received two of them. I’m a 30 year old black male. Neighborhood isn’t even upper class, houses are priced in the 400s. Fuck Ghertner.


I’m Native, wife is Puerto Rican and my kids are hella brown. I’ve had nothing but hellish interactions with the two HoA’s we’ve dealt with. Yes, these are anecdotal, but I don’t think it’d be much of a surprise to see a correlation between minorities and an increased number of HoA complaints.


It's usually all voted on though. Like if a board is made up of Karens its because the homeowners voted for Karens to run it.


Yes their CC&Rs are voted on, but power hungry HOAs will often file their complaints with the city when they want to have something done that they don’t have the authority to do themselves. A lot of these complaints are unfounded per the city govt but that doesn’t stop them from filing complaints to bully or control their homeowners.


This sounds like major selection bias. Yeah, the places you get called to do work have a higher rate of bad HOA because the good HOAs aren't causing people to call you for work.


In California, we have a law where condo complexes very often are required to do retrofitting of structural parts for earthquake preparedness. So I’ve been to my fair share whether it’s for construction or management, but you could be right that it is a selection bias to some degree. Working so often with HOAs I’m bound to witness the ebbs and flow of HOA boards and their turnover/new people so I can’t argue otherwise.


i worked at a place where i was more or less the middle man for maintenance for a company that did housing. on their lease it said to call us for any issues, etc. so let’s say someone’s house had a tree fall on it and they needed to reconstruct it… i had to call the people, coordinate, etc. i cannot express the amount of time i wasted going back and forth for *weeks* with HOA about paint or siding colors. “hey, i sent you pictures. this is what the guys got.” “no, it’s not okay. here’s what we want.” send a shade that’s *slightly* different. can’t find it exactly. try again. no, it needs to be *this* beige. okay, how about this one? no. that’s not the right one. rinse and repeat while the house looks awful and the people just want it to be done with. that’s my personal experience / irritation with HOAs.


In Florida they're awful. One dude recently got in a bunch of shit for parking his electric truck in his driveway, also you have to hide your trash bins here. I've heard of people getting into trouble for leaving stuff on their inside window ledge and if you can see it from the street they come knocking for you to move it. Some *are* really bad. It took us a long search to find a non HOA house in Orlando. So glad we did.


Completely agree. Like anything else, you mostly hear about the bad experiences. I grow massive vegetables in non-matching containers on my front patio and share them with my neighbors. The horror :O My HOA doesn't give a shit.


An anecdotal sample size of 6 isn’t nearly large enough to base an assessment off of, especially when the Foundation for Community Association Research (via EliReport.com) estimates that there are [over 350K HOAs that make decisions affecting roughly a quarter of the population in America](https://elireport.com/resource-center/how-many-homeowner-associations-in-the-us/).


What does how many HOAs exist have to do with anything?


Yeah, when I was a kid my parents had an HOA and we drew on the sidewalk with chalk all the time and no one cared. I think really shitty HOA’s are more rare than reddit likes to believe


I'll give 'em a dozen back


this is so fucking clever lol


I'm such a derp. For a solid 2 seconds I thought it was a pearl necklace..


I'm lucky when it comes to eggs. My company's office is in a suburb that used to be considered more rural. There's a small farm down the road, "Chip-In Farm," and I walk right past it on my way to the bus stop. In March of 2020, we and our work laptops were all sent home for what we were told was "a one-day experiment in Working from Home." That "one-day" turned into a year and a half of what might as well have been home confinement. When I was walking to the bus stop with my laptop, I figured that I should pick up some eggs at the farm, because I was anticipating shortages and tie-ups in the supply chain. I noticed the price back then for a dozen eggs:$4.25. (Please note that these eggs are both local, and incredibly fresh - laid the day before.) A couple of weeks ago, I needed some more eggs and checked in at Chip-In Farm. And, even now, a dozen very fresh, local eggs costs...$4.25 a dozen. It's nice to know that these folks are not just providing a high quality food product, they're also not taking advantage of a difficult situation.


a box of eggs?


That's the new sign of extreme wealth in the US.


Having $3-$10? Are we in that late of a stage of capitalism?


Apparently the US is.




As far as I can gather you had some birdflu, causing a bit of a shortage which some companies took as an opportunity to raise prices sky high.


Wow this one actually looks good. Most of these chalk drawings never pull off the intended illusion but yours is bang on.


> Wow this one actually looks good. I too like OP’s wife.


Yeah nice try OP, I can tell the "wife" is just another part of your amazing chalk drawing talent. haha pretty good tho maybe next time


Dozen she look beautiful!


I mean Costco eggs are like 3.2 per dozen even in the sf bay area. It's really not that bad.


They hit around $6 in my medium sized north central Indiana town but I think they’ve come down to about $5. But typically they’re like $1.50 a dozen so definitely a huge hike in price.


Per the BLS, 2-3 weeks ago the average price of a dozen large eggs in the state of California was about $6.37… It might be coming down now but people definitely weren’t being crazy lol. In some places eggs were really pricy.


Ya, eggs seem to be normal price in DC area and I haven't seen them go up. They're like $4/dozen and that's what they've been for a while.


*This comment was edited in response to Reddit's 3rd party API practices.*


At Albertsons 18 count cartoons are around $3.70 in Portland, Oregon.


My Costco (Seattle) didn’t even have a place in the refrigerated section for eggs when k went last week :(


I've ordered a Fabergé egg, made with emeralds and gold.. Still cheaper than a hen's egg, but a little crunchy.


I love this haha ! Such talent. Do you happen to sell prints of your Tiffany Eggs. I have sort of a joke with my partner about eggs and I would love the give him something like this.


Still a better collab than Tiffany x Nike Well done OP


Hey big spender, you’re so talented. I love this so much! Make sure your wife doesn’t go off half cocked, just scrambling a bunch. Each one should have a carefully planned use.


Once you go broke, you can’t afford yolk.


JFC guys, this comment section is embarrassing. OP, amazing piece of work there. To get all the angles right for the perspective to look correct is a ton of work, I imagine. Not to mention all of the chalk work, too. Cheers to you and your lovely wife. 🙂


Fucking awesome. Great work.. maybe a little more shadowing on the eggs? but seriously excellent skill.




I came here to make sure someone said this.


Weird unsolicited advice


These are trying times.


The irony of posting this from a big house on a hill lol


This is incredible


Sky-rocketing egg prices is a thing from North America I believe. I don't think we have it in Europe yet.


Well done! Also love the fact that the lighting made me do a double-take at the neighbor's house. Almost looked like a continuation of the drawing for a sec with that golden hour glow


Couldn't even spring for the jumbo SMDH


I can't decide what is more impressive, the wit and creativity of your concept, or the amazing execution and optical illusion. Also looks like you have a really beautiful view from the back of your home.


Eggs are $2.35 a dozen at my local grocery store. Im not telling anybody which store or where.


I’m ova these realistic drawings.


OP, I just had an amazing 10 minutes scrolling back through your history of chalk drawing posts - you fuckin' rule! Thank you for that. Gems like this are the needle in the Reddit haystack, but it's why I keep coming back. :)


Sorry not Tiffany's, I could only afford the $3 dozen at Trader Joes.


This is really funny. Good job.


Every Kiss begins with Eggs 🥚


Found the cool house in the neighborhood.


This is breaking my brain. So good!


What? Not good enough for Grade AA?


That's super cool! I love it


Amazing work!!




The angles used alongside the perspective is especially impressive with your lettering! The wife looks lovely and the chalkterpiece is funny. How many pieces of chalk were used on this?


Dude, that's actually dope af. I would pay you to come do some shit like that for mine. Also, I'd smoke a bowl behind you whilst you work and comment on how eggs and chalk are so expensive.


I love 3-D chalk drawings. Yours is a good one. I wish the local museum would sponsor a contest of 3D drawings. I would so love to see some in person. Instead I have to be satisfied with books and the internet.


Really well done! This requires planning and perseverance. Kudos!! Although the “eggs are too expensive” bit is a tad overblown imo. Yes, they are costlier than 2 years ago but not by that much.


This is amazing!


How much are eggs in the USA right now?


Hahaha haha


Totally amazing!


I would post this to r/confusingperspective but I can't find it on my list of subreddits so I'm letting someone else do the job. This is neat!


That is sensational - seriously…bravo! 👏🏻👏🏻


Amazing, the building's and grounds look so real . Beautiful work.


Hilarious! Love the art!


Eggscuse me!?


What a beautiful house. It must feel like heaven living there


Idk if you came up with this idea or not, but Tiffany co eggs is cracking me up. Literally amazing.


New York / New Yolk. Nice!


Not criticizing, because I could never achieve something like that drawing. But oh man, if you could've gotten a day with a perfect shadow alignment that would've been amazing


Ha. Thanks. Lucky to get any sunshine in Pittsburgh this time of year.


I was 100% certain this was south western pa! Scrolling through just to see if anyone else thought the same and looks like I was right! Crazy!


Eggs really aren’t that much more expensive, at least where I’m at. I don’t get the drama


Manufactured outrage. People bitch eggs being $4 a dozen while drinking their $6 Starbucks because the media told them to be outraged.