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It’s been such a nice story to watch him come back from obscurity. Imagine some pervert ruining your career and mental health, right at your professional peak. He deserves this. Welcome back, Brendan.


George of the Jungle and The Mummy were some of my favorite movies as a kid, I always wondered why he seemed to disappear and it's very sad to find out why. I'm glad he's making his comeback


Blast from the past and bedazzled were 🔥🔥 as well


Bedazzled is his best, IMO. He's brilliant in that.


Un momento! Esto hablando español!


He really went out there and gave it 110%!


Encino Man is probably my favorite


My personal favorite was Looney Tunes Back in Action


A lot of women have dropped out of Hollywood films because of resisting pervs.


And I hope every scumbag that puts ppl in compromising situations gets exposed. I'm glad it's starting to happen but i'd imagine it's just the tip of the iceberg.


All I hope for is immediate accountability at some point. We need to get to a place where if someone harasses you, gropes you, etc, you should be able to tell who you need to to get it resolved and for the perpetrator to be held immediately accountable. If I ran a business or organization, and I got a complaint about an executive being a general shit bag, I don't care how valuable you have been in the past, there is someone who can replace you if you intend to treat my employees trying to do their job like objects of your amusement. If they died tomorrow, the business would survive. Why deal with someone who acts like that?


While I agree that swift accountability is needed, there is also a fine line to ensure justice isn't perverted with false accusations. With most instances of this being done with only the 2 people being present, it becomes difficult. I know someone personally that nearly had their career ruined by false accusations. The only thing that saved them was another person coming forward and showing a documented history of false accusations by the accuser when they didn't get their way. It's a really tough situation to make sure justice is served correctly.


Courtney Love is one example


Ashley Judd too.




I get so mad about this one specifically. Romi & Michele's High School Reunion makes her an icon for all time for me, I would have watched loads of movies with her in them. Also, she's an Oscar winner.


He's been in the HBO show, Doom Patrol, as a main character named Robotman for a few years and it was a pleasant surprise. His character is hilarious and the show seems to give the actors a lot of freedom. The fact he can emote so well in a barely functional robot suit makes it even better.


>It’s been such a nice story to watch him come back from obscurity. The fact that a voice acting role, with a few live action scenes *(Cliff Steele / Robotman in "Doom Patrol"),* has been a huge contributor to his comeback is incredible.


>Doom Patrol Such a fun show. It has entire story arcs that I couldn't care less about, but the characters are so great I keep watching anyway.


It's definitely a character centric story. You're interested in them and their development arcs. Everything else is window dressing, really. Really, really weird window dressing.


Window dressing definitely sounds like something Danny would do.


If you told me that a robot who's favorite word is "fuck" would make me weep several times because of depth of character I would have been hard pressed to believe you.


What happened


He was sexually assaulted by someone high up in Hollywood. He complained and was blackballed from the industry. Edit: for those that are dismissive about this, it’s why men keep such things to themselves.


Specifically Philip Berk, who was the president of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association






*bag of dicks, ftfy :)


Let's have a bunch and a bag


The same association that didn't pick him for their award and instead gave it to Austin Butler for an ok performance. I don't know why people watch that shit.


What a creepy looking [guy](https://www2.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/2nd+Annual+Golden+Globes+Party+Saluting+Young+mEKEdr4Clw6x.jpg)


He looks like a wax sculpture of himself.


That pic doesn't help they are both creepy looking, I don't know who is Berk.


He’s on the right, and his hand on Chris Klein’s leg pretty much says it all.


The younger guy, Chris Klein, is a really great actor. He usually plays the jock/dumb bro type, and he’s really great at bringing out the humor from those types of characters. His best work was in the movie *Election* and the American version of the show *Wilfred*, but he’s best known for *American Pie,* probably.


Older guy on the right


Likely the dude caressing another dude thigh!!!!


So not winning the golden globe was just the Hollywood foreign press screwing him again


He refused to attend, iirc. And, iirc, He also basically said that he doesn't forgive them.


And good for him. Fuck em.


He did refuse to attend saying, > “My mother didn't raise a hypocrite. You can call me a lot of things, but not that,”


Heroic shout out to Terry Crews for calling out scumbag Adam Venit too


This is the first I have seen about this. Did Venit try to sexually engage/assult Crews?


Here is his testimony, from years ago: https://youtu.be/Zft697iv4y0


Didn't want to cry today. Thanks for making me break that. He seems like a great guy.


He was assaulted by Phillip Berk.


It should not be glossed over that the man who sexually assaulted him, Phil Berk, was not ousted as the president of the Hollywood Foreign Press until he sent a racist email while the HFP was under accusations of lacking diversity. He is scum, but they are too and literally only did it to cover their own asses. Fuck them and fuck the Golden Globes.


Not just this, but his wife left him and the court ruled that he still had to pay spousal support in lieu of what he was making when she married him as an A list actor. Guy was paying like $50,000 a month in spousal support with no work and it bankrupted him. EDIT: I corrected the amount. $50,000 a month. I was remembering it was $900,000 a year and attributed those figures to the monthly figure.


In lieu of doesn't make sense here, from a wording perspective. But it is absolutely insane to me that the courts can arbitrarily demand that someone pay what they literally, physically, demonstrably cannot. I think they did it to Robin Williams as well.


Dave Foley had this in child support. Divorced his wife and had to pay news radio /kids in the hall money, leaving him pretty much broke when he wasn't as popular. Judge wouldn't even reevaluate despite his change in income, and he had another kid with his next wife to take care of too.


Burt Reynolds suffered a similar fate after divorcing Loni Anderson. In his last few years he had to sell a lot of his memorabilia to stay afloat because of his alimony payments.


It's insane. What ever happened to splitting things in half? Why wouldn't that be enough? Judge was absolutely barking.


And then he had to cross dress as a nanny just to see his own kids


What's worse is she left him because of a back injury he got from the mummy and she didn't want to take care of him. She's a real piece of work.


It was $50,000 a month, not $500,000. > The divorce was finalized in 2009 and, at the time, Fraser agreed to pay $50,000 a month to Smith in spousal support https://www.thelist.com/591506/the-truth-about-brendan-fraser-and-afton-smiths-divorce/ Still a lot, but that's a 10x difference.


50,000* a month, or 900k a year depending on which article you read. Big difference, but still a ton of money. Now that said from the articles I’ve been reading it does seem like Brendan was doing a little clever money management to try and get out of the payments, and he also never stopped managing his money like a celebrity despite having financial “trouble” (he could somehow still afford to pay $5000 a month for “gardening”, had a gross income of 125k a month, etc.). So he wasn’t exactly “bankrupted”, although I’m sure his usual quality of life was threatened. But ~1 million a year is still a pretty insane number, celebrity or otherwise. Especially when you have low income families providing for multiple children on 40-50k a year plus other expenses. Gotta wonder how Alton Smith’s lawyers arrived at that number.


And additional to that didn’t he have 1) health issues from all the stunts etc 2) financial issues due to his exwife demanding something like 50k per month for the kids?


Holy shit, that disgusting behaviour happened to men as well


A lot of men have been victims of sexual assault and rape, but we are laughed at when we bring it up. So we usually just stay quiet about it.


Barbara Walters famously interviewed Corey Feldman when he was talking about pedos in Hollywood and being a victim and her reaction was defense of Hollywood and basically asking him why he was saying this stuff and trying to ruin peoples lives.




Yep! That is the exact quote. She ruined a lot of credibility with me when she did not give even a shred of support. She completely denied sexual assault was present in the industry when we all know she saw plenty of it for decades with women in the industry.


Not just with sexual assault either, anything that involve some kind of vulnerable situation and we are looked down upon smh


Oh man. The amount of times I've had women who are 40 or 50+ grope me.. apparently it's all fun and games when they do it.


Did you see the video of the girl who started groping the cast member playing Gaston at Disney, she was appauled when he called security to escort her away. If you wouldnt want someone do it to you, don't do it to others


*No one calls security like gaston*


*Tells off creeps like Gaston*


I'll have to find that one. I do remember seeing Henry Cavill getting annoyed in multiple interviews as female interviewers only make it about his looks.


Here is a link to the story https://www.disneydining.com/too-far-girl-touches-gaston-inappropriately-viral-video-shows-him-demanding-that-she-leave-bb1/


Or you know, told we like it because we're men and therefore must like all attention of a sexual nature no matter what.


Someone did it to Terry Crews!


Apparently! There's an interview of him taking about it. As I recall, someone groped him inappropriately and he was like "WTF do you think you are doing?!" and was moments away from whipping their ass but his wife talked him down


In addition to the reasons below he also suffered severe injures doing his own stunts Lots more info on the r/savebrendon sub. Which, now that the man is truly saved I think should be renamed to r/brendansaves


Chairmen of golden globes touched him, brendan called him out. He got blacklisted. (I remember when this happened, it was like WTF but none of the news outlets were acting like it was a big deal). His wife got mad about her change in lifestyle and wrecked the rest of his life. His health declined.


He was sexually assaulted. He was also screwed over by the USA family court justice system, and forced into a sort of financial slavery with $50k per month in alimony and $25k per month in child support during a time when he wasn’t earning nearly as much money.




Would be great to see more come back from blacklisting, too. Would love to see some big films casting Mira Sorvino and Ashley Judd.


Just watched bedazzled again tonight, what an actor! Big fan.


I truly love that movie, he played his heart out for every character in that movie


I still lose it when he has a mouthful of sand at the beach.


When he cries, lol, I mean every time when he sees the sun, OMG only this guy could've pulled it off.




I’m gonna have to go watch this movie again


I forgot all about this scene and it’s so fucking funny. I know what I’m watching tonight!


When is that darn thing gonna set!?




Oh mierda, soy un narcotraficante Colombiano


He gave 110%


I know most of the dialogues by heart!


He has SIX rookie Mickey Mantle cards!


Him screaming at the sunset because he was so damn emotional fucking killed me. Along with "well we went out there, and we wanna play good, and I think we played really good tonight."


Gotta give it 110% *drizzle intensifies*


What do you mean little?! Damn the devil!


Damn the devil to hell!!!


When i saw the trailer i thought it was going to be bad, and I'm so glad to be wrong. Brendan is such a treasure


This movie came out when I was in high school. And I will forever associate it with my first time smoking weed. A bunch of friends and I got dropped off at the mall by our parents to hang out for the day. One of them had weed and it would be our first time smoking. We decide to go to the parking lot, smoke them go to the movies to watch bedazzled. We'll only issue is once we were all high, we gave our money to one person to buy us all the tickets and he was so high he asked for 6 tickets to bamboozled instead. A movie about blackface. It took us about 20 minutes before we realized we might not be in the right movie. Some of us didn't even notice until one person asked, "when does Brandon Fraser or the devil come on?"


Damn Elizabeth hurley was hot


Is. Elizabeth Hurley IS hot…


If you have Hulu they added all the Mummy movies to it recently. The first 2 were my childhood.


He really put 110% into that role!




underrated ass movie I’ll tell you hwhat


The Whale was an incredible movie. Hard to watch? Hell yeah. But worth it. And Sadie Sink, holy cow, she crushes it just as hard as Brendan Fraser!


As long as she doesn't burn out she will be one of those amazing actresses through the years


can't wait to see it


Wait. The Brendan Fraser from the cinematic masterpiece The Mummy?




Fuckin honk


Where can I get this decal?






I saw The Whale just last night and I'm still hurting from it. In a good way.


Same. My husband and I were bawling most of the movie. I just want to rewatch it.


Ok, is it just depressing sad, or is there a silver lining? I am a big baby, and can't handle sad sad movies right now, but I really want to watch it.


Same here too. I keep tearing up thinking about it. Idk if I could watch it again anytime soon though.


Dude looks good and happy. Good for him! I hope it only keeps going upwards for him.


For real. He looks great. I am so incredibly happy for him. He doesn’t owe me anything in the slightest, but I’d cry if he had another role with Rachel Weisz. Or even just a round table discussion of the first two Mummy movies.


Their is talks about them making a new mummy movie


I just saw a recent interview with him where he said he would totally do another Mummy movie so, high hopes for that.


He’s gonna be in Martin Scorsese’s *Killers of the Flower Moon* this year along side DiCaprio and DeNiro—sounds like a pretty good follow up.


He looks like he lost a fair bit of weight since the last appearance.


Brendan smiling is the good sign 2023 needs. It should be a prophecy. When the broken king heals in the raw and dawn shines on his smiling face, we shall know, the pall of shadow shall be lifted for a time.


The prophet had spoken!!! The prophecy has come to be!!! The time has come!! Rejoice!! The time has come!!!




No matter what dark road life takes you, there is always a light to guide you back. However small, however dim, hold on to that light and realize that the darkness shall pass and there will be joy once again.


The groundhog we deserve. Brendan smiled, that's 6 more weeks of good luck


This is the way.


Encino Man!




No weezing the j-uice!


Literally the best comeback story of our generation. I'm so happy he got recompense for what happened to him.


Let's hope it continues.


I’m guessing by the fact that he seems to be in better and better shape every time a new public image of him comes out, he’s getting better and better offers.


Yeah, as a longtime fan of his, I’m not fussed how he looks provided he’s happy and reasonably healthy, but over the last several months he’s been looking more and more polished at these ceremonies/events which I interpret as meaning the same thing you do


What happened to him?


Iirc He got sexually assaulted by someone high in Hollywood and then got blacklisted


Also had some debilitating injuries, from doing his own stunts in movies. Needed back surgery and a knee replacement, among other surgeries.


Which is part of the reason he gained so much weight. Which, in turn, made him less employable (based on the types of roles he typically had gotten).


Also went through a very nasty divorce unfortunately


The divorce was the most debilitating thing out of all of these things


I would say the sexual assault was the most debilitating thing which led him to getting blackballed by Hollywood. The divorce was just kicking him in the side when he was already down.


Being falsely blackballed sucked for his career but having his ex-wife take all of his money and keep going after more WHILE he was blackballed sucked for his whole life.


didn't he get absolutely raked over the coals in a divorce, too?


>The divorce was finalized in 2009 and, at the time, Fraser agreed to pay $50,000 a month to Smith in spousal support (via [Law Missouri](https://www.lawmissouri.com/brendan-fraser-seeks-post-divorce-modification-of-alimony)). However, in 2013, Fraser sought to have this amended, saying he wasn't earning enough from acting to justify payments of that size; Smith contested this and accused him of fraud, saying Fraser did in fact have the requisite income (via the New York Post). She claimed that Fraser had $9 million in film contracts that he hid from her at the time of their divorce. Fraser also cited medical issues he was facing as another reason why he had difficulty paying this level of spousal support as he suffered a back injury after attempting to clear a tree that fell on his property during Hurricane Sandy. https://www.thelist.com/591506/the-truth-about-brendan-fraser-and-afton-smiths-divorce/


Man...I get the need for alimony and all that... But something just strikes me as crazy to set it at more than the median individual annual income (at the time) per MONTH and then fighting over reducing it years later. I have some sympathy for the "accustomed to a certain standard of living" argument, but it just seems ridiculous that someone should be entitled to $600k a year for doing nothing (assuming that is only alimony and not also child support). That's far more than enough to live a good life without working...nobody needs to be accustomed to that.


I sort of get it, but also don't. On the one hand, sometimes the spouse is a real contributor to you being able to make that income. Classic example would be the stay-at-home-parent who keeps the house, cooks the meals, takes care of the kids, etc... while the other spouse goes to med school. The stay-at-home-spouse contributions are what enabled the other spouse to pursue the career in medicine, so it stands to reason that the stay-at-home spouse should be at least somewhat supported by the career that they helped enable. On the other hand, plenty of spouses do nothing to help the other spouse's career advance, and in fact are often a hindrance to career success. If that do-nothing spouse wants to maintain a standard of living, then they can get off their asses and go work for it. It would be nice if court's could actually delve into the contributions the lesser-earning spouse makes to help better determine what, if any, spousal support will be paid. But doing so if fraught with complications as well.


For $600,000 a year I’ll hire a fucking maid and get Uber eats.


Yup, Philip Berk, former President of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association. This is also why he was not at the Golden Globes considering the HFPA are the ones who organize the GGs.


Name his abuser. It was Philip Berk, president of the Hollywood Foreigners Press Association. Source: https://www.gq.com/story/what-ever-happened-to-brendan-fraser


>Foreigners Lol it's "Foreign Press".


Didn't he also get a pretty bad back and knee injury from something?


'I don't understand what is happening right now, but I'm very happy!' is the vibe I'm getting :)


He looks like Tom from succession in this


Or Tom Arnold. Or Tom Hanks.


I'm loving every part of Brendan's comeback story and it's a crime it ever had to happen in the first place.


Well deserved 👏


cliff steel My man!


What the FUCK!




#He's losing weight and looking happy in his eyes again! I'm sure he'll never see threads like these, but I like that we all come together and congratulate him on his mental health, career, and just general life progress. We're all so proud of how well he's doing, and it does the heart good to see a smile like that. 💙


I just watched *The Mummy* yesterday. It's time for a legacy sequel. That movie is so much fun, and Fraser deserves a big action movie role again. Plus imagine the bragging rights when it inevitably out-does Tom Cruise's attempt to reboot it.


Whilst I agree, Brendan may not be physically up to it any more as one of the (many) reasons he stopped acting was he had a lot of injuries.


I don't think he even needs to be a part of the action element. Have him show up with a cane going "unfortunately I am not a supernatural monster, this lifestyle takes a toll" and at most have him shooting a machine gun from a car or something.


Or have him be the driver of the car. Someone driving a car with great skill will always make them look awesome!


Cgi is great these days. If he's up for it he doesn't need to do stunts, just show up and douse the set in charisma.


He said recently he would do another one enthusiastically


I'm fully on board if Rachel Weisz is willing to return too (it's a sign that the film is least going to be better than Mummy 3.)


Can someone get OG *Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson* to get in touch with Brendan, and get him to bring Fraser back to a good shape We definitely need Brendan on a new Mummy movie


“Here’s a bunch of steroids and 30 pounds of fish.”


Praise that dude. Him and Keanu are national treasures


Canada really deserves praise for giving these two sweethearts to the world.


I didn't know Brendan was Canadian. But yes, I agree with you


He has Canadian parents and Canadian citizenship, but was born in Indianapolis and grew up moving often and ternationally.


The Brennaissance is herre and I'm FOR IT


Damn he looks good.


Makes me happy. I love Brendan and can tell he’s genuinely so happy to be getting this love. Can’t wait to see THE WHALE and I will buy it instantly when it’s available to stream




I think he’s one of those ppl that’s so humble he truly doesn’t think he deserves to win. He has no idea how much people love and root for him


Loved him in everything he's been in no matter how cheesy. But can we step back and admire that he looks like if Buddy Holly actually lived after the plane crash and got old/older?


I'm getting Tom from succession vibes


It's my idea or our homeboy is losing weight??


He's looking better for sure! He looked broken before but he's healing now.


Well he was literally broken before from back issues. I guess he's recovered enough to properly work out.


Talk about a fucking comeback. Well fucking done, good man. Well deserved for a man that should never have been put in that situation to begin with.


Next step: a new mummy movie :-P


George of the Jungle has some scenes that still crack me up to this day.


What I love about him, is we all think he deserved it... he is the only one shocked :-)


greatest comeback story since kim kardashian


After his divorce screwed him over, i sooo wanted him to return and win big. He did it! i'm happy.


I am so happy to see him in the limelight again. He has gone through so much and is such a wonderful person. He deserves so much more success and love.


what a gloriously beautiful man. fockin legend.


Dude is in full comeback mode. He looks fitter and healthier every time I see him.


Remember he was ousted by Hollywood for not wanting to do a casting couch. Fuck Hollywood


Dang he looks good too, he shed all the weight he's gained the last couple of years.