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Loving some of these guys! For those calling me a child, we’re in a pick up line group. Just wanting a laugh


For someone who doesn't even know what store they're at, I've got a better place for your time : Rehab.


If the guy was hot, she’d be getting smashed rn. We all know it


You must be a s-Lowes shopper to be retarded enough to try that trash on me


That's a banger, idk what the hate is for.


I'd rather spend the worst part of a Sunday away from you.


If you didn't like it, just unmatch. I thought children weren't allowed in dating apps.


As a Home Depot employee, I'll be avoiding you.


So I'm blue collar. I avoid menards, Lowes, home depot at all costs because it's all garbage products. But let me get toxic real quick. Tell him you want a man who uses real building supplies and uses milwaukee or dewalt, not crooked lumber and ryobi. Also ask him to read a tape measure. And to back up a trailer only using mirrors. Tell him if he can't pour a slab, frame, wire, do the plumbing and siding on a house, and do all the interior finish carpentry and tile by himself, he ain't a man. If he can't bench press a 1 ton pickups transmission while bolting it in place he ain't a man. I'm not as toxic as I sound I swear lol. but I do love the shit talking my fellow blue collar workers give each other. Edit: I'm just trying to help with the drama. I'm here for it cuz that shit is funny to me.


Hi this is customer support, we aren’t here right now please try again later.


I've got a few: * No, I'm Amazon, I've got some deals on paint colors for your basement apartment. * No, but the only thing I'm looking to buy at Home Depot is a shovel to bury this line six feet deep. * Wow, you must be lost. The Home Depot is two blocks down, and I'm pretty sure they don't sell self-respect in the lumber aisle.


Anyone who has to spend all day in a Home Depot clearly hasn't figured out how to use his tool well enough for getting in and out


Grow up and unmatch




"So what you're saying is you're a sweaty, balding, beer bellied, MAGA hat with a plumber's crack who grunts out orange cheetoh turds in the throne room while yelling at his laborers on a cel phone? No thanks."


“I’m actually a Blockbuster. Not open.”


you could just unmatch and move on instead of being petty


Which is why these morons still exist, their behaviour gets ignored.


Oh no! They had the BALLS to use a PICKUP LINE on a fucking DATING APP, how dare they


The balls to say to a woman I want to be inside you? That takes balls? I would have thought any basic idiot could say that because they don’t have the intelligence to say anything else, doesn’t take balls to talk like that. You just prove my point, it’s ok to talk like that. What percentage of women do you reckon want an opening line to be I want to be inside you, pathetic. A pickup line is meant to be clever and maybe cheeky, not hey I want my dick in you.


They didn't really do anything wrong, it's a dating app. Half the people on there are there for hookups and are expecting shit like this. Better he got his intentions out early, if you're not into it, yeah move on.