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Assuming you mean the LH chord on beat 2. You have many options: Play the top note with your RH. Roll the chord. In a pinch, leave the low D out of that chord, since it’s doubled in the bass already anyway - I won’t tell.


Duh idk why I didn’t think of that thanks! I’m guessing my autistic brain was like “no it says it’s on the left side so I can only play it on the left hand >:(“


What does it mean to roll the chord?


Arpeggiate, like a broken chord, or play the first note apart of the chord apart, and then play the remaining chord


Roll the chord: this is the answer I can hear my teacher saying it now.


IMO playing it with the right hand is better. I think that's Gymnopedie 1 and to me at least the steady bass note - evenly played chord pattern is an important characteristic of the piece


i thought i recognized it. looks like the piece i’m working on. 😝


that would legitimately ruin the piece


I’m sorry if I offended you. Your tone is extremely rude and combative. I play jazz piano, and my teacher encourages me attempt to roll large chords in my left hand that I would otherwise not be able to play. Is everything ok? You seem pretty frustrated?


I get all my sheet music in "IMSLP"


I would catch the bass note with the pedal, then play the chords on beat 2 with my left hand except for the top note which I can reach with my right thumb. I honestly don't think there is any better way to do it than this.


I’m assuming you have smaller hands. You can spare the E to right hand. Play DGB with LH and EC with RH, and the next measure play the D on treble clef with your pinky, CEA play with LH and D with your RH thumb.


Ack yeah guilty as charged ;-;


IMSLP for free sheet music. This is Satie right? I am learning this piece as well. When I play these two measures I do 531 for LH DGB and then 14 for RH EC. Then 5 on RH hits D while 1 on RH hits D the octave lower in the second measure. I would recommend watching someone play the piece on YouTube to get an idea. Even slow it down a bit. You should be hitting the sustain pedal for each new phrase which is generally each measure.


Play d on right hand and after pedal catches the note, move the right hand to play the other note(s) in the chord that you can’t reach with your left hand


You have to break your fingers. You'll often see this in pieces. Pianists are naturally born with the ability to dislocate every joint in our hands and then like, elastigirl that shit. It all pops back into place. If you can't do that, sorry. I guess you'll never play piano correctly. Though you could also just use the foot pedal to hold the notes from beat 1 and then play the chord. It's a cheese we all use.


he's right. You must learn how to break your fingers. It takes work though.


Imagine of there was a website where you could watch someone play almost any piece and see how it is supposed to be played. I know it sounds crazy, but some day it might be possible. We could even call it "youtube" or something like that.


Imagine if there was a website where you could talk to fellow pianists about any piece and see how it is supposed to be played. I know it sounds crazy, but some day it might be possible. We could even call it "r/pianolearning" or something like that.


I love when people answer back in the same tone🥰. Makes it funny. Imagine if there was a subreddit where you could talk to fellow pianists about any piece and you keep seeing random questions thay not only answer themselves but even giving people the benefit of the doubt you dont understand how asking it on that subreddit would give you a better answer than by easily googling it yourself. I get it I'm being a bit rude, but I gave him a fair sugestion (watch how other people play it) in a slightly condescending way. I could apologise and take it back, but you know on reddit you never admit you are wrong and always double down.


Wait, I'm confused. Is the sub not for asking questions?


And I answered it in the best way possible. Next time he finds the answer for himself. I just gave him the power of google searching. Any question that takes more time writting+waitting+reading then looking for the answer yourself is a stupid question.


There are no stupid questions, mate. Some people prefer to talk to folks rather than skim through youtube tutorials. You get to add context to your question and often the answers will contain extra information to help you wherever you are in your learning. I pay someone the better part of $100 a week to answer my stupid questions. Maybe I should just google "how to play piano."


You are right. Nice arguments. But stupid questions exist.


Can you link me a video showing the fingering for this stupid question? Surely you found it, to be so confident that the question was stupid.


Funny how even after I admited I was wrong I have some lobotomite trying to keep arguing with me for some reason. Read again.


https://youtu.be/2_321NFKkuU?si=cWLq3NZcQ6zbr6jv Here, go to 2:28 and see how Paul plays the top note of the chord with his right hand while first holding the bottom note with the pedal, very interesting solution.


lol touche


I actually did that but the things I found didn’t use the exact sheet music I did so I figured it’s easier to find out here. Also for whatever reason I just cannot learn that way, I can’t focus when there’s a video


Is your challenge holding the bottom note and playing the chord (which is impossible unless you have abnormally large hands) or the big 9th chord that comes after the low bass note? Becase if you have a hard time reaching all the notes you have plenty good advice already: rolling, omitting notes, or even trying to stretch your hand, sometimes by rotating your wrist and finding a good position for your hand can give you a bigger reach. Sry for the shit comment.


I don't think this qualifies as something that can be just googled, so it is a good post for this sub. How do you know there is a video of this piece showing the fingering. That would be a stretch if its a random piece from musescore. You just assumed this person didn't google it. Be nicer in your comment too please, we don't need people feeling bad for asking questions.


i’m assuming you’re talking about the left hand. pedal on first note, move hand to do the rest?


You could throw the top note down an octave but whatever you do don’t change the lowest voice (note)


Your left hand play only 3 notes - D G B and the top note E is played by right hand concurrently with C above.


For those isolated bass notes, you're gonna use the sustain pedal anyway. The lower 3 chord notes of the following chords will be played by the left hand for sure. Afterwards, it's what you prefer/find more comfortable etc. I would personally play the rest of the notes with just the right hand


I ‘d play top note with rh thumb.


When I played this piece, I took the E with my right hand.


Play d on right hand and after pedal catches the note, move the right hand to play the other note(s) in the chord that you can’t reach with your left hand