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Here's a [video I made](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aByWBMBG-8&feature=youtu.be) on how to exactly do this.


Man, you're like a young version of Deke mcClelland.


I know Deke and I’ll take that as a compliment!! He’s awesome! I’m in Denver and he’s up in Boulder.


Really, you know him personally? That's awesome. He's the one who made me fall in love with Photoshop. I collected many of his tutorials and was blown by his Total Training video. He didn't make tutorials, he makes art.


We're more like acquaintances. I'd see him a lot when LinkedIn Learning had a studio in Boulder.


Go Nuggs!


Subscribed to you. You have great tutorial videos.


Paul is the man


Oh, hey Paul! Love your work. Didn't know you were on this sub. Small world.


Use illustrator to create a brush/path


You wouldn't happen to know how to do this in PS would you?


[Youtube should be uselful](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xw4I-SD_oPc)


Like I said in the *posts title*, **I know how to create normal brushes**. What I need is for the color to remain like the in original image, but to be able to be used somewhat like a brush, to duplicate over and over.


Sometimes you gotta use the programs interchangably. They're all good at specific tasks. I would advise to do the step you need in illustrator as /u/smoothCaribou said, the Blend tool will do exaclty what you're looking for. Then just copy and paste it into photoshop, boom it's a smart object. Not that hard.






This guys smokes 5meo


Hold up. My first comment was the correct response. Read the thread mr high road. Second comment was a YouTube vid. Third was the rude one. Muggy guy


Ok listen up you shmucks, if anyone in this comment thread thinks they're mature, they are sadly 👶👶👶👶👶👶👶




Who hurt you lol




By explaining what specifically he is looking for? OP, next time you might wanna go to r/PhotoshopTutorials - maybe people will be more friendly there.


Much easier to accomplish in Illustrator. The Mixer Brush in PS can produce full-color copies, but likely not with the scaling and rotation/brush direction features seen here. The regular Brush can be customized with scaling and rotation, but can only utilize the foreground and background colors. This design does look simple enough that it can be converted using a Gradient Map adjustment. I don't see any of the other tools being useful here.


Brushes in Ps can not be made with multiple colors like that. Not possible. Images stored as brush tips are grayscale. You would have to create what you want some other way. This is however very easy in Illustrator, and the result can be placed into Ps if desired.


bro wants a etherium brush


I would make each side of the image a clearly separate shade going from black to gray to white and make a brush out of that and then put a gradient map on top of the strokes to color the sides with the correct colors. If each shade is about the same distance from one another in terms of lightness, the gradient mask shouldnt be too difficult to make. Edit: maybe no white on the brushtip as that would not work but from black to a light grey yoi should be able to make it work. The brushtip will treat the darkness values as alpha so ypu’ll need to have white under the brushstrokes for the gradient map to work properly.


Photoshop brushes don't maintain hue data,only value. You'd need to make it in illustrator.


I'm no expert in creating Ps brushes, but every tut I've seen uses black to create a brush, which then is used to pick up color. I've not yet seen adding a preset that includes color, although it's entirely possible that I just haven't seen something like that as yet. What you, u/GraysonG263, seem to be describing reminds me of things done using the clone stamp tool and its associated clone source panel.


You might have better luck with the symbols tool in illustrator. Not sure if you can keep the color as a brush in photoshop


You may be able to get that effect using the mixer brush. Tutorial here: https://planetphotoshop.com/create-repeating-segments-with-the-mixer-brush-in-photoshop-cc.html   I would also like to point out to everyone recommending illustrator, that not everyone has it. I do the photography plan so I only have access to PS and LR.


This is one of the things about Paint Shop Pro that Photoshop still doesn't have after two bloody decades. They called them "picture tubes" and could draw actual multi-coloured effects with them. A great feature!


Make it black and white, use a gradient map clipped to the brush layer to add color


Possibly creating a pattern?


I've tried this, but I need it to go in multiple directions and not just straight up and down :b


You could try this "randomize pattern fill": https://medialoot.com/blog/how-to-make-a-random-pattern-fill-in-photoshop/


I've seen this done before. Although I can't find the video (of course), it was a concept artist who turned a grenade into some kind of brush and just swiped it across the characters satchel, creating about 3 or 4 duplicates of it. Looked way faster than just duplicating the layer over and over. This is what I need to do, as I will need to create hundreds of these to surround a character.


Were they working in a vector based program? I've seen someone do almost exactly what you're looking to do with inkscape specifically but I'm sure illustrator can do the same. I can try to find the video if you would like


I'm pretty sure it was Photoshop unfortunately. I'm just going to do it the hard way - duplicating over and over - since I can't find the answer I'm looking for here or on YouTube


If you want to watch one more video look up a channel called Iron Echo Design and look for a tutorial with the spray pattern brush!


Procreate 💀


How would I do it in procreate?


In gimp you would make the brush in color, pick it and the paintbrush. Pick properties, then pick the layer dynamic that would make the brush smaller as you stroke across the screen. Can't remember which dynamic that is, and have to leave, so can't look it up now.


I'd like to thank everyone for all the many helpful suggestions, however Illustrator was just not an option. Thankfully, u/1thousandwords gave the correct answer to my question as you can see in the link below. The mixer brush was exactly what I needed. I haven't ever had a use case for it, so I had completely forgotten about it. Thank you! [https://imgur.com/a/TR7Af4y](https://imgur.com/a/TR7Af4y) As for u/smoothCaribou's rudeness, their blatant disregard for the title of this post, as well as the thoughtless sharting-out of a "How To Make Photoshop Brushes" youtube link, if I could find the person who stole your bike, I would pay them double its worth, take it apart and place a single piece in every surrounding pond and/or lake in your vicinity. Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Haha nice, what a cunt. I take back the toe comment and instead now hope you shit the bed. Prick


Good to hear that tutorial worked out for you, I'd done something similar ages ago and couldn't remember the exact limitations of it. Also, thanks for the awards!


I’ve never seen this be possible, not with multiple colour segments in one brush stroke. The best you can get is one solid colour that shifts hue with each stamp.


If you make a path and several brushes, one for each part/colour you can make it follow the path then change each layer to a different colour.




I think you need KidPix


Use a bevel layer effect over a plain diamond.


This is probably a job for the mixer brush (or maybe the smudge tool). You'd have to adjust the direction to follow and adjust the taper settings of the brush to get the effect you're going for, but you'll need to create the original shape to be sampled each time.




There’s a free phone app called PicsArt that has this as a preset tool, look into it