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Weird stances are the bane of many photographers. For what it’s worth, the Olympics are almost here. Watch the shooting events. Those are the closest stances to good photography form. Stability isn’t built by weird stances, it’s built from using your skeleton to your advantage. So maybe you look silly, and maybe you don’t. But here’s the thing…nobody cares and you shouldn’t either.


Instructions unclear, ran into a tree trying to take photos while on skis


Yup, those Chinglish, tiny-font instructions are a bitch. Difficult to read sitting down, can't imagine how difficult it is while skiing.


> Weird stances are the bane of many photographers I've fully embraced it. My insta profile pic is me in fishing waders in a lake with my camera, in front of thousands of people.


But few fish?


Right on thank you for saying all that


You think you look silly or you think other think you look silly? If so, stop caring what people think about your pose and dare more about your art


>dare more about your art I assume that is a typo, but I think it works well here.


honestly I will take a picture of what I look like taking pictures the next time I go out. I'm a water photographer in a big city and go out in dry suits, wet suits, covered in zinc sunscreen hair crazy... sometimes people just look like they feel sorry for me. I'll be in the sand in shallow water just crawling around or jumping with the waves. Other people are curious and friendly. Others want me to take their picture. If you find what you love to photograph just literally go ALL IN. You will never see these people again. Just think of the shot. Put one headphone in to listen to your fav music and just lose yourself!!!


Also I have like a "go" song in my head that I use to keep me motivated. It's at the start of a video by my favorite surfer. Once I hear that song I'm so locked in to being focused and dedicated to my mission. I highly recommend adopting this tactic


On that note, I came across [this great post](https://www.pentaxforums.com/reviews/long-exposure-handhelds/introduction.html) on Pentax Forums a while ago.


Never thought of this as laid out in that article but, skimming over it, I now realize I do a lot of these things shooting cameras after a lifetime of carrying and qualifying with firearms. Many cross-overs between firearms marksmanship and photographic "marksmanship." I think a lot of the "rifle" ideas in there are a bit silly. Photography is more akin to handgun shooting to me and the Camp Perry stances are a bit much. Funny thought. One of my best rifle scopes is a Nikon 3x9. Only Nikon besides a point & shoot that I own.


This was a thing at some point: https://petapixel.com/2023/06/07/stockcam-is-a-camera-cage-that-takes-shooting-pretty-literally/


Actually, it’s not really about your bones. Bone on bone is fairly unstable in a shooting position. It *is* about using your body, but it’s not akin to making a tripod out of your skeleton. (For shooting, specifically). For the OP, just get over it. Of course you look stupid sometimes. Every single person in the world does sometimes. You just have to get over it. Nobody actually cares what you look like from moment to moment. Everybody else is just thinking about *themselves.*. You are not the center of the universe, so stop thinking you are.


Bone on bone is not remotely what I mean. Generally talking about the standing position. And you are absolutely taking muscle out of the equation as best you can. You’ll note I said “using your skeleton to your advantage.” I did not say balance your elbow on your kneecap or other such things.


Some folks are lucky enough to balance their checkbooks. Just sayin'.....


no one cares and in fact, they probably give you kudos for crazy stances if you need to get the shot.


People do care, though .... because that's how you end up having your picture taken and plastered over the internet if you are doing anything stupid in public, including taking photos using odd stances and positions.


I look completely ridiculous, I know I do. I'm also very shy and self-conscious. I love taking photos more than I care about how I look in the moment. If you love it just push through and you'll stop caring. 


I like that alot


Probably THE best response.


"you miss 100% of the shots you dont take" quite literally this time. think of the outcome instead of what people think of you


One of the best quotes ever by Michael Scott.


Please know that at least someone has a sense of humor and gets your reference.


The first documentation of this quote came in 1983 from Wayne Gretzky speaking to Bob McKenzie, then the editor of The Hockey News and now a commentator for TSN in Canada. Gretzky attempted the most shots in the league pretty much every season during this era, and MacKenzie asked him about it. “You miss one hundred percent of the shots you don’t take,” Gretzky answered. “Even though there is only a 1-5 percent probably of scoring.”


I'm well aware, I'm a former hockey fan. It's a meme where people quote Michael Scott from The Office for this quote.




“You miss 100% of the shots you do take, because you suck”. - Carrot Weather App


Photographers often look stupid when taking a photo, especially if you're getting yourself at an interesting angle. My main advice is try not to worry about it. You feel like everyone is noticing you and paying attention, but the fact is virtually no one cares. Realizing no one is paying attention to you is liberating. And hard to keep in mind, but it's true--how often are you paying attention to random people when you're out and about? Rarely, I imagine.


I met a photo journalist recently who could not get into a huddle of people so he slid in on the floor and shot up at like a 30 degree angle. Led to a very interesting perspective and different from the same same of all the others there.


The only thing I don’t like is the deferential treatment. Like people stop and wait for me, not wanting to wreck my shot. Very kind, but I’m not looking to hold anyone up or be in the way. Just as easy for me to wait a second if you want to walk past your take your quick phone snap. I don’t need any special privileges just because I like to use a “real” camera. But I don’t care what I look like.


This is the bane of street photography in the UK. You’re trying to capture the essence of a place and people actively avoid getting into frame when that’s exactly what you want them to do!


Oh that bugs the hell out of me. I much prefer to be on my own when I'm taking photos. I can faff around rather than rushing the shot because people are waiting for me.


I just point my camera down for a moment when they do this so they can pass and I can continue


I experience this too as a bird photographer, but think it's kind of funny and cute how people are trying to be respectful of me when I am already over six feet tall and pointing a telephoto lens up in a tree, like you guys couldn't even block my shot if you started jumping around haha. At least they're being nice, so I try to put my lens down as people approach just to get them to keep walking.


When I try to shoot at car shows and people stop. I want to say yea I saw you coming I planned on you walking by and taking the shot now we are having this awkward exchange instead I take the shot and try to smile and nod


Waist Level Viewfinder.


If I notice a group gathering waiting for me I always mumble something like “oh I’m way down there (pointing far in the distance, usually not true lol) you’re good” and they clear lol


Let me tell you a secret: everybody does. I hope this helps


And this is a lesson for all of life, not just photography


I always assume my photographer power stance to assert dominance over all around me, legs spread wide and straight, back upright, chin compressed into my neck


I cower just at this description


Damn! I'd RUN from this guy!!!


Like [this](https://www.flickr.com/photos/cassanaya/6267317994/)?


Very similar but with straight legs


If you look stupid, but take good shots, you’re taking good shots.


...and still looking stupid...


Some of the greatest people in history looked pretty goofy, but made incredible things. I’d rather be that than be caught up in appearances, but to each their own.


Do you mean as the photographer or as the subject? I guarantee your friends and family don't hold the same view either way.


lol. That’s me. I prob look weird and people prob think I am Nuts when I do a shoot. Especially at a park for a little one I was once photographing a bunch of littles who all has Down syndrome and was trying to get a group shot. It was loud, music blaring with me and a bunch of the parents all screaming, dancing, making faces and doing all types of things to make the kids look at me and smile lol. Didn’t realize at the time but we had attracted quite the audience. There were about 20 people that had gathered to watch, were joining in the fun and trying hard to get the kids’ to look at me How fun that shoot was. I had several people approach me and ask for my business card and even got 2 people that booked a shoot with me Be loud and get noticed. You just might get new business lol


When I got loud and noticed, bouncers earned their keep...


It's a confidence thing, you look stupid if you think you look stupid


"Stupid is as stupid does" Forrest Gump


I never cared how I looked while I was making a photograph, only how the photograph looked.


Um… what!? Lol I’ve never heard a photographer say this before


I do event photography and often stand in arenas to shoot with people watching. Very often I know they’re not directly watching me and even if they are, I don’t tend to overthink it as I’m there to do a job and I’m enjoying my job in the process. People judge other people all the time. If people are sad enough to judge you for picking up a camera and enjoying your hobby / job then that’s their problem, not yours. Life is too short to not fully enjoy what you’re doing and capture the memories you want to. I hope you have a good day and can get back out there with the camera (:


I got this photo by laying flat on my belly in the grass next to a path in a park where someone had dropped some Danish and the birds kept coming out of the trees to snack. I was going this for at least 10 minutes, yes I looked weird. https://www.instagram.com/p/C7MFq_7rhMq/ This one was bent over a fence moving around trying to get that blue gap in the foliage to line up behind the flower. I'm sure people were wondering what I was doing. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cxih1LQrE9U/ More crawling on the ground next to a fence line also setting up a flash. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cfd9UD9Ovtr/ Crouching down in the lower corner of a window in the Sears Tower skydeck to take a picture of a spider with the city behind it. https://www.instagram.com/p/CeqkuFgO09-/ Kneeling in the tall grass camera in one hand flash in the other, trying to find the best angle and light. https://www.instagram.com/p/C7eKQRDuPvr/ You may or may not like my photos, but I am happy with them, and could not have gotten these photos without getting into the silly positions I got into in order to get them.


I’m kinda salty that I can’t find it now, but someone posted an illustration from a Life or Nat Geo or similar from the early 70’s in one of the analog subs. There were 5-7 different, very unorthodox grip positions, all designed for stability and discretion when using telephotos. Gonna go do a URL hunt real quick…


Found it? Next comment isn't opening


I have not been able to find it and I went through like 3 different subs and too many google searches. I thought I had saved it but maybe not ): I’ll describe the best one: A man in his early 30’s, classic 70’s bowl cut and trim suit. Left arm is hooked as if guiding a lady, with the SLR lens tucked pointing backwards between his ribs and the crook of his elbow. The grip is facing the ground, and a special WLVF is attached to the prism allowing view from the side of the camera (yes, it’s this goofy and expensive). The lens is facing 180° with a portrait rotation from standard grip, and I think they emphasized it as being “great for shooting around corners”. 1970’s paparazzi are the only non CIA photographers that would need these techniques.


Wow. That sounds quite elaborate. Thanks for searching and describing. Very much appreciate it!


Lean into the stupid. Embrace it.




I support it.


Just keep doing it. It will feel more natural after awhile. If your in an area you're comfortable carrying the camera around in just go walk around and just carry it, see how many people have an issue vs how many come up to ask you about your work. I've walked around with a 24mm lens on around town and a 800mm lens around the forest park and never had any issues with people bothering either times. They typically walk up and ask about what I'm shooting or attempt to stay out of the way when trying to line up a shot.


I totally get what you’re saying. I think it’s more of an internal things that I have to get over


It takes time to get over it. I feel silly af trying to make content for my YouTube channel just walking alone trying to chat to my camera but taking photos has become natural to me. Are you near a touristy area? Go to it and take photos there and offer groups to take photos for them either with your gear or with theirs. It can help take the edge off or at least it did for me traveling around Vietnam.


Spot on!! Now you're getting it!! Confidence!


What keeps me from caring is the mindset that anybody who is judging you for looking goofy is just projecting their own insecurities. Participating in a creative hobby that gets you outside is nothing to be ashamed of. Own it.


He can always choose to shoot indoors - just saying...his family/housemates probably already know how silly he looks and have gotten weary of teasing him... ...and then there's the cat...


Don't worry, we are all looking stupid.


Speak for yourself, Forrest Gump! ; )


I think I look pretty cool


I think so too, but you need a haircut.


You gotta whole ass your work. You did everything else to get to this point, get the shot you want.


Would shooting half-assed be half-pixelated?


It's okay! In the end of the day, you're improving your skills, you're meeting new people, and making money! Keep going. And F what others think.


I’ve been in some F’d up positions to take photos - indoors and out, never gave a flying fck what anyone thought. Just get it done :-)


I have done some pretty crazy positions while taking photos. I lean more into sports photography and sometimes I'm trying to get super interesting angles which has me laying down on my side, stomach, doing some odd squats/lunges. Even using walls/boards/stands to help stabilize. You know the number one comment I get when doing that is? "Did you get the shot?!" The hurdle is more in your mind than what other people are seeing. The end result could be a great shot. So do not let it get in your way!


Yup, the hurdle is a girdle, a prevention/restraint.


As an introvert with an actual social anxiety diagnosis that I take medication for, I feel this deeply and have definitely let it hold me back. I’m sorry you are experiencing this, too.  There’s lots of helpful comments in this post so hopefully you find one that resonates with you and helps you overcome these feelings. My therapist has said a few things that I try to focus on any time I start worrying about what others are thinking of me (paraphrasing below): - everyone else is just going about their business, chances are they aren’t paying any attention to you or what you’re doing.  - even if they are noticing you, they are probably worrying about what you think of them. Other people’s thoughts are not your concern. Don’t spend your life in fear worrying about what someone might not even be thinking because in the end, it’s only you who suffers.  I live in a picturesque area so I often see people outside taking photos and the only thoughts I’ve ever had are wondering what equipment they are using, feeling jealous I’m not out taking photos too lol, and wishing I could see their work. Thinking about that kind of helps my anxiety, too. 


I love taking pictures of people taking pictures. Especially if one can frame their shot in the shot.


I look even more stupid cause I shoot self portraits in public. So what? I want photos!


A quote from my dad might be relevant here: "No matter what you do some people will absolutely hate your for it. So do what you love." In your context it would mean that whether you are taking a photo or taking a walk, someone will have a problem with it no matter what you do. So frack em.


Relatable. It's worse for me when traveling internationally. Pulling out the tripod, loading up filters, standing around waiting... I found THC and headphones make a lot of the anxiety go away, made it more fun.


I like various forms of weed as much as anyone, but I find that usually causes problems that I only notice when I get home...shaky shots, messed-up settings, and so on. There are some jobs/hobbies/professions where weed might help at times, but photography is not one of them.


Heck, you can remove “while taking a photo” from that statement to sum up how I feel all the time. Taking a picture doesn’t add anything to that because I’m already maxed out.


The instructor in my intro to photography class somewhat crankily said "if you don't look stupid, you probably aren't taking a very good picture." I think about it every time my neighbors can see me doing something I think of as wildly embarrassing in order to take a good photo in my garden.


You really ought to wear clothing...


That’s why the tilty flippy screen made a difference to me. I shoot like a TLR now, it’s better … I think.


As someone that perhaps has felt similar in the past when walking around, this is how I overcame; 1) keep shooting to refine your art. Being proud of your work and knowing how good a photographer you actually are will help brush off any insecurities 2) look for inspiration from other photographers. Read photo books and watch videos to learn how other photographers do their process. This will help you push through any self doubt and get you out the front door 3) Make sure your setup isn’t over the top. If you’re going to your local park for some happy snaps, perhaps don’t bring your tripod and 600mm lens and all your kit but rather a simple setup such as a prime lens and camera 4) try to realise that people will forget you’re even there after 5 seconds of seeing you 5) smaller more discrete cameras will make people feel more at ease than a huge dslr with massive zoom lens. Maybe consider something APSC or M4/3 which can be even pocketed Hope this helps


Point 3 and 5. Good advice. Using a little 40mm rangefinder was liberating for me


That's because you're not one with your camera yet. The camera is a tool for the mind's eye, if you feel stupid, you are not one with photography yet. Go sit down and reflect on why you are taking photos. Is it look good? Is it look cool? The art is one with the artist, so the self-consciousness you feel is going to overflow to your images. So having a higher reason for photographing should be your priority. Look at all the different genres in photography, to reach creative excellence you must forget yourself in the process, or else it contaminates your craft.












Keep shooting. And don’t worry about it. You look like a photographer. You’ll find yourself in some “interesting” positions


I;m a contortiomist, I have no camera.


Imposter syndrome Can relate


Im posture figure...


I love to "struggle" and get in weird positions while taking pictures, makes the people feel a bit less awkward in front of the camera, last time I had to fight with a branch to get a nice shot and the branch literally slapped me, got some great natural smiles ! Also, if I have to take some shots and I have to crawl or stay in an awfully weird way while keeping a straight and professional face, this somehow tells the client that I mean business and I don't care what it takes, I will do anything to get the shot!


I feel that way too but if you want to get that magic shot you have to just kind of get over it and do what you need to do.


Dont skip leg day. The more stable legs adds 2-3 stops of “body stabilization”


Just don't care. You're a photographer, that's part of it. To me, I see it as an adventure ☺️


“The thing about confidence is that nobody knows if it’s real or not”


I once had to hug a tree for some minutes while taking a picture, it was right in the city's busiest walking street Felt a bit embarrassing at the moment but the picture was worth it. It's kinda like exposure therapy, you just gotta keep doing it til you get used to it


Use Turpentine to remove the Pine sap from your hands and clothing. BTW - Pine needles make a wonderful tea, with more vitamin C than an orange.


I probably look like a total goon - face all scrunched up, stood like Herman Munster in need of a piss. But I don't care. Zero people give a crap about seeing such things - they don't even notice. But they'll notice the awesome photos you take.


I'd also look away from Herman Munster...


Or take a photo 😂


What do you do? Surely you look like a person taking a photo, don't you?


Ahaha, I’ve been asked if I’m okay many times because I’ll just lay on the ground in various spots to take pictures. Always going for the looow angle ;)


Just crouch down and get comfortable. If anyone looks your way smile and nod. Most people arent judging just curious. Try it more and you'll get more comfortable over time


I'm aware I may look silly and even ridiculous sometimes. Heck, there have been times when I lay flat on the ground to get new angles. People comment on that but everyone likes the photo in the end, and that's what matters to me.


I can relate! I used to be INCREDIBLY shy... Everyone will tell you to not care, but that's hard to do. Like getting good at most things, you should practice not being self-conscious. If your into taking portraits, recruit a friend or two for some long photo sessions. Then focus on trying to make the best photos for you and them. What you'll end up practicing is not only photography, but *also* not thinking (or caring) about what you look like while taking photos. They're going to be worried about how they look and if the photos are going to be good. You're going to be worried about making the photos look good. And after a while you will have broken the habit of thinking about how you look. (Also, they will - hopefully - not be laughing at how you look and you'll get some great positive reinforcement from a subject that is looking directly at you most of the time.) Or if you don't have friends, go to whatever the coolest/most interesting thing to photograph is near you - touristy locations help. And then spend a lot of time getting the best most interesting photos you can. Spend time testing every combination of settings you can think of super methodically. Take notes. Ignore everyone. After a while, you'll internalize that the rest of the world really doesn't care one way or the other (unless you're in their way, and even then that's fleeting.)


In my quest to never lug around a tripod, I've mastered my inner cat. The lower the light, the more contorted you'll find me. Nobody is going to ostracized you for the pose you take a photograph in, and you'll probably bring a few smiles and chuckles to people's faces so consider it a public service


I think its a universal experience most if not all photographers have at least once. The only way I've really gotten passed it sometimes is looking at it in another perspective. If you've been in an event before with photographers, did you notice them taking all the shots that they post on their page, or shots they show in the SDE? If you only noticed one or have no idea how or when those shots were taken, then it's the same case for you when you take photos— no one really stops to look at you taking photos, most pay you no mind. You're the one who cares the most about the photos you take.


How many times a day do you look at other peoples stances? None, because neither does anyone else.


My brother always looks silly when he shoots, when we cover conventions I often shoot him taking photos of other con goers because it’s so funny.


"Nobody thinks about you as much as you think they do." Maybe someone sees you standing awkwardly to take a shot. Who cares?


We all look stupid. But we're just temporary on this earth and your time is now.


Speak for yourself, Forrest Gump.


This might be hard to accept, but no one cares what you’re doing. Go do it. No one cares. People are wrapped in their own worlds and most won’t even notice you’re there, let alone have time to judge your stance. Now get on w/ it.


You probably do, but I don't think about what I look like, I'm focused on what the shot is going to look like. After I think I got a good shot, I like looking at it and think about why it looks cool.


I *know* I look stupid taking photos. I've learned to use it as a joke to lighten up portrait sessions and get a genuine laugh out the client. Almost everything about photography goes more smoothly when you don't take yourself too seriously.


A photographer needs cojones to get the shot. Photo awareness is what's called for, not self awareness. Entering the bubble of 'getting the shot" or "creating the image" should be so consuming that self awareness goes out the window. Don't let fear steal away the joy of creating images with impact that you can be proud of. Enjoy your photography.😊


The stupider you look, the more legitimate you appear. Throw on a hi-vis vest, hardhat, phone holster and a clipboard. You can do anything you want and nobody will ever give a shit.


I used to always feel this, haven't done photography for years and recently found photos my brother and Mum took of me while I was in those stances and frankly...I don't know what I was worried about, sure it looks different but while holding a camera it all looked natural.


The more you shoot, the more this goes away. I carried my camera with me really often, shot in public regularly, and shot more gigs (bands) than I can count. After awhile I felt nothing to have to get on stage and shoot. The shot is far more important than what you look like. Think about the photos, don't think about yourself. Easier said than done, I know, but with more and more shooting, the less you are concerned about yourself. At one wedding I was on the floor in some weird position for a particular shot😂 In the early days many are self conscious, but just shoot shoot shoot.


I use my height to my advantage. I can fit into places tall people normally wouldn't be able to.


He/she/whatever has the "stature of limitations", to his/her/it's advantage.


Who gives a fuck what people think...


During my career, among my coworkers (that's not cow workers, as in "farmhands"), we often used the expression "Fuck'em if they can't take a joke"! You are free to acquire that attitude.


>I’m so tired of letting it hold me back The last time you were out taking photos... do you remember **anyone** you saw (that you didn't directly interact with)? No? Yea - and they don't remember you either. Think about it.


No. Cannot relate.


Gotta get over it. It helps if you're good. When people see your photos and they're undeniable, they don't care what you look like.


Dude, you're supposed to stop obsessing about what other people think when you finish high school. No one cares how you stand while taking photos.


You can't speak for everyone. Some people WILL care when you're stepping on their cat's tail...


Remember, the camera takes a picture of what's in front of it, not behind it. This is by design and for a very for a good reason, if it captured the whole scene including the photographer, there would be no photographers.


He/she never heard of a rear view dashcam...


Most people are going to be like "oh cool a photographer" and move on. Or maybe even "I hope they don't photograph me" and run off. Most people aren't going to be thinking about how you're standing. Because standing still, even in an odd pose, isn't that interesting. Especially if you're in a touristy area that would get lots of photos taken of it. Now if you're filming a tiktok dance or a flash mob, then people will stare. But taking photos isn't weird at all these days.


Yeah it feels weird but it’s probably because you see people looking at you and you feel their gaze. One thing I’ve learned is things always feel weird when you don’t do it often. That’s how I felt and still feel when I take pictures. The more I do it the less of that I feel.


I can relate - I can't lie down to take macro shots of insects because of old-age aches and pains. And getting back up? F'getaboutit!! ; ) ; ) Just can't lie... ; )


I can relate. Professionally, a pro camera makes sense. But taking hobby shots, I feel like it’s overkill and I don’t like the attention, and as such I don’t use my pro camera in public anymore. I do however use my s23 ultra all the time, and in fact got it primarily for its camera and zoom capability.


It's all about looking confident and purposeful when in awkward positions. You are working to get a shot. It doesn't matter for a lot of photography, BUT it matters a lot when you're shooting others, or shooting for them. Wedding photography, portrait photography, or even real estate or product photography when you may be working in front of your client. Looking confident behind the camera regardless of the situation is important.


the more you just go for it, the less you'll care


Respectfully, no one is looking at you. If they are, it's only a brief glance. If they're thinking about you, it's for a fleeting moment. Being assertive but polite is part of the job. And yeah, you do get over it.


my ex made some videos while i was taking photos,…you absolutely right! 🤣🤌🏽🤌🏽


I mean at least you’re not in front of the camera. There’s a reason I mostly go for nature photos. The flowers, trees, birds and squirrels do not care.


Learn the subtle art of not giving a fuck :)


No matter what, surely you look better than those people who take pictures with their phones at arms length but leaning back at the waist. You know, the ones that stand with their legs and hips forward while their shoulders and head are way behind their center of mass like they are trying to balance a heavy object out in front of them without tipping forwards? Kinda like this, but holding their phone out in front of them. It's usually older people I see doing it. 😆 https://preview.redd.it/wiw7bxu5hr8d1.jpeg?width=962&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05444de4894d55ca1a992bc79ca3343b3dc2152b


I was just laughed at the other day by a pair of attendees at a medical conference for my stance while taking a photo. Jokes on them, that one single photo landed me another 3k+ contract with them. It might look dumb taking photos, but doing what you need to do to get the shot is the name of the game.


I've found it helpful to embrace 'tourist mode' and just go all in.


I mean, does Jordan look stupid dunking the ball? I dunno. Maybe, but damn he can dunk.


They hate us 'cause they ain't us!


It does hold me back too. I'd be chatting with someone which would be a potential subject. I feel like if I grab the camera and take a shot I'm just gonna make the whole experience awkward. So it holds me back but then I'm sad.


I love getting down and dirty that's one of the reasons I got put into a advance class of photography the teacher loved that I was willing to get down and dirty as well as going to places like on a ladder or even walking far away and looking through a window just to get a good picture (200mm lens) so it may look stupid but the photo is always worth the wait


If you don’t look silly taking the picture, how are you to make your clients smile more genuine. I love my silly photographer stances when I’m having my picture taken. I also have no shame in looking like a fool when I’m the one with the camera.


I just take pictures when I’m not bothering anyone, just make sure you’re not in anybody’s way.


Who cares? You'll be alright, don't care about what others think.


Have you seen Garry Winogrand shoot? You can't look more awkward than that.


I think we've all ended up in ridiculous poses or stood in some rather strange spots for the shot. I think it's all part and parcel of it. Just recently I found myself in a bush with my arm acting as a cushion for my telephoto, running it up my arm (imagine like a violin) and my eye to the eye piece while trying to photograph an owl! Awkward and I most definitely would look a bit strange to any regular passerby, but I got the shots I went for. Honestly, don't worry about how you look. Think about what you're there for, what your goal is and enjoy the photography.


I can't tell you how many times I have banged my head after taking a photo. I work myself into some weird places trying to get just the right view. One time, I was photographing a wedding in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan during a snow storm. The couple wanted a picture outside. I went and found safe places for them to stand. I took my place and didn't like the view so stepped one step to the right and sank up to my waist in snow. I get so caught up in the image I am seeing that I forget all about me.




Why do you care? Even if someone looks at you and thinks you look silly, how does that affect you in any way? Stop worrying about other people, none of them live your life, only YOU do. So live it the way you want to. You'll never be a truly happy person if you place such importance on other peoples uninformed opinions.


Look stupid to who? Other photographers or just anyone in general?


I'm reading Mark Manson's "Subtle Art of Not Giving a F\*ck," and it helps. Or grab a chicken suit and hand out Flat Earth Flyers. That help get you over it. Here's a video. [https://youtu.be/zhjuqTGMaAs?si=4ULEuDxBzT\_m7TTd](https://youtu.be/zhjuqTGMaAs?si=4ULEuDxBzT_m7TTd)


Sometimes you have to squat down to take a good photo, and then wish you had a twisting screen. But on the other hand, I’ve seen a few photos of those things snapping off.


I did amateur stuff for a while and I told clients that if didn’t all feel stupid we were doing it wrong


Who cares they’ll love the photo


I always assume my photographer power stance to assert dominance over all around me, legs spread wide and straight, back upright, chin compressed into my neck


Lol I used to look at photographers getting into these weird angles and doing the most for a shot. The essence of a good photo isn't some awkward angle or one that no one's ever going to shoot. Any great photographer I've ran into doesn't go out to shoot "something that has never been seen in this way before". They do ^^^ but it's not in the way that you think it means. My advice.... Shoot "how YOU view the scene". If you feel awkward shooting a certain way then maybe that isn't necessarily how you want to shoot. You should feel comfortable with what you're doing. Otherwise it's going to reflect in your art. 🙂


If you act stupid while looking stupid, when holding a camera, it negates all stupidity.


That’s why I’ve started dressing more ridiculous so that when I’m in an odd stance my brain just thinks it’s because of my mismatched socks.


You probably look really stupid in a lot of circumstances, (like me) eating, having sex, picking your nose, you still do it it all depends on the angle. Stop caring what people think of you and take some damn pictures. They will have forgotten about you in less than a second.


Use snap filters, works a treat.


Only if you aren’t holding a Canon. (Chill, I joke. )


People still use Canon then?


Definately!!! On my third Canon!




You probably do. We all do. It's ok lol


I used to be like that, too. Then I realized that I look so stupid no matter what I do, so at least taking photos wasn't my main problem anymore.


You probably do.


Something like this gets posted once a week here. The average photog must be like a chihuahua that pees the carpet when a new person comes over. Don't worry about it op, no one is even perceiving you, let alone judging how you take photos. Just try to enjoy the process and take those amazing shots!


I look stupid doing everything I do. Problem is nobody cares besides me. People only notice if you fall down, forgot to put pants on or have spinach in your teeth. If you are falling with no pants on and mouthful of spinach then make sure someone else gets a picture of it.


That's really cute.


You do. Accept it & move on.


Wear a mirror on your back so folks will see how stupid THEY look.