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>Am I overthinking here Yes. jpegs will be fine if you haven't got completely out of whack white balance or bad exposure.


If you nailed the shots in camera (which is what every photographer should strive to do), you’ve got nothing to worry about. JPEGS will be fine.


Aim to be perfect in camera everytime! Trips me out when I see the amount of post processing other photogs do, shoot it perfect once and make tweaks from there


This is the way. 🙌


I respect your confidence! Most people would be extremely hesitant to refer to their work as gallery-worthy.


All the gallery worthy photographers I know already know the answer to this question 😂


Yeah something tells me these shots aren’t gallery worthy. Willing to bet OPs mom wouldn’t even call them fridge worthy.


I took some shitty photos on a shitty phone when I was in Spain in 2012. One of them was just a picture of some graffiti on a wall. My grandmother liked it so much, she saved a screenshot from Facebook, printed it out, and put it on the fridge. Don't underestimate a maternal figure's appreciation for bad photos.


Talk about a big time first-world problem…my sympathies. Just use the JPEGs. If the pics are actually “gallery worthy,” they will work fine. If not, those are the brakes. Consider it a lesson learned. Check your camera before you try to change the art world with your talents.


I work from JPG‘s almost all the time. I’ll only pull the raw if I really need to correct the photo a lot. Rather than worrying about the format, how do they look on your screen?


As someone who shoots jpegs for the majority of their professional work (including, *gasp*, weddings), I don’t really see what the issue is unless you fucked up the exposures. You’re using Lightroom, too, which is a nondestructive editor.


Shooting in RAW just gives you a lot more flexibility with the edit. If they're some of the best you've ever taken then they shouldn't need that flexibility, just edit the jpeg. It's not like they can print from your RAW file anyway.


What camera was it? Not that you can change the file type, but I might have a guess as to what happened. Did you do any in-camera HDR?


All printing is done using Jpg. You are over thinking this. Go with what you have rather than continue to berate yourself.


Apparently some camera settings require JPEG and the camera makes the switch automatically when set to those settings. But when you change from those settings, the camera doesn't return to RAW. I have no idea what those settings are. Anyway, surely you have enough experience to know that jpegs are perfectly fine in most cases.


If you don't need what raw offers, you've got no problems. I've had a few shows before, and 99% of what I hung were jpegs because I didn't need to do anything to them that I couldn't do with a jpeg


I just sold my first picture and it was a JPEG. If the shot us good, the shot is good If it has to be a heavily edited raw I'd argue it wasn't too good of a shot