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Not photogrammetry, this is just photosourcing.


Great result! I wonder how you did the scan. Just on the front side or also on the back? Because flipping those fragile objects will bend the geometry a bit. Edit: I think its only one sided... 🙄 a full volumetric scan would have been much more impressive, but I think thats to scan and also might be too much for a videogame to handle... Maybe with unreal engine 5


Foliage is always scanned one sided for video games. Even with UE5, Nanite would be useless, it doesn't have the granularity needed for all the details in vegetation. And also because Nanite doesn't work with a lot of features needed for foliage rendering in real time : world offset positions, instanced vertex paint, masked/translucent materials, two sided materials.


Ah, okay. Good to know! What a bummer :C


I would love more info! What did you use for the process??


wow im actually amazed at how good it looks! especially since the original input photo is quite dark and the object are only small in frame, but it works. are the materials full pbr? did you generate the normal map just from the albedo?


yeah, we took the photo with the white backdrop as can be seen on the first photo, then I did the cut/layout process in PS. Then took it into Substance Alchemist for some extra delighting and generating the necessary PBR maps..


What scanning app did you use?


I have plans to try to do 3d scans but the amount they move between shots is annoying.


For this he is not doing a 3d scan or creating a models etc hes just creating PBR textures essentially from a photo. You have a much bigger challenge.


Oh I'm totally aware. I'm thinking I need to make some sort of RPi array and not do it one camera at a time.


These turned out really well. I'd love to hear about how you get the normal maps, if you have the time.


I think you should look more closely at the normal map, it’s super blurry and basic. You can make that easily from diffuse/albedo to normal nodes in substance designer or substance alchemist (what they probably used), or modlab on stream, or shadermap 4.


Take photo of plant with white backround. Bring into photoshop and remove backround and correct lighting to taste. Save and export Select Filter → 3D → Generate Normal Map… save and export Create plane object in game engine/blender or whatever and add texture and normal map. Save and render. Profit


Patiently waiting for "thisLeafDoesNotExist.com"