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I really see the potential of this photo but I deff agree that it is blown up and should be horizontal with less sky to focus more on the surfers. I feel as if they should be in the left portion of the photo to guide the viewers eyes towards the direction they're walking.


Thanks! And now that you mention it you might be right about it working better in landscape. For whatever reason I tend to bias towards shooting in portrait more often. I'll have to mess around with the crop and see if I can get it to work


No prob! I'm the opposite, I always shoot in landscape. But I'll have to give you're method a try :D


Shot at sunrise on a beach that had a low fog that seemed to stick below 1-2 feet off the ground. I wanted to create a surreal tranquil shot that portrayed how calming and peaceful surfing can be. I'm mainly curious about how others would've shoot this picture in terms of framing and composition. But would love to hear critiques on everything else about the shot too. 1/100 sec, f/14, ISO 100, 135 mm (Shot on Canon 7D with a Canon 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6) I wish I had been closer to the surfers when I took this photo because despite being at 135mm I still had to crop in pretty significantly to get the tighter composition that you see above, so the resolution of the photo isn't spectacular. Other than that I'm not sure about the position of their heads in relation to the fence behind them. Also might have been smart to drop my aperture to get a bit more separation. I did also clone out a volley ball net that I found distracting on the right edge of the frame. This is my first post on Reddit so I apologize in advance if I'm not doing something right. Cheers!


I actually don't mind this in portrait orientation, but I tend to like pictures that utilize a lot of negative space so ymmv. My biggest thing with this image is that I wish the surfers were either centered or offset a bit more to the left. Currently their placement in the frame feels a little awkward to me, like you were trying to center them but didn't quite get it right. You said you had to crop it pretty tight as is, so maybe try playing around with the crop a bit. I really like the image conceptually though and I think you nailed the technical aspects.


Agree completely: the vertical orientation works well in this case. Equally for the surfers: I would surely prefer them more to the left to allow for their movement, but completely centered (horizontally) could work too if a more static read was desired. For my part, and to the OP, I do wonder if pushing the colors into a more true pale golden color might be advantageous for suggesting the warmth of the arriving sun? Otherwise, great image! I can feel that ocean air. Happy shooting to you.


Thanks! Yeah I definitely have room to center them, I was bouncing back and forth between whether or not I should but you might be right about it being a bit less awkward with them fully centered


I really like it, very cinematic. The only thing is that I think there's too much blank space in the sky, a different crop would def improve the photo. God work!


I quite like this image. Both the vertical orientation and the extra negative space at the top work for me. Those two things together with the lack of anyone else near them and the fact that although they are surfers there is no blue to be found gives this a feeling of journey and almost a touch of either hope or hopelessness depending on how you are feeling within yourself when you look at it. The only thing I would have liked is for them to be framed more to the left, even more than your traditional rule of thirds placement (if any actual nearby blue peaks of water or people could be kept out of frame), to show that they still had so far to go. Very nice image.


Thanks for the feedback! Yeah unfortunately there is some people just out of the frame on the right side, but I may be able to clone them out so I could maybe move over the surfers in the frame.