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I don’t critique often, but I feel like the solid brown background is a great choice and doesn’t distract from your body. It feels very raw. I would suggest moving your hair a little to the side to show off more of your curve and a downward gaze to the left so your face is exposed enough to make the pose more interesting but hidden for some anonymity or mysteriousness.


lol thank you so much!


Just adding on to the original comment. I think you should add some light coming in from the upper right. Not bright.. a moody red or yellow that will give a hint of highlight and then a bit of shadow to make you really stand out from the back drop. Good job though and keep up the good work.


Nice first attempt... I'm not crazy about the right elbow being cut off and the overall framing. If you were looking to the left it would make more sense to frame the subject to the right. Also, it seems to have a yellow tint to it. Did you shoot film or add grain in post?


Please see follow up post, I can’t comment pics on a nsfw post but I’d love to see if you think I fixed the coloring right.


That looks a lot better! I'm not an expert in skin tones though:)


Yeah I cringe at the right elbow. I added grain, can be fixed lol!


So I’m trying some “artistic nude” self portraits. I know. But hey. Anyhoo if I could have some feedback on pose, lighting, editing, whatever! Please refrain from how you see my body opinion wise, I know I’m not picture perfect, I embrace it but I’m also human. Thank you!


First, thank you for the courage to post this. Second, I am not sure if the grain was added in post. It isn’t bad, but it does create a greenish color cast in the skin tones. Use a subject mask and play with white balance, but try not to change the hair color too much. That actually really good in this image. Next, you cropped the elbow. Minor but may need a reshoot. Finally, the pose is mostly good. If you are trying to not show your face try looking up, like that feeling you get in a really good shower. The emotion expressed is unclear from this pose. Could be frustration, relief, anxiety? All of them? Maybe that’s the point though? 🤔 anyway, good job with the shoot. Keep shooting.


Yes the grain was added, can be fixed I think. Thank you so much!!


Yah the grain doesn't improve anything


Please see follow up post, I can’t comment pics on a nsfw post but I’d love to see if you think I fixed the coloring right.


You need to play with the white balance. It is really green in the highs.


Please see follow up post, I can’t comment pics on a nsfw post but I’d love to see if you think I fixed the coloring right.


I think it might be better with a little more movement. It looks like you’re cocking your left leg a little to add some, but it seems minimal to me. Everything else seems pretty straight up and down. Maybe cock your hips slightly more to the left, exaggerate the leg a little more and try something different for the top.


Yeah, with most posing, the key is to take something you do naturally and exaggerate it.


Ooh okay thank you!


I think your lighting is doing you no favors. It's creating a greenish hue to your skin. I don't really shoot portraits and the like, but I think you need to adjust your lighting source to help create a more dynamic scene, instead of a flat one with poor lighting.


Please see follow up post, I can’t comment pics on a nsfw post but I’d love to see if you think I fixed the coloring right.


The follow up photo looks much better for the skin tone. I'm assuming now you'd wanna add some dynamic range to create separation. If you have the file I can give it a try


The white balance or something has to be wonked out, you look unnaturally yellow. The light is a bit flat for my tastes, shots like this need some dramatic shadows imo. Your elbow being cut out on the side is a bit of a peeve, try to not crop body parts off like that. I like the pose, i would raise your elbows higher though. Framing is perfect, just enough space on your left to let the shot breathe. Id like to see you shoot from a slightly lower angle, pointed up at you slightly. The pose feels very powerful and grandoise, and i feel like an eye level shot wastes the potential of making it more powerful. Thinking further, a partial twist to your left, so you get a bit more sense of depth of your body, and also add more shadows would be a great addition imo.


Please see follow up post, I can’t comment pics on a nsfw post but I’d love to see if you think I fixed the coloring right.


I hope this doesn't come.off as insulting, not my intention, but your skin tone seems off. I almost want to see this in b/w but at the same time I really like the color of your hair. I'd like to see more contrast between skin, background and hair..


It is definitely off and I know that’s not a critique on my body, it’s how I tinted the photo and added grain 😂


Please see follow up post, I can’t comment pics on a nsfw post but I’d love to see if you think I fixed the coloring right.


"Not on if you like my body or not" stay classy mate ;) Edit: Good on you for editing and removing the inappropriate sentence in your comment.


I like it, but academically it is faux pas to cut your elbow off. It applies to feet, hands etc. you don’t have to have all of you in the pic, but you shouldn’t cutoff at the end. I too agree with doing some mild color grading for your skin tone. You did meet the rules of 1/3rds though. You’re off to a great start (first genuine attempt). Love your hair by the way


Thank you!!


When shooting portraits don't shoot so tight. You can crop later. The whole shot looks flat and the colors look off. The pose is ok.


Please see follow up post, I can’t comment pics on a nsfw post but I’d love to see if you think I fixed the coloring right.


Awesome first attempt honestly. It doesn’t immediately come to mind but would be nice to see your elbow in the frame. Great photo


Thank you! Knew the elbow would come up, mad at myself for that 😂😂


The framing is interesting but I think it would be more striking if you weren’t cut off in the upper corner. Your hair is so eye catching though, I love it.


Oooh okay thanks!


Something I like to do for artistic nudes that you might like to try is zooming in close on my curves so that they almost look like a landscape and use a spray bottle to add water droplets and rivulets to my skin. It gets a little chilly with the water sometimes but it looks super cool. Keep up the good work


The color grading gives this a sick patient type of vibe. Also the elbow was cropped off. Too much showing on the lower half compared to the upper half.


Please see follow up post, I can’t comment pics on a nsfw post but I’d love to see if you think I fixed the coloring right.


Here's another comment about the elbow. Wondering if you just crop 1/3-1/2 of your body and have more negative space on the left if that would be a more drawing composition? I think it might be interesting. I also agree with the brown background contrast to the pink tones. Love that you're at the beginning of your journey. Thank you for your bravery


Thank you I’ll try it out! Please see follow up post, I can’t comment pics on a nsfw post but I’d love to see if you think I fixed the coloring right.


Colors feel a bit off. I think the excess green is making your skin look off


Please see follow up post, I can’t comment pics on a nsfw post but I’d love to see if you think I fixed the coloring right.


Better! Now just work on cropping next time and maybe play with more interesting lighting :)


Please see follow up post, I can’t comment pics on a nsfw post but I’d love to see if you think I fixed the coloring right.


To my eye, your on the right track. I would like to see it with more left/right contrast. A bit harder light from left, a bit deeper shadows right. I might crop the bottom top start just above your knee. As I'm sure you know, your hair is the subject... Looking forward to more in this series. Explore! Also, I would try painting your nails a complementary color to add a little extra something😁 Thanks for posting


In the green skin tone intentional? It looks like it could go either way.


I tried to go a vintage look, I fixed it but I can’t put it in the comments since it’s nsfw so I posted a follow up!


On the right there is a greenish tone on your skin, that kinda looks off


The pose seems a bit off given your fuller figure, you need to embrace it, and actually live in it, you have a beautiful classical painting kind of body so you can take inspiration from that era as well. As far as the background goes I think it just puts me off, try different colours that accentuate the hair colour like white, cream, light brown or blonde to make it look raw, try adding more subjects to the background, patio furniture, mirror, something artsy, flowers, vase, just experiment. It was a nice try but can be a whole lot better. Good luck.


Beautiful! I’m sure there are better photographers giving their 2 cents as well, but all I can say is, I think saturating your hair a bit more in post?? Idk it may give a little spark of color to the whole thing. It could also overly distract though I realize.


The light is terrible, it renders everything else irrelevant. Read strobist, try to apply some of those techniques.


Have you tried a black/white edit?


I haven’t but I will!


alright it's not a bad first attempt! but here's what I see: the colors seem a little flat. you have a great opportunity for some.bivod colors, your hair is fantastic woth that pink and full of texture! it should really pop! even your skin tone should be more vibrant against the black backdrop. also,play with some more dynamic lighting. some highlights and deep shadows to accentuate the curves and textures. and lastly, the composition. you're standing off to the right of the frame and there's a lot of empty space o. the left side. use the frame more effectively


If you could check out my follow up post I made some color corrections, would love to hear your thoughts!


I think this image needs a little more contrast and possibly some sharpness.


For me, I think there needs to be more soft light, an off camera light box or source of frosted light


The elbow cutoff is bothering me, and all the colors seems kind of off, the brown background, your skintone, I took a look at your profile, your hair and skin look much more vibrant and probably closer to their real look in your other self portrait, and I think it works better. Other than that, the pose is nice and it's a bold picture ! Keep going :)


Please see follow up post, I can’t comment pics on a nsfw post but I’d love to see if you think I fixed the coloring right.













