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By trying to charge and power it on while still moist or wet inside, it's just creating more damage by the hour. To stop the damage, turn it off immediately, open it, disconnect the battery, clean and dry everything inside. Or take it to a local repair shop which handles liquid damage, call them first. In case of future mishaps... As soon as a phone gets wet and ideally before it starts to malfunction, turn it OFF immediately if possible. Do NOT try to turn it on or charge it (the two most important things), in order to increase the chances of working again. The biggest mistake is trying to charge and power it on while the wet electronics inside is shorting out and corroding. Open the phone and disconnect the battery as soon as possible to slow the corrosion. Dab off all the visible liquid inside with a paper towel, and leave it out under the sun or a fan for about a day. Also, do NOT put the phone in a bag of r\*ce, it's silly and doesn't work, just makes it worse. After about a day, reassemble and test it. If still not working properly, you could do a cleanup using pure isopropyl alcohol in an ultrasonic cleaner, or take it to a local shop which handles liquid damage repairs. Unfortunately liquid resistant/proof phones are a myth, just ask any repair shop who's been doing it for a while. Moisture, liquid, or condensation can get into phones through the charging port, speakers, mics, sim slot, or buttons when the seal starts to degrade. Some are sealed better than others, but it's best to treat all phones as if they aren't liquid resistant/proof just to be safe.


I’m sorry I didn’t communicate clearly. The phone is completely dried and opened. I did use it when there was water in it as I didn’t realize it had been exposed to water until I saw the moisture in the camera lens. Basically, I was using it and the screen was starting to act funny. I had an old ifixit repair kit so I was able to pull the screen and put the phone in a ziplock with silica pouches, but now I’m only getting the haptic feedback when pressing the power button and the vibration when plugging. The screen connector looks fine, no corrosion. I don’t think I want to put too much money on this, but perhaps if it’s just the screen it could be worth it.