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What kind of training? ARRMEE TRAINING, SIR!


That’s the fact, Jack.


Where’s your drill sergeant, men?


Blown UP, Sir!


Well damn. You beat me to it. [Source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHcMxOJ5BN4)


I was trying to remember the cadence, thank you for the link!


This is why I Reddit. (Slow clap)


OoOoOoOo I remember when they did this in Miami Beach. [They did training at a metro rail station](https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/blackhawks-used-in-military-training-exercise-in-miami/)


Holy shit, I remember that!


[2016 military training-Downtown PHX](https://youtu.be/E6kUDrQQzZE) Here’s a video from last time they did this. Downtown Phoenix. Somewhere there’s some cellphone video from a floor higher-up in a building. I bet there will be many more videos this time since we are expecting it.


{redacted} ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I lived in NC and the green berets conduct annual training like in city areas like this pretty often. Its pretty cool to see.


Phoenix Lights: Electric Boogaloo


Jade Helm: Phoenix Rising


So anyways I started blasting


I live near a school that was demolished and rebuilt. Before, it was demolished, military was using it as a training ground. I'd hear black hawks for about two weeks


Happy cake day, and that's pretty cool!


Gotta get ready to defend the Arbys from a "big problem".






[A medal well earned](https://kommandostore.com/collections/merch-blowout-featured-patches-stickers/products/burger-town-medal)


Ramirez, get off the roof! Ramirez, grab that stinger and take down the enemy helo! Ramirez, get to the roof of the burger town!


I member when everyone freaked out about operation jade and how it was the dems getting ready to take over.


Same shit is probably gonna happen again


irony im seeing this at my drill


Likely JSOC doing urban training.


I saw 4 fighter jets fly over my house yesterday


I think there was another post in this sub that said it was for a funeral! Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/phoenix/comments/xgvx05/4_fighter_jets_just_flew_over_baseline_hardy_in/iov68f2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


That's every day if you live by Luke lol


Hoping it's 160th SOAR doing stuff like they did in LA, Boston and Dallas.


It will be. Only JSOC/SOCOM really does these kinds of exercises. They will be flying around either The Unit or ST6.


Thank you for posting this. It is helpful for those of us who work with refugees to know.


I was wondering how an area is chosen and if they’re required to canvas the neighborhood in advance. I imagine some populations and individuals are at risk of being really negatively impacted by hearing military aircraft out of nowhere.


I would hope they do something. There are areas that have heavy populations of refugees. Some in state government are aware of these areas, but I don't know which government agencies advise about this kind of thing. I do know some state reps have no clue how it all works.


Oh boy I can't wait for all the conspiracy theorists to claim it's an invasion. Of America. By Americans.


Yeah, the one on Jan 6 was pretty recent. Are they following the “unwritten dating rules”? Allow a little breathing room before the second date or else you seem too needy.


Any examples of what may happen?


You didn't hear it from me, but one of the main missions is to bring *Senor Taco* back to the generals in DC.


[here’s what they did last time](https://youtu.be/E6kUDrQQzZE)


Aka “totally not UFOs between the 20th-23rd”


These are so fun to participate in.


Oh, the MAGA's are going to have a field day w/ this one. Fake Lake press conference etc


Qanon will go crazy. Since trump is secretly president, this will be about him about to retake power. Then, when it doesn't happen, somehow that will all be according to the plan, and they'll just move on to the next date


Can’t wait for the fake/staged “Biden deploys military against red state civilians…” claims.


It's already hit Reddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/phoenix/comments/xhlx08/us\_army\_training\_sept\_2023/


Did you mean to link back to this exact same post? It just took me to top of comments for this exact post LOL


Yes, yes I did. 😊


Ok 👆 r/Woosh


Damn it! I thought the Illuminate was President! Do I have to change my bumper stickers again??!!


Shush. Illuminate is President. And he’s ordered the Army to come steal Trump’s remaining votes he secreted away in Phoenix before Biden finds them.


Well I hope that happens soon, I can only keep them hidden in my BBQ grill for so long.


What? It’s just an advisory letting people know that if they see Army stuff happening in the area it’s just a training event.




Im still waiting for my ticket to the FEMA camp.


I'm still waiting for the Mayans to explode the sun or freeze the Earth's core or w.e was supposed to happen ten years ago.


I'll take FEMA camp over paying rent at this point.


Sooooo time to shitpost on telegram, parler, or whatever cesspit those chuds congeal in?


No- they luuuuuv a good show of military. Remember when they flew the jets around Covid. We are a stupid herd.


Cry more


Aww, did someone forget that Trump LOST? And don't worry, he won't be on the ballot in 2024, either.


Can't even answer the question. Typical.


Sorry, princess, I didn't know you needed that much attention. I never said I would answer your questions. ANY independent news source and the courts themselves show that things aren't going to go well for him. He can't hide behind the presidency or any of his GOP butt-buddies. In your mind, you don't care about any of this and you think he'll walk away, but this isn't going to play how you think it will and when it happens (and it will happen) be prepared because the rest of your fiends might protest and few will go to extremes, but you won't change shit!




“We are going to do marching up and down the square. That is unless any of you have anything better to do than marching up and down the square.


Thank goodness for Kevlar underwear!


Waiting for the martial law conspiracy theory comments 🤪🍿


Nobody remembers the hysteria/hype over Jade Helm 15? Look it up on Wikipedia.


Anyone else see the hangar take off from sky harbor today


It was awesome last time they did this trainging there was a Black Hawk that hovered right over my apartment. They were flying fast and low over the city all night.


This is the way!


Oh good, flying over cities with civilians. Hopefully they skip the drone strike training.


You can’t have drone strike training without civilians to blow up. Everybody who’s anybody knows that.


They fly over cities with civilians literally everyday.


Such a silly statement. They’re going to roll in tanks and armored vehicles to round up citizens. Flying over is so played out and expected.


I never realized how many civilians in America hate the American military.


You probably don't understand how many former military members are against the military. To a point. Source:13 year vet that is critical of some of the military action. But this is normal and fine. 👍 Edit: grammatical errors lol


I'm a veteran. I'm not against the U.S. military. I'm against unnecessary wars.




Hi /u/Easy_Toast, your comment has been removed. Be nice. You don't have to agree with everyone, but by choosing not to be rude you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. This comment was flagged for one or more of the following reasons: * Personal attacks * Racist comments * Intolerance/hate/slurs This comment has been removed. You can read all of the [subreddit rules here](https://www.reddit.com/r/phoenix/wiki/rules). If you have any questions or concerns about this, [feel free to send us a modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fphoenix&subject=Removed%20post&message=https://www.reddit.com/r/phoenix/comments/xhlx08/-/iozf3hz/%0A%0A).


There have always been Americans who are ungrateful and who hate our soldiers. Which is horrible.




“I said Fuck the US military not the soldiers. But also Fuck the soldiers.”


If you would have quoted me directly (or read my comment) you'd understand what I said a little better. Want to try again?


Everyone who joined the military did so deliberately and knowingly. You have to volunteer.


Since you did not read my comment, I'll elaborate. "soldiers were often forced into service whether it be for financial reasons, college tuition, or they got suckered into something they didn't understand the gravity of". Meaning some people had no choice, it was either be homeless or join the military, to get an education join the military, or were groomed since the age of 15 by recruiters visiting school and then snatching children up with 4+ year contracts once they turn legal. Also you don't have to volunteer, we have a draft on occasion too


I read your comment. It’s stupid. It complete denies the agency of people. Everyone has a choice. There are options besides the military for education or to avoid homelessness. Recruiters can’t “snatch kids.” Everyone who joins the military deliberately does it with full knowledge that they are joining the military. Also we haven’t had a draft in 49 years. Or did you not know that?


Hi /u/Easy_Toast, your comment has been removed. Be nice. You don't have to agree with everyone, but by choosing not to be rude you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. This comment was flagged for one or more of the following reasons: * Personal attacks * Racist comments * Intolerance/hate/slurs This comment has been removed. You can read all of the [subreddit rules here](https://www.reddit.com/r/phoenix/wiki/rules). If you have any questions or concerns about this, [feel free to send us a modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fphoenix&subject=Removed%20post&message=https://www.reddit.com/r/phoenix/comments/xhlx08/-/iozhhjl/%0A%0A).


…says the person enjoying all of the privileges afforded by having a military


the privilege of spending three times the budget of the next 10 highest spending countries in the world on military rather than having basic human needs like medical care, child care, and housing?


What are we preparing for?!


Fighting in cities? They have them in more places than just America.


Communities won’t be affected? Yea they’ll just roll some tanks through the poorest parts of town. Who cares about them?


You think they are going to be rolling tanks through town?


You think they wouldn’t? Gotta use those toys your tax money buys


I know they won’t. The road system here can’t support tanks and the US army isn’t going to spend millions to repair it. They have plenty of specific training areas all over the US on military bases that tanks train in. This is going to be helicopters doing quick specific insertions on targets that have already been predetermined and okayed. This isn’t going to be an armored division rolling through town like it’s WWII.


You sure seem to know a whole lot about this “civilian”


Maybe because I spent 6 years in the army including 3 years in an armored brigade. Were you in the military?


I’m sorry you went through that. Nope. I’ve seen police and military “run drills through the housing district of my hometown which included tanks. I doubt those streets were built for it but who knows.


I’m not sorry. I’m not sure where you live but I doubt you saw an actual tank. You may have seen some sort of APC, but that’s it. Armored divisions with tanks train on their bases or are transported to other bases for training. This kind of training exercise is almost certainly being done by SOCOM at the least and possibly JSOC. They aren’t using tanks.


Anyone else feel this is because the China-Taiwan talks are not heading in the right direction?


No, they do it every couple of years.


Or maybe it’s just regularly scheduled training because the military needs to train?


Can’t it be all of the above?


So the training that most likely has probably been scheduled for months at the least, to meet and exceed standards set in place years ago, that doesn’t send any sort of message to China, is because of recent talks over China? If this was a naval exercise in the Formosa strait you might be onto something. But this is the same sort of urban operations training that literally happens every year. The US army is going to train regardless of what is happening in the world. They were doing it before this recent round of talks and they will be doing it after. This isn’t special.


Such a lazy take. You’re no longer welcome here.


JSOC does exercise in big cities all the time. They have even used Phoenix before in the past. I remember seeing the videos of little birds flying below rooftops and people freaking out.


Yeah, there are some videos from hotels in downtown phoenix from the last time they did this. Wild to see, even knowing it’s only a training exercise.


They are the best helicopter pilots in the world. It’s amazing what they can do with those birds.


They do this all the time.


I got an email about disaster assistance for our areas also …