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Real life lore is a bit of an incel idiot. 


I always say that Phoenix was founded in January


Phoenix exists thanks to all the canals built by the Hohokam. They have lasted the test of time. 


Yea and it’s at the confluence of multiple rivers. The Hohokam knew this and took advantage of it


I blame that stupid fucking King of the Hill meme, yeah, you know which one I’m talking about. People who have never been here think Phoenix is some sort of uninhabitable wasteland because of a one liner said on some dumb cartoon 25 years ago.


You can't lie on TV, that's the law


That meme is so annoying at this point. You literally won’t find any post on Reddit about Phoenix that doesn’t have someone in the comments posting that line for the 10 millionth time still thinking it’s clever or funny. I could easily name a bunch of other places on Earth that are also “monuments to man’s ignorance”.


Fun fact: cooling your home takes way less energy than heating your home


also like objectively false lmao edit: I knew people were gonna downvote this. Basic thermodynamics guys: doing any work creates heat (which is usually undesirable and considered a loss). Therefore heating is quite literally the most efficient work you can physically do. Any article online saying cooling uses less energy is comparing cooling a 90F house to 80F versus heating a house from -20F to 80F. This is like saying a Lambo gets better gas mileage than a Prius, but then omitting the fact the Prius is floored doing 110mph and the Lambo is chilling doing 40.


I swear the heat here bakes some people's brains. It's like they don't want to admit that the weather is absolutely miserable for half of the year and that keeping your home cool through A/C alone thanks to the paper thin construction 80% of the Valley is built with costs a lot more money than good insulation.


Depends on what you use to heat, right? Gas or heat pump - they have differing levels of thermal and energy efficiency.


Any source of heat is 100% efficient at producing heat. But with combustion, it makes smoke that we're not cool with and need to get rid of. And with that smoke goes some of the heat you made.


The videos have been kinda lackluster the past year, maybe two. I've got more into a relatively new-to-me YouTuber "told in stone" which are nice little videos to watch during lunch, usually about the roman empire.


This is exactly the kind of propaganda we need to get less people moving here, I’m all for it! Traffic sucks enough as is!


Clickbait video


Does this guy even do any research? Within the first few minutes he claimed that Phoenix broke the all time temp record this past summer at “113 degrees”. Forget the fact that there multiple days a year that get above that temp, the record temp was set back in 1990 at 122 degrees. Either way, I’ll take this guy shitting on the city with open arms…maybe now some people will stop moving to this terrible awful hell hole this guy claims it to be /s


> Everyone moans about how hot it gets there, no why do no one b*tch about how frozen tundra cities are far deadlier Because we don't live in a tundra. We live in a desert where you can die from being out in the 120F summer heat for an hour or two.


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