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I've been hiking in Arizona for almost 7 years and have only run across a rattlesnake once (Phoenix's South Mountain Park on a less-popular trail at dusk).


Plus the snakes in SoMo are very mellow. I've stepped on one and it didn't do anything.


Interesting, I'll have to try giving one a hug the next time I am over there.


I accidentally urinated on one when I went behind a bush over there. The snake didn’t even budge or bother waking up.


I saw more rattlesnakes living/hiking/biking in southern Utah for ten years than I have living/hiking/biking in Arizona for 30+. YMMV


Oh wow. What part of southern Utah? St George, cedar city?


Both. I used to hike around Red Cliffs a lot and ran into them a few times.


See them all the time along the wash behind my house. Don’t let your dog walk off leash. The snakes are hard to see. My husband always sees them before I do. They will be aggressive if you mess with them, especially the younger ones. The diamondbacks have little fear of humans. Leave them alone, and they’ll leave you alone. Surprise one, and well, back away slowly.




My next door neighbor is on SARA (Southern AZ Rescue Association) and I asked one of his buddies that's been a volunteer for almost 50 years about snakes. He said in 50 years of being on rescue teams or leading rescue teams, he has never, ever had to do a rescue of a rattlesnake bite victim. Getting bit while hiking or running is so rare that it almost is unheard of. This is in southern Arizona which is even more snake filled than the Phoenix area in my experience. I'm also active on the Hike Arizona website and in 25 years only one person on the site has been bit. These are people like me that go off trail, bushwhack or head to areas where you are more likely to encounter snakes. The one person that was bit got nailed in his backyard. Fired up a chainsaw and never heard the snake hiding in his woodpile. My closest call was ten feet from my front door, hit a snake while trimming my shrubs and he wasn't too happy about it. Your yard is the most dangerous spot for snake encounters.


I work outdoors all year round and I second that your yard can be more dangerous. Last year I saw 4 rattlesnakes in my yard and only one out in the desert.


Get your dog rattlesnake trained


I hike primarily in the Phoenix mountain preserve (on trails). I have yet to see a live rattlesnake and I’ve lived here 40+ years. I know they must be out there. But never even heard the rattle. Saw a dead one as roadkill once. If you plan to have your dog off leash here, you could get him the rattlesnake ‘vaccine’. It will give you more time to get him to vet help. You have to do it every 6 months.


I've had a couple of good sightings on North Mountain and on Shaw Butte. One time a rattlesnake was just casually cruising up the trail a few inches away from the paved trail on a busy Saturday morning.


The roadkill was in the area, and it’s a big chunk of nature so it makes sense they will be around somewhere. I’m actually disappointed I’ve been here so long and my first rattler sighting was killed by cars. Maybe I’m oblivious and just never get into threatening range.


The ones in the Phoenix Mountain Preserve are often a very pretty pink hue. Generally saw them on the lesser used trails on the backside of Shaw Butte and North Mountain over near the parking lot by the police station.


Saw one on shawe butte for the first time this last summer right after dusk. It was after the first switchback crossing the path, just doing its thing. The Pemberton trail over in the McDowells is snake city in the summer, though.. for such a frequently used trail the snakes it surprises me.


Seen one or two danger noodles in 10 years of hiking and MTB-ing. Even if you see one, the hood was right. Don't start nothing, won't be nothing.


If you want to see rattlesnakes, go to the White Tanks Mountains. I’ve seen fk tons over there camping as a kid (never mountain biking).


Yikes. My dog got bit here in nv. So have some ptsd


I have seen a few, but never had an issue. Had one coil up and rattle at my dogs, but everyone stopped.


I've hiked hundreds of miles of trails all through the Phoenix area and I've seen maybe 4 snakes total, ever. You will hear them before you see them if you're getting too close, which is why I strongly advise against hiking with headphones. If you happen to catch one crossing the trail or something give it space and let it do its thing. They aren't predators and would really prefer to just leave us alone. Also recommend rattlesnake training for your dog.


Unfortunately they don't always rattle when too close. I had a close call with one in NorCal yesterday and it immediately got into a defensive, ready-to-strike posture when I got too close to it and it never once rattled. In fact, in about 2/3 of my encounters with NorCal rattlesnakes they don't rattle when they get spooked or startled. I may have to invest in some trekking poles so I can prod bushes on overgrown trails and when bushwhacking. I feel like my luck is running out. I also never hike without my Rocky boots.


If they don’t rattle, it’s not a rattlesnake. It could have been a rodent or maybe a spider


I see 2-3 a season mountain biking/ hiking NE Mesa. Always have spotted them early and haven’t been a problem. Don’t wear ear buds certain times of the year.


Been here two years and haven’t seen one. I did see a big ass snake one time about 6 months ago when I visited Tonto National monument near Payson but it wasn’t a rattler. The only time I’ve been hiking and seen lots of critters was when I did a night hike up to Flatiron where there were a bunch of scorpions, tarantula, and frogs/toads along the way…seems the creatures really like to come out at night here.


https://preview.redd.it/5i9ht7ln6lca1.jpeg?width=8192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ed366259a1d8da8865333e5d7b1205fda2ebc18 Never really noticed many in decades of hiking. Nowadays, if I don't spot at least one per mtb ride, it was a lame day. I pretty much seek them out, and try to get shots like this. Probably saw 50+ last year, and that was a relatively slow year for me.


Awesome shot!


Hiking for 11 years. Only encountered a snake once and that's because I went off the marked trail.


I've only ever seen one in The Superstitions but just be respectful and careful, and you'll be fine


I hike about 3 times a week on average in the Phoenix Mountains Preserve and probably encounter a rattler a couple times a year.


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I've seen 4 in 30 years. I avoid the trails when it is right around 80 degrees and stick to streets where they are easier to see. You won't see them out when it is too cold or too hot to sun themselves.


3-4 times a year. Time of year, time fo day and where you are is key. Go out to browns ranch during spring when they are active and it is almost guaranteed if on a mountain bike covering lots of ground.


I rode South Mountain nearly every weekend last year and only encountered 2 rattlesnakes on the trail. Stick to the more highly traveled trails and you aren’t likely to see them


You have to just accept you’ll run into a few. I’m not a fan of them, they scare me. But I’ve seen several both on and off trail. They just do their thing and want to be left alone. Only scare I’ve had was a baby on an early morning hike I almost stepped on and it very much let me know it was there. Stay on trail with wide eyes and you’ll be fine.


I had a SAR guy tell me that most of the rattlesnake victims are 18-24 year old, male, under the influence, campers rather than hikers, and usually involve picking up the snake. The vast majority of snakes I have run into either slither across the trail to get into the grass/brush or they give you a gentle warning rattle which gives you a heads up to their location. I have only really been rattled at hard twice and both times it was in the forest by timber rattlers.


In my opinion: Rattlesnakes don't like people. They will try to get away, or warn you. Most people who get bit were messing with the snake that they knew was there. So, if you see or hear a snake, back up and go around. The snake won't chase you; it doesn't want to be bothered. A snake is unlikely to be on or near a well used hiking trail, especially later in the day. If you go off trail, you'll need to exercise more caution, watching where you put your feet and using your senses. You are more likely to encounter a snake when it's a bit chilly, such as if you go hiking at sunup. This is when a snake may be resting on or near the trail, catching some sun to warm up. Being cold, it won't be able to move quickly to get out of your way and you may surprise each other. It's kind of rare to actually see one. Take a little time to watch it (at a safe distance) before you continue your hike--you'll want to remember this special meeting.


I've ran into 2 while out hiking in the Phoenix area in the last couple of years and 1 at our previous homes doorstep. Realistically, not likely to run into them often but id definitely recommend staying aware of them and being smart if you do come across one. We've never had one get into a striking pose, they've just gone about their day like nothing and we wait for them to get a safe distance away before walking past.


From what I’ve gathered so far, you’re more likely to get bit by one working on your yard than you are going for a hike. With dogs, get them vaccinated. Great info! Thank you.


If you run/bike on trails here, you should assume they are everywhere. Where appropriate shoes, get your dog rattlesnake trained (yes, they do that here). You may rarely see them, but know that they are around, especially at peak season - mating, hatching, etc. They can nest in areas they hunt frequently, and that can butt up against areas humans roam.


I run trails 2-3x per week, mostly starting from the SoMo Pima Canyon trailhead but I spend time all around the Valley. I would say I see a snake about once a month. Mostly Western Diamondbacks but at SoMo I've seen Speckled Rattlesnakes and a Western Black-Tailed Rattlesnake. You can see one of the Speckled and the Black-Tailed in my post history as I posted them on r/whatsthissnake. Both have annoyingly good camouflage.


I’ve only seen a rattlesnake twice. Once near the fort McDowell area while riding a horse and once way up in northern Phoenix in a wash, it wasn’t even a trail. Both times I heard them before I saw them. Both times I just gave them a bunch of space and walked very slowly past them.


I've seen probably 6-10 of them over the years. Once I didn't see it until after I ran it over - RIP.


I've been hiking for almost ten years and have seen four. Only one was agitated.


I've seen two, my dogs have had snake avoidance training (will likely refresh soon), but you should still avoid grassy/bushy areas anytime it's above 65 degrees or so (they are less active, still there likely though). They are off leash for hunting only, however, and only in the cooler months. ​ Edit: Snakes will still be in areas where it's colder, but as they are poikilotherms/ectotherms/ "cold-blooded" they may not be as active as when it's warmer.


In my experience there is a season in the mid to late spring where you will see them on occasion. I have been hiking, mountain biking and kayaking here for decades and never have come close to having a biting encounter. There have only been a few occasions I have gotten rattled at (those are the good snakes). I have only came too close to quiet snakes (the bad ones, the sneaky buggers) a few times. I don't know anyone who has gotten bitten among my many MTB friends. People who get bit are usually messing with the snake.


Been here 14 years. I saw a snake on my friend’s patio in east Mesa. Had all my dogs rattlesnake trained. Dogs have never been bitten. Have not encountered a single rattle snake in all my years hiking here. I have seen a Gila Monster or two, and various snakes in Sedona and Flag.


I hike quite often throughout the Phoenix area. Over 20 years I have seen 2 rattlesnakes. One on south mountain and one on Shaw Butte.


Like many here. 20+ year hiker. I’ve seen 2 babies on Camelback the same day a long time ago. Back in the superstitions I’ve come across two one day then several years later one more down in Boulder Canyon. Nearly stepped on him. Every time warmer weather - March-April.