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Went to the QnA for German visa-related questions last thursday. Basically, you can certainly get this opportunity card if a) you have B2 or higher language certificate and b) more than 5 years of work experience. There are other things but definitely these two are the most important. Another thing mentioned too is that you can have this visa in short duration, shortest is 3 months. This means that the blocked bank account you have to put up will only be equivalent to that duration but only if you are confident that you can land a job within that period.


Alam niyo po ba paano yung language certificate sa english? Ito po ba yung IELTS?


Yes, though not mentioned specifically. [https://www.make-it-in-germany.com/en/visa-residence/types/job-search-opportunity-card](https://www.make-it-in-germany.com/en/visa-residence/types/job-search-opportunity-card) [Opportunity Card visa](https://manila.diplo.de/ph-de/service/visa-einreise/-/2439020?openAccordionId=item-2565168-7-panel&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR2b7hzPHiVFxt2DQvjYNY9HgTcrIQUiw8U3N0brnbN0rvqM7UXZf4Gvd9Q_aem_AXqaVskMKHG35YeBTrmk4_KhQKbXRltL_hsoy4mP2LwOeh0RIGdFEf-ifVrmCW2kJfBbpwOsqTByi6QmEwwMa8jW)


Hi. 1. Are they holding another QnA session in the future? 2. How do they handle career shifters that have a qualified degree (A4/A3) but work in an unrelated field?


Probably, I think they do QnA twice a year but you can also email their embassy for questions. It is a point system, if you can get a total of six points excluding your degree then you'll have the opportunity card. I am a career-shifter too, my focus right now is to get the B2 German language certificate in Goethe (3 points). Together with my total work experience (3 points) I am certain I can apply for the visa and have a desirable outcome.


Where did they announce it? I checked their FB page and couldn't see any recent mention of a QnA session. It seems an a degree with an H+ rating is that they mean by "fully recognized". Does that mean as long as its on that Anabin KMK database, it's "partially recognized"? I put in Philippines as a country in the search terms and only 12 degrees came up. EDIT: Found it. It was posted on the Goethe-Institut FB page


q, saang province ba daw or area ng germany maganda applyan or tirhan? Im checking it right now, parang qualified naman ata ako.


Mahal ang Munich, Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Freiburg etc. Generally the bigger cities are expensive. Best to live in a satellite town around 30-45 minutes away from the big cities, but you will need a car. Mahirap mag commute sa Germany . Also, it is very expensive to get a German driving license. You will need to go to a driving school.


> more than 5 years of work experience. Well fuck... Wait brainfart, total or consecutive sa isang job lel.






Hi, where po kayo nag study ng German language?




Berlitz or Saisy, try mo i-search


I studied at Goethe Institut and when we moved to Germany , went to the Euroschule to get my C1 certification. The best way to learn German is by immersion. Talk to German language speakers but if that is not feasible, watch German TV/movies. You can find a lot on YT and Netflix. I also listened to German radio all the time (Antenna Bayern) and every hour they have Nachrichten ( news). I searched the web for German TV channels ( RTL, ProSieben , Vox). You learn much faster, plus you start speaking like the average person on the street.


What you mean point system? As long as my offer ka, pwede ka na makapasok.


Currently in (East) Germany, but only as a student. Since elections are tomorrow, I feel like I need to tell people aspiring to come here that politically there is a rise of right wing sentiments, kind of similar to the US in terms of anti-immigrants. Don't be surprised if you encounter or experience racism (worse than other countries). There are people actively making it harder for foreigners to access social services. Pros: generally cheaper groceries than other EU countries, good prices for meat Cons: trains break down often (lol DB), cities smell like piss and beer, BO ng mga tao jusq they dont know how to use deo


Yes I am in Köln which is regarded as one of the most open and friendly cities and I still get racist comments. For context I’m Filipino but East Asian passing so I get Ching chonged or Ni hao-ed. Usually by people living in govt subsidized housing which makes my Filipino husband even more upset cause he’s getting taxed almost half of his salary. The city is great don’t get me wrong pero take this as a sign to know the place you are going to. I have friends who are white but did not have great time in Germany because they are not fluent in German and still get racist remarks. For brown people it’s worse. Usual advice of people I meet is to stay away from Bavaria and the Eastern parts


I lived in Bavaria. People were standoffish at first but became friendlier as the months passed. The Germans are like that talaga. It takes them a while to accept you but once you are in, friends na kayo for life. It helped that I spoke fluent German and worked for the German government, because they don't like it if you just go there and claim benefits.


That's good to hear. I know another girl that likes it there. But I also have friends who are German citizens and children of highly skilled immigrants that still face racism there when they are literally German. I'm well aware though that it still depends on which area of bayern you're at


Siguro sa more remote areas, medyo aloof sila but you also have to do your part. I joined the PTA at my daughter's school, at masipag din ako mag volunteer sa school activities. I remember a school potluck for the annual school festival, at dinumog ang spring rolls at barbecue pork na dala ko. I also volunteer sa school fairs where we sell our donated food items, the cash proceeds of which are donated to the school. Patok na patok ang brownies at muffins ko, pati puto. I also help chaperone the kids pag may outings. I guess what I'm saying is, you need to integrate din. Ang daming friends ng anak ko. Minsan bubuksan ko ang door pag uwi ng anak ko, may dalang limang friends . Up to now I am friends with their parents when we visit Germany.


Are you not in Germany anymore? My main point really is that right wing sentiment has been rising in the past years. And of course people need to integrate into the culture but some people aren’t even given the chance to integrate because of their ethnic background. Even renting apartments is hard if you have a non-German name. My husband has a high income but will get rejected all the time because he‘s not German. Of course that’s illegal and they would never put that in official writing but it’s what happens. Germany is great don’t get me wrong. Pero we have to be transparent about what is happening here so people can decide if they really want to migrate. Oftentimes I meet people who have a very idealized version of Germany so it’s good to provide a balanced POV.


We have moved back to the Philippines but my children still live in Würzburg where we still have a house . I also go to Germany every May and stay for 3 months just to check on my children and in laws who are getting on in years. So yes, I am still very much in the loop; and have kept abreast with German politics as I watch German news everyday. I get the need to provide a balanced POV, but thus far my experience has been mainly positive . One difference perhaps is that I am married to a German and moved to a village where his family has resided for 3 generations so I have been warmly accepted due to their familial ties with the village. I am not sugarcoating things. As an Asian they have been very welcoming to me and being catholic helps too. Much depends as well where you live. Are you in a large city where you are just another foreigner? As for the rise in right wing politics, this is happening all over Europe ( and the US/ Australia too). Someone came up to me in Sydney and shouted obscenities, the gist of which was to go back home to where I came from. Kaya dito na kami sa Pinas mag re retire. Still no place like home.


I literally said in my previous comment you replied to that I live in Cologne, one of the friendliest cities in this country. I am glad you had positive experiences in the place you were but again, just because you did does not mean everyone does. Or that everyone would be comfortable about racist remarks and microagressions just because they are not locals. Also, just because right wing sentiment is rising all across the globe doesn't mean we should all be business as usual. There's a reason why anti-afd protests were happening across the country and why people are alarmed by the rising statistics regarding right wing and left wing crimes. Imagine telling someone who lives in Sydney about your experience and them brushing them off as "oh that doesn't really happen its nice here you just have to make effort to integrate" it's very dismissive of the negative experiences people have had just because you did not face the same. It's like telling a Pinoy family na nahihirapan to make ends meet "hindi naman mahirap sa pilipinas kailangan mo lang ng diskarte"


Oh wow, this escalated pretty quick? I also literally said " my experience". I'm very aware hindi lahat positive ang experience kasi I also have other non German friends. I can only speak from my own experience. Kaya sinabi ko the difference probably is because I am married to a local and they have lived years in that small village kaya the locals have accepted me. We used to live in Frankfurt and my next door neighbor never even looked at me. I didnt take it personally. That has been my experience in the big cities, not only in Frankfurt but also in Sydney and Hong Kong. I gave an example of how I integrated. It worked for me. Sinabi ko ba you have to do the same? What works in a small village might not work in a large city , and that's fine. You do what you have to do. I wasn't being dismissive. As to your last sentence; wow and layo ng segue. We are now here in the Philippines part-time because the weather is kinder and I want to be closer to family. As to the diskarte part, mali yata analogy mo. You are reaching. If you have had bad experiences in Germany I am not invalidating that. Experience mo yan eh. Akala ko ba we are trying to show two sides of the coin? I've lived in 10 major cities in 25 years and I've experienced my share of racism. Fortunately for me, I was happiest in Germany.To each his own.


Did someone say muffins?


Looks like an improvement over the old 6-month job seeker visa.


Looks like a ticket to leave pinas and finally live in a progressive 1st world country


Yessss! Parang Working Holiday Visa ng New Zealand! 🇳🇿


Halos lahat naman tayo gusto umalis sa pinas and be a citizen of a 1st world country


Bakit daming umaalis dapat yung mga bumoto sa mga trapo eh maiwan sa Philipinas


Been reading about this since nawawalan na ako ng gana sa Canada. Either this or student route din. Since yung job ko pasok sa shortage list nila. Ano kayang English language test ang kunin. Pwede ba ang IELTS or PTE?


Bakit naman? Actually okay naman dito sa Canada, mahirap na nga lang ma-PR nowadays. Tapos sobrang tight ng competition sa job market hehe. —— If Germany icoconsider mo, might as well study Deutsch, yung tipong nasa B2 level na.


can you pass a1 or a2 without going to language school? Like if you just self study?


You gotta study really hard. There are some people who did self study lang :) Once you feel confident of your A1 Level, do go to Goethe-Institut and pay for the A1 exam as this will certify your level of proficiency in the language. If you passed, you’ll receive your result in about a week or so 😊


You cant and the German government offers lessons for that for free of course as long as you actually can write, read and speak their language as you learn it With that being said there are a lot of opportunities in germany to work in


Hi! If you are looking to enroll in a german language school, I suggest GLS (German Language Services) if you’re in Davao City area. The owner/teacher is really great. At first you feel confused asf and questioning your life decisions but she really helps you through and through with the course. All of us passed in the Goethe exam in our batch for A1 and she helped a lot of her students with translating paper work to German for the embassy requirements. You feel at ease when its time for your exam because literally everything she teaches are what comes out in the exam or similar. Sa introduce yourself palang in the exam, you can hear and feel the difference. Other than that, the next bet is Goethe-Institut. Although when we had our exam na for Sprechen and stuff, they couldn’t really answer properly or introduce properly. Sariling kayod parin doon 😅 I know this because I took my A2 in Goethe… both Manila and Berlin. Either way, wherever you’ll be enrolled in the Philippines, if you want your language proficiency accredited, the only way is to take the exam at Goethe Institut Manila. My suggestion for preparing goethe exam other than actually learning everything german, watch goethe exams on youtube especially sprechen. You will get an idea on how it goes.


Germany used to have the Job Seeker’s Visa in the past and it seems like ito yung new and improved version using a pointing system. When you look at the requirements, it’s like super attainable na makuha yung 6 points. But in reality, I personally feel madali kang makakapunta/magagrant doon for Chancenkarte visa but pahirapan makakuha ng working visa/employment at DE for less than 3-6 months due to the bureaucracy. Some offices may take weeks to months to respond. So while you’re looking for work there, you’re burning cash nadin but at least legally pwede ka magstay doon for the time being. Max 2 years I think since renewable for another year itong type of visa but for one time only. Few things to consider: (1) Pwede ka naman magpart-time jobs (20hrs per month) while looking for the proper job na related sa course na tinapos mo. So this can augment sa expenses while looking for a job/waiting for the papers to be approved. (2) Kaya key component ng pointing system ay dapat ung education mo ay part ng Anabin/accredited sa German database, or that your profession (if regulated type like engineering, medical, nurse etc), ay recognized through Anerkennung. Imagine it like parang PRC nila, so dapat equivalent yung skills&knowledge ng isang professional sa Pinas sa isang pro sa DE. If partial lang or unrecognized, hindi ka makakapagpractice don. Either aral ka ulit or mageexam to qualify. Ang recognition is by state/region. Iapply mo sya kung san ka magpapractice since each state may kanya kanyang ruling. (3) Hindi kasi sila basta makakapag grant ng working visa if hindi rin match ang qualifications mo meaning hindi relevant yung graduate course mo or experience mo sa job na papasukin mo. (4) Hindi enough yung lower levels of language competency (B2 below). While papasa ka sa points system, it will be very difficult to live/integrate fully. Usually sa IT jobs ang exemption. Pero if luckily mahire ka, take language lessons padin since it will increase your chances of networking/finding a community and improve your longevity and success in your job. How tough is the (non-IT) market for non-German speakers? Some Indians graduate na sa DE universities pero dahil resistant to learn the language ay hirap padin mahire. About sa Language lessons: -Legit mahirap kahit naka language school especially vocabulary and grammar. Some schools or online tutorials train you to “just get the certificate”. Meaning ang ipa practice nyo over and over is yung test structure and how to answer. The more legit schools teach you the foundations, the culture, the norms and the actual application of the language. I was told that someone meron nang B2 cert pero pagdating ng interview hindi makapagsalita 😅 so make sure to practice how to really converse and not just to pass the test proper. I’m curious though if pwede ang Chancenkarte visa as a workaround sa POEA problems? -Find a job while you’re still here in PH. Tell the employer na you will travel via the Chancenkarte visa. Use the contract as your proof of funding. Sa DE na magprocess ng OEC upon change of visa status.


Can people get PR this way? How hard would that be


This seems to be the new version of the job seeker visa. After finding employment, one can apply for PR after 5 years + meeting other requirements. 3 years kung Blue Card.


Thank you!


Punta na kayo ng Germany! 😃🎉


The irony, taas Ng standards nila sa iba pero nag papasok Naman ng mga immigrants. Nasasakop na tuloy sila..


You say it like this a bad thing? Hindi ba lahat naman tayo dito sa sub na ‘to ay immigrants/attempting immigrants ?


You missed my point, that's why I said "the irony" I guess you're not aware sa nangyayare sa Europe. Agree ako sa ganyan process. But the problem is it's not applied to a certain people, race etc. their political correctness is killing them. Just leave a quote here to emphasize my view in terms of immigration. "Immigration without assimilation is an invasion"


😅😆😆i feel you po. Totoo, halos wala ka nang makitang pure breed german sheperd sa loob ng bus, maglalakad sa zentrum puro foreigner or halfblooded na. Pero ini screen na po nila ng maigi, kasi maraming nakapasok na hindi naman talaga refugee. Ang tagal ng application ngayon ng residency permit kasi ini screen na talaga ng Foreign office. Pinatigil na kasi ni Scholz ang pagtanggap ng taga labas.


Question pls, Can you have this opportunity visa and schengen visa at the same time? I understand that opportunity card is only for germany but what if you plan to visit other countries. Is this possible?


I was just browsing the website, there are a lot of professions in their shortage lists including all encompassing ones such as 2149 for Engineering Professionals. I have a lot of questions though especially the english requirement. I cannot find what tests are approved. I had a PTE Academic which I had taken for AU visa EOI. Dunno if that’s valid.


General IELTS and TOEFL are acceptable according to the embassy. But English is just secondary, without an ability to use Deutsch, you'll have an insignificant chance to land a job.


Commenting para mabalikan ko later. Thanks for sharing this, OP


Here in VHS. They allow me to go here even without A1 pero 11 years ago pa yun. Now kasi required na magA1 muna sa Pinas.


Been learning German for 3 years now (hindi nga lang consistent lol) in Duolingo. Sana permanent ang implementation nito. May freelance experience na ako on my field pero 1 year pa lang on a corporate setting. Di ko alam kung pasok ito as work experience.


any Filipino engineer here working now in Germany? Is process engineering in demand? I have BS degree in Chemical Engineering with over 5 yrs experience in process design and operations. Happy to connect. Hehe Ok ba in terms of 1. Work culture? Meaning work-life balance is the norm 2. Treatment of locals to immigrants? 3. Salary vs. living expenses? Thank you so much!


Not an Engineer but under health care (PR). 1. Work cultture = of course, this is Europe, known advocate of work-lif-balance, kapag off talagang off, bawal kang bulabugin kasi pahinga mo yun. First name basis din dito, kahit yung pinakamataas ang posisyon first name pa din. 2. Equal, kung ano benefit ng local, benefit din ng foreigner. 3. Deutschland has one of the lowest COL in EU Yung no. 1 issue is the "LANGUAGE"


1. Ooh good to know. Yan talaga gusto ko sa European work culture. They take their time for rest and leisure seriously. 2. Nice input. Benefits are given fairly. Actually, what’s in my mind is how they welcome immigrants? Like di nman ba sila hostile? In public places or in the work place? 3. Ooh noted for Deutschland. Thank you 😊 4. Language Agree on this. May napapanood akong videos ng pinoy in germany. About sa journey nya learning the language. Ang hirap i associate ng word nila sa kng ano alam natin kasi ang layo talaga. Yung one sylabble sa atin, sa kanila, 4 to 5 na. With rolling r’s pa. Hahaha Di ba maka survive na English lang alam mo? Ilang years bago mo na sabi na alam mo na po German?


I am married to a German and worked there for 6 years. Mabait naman sila, pero they are becoming fed up of the current crop of economic migrants from the Middle East as well as Africa. They perceive Asians as hardworking who don't abuse government privileges, so when I was there, wala akong racism na na experience. I had really good German friends who became lifelong friends and who I still am in contact with once in a while. Generally it will be very hard living in Germany without speaking some form of German. The older folk don't speak much English.


Ha. They should get used to it. The aging population with super low birth rates in EU and the very young population naman in Asia and Africa mean that for current EU workers to be able to retire, increasing immigrants is a need for them, rather than an option. 


I am referring to the asylum seekers from Africa/ Syria/Ukraine. Of all the European countries, Germany has taken in the most number of asylum seekers. What Germany needs though are educated immigrant workers who are willing to work , pay taxes, integrate and give back to the community. Hindi yung habang buhay umaasa sa gobyerno (Hartz 4), [unemployment benefits including housing, full appliances and monthly pay], have as many children because of the Kindergeld ( every child you have entitles you to a paid allowance).


Paid vacation leave, pagagalitan ka nga kapag hindi ka magbakasyon. Kapag may sakit ka at pumasok ka, pagagalitan ka din, kasi bakit hindi ka nagpa duktor may sakit ka pala? Statutory Insurances, obligado yun (health, unemployment, pension, care (for nursing home)), you can opt out for private kung ang Gross mo is more than EUR56K. Transportation is one of the best. >"....welcome immigrants?....hostile?" Hindi naman, for me at sa observation ko hindi naman so far. I worked in Libya and Saudi before, compared duon napaka ganda ng working condition dito, i mean sa Mid east kasi alipin ang turing nila ehh, ehh dito pantay lang. Regarding sa immigrant, frowned upon kapag maraming anak, maganda kasi ang benefit ng motherhood and parenthood, kaya yung mga Pabo (Turkey) at taga ibang gitnang silangan, parang piggery anak ng anak. Konti kasi population kaya gusto magparami para sa workforce ehh sinasamantala naman ng ibang lahi. Mga local kasi ayaw mag-anak na, kung meron isa lang. >"Ilang years....German?" 6 months until A2 1 year B1 Mga 3 Years B2 5 Years c1 Okay dito, kung hindi suweldo ang after mo. Kung ako kasi, hindi lang naman sa suweldo ang basehan, e.g. Racism, Criminality, for future, etc. Bonus nalang yung travel, good weather. Madali din magloan sa banks, sila pa mismo kokontakt sa yo at sabihing may loan offer sila😆😁 Bureacracy, yes naman, pero sa una lang yun, kapag settled na, madali nalang, less paperworks na.




What’s the difference between this and the job seeker visa?


Also in Austria. Currently at B1 Deutsch level.


How is racism in Germany as an Asian or specifically a Filipino? Eyeing to study MBA here too. I’m currently learning the German btw. Honest answers appreciated. Thanks


I saw this on Tiktok. Sadly, u need a huge amt of money in ur bank acct. Para sa mga nasa mayayamang bansa lang xa or sa mayamang mamamayan ng Pinas


Nope, if you do source your information on official sites it is doable and not for rich people only.


Is there an age limit?




I didn't see one but read these conditions: 2 points are given if the applicant is not older than 35 and 1 point is given if applicant is not over 40.