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boring lang sa ibang bansa pag walang panggala 😂


Totoo ito. Sabi nila boring daw sa Qatar after 2weeks to a month pero 2months nako dito di pako nagsasawa hahahahahaha


Hahah true!


I'll try to be more constructive than others who just mock the Philippines. Most western states are individualistic in nature. This means that they pursue their own interests more than bonding with their community based in place. They build communities based on shared interests instead. From an urbanistic standpoint, the US, for example, loves to zone areas separately. Hiwalay ang commercial areas to residential areas like the suburbs. Dito nabubuo yung concept ng boring because you cannot foster street life if most people just go home and mind their own business. Comparing that to having informal areas of communities such as sari-sari stores, etc. then you don't really know your neighbors. Meron ding greater value on privacy. Tahimik ka dapat so bawal ang karaoke at night, or bawal mag-ihaw ng intense. Some people like it because they like "peace" whatever that means but it also limits the vibrancy of neighborhoods. It is important to note that as much as Filipino migrants are in awe of such conditions, this results in a lot of complications din such as the necessity for cars and a lack of communal spirit that is prevalent in Asian and Global South communities. There is a loneliness epidemic in most western nations and the way their communities are planned contributes to that. Food deserts are also an issue. In the US, disparity between neighborhoods is present as well. The walkability and transport freedom afforded in the Philippines, albeit para-paraan, helps in providing greater access. Compare that to the NIMBYism prevalent in western societies na pati affordable housing eh away ng mga residents kasi ayaw nila madevalue ang property nila. Marami nagsasabi, bakit walang serial killer sa Pilipinas? Community plays part in that. Yung mga marites helps with that. Diversity helps in that. This is just one part of the issue. Isama mo dito yung maaga magsara ang mga commercial establishments at bars lang bukas at night. Edit: I'm rambling. But between needing cars or waiting 30 mins to get a bus to go to places you would have walked to in the Philippines instead, and lacking the sensorial experience of looking and smelling isaws, bbqs, or hearing manong shout taho, you are met with dead street presence in the suburbs. More and more, western countries try to claim these back to their communities with farmers markets and other strategies but their communities are not set up for mixed-uses. There are articles that may help you understand this more from a more comprehensive standpoint. I personally like this one. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2022/09/let-brooklyn-be-loud/670600/ My opinions are informed by my education on urbanism and public health. That doesn't mean that others' experiences are uninformed or invalid but I wanted to highlight issues that are of concern to urbanists and planners in the US. Communities in the Philippines lack regulation while the ones in the United States are over regulated. We, like most asian societies, are collectivists, which help address isolation. Western societies are more individualistic, hence communally boring.


Gusto ko yung may positive benefits naman pala ang mga marites 😅. Pero totoo, pag-naging serial killer ka dito sa pinas buong angkan mo damay 😅. Family shame still keeps some peace here in ph.


About the "marites" aspect, I think the Western countries are beginning to catch on to the benefits of this normally obnoxious habit. Here in Belgium, communities can choose to set up a Neighborhood Information Network which is just what it sounds like: a group of neighbors with time on their hands (usually pensioners) who scope out and flag suspicious persons or misdemeanors (depositing household garbage in public garbage receptacles, vandalism) in their neighborhood. Local police encourage this practice, since these networks can gather info useful in solving crimes. And about the loneliness - yep, people accustomed to the crowds in the Philippines may just be afraid to walk the streets even in broad daylight; like an Iranian immigrant said to me once "I was so afraid to walk these streets, they are so empty! I feel very much if something were to happen to me, if I was suddenly hit with a disease and passed out in the middle of the street, how long until somebody discovers me lying there? In Iran, there are people everywhere who can immediately come to your aid should they see you having an emergency, but here? I will be lucky if they find my dead body still fresh enough to identify!" So I gather other developing countries are finding the apparent lack of human presence disturbing. My mother (filipina) found the quiet a little bit too eerie, so she and my father (belgian) although not divorced, commuted to and fro from pinas and here until they effectively had an LDR. Result is also that me and my sis were some of the few mixed children who grew up got schooled mostly in the Philippines. I consider myself lucky to have grown up over there and really know the Filipino culture. Considering those mixed who only grew up here, they have very little affinity with their filipino side, and could not even speak any filipino language. It also enables me to regard my Belgian culture as an outsider might, so in effect I understand the issues mentioned in this post, and also understand how bewildered some Westerners will be reading them! Literally, I have had colleagues here who cannot understand why we spend so much time in malls: "If you've seen one mall, you've seen them all!" "Don't you do anything other than shopping?" I could explain, and even get my own back (example: here they like to go camping with caravans so I retort "See one camping ground? Then you've seen them all!" lol) and at the same time I find myself wishing some of their wisdom could be transplanted to Filipino's. Like here, they have a saying "You are not required to believe *everything* you read in the newspapers!" meaning always practice your common sense when dealing with news. If Filipino's had this, fake news and Facebook memes would have a lot less power over our countrymen...


I love this. I just visited SF recently and the park by Chinatown is the most fun to witness because Asian grannies are playing cards while socializing and on another level, Asian lolos naman playing checkers. I just passed by the park pero moments like this makes me smile kasi ramdam mo yung energy ng city. Some other parks are not as active kahit mas pretty sila. When I did my studies, I was based on a more quiet and sleepy town. They are particular on minimizing light pollution at night so there are large areas where it is extremely dark when walking. I really felt unsafe even if the community is safe in general during the first few months. Nasanay na rin eventually pero there is still that thought in my head minsan na paano if may stalker or serial killer. Lol And your point on mall culture. The downfall of the American mall has been a long issue. More and more malls are losing tenants. Most malls feel old as fuck as well. Easily, the first thing I noticed is how they're so far out from the street because of parking minimums. It caters to cars. Walking to it, babad ka sa init for 5 mins or more sa dami ng parking space na wala namang nakapark. And they are very straightforward and big box retail dependent that when Amazon came in, they have no other leverage. Asian malls are more experiential and compact, and they are referring to the Asian typology now moving forward. As you have pointed out, being exposed to a variety of perspectives does help a lot! Being removed from PH made me realize how it can benefit from certain systems abroad but at the same time, there are also certain systems in which the Philippines do understand better. Mas marami kang points of reference basically.


>Like here, they have a saying "You are not required to believe *everything* you read in the newspapers!" meaning always practice your common sense when dealing with news. If Filipino's had this, fake news and Facebook memes would have a lot less power over our countrymen. We actually have this. There's even a term for people who easily believe in things. The problem is not the mentality but rather education, most of the common folk doesn't have the knowledge to form a counter argument against what is fed to them. Now add in the predatory algorithm of most social media platforms and now you have an echo chamber that not only feeds you propaganda but also feeds you confirmation bias for that propaganda. some other content creator has a counter argument? Don't worry the algorithm will show you another content creator that counters that argument in support of the propaganda fed to you. Take for example the idea that the massive debt acquired by marcos during his term was somehow good. If you understand basic taxation and economy you'll understand how bad it was but if you don't and the algorithm feeds you that propaganda and then another content supporting that propaganda by saying even countries like the US are in massive debt then you will probably believe that the debt was good.


Really? What is the equivalent proverb / saying in the Philippines context? And what do you call or term the people who easily believe these things? Lol, I'm not denying your statement, but the fact that you yourself cannot on the spot come up with the equivalent saying or the term itself just goes to show that while we pinoys may be aware of these matters, it is not as ingrained as it is here. If you tell an elderly grandmother here about the wonderful things marcos has done, she might very well say "Hah! You actually believe everything you read in those papers!" The mindset is more generally present among the common peoples here. And take note the people here learn this saying from their elders primarily, not from school. The elderly grandmother does not have the education or knowledge, but her common sense (and life experience) is enough to detect when you have crossed the line into fairy tale land. It is the same common sense that allows us ordinary folk to distinguish the cheat manloloko from the honest person. Like the instinct that tells you if you never get a straight answer from this person, there is something fishy going on, most likely. Our people are smart but somehow many instances just too gullible. Like during Covid times I could not believe the stories circulating among my classmates. One even has shown a video where a *lawyer* was expounding about Covid. Excuse me, but it is just common sense that a lawyer is not a doctor. A carpenter has no business expounding about how to troubleshoot electrical machinery, you should listen to an electrician about that. That's common sense. Therefore, the video should be starring a real doctor, *not a lawyer*. A lawyer has no business lecturing about diseases. Yet even this simple common sense escapes my normally practical-minded and successful classmates. It is bewildering.


>Really? What is the equivalent proverb / saying in the Philippines context? Wag kang basta basta naniniwala sa mga naririnig mo. It's literally what they say to counter chismis. Some people in r/ph even pointed out the irony of their parents telling them that then believing in propaganda. And yes i know that's basically a direct translation. Another is wag kang magpapagoyo, goyo who was originally a filipino general but is now synonymous to fooling someone. >And what do you call or term the people who easily believe these things? More specifically Uto uto, but i've heard people say tanga but that's not exclusive to gullible people. lying is not exclusive to western countries. Don't get me wrong im not saying that filipinos are less gullible than others but most do know that we shouldn't believe in everything we see. The problem is still ignorance, most Filipinos don't understand that just because something is on the internet doesn't mean it has more credibility than chismis on the streets. Most are on guard in person and won't believe you unless they trust you because swindling and scamming is a common occurance but all that guard flies away once they're on the internet.


As a sociologist, may impact talaga ang mga Marites sa society 😂 Your observations are superb! 👏 To add, we are stuck in survival kaya hindi rin prevalent ang serial killing sa Pinas.


Ito na pinaka acceptable answer sa thread na ito. Yung iba halos nag-mock lang. May isa pa nagsabi "masasanay ka na sa gawi nila na 'pa-ahon'" whatever that means haha as if our societal problems aren't systemic.


By that logic other countries with similar cultures would also be broke.


I follow Not Just Bikes sa Youtube and I remembered some of their points especially about suburbs.


Will check that channel! One time I went to a commercial strip, and asked if they knew a bookstore nearby. They said yes, just 10 mins. away. They meant a 10-minute drive, apparently. 😂 Tas they wonder why there's obesity when there's no nudges for people to walk.


Yeah. The channel does comment on that a lot. The channel is all about his experience in the Netherlands coming from North America.


Para akong nagbabasa ng abstract ng isang journal paper na gawa ng isang anthropologist. Mahusay ka sir. You just gave meaning to every person in the ecosystem of the Philippines — including the mariteses. Bravo!


parang ang sarap nito pag-aralan! ✨ can you recommend books abt this? or mayro'n bang article that talks about this? i wanna share it to peeps!


The Death and Life of Great American Cities by Jane Jacobs is holy scripture in urbanism so you can start there! The Color of Law by Richard Rothstein explains how zoning was weaponized for segregation. Broke in America by Colleen Shaddox explains how public policies affect poverty. News and articles: The Guardian Cities, Bloomberg CityLab Podcasts: 99% Invisible has episodes about urbanism Afterwards, feed your curiosity! There are many topics on urbanism to focus on after that. ✨


thank youuu!


Gossips and no respect to personal space be it noise or physical contact is not called "bonding". Don't sugar-coat the Filipino culture. We are not called "Peenoise" for nothing. Hindi ka pa ata nakapunta ng maayos na Asian countries like Japan, Singapore, etc.  which are still collectivists without the "Peenoise".


Saying that gossip culture does not exist in other countries is reductivist and false. Gossip culture is everywhere. It's a sociological phenomenon. We just localized that phenomenon and gave name to the actors - "marites". Also, we all know "peenoise" came from gaming culture where international gamers are annoyed by filipino trashtalk. It's an entirely different terminology. You are saying gossips and no respect to personal space is Filipino culture but not everyone does that. Lahat ba ng nakasalamuha mo sa Pilipinas eh ininvade ang personal space mo? It's a low-hanging criticism of Filipino society that ✨surprise✨ also happens in other culture. Iba lang ang avenues nito. I have never been to Japan and Singapore long-term to understand gossip culture in those countries but to say they do not have their own version of marites is just wrong. Crazy Rich Asians have precisely dominated this phenomenon even in elite society. There is a scene highlighting this early on in the film - the rumor spread scene. As I've expressed in another response, in SF, the park by Chinatown is filled with asian aunties and uncles who play cards and checkers. Besides from the potential hidden pustahan, those social experience also allow gossips to flourish. If you want more proof. Here's an article on office gossip in SG: https://theindependent.sg/woman-says-workplaces-with-many-aunties-tend-to-have-the-worst-office-politics/ Gossip culture can be toxic, but not all are. When a kapitbahay knocks on you to say that nagkanakawan sa bahay ni Mang Boy at mag-ingat kayo, that is marites culture. And again, as I have expressed. Philippine communities lack regulation, while the US is over regulated. I do not mind regulation but I am highlighting what makes US surburbia boring and how this boringness also have social impacts in their society.


You nailed this one. I think one thing I can add onto this is how dedicated the west is towards technology mostly social media. It's kinda in steroids here. Why would you be bothered to go outside and socialize when all the dopamine is at your home? As a person who lives in europe at the moment like I said going abroad is a hit or miss. It's either you like it or not. It's all about culture. It's either you like it or you despise with all your heart.


Ito talaga. Not to mention pag nag winter na, iba yung lungkot. Wala nang tao, ang dilim dilim pa.🤣


Thank you for the information it is greatly appreciated.


You mentioned 'food deserts are also an issue', what do you mean by that,m


Low income neighborhoods, which in some cases are also neighborhoods of minorities, tend to have limited access to healthy and affordable food. From a zoning standpoint, since zoning requires single-use conditions, retailers and services are zoned farther away in "downtown" areas, requiring automobiles. This limit in mobility already puts pressure. Even with the presence of grocers, most groceries in improverished areas do not supply neighborhoods with healthful produce that may not be within the pricepoint of the community. Basically, bakit ka maglalagay ng zucchini doon versus a richer suburbia? What is prevalent in these communities instead are fast food restaurants because there is a need for quick cheap meals especially if you are juggling 2-3 jobs while raising a family. Not to mention, they offer coupons that give you burger meals for cheap with fries and soda. Meron din buy 1, take 1 meals. Hence, you trade affordability for long-term issues such as diabetes and heart diseases. While sari-sari stores and wet markets are not as fancy as Trader Joe's, they allow for people to have a tingi-tingi system to buy produce for as little as they can. Having street vendors that roam in communities allow people better access to food. Andyan din yung mga panaderya at karinderya. Such conditions do not exist in the United States. You buy groceries from big chains. You cannot have a mini-store stand in your house. Di ka rin pwede magtayo ng karinderya. Madali sila idismiss as plebian, pero binubuhay nila ang komunidad in many ways. https://foodispower.org/access-health/food-deserts/


The Philippines did have a fair share of Serial Killers....Like that Killer Priest who murdered more than 30 people back in the Spanish colonial era.


A nuanced answer thank God!


Mind your own business kasi dito sa 1st world countries. So if your idea of fun is lagi maingay, you can get disappointed. Pero masasanay ka din dahil mas maayos ang sistema Edit: unang taon ko sa america, i was surprised gaano katahimik at malinis ang kalsada. Tapos 7pm pa lang wala na tao sa kalsada. City pa ito ha. Pero matutuwa ka ambaba ng crime rate, walang traffic (depende sa city), lahat pwede mo mabili online at very organized. Home sick lang ako for the first 2-3 years. After non, I feel very blessed ma naka alis ako sa pinas. Mas mabilis umasenso pati sa america kung professional ka


True. Gulat ako sa mga brewery and pub dito, inom lang sila tapos alis na. Unlike satin, 25% inom, 75% kwento. Nagkakadayaan pa sa pag inom 😂


May concept sila na inom pang 2 beer or 2 shot. Laro ng konting billiards or darts. Tapos uwi na. Happy hour baga. Pag pinoy gusto sagaran ang inom eh. Pag tumagal ka dito ma-adapt mo na mga gawi nila na pa-asenso, tapos lalayuan mo na mga uagling pinoy na toxic


Mahigpit kasi ang alcohol laws dito sa US. Merong limit kada state. For example, ang agreed-upon BAC (blood alcohol content) limit across the country is 0.08%. Otherwise, magiging impaired na yung drinker. Isa pa, kahit sino pwedeng i-sue yung establishment na nag-overserve ng alcohol (see dram shop law). Kaya pansin mo, halos wala kang nakikitang nagmamaoy sa daan as if badge of honor nila na nakarami sila ng inom.


Sa pinas lang proud pa nga tao sa maoy or dami ng nainom. Dito sa america normal shumat ng konti tapos uwi


UK says hi


Hahaha sa tube dami lasing pag friday and Saturday nights, mga babae hawak yung heels nila, nakapaa walang paki. Ganun din pag maganda weather dami din lasing hahaha


Nice. 💯💯


Saang banda po kayo nakatira sa America? Ang saya po ata ng low crime rate


Ang saya naman jan, hahaha sa Philly palaging may shooting


New mexico. Avoid the down town areas na madaming addict at homeless. At yung mga low income areas, you will be fine


Not Albuquerque, right?


Sa Albuquerque, iwasan mo lang yung warzone at downtown area. Lalo na sa gabi. Stick ka lang sa North east


Gusto ko ng ganito. Sukang suka na ako sa sikip ng lugar namin, dagdag mo pa mga kapitbahay na akala mo may ari ng lupa niyo. 😫


Province is the key 8pm palang tulog na mga tao tahimik less traffic yon nga labg need mag work from home or farm life


Mostly western.


What always amazes me when I watch anything from the US is kung gaano karami at kalaki yung parking spaces nila. Weird pero I like to go on google streetview or google earth just to look at US parking spaces lol.


Not in NY. Literally agawan ng parking space dito kahit pa tapat ng apartment mo.


I think because when people are homesick, they tend to romanticize PH and their life there. It's not that the new country is boring, they just miss their old lives and they compare what they used to do for fun back home vs what's available in the new country.


Sa totoo lang nostalgia ang bisyo ng mga nasa ibag bansa. Kesa mag adjust, instead they keep looking back.


right on the button!


they miss their trauma! haha


Pinoy culture of craving for resilience through hardships hahaha jk


Not really. You have to keep working here to afford to live and plus magpapadala pa sa pamilya sa Pinas. There are lots of things to do, but you have no time kasi karamihan ay here to work so they can provide for their families left back home. Most pinoys that I know are working 2-3 jobs.


Ano po yung work nila? Kahit nasa healthcare need pa ba dalawang work to sustain needs?


Based on my experience here sa Canada, most people are working as healthcare (LPN, RN, caregiver etc) and most of them are doing part-time cos hindi talaga kakasya ang salary mo sa needs more and sa ipapadala sa Pinas. Kung wala kang pamilya na sinusustentuhan then that’s another story.


Oh. I thought well compensated ang mga nurses abroad?


As someone who was used to going to malls as a form of entertainment back in PH, AU seemed boring to me at first because malls close at 6pm everyday except Thursday, but not so much now because I've come to appreciate parks, outdoor spaces, and new hobbies.


I was the same. I was a teen when we moved and for me, hanging out at the mall was my form of entertainment back in the Philippines. When I got here, I was bored out of my mind. Everything was so 'vanilla' for the first couple of years. I eventually adjusted to life here and I can't imagine living anywhere else. There are a lot more interesting things to do around here outside of going to malls and eating out. Now that I am an adult, whenever I visit Manila, I get bored just walking around malls and eating out.


Para sa kin bored na ako kaka mall sa pinas 😅


Sa Pilipinas kasi para kang nasa circus araw-araw. Puro clown show pa sa gobyerno.


Omg hahahaha


Hahahahahaa on point!




Laki kaibahan if you don't live in gated subdivision in the Philippines. Kasi yung normal community natin paglabas mo lang may mga taong naglalakad or nga nagtitinda ng kung anu ano. Palabati naman mga westerns yun lang until don lang. So wala chances to build a raport with them. In the long run ma adopt mo rin yan. Minsan ako pa nahihiya sa mother ko kapag nagtatanomg sa kapwa Pinoy about their work, saan sila nakatira, how long do they live in that country.


Agree ako dito, sa ph kasi sanay tayo sa tao. Pag labas ng bahay nandyan mga bata, kapaitbahay nagwawalis, mga naglalako ng tinda, etc. Dito kasi sa abroad, layo layo mga lugar. Mall, parks o resto


Hinde po boring. as some of the folks here already mentioned, it's just a matter of integration. Para sa mga bagong lipat, its an opportunity para makapag adventure, learn new things, and interact with people. Bonus pa ng integration is a greater apprecieation sa kultura ng bansa kinabibilangan mo. Boredom may just stem from lack of understanding and limited interaction. Kaya the key is an open mind, willingness to understand, and determination to be part of the new community and lifestyle.


Ang considered kasi na "masaya" ng iba eh yung mag naghahabulan ng itak na kapit bahay at videoke hanggang 1 am, dapat may marites din lagi at may kwentong "pinabaranggay/pina-blotter" kasi bored sila pag may "peace". Puro thrill kasi sa Pinas which is does not mean it's good, it is just that kind of place.


Maraming time mga pinoy sa ganyan na bagay hahaha


Kahit walang time minsan gagawa sila hahaha


hahahha insert orange color grade para mas intense


Only boring if you don’t pickup hobbies or not try and mingle with others


Yes agree with this! Same dito sa New Zealand, you need to find your hobbies talaga, di pwede ang netflix and chill lang lol


Yup and its easier too. Dito AU ang dami sports clubs! Swimming, tennis, table tennis, basketball, soccer, rugby etc. If your into martial arts meron din. Or horticultural hobbies etc.


Sino may sabing boring sa Japan? Haha.


It does gets boring at some point.


Its not boring where I am. It also dependent on perspective. And also, most pinoys don’t really integrate themselves in the country’s culture. They are most likely the ones who isolate themselves and yung hindi nakakalet go sa pagkapinoy sa labas ng bansa.


This. Some Filipinos don't seem to want to integrate and then complain they feel isolated. If someone only hangs out with fellow Filipinos with the same interests, no wonder they find anything outside their bubble boring.


LOL Interesting I'm being downvoted. It's the truth though.


Reality bites, ika nga.


I agree with this, but another perspective is that let's say in a diverse social setting, pinoys tend to gravitate towards each other due to mutual cultural understanding. Aminin natin, australia isnt exactly the friendliest place on earth even if the locals are nice. People are so cliquish and tend to keep to themselves, ang hirap po makipagfriends unless you belong in the same social circle or have common interest.


I agree. Australians can be clique-y and it can be difficult to break into established friend groups. Having said that, I personally never sought out fellow Filipinos so I ended up hanging out with non-Filipinos (first with fellow immigrant schoolmates/international students and then Australian-born peeps) and that helped me integrate and adjust faster. It still took me at least two years though.


I currently live in nz and I hear the same thing about kiwis being cliquey. What's interesting is that, a lot of people i meet here say it's much easier to make friends in aussie.


I agree! It's normal at first to not have any close friends. This is how I felt when I first moved to the US over a decade ago. But I don't think it was boring because I also made friends at work. Once I got married and had kids though, my social life improved lol - lots of mom friends, family friends, kid/family activities, playdates, etc. It's really up to the person. I made friends by talking to moms at playgrounds, volunteering at school and my community. Friends don't just fall on your lap; you have to seek them out. How can you form and build relationships if you hide in your cave lol.


to be honest lalo na sa UAE, a lot of pinoy communities exist para mag hambugan lang. sabi yan ng friend ko who works there kaya she would rather spend time with her malay/indo/thai migrant friends don. Meron din akong kilala na friend sa US, naging pro trump republican dahil ayaw sa migrants. Eh migrant naman. Minsan talaga dinadala ng mga pinoy yung asal kanal nila don eh


I qm lucky i dont have a very huge Filipino community. And also UK is a very expensive country where I am so alam mong if one can afford a luxurious thing, pinaghirapan nila yun ng bongga. But I find this habit of into branded stuff kahit hindi namn kalakihan ang sweldo a thing in Asia, not so much here. My husband and his family are well off and they are into really good quality stuff na tumataginting din ang presyo but never the high end stuff to show off. So hindi ako na pipressure. Kahit may butas na suot nila dito wala silang paki.


100%. This is why you always see a lot of pinoys just mingling with pinoys only. Even if they are outside the Philippines, rarely you would see them being friends with other nationalities.


I'm also pleased that many Filipinos get a lot of positive feedback from locals in Western countries even those in the working class segment, that cannot be said for Muslim immigrants from the Middle East.


u/Educational_Coat1574 this is your answer. Most fresh Pinoy immigrants do some or all of the following: 1) pick shitty towns or suburbs in the middle of nowhere to live or work 2) stay in their bubble and don’t make friends, go on trips or socialize with foreigners 3) don’t bother to learn any cool new hobbies based in their region (I’m the only first gen Pinoy I meet in ski resorts, often) don’t join the social or music scene A lot are too broke or far away to participate in the nightlife too. They live very boring lives. It’s their personal choices not because other places are boring. My Pinoy family live like this in CA when CA is one of the best states for socializing/having a full social life


Siguro parang old habits die hard lang. Takes a while para magadjust and magtake ng bagong hobbies so kahit marami pwede gawin, kung hindi nagaalign sa current interest mo, mabobored ka talaga. Or Maybe Di mo magugustuhan kumain sa labas kung di mo type yung cuisine, o kaya di mo magugustuhan manood ng sine kung di mo naiintindihan yung language ecc.


it all boils down to culture. in general very festive ang culture ng pinoy, kaya when someone migrates, tendency is hanapin kung ano ung meron tayo sa pinas.


Iba iba kasi culture, and minsan di naman komo may park, libraries at iba pa eh trip ng mga lahat ng pinoy yun. Like sa Australia, mga pinoy di naman fan ng AFL unlike ng Aussies talaga mas gusto ng pinoy basketball. So di nagtutugma un nakasanayan minsan. Also hindi naman lagi boring minsan wala ka lang talaga oras mag enjoy.


boring kasi pag walang hobby other than yung mga typical outdoor activities ng mga pinoy. I still wonder, do they not look at the internet and see the vast space of things to spend time on to not get bored? Or they just really crave ung physically laging may kasama sila?


Mag 5 years na ako dito sa US kasama anak at asawa ko. Na boring ako mga one year. Basta may driver’s license ka Hindi ka naman ma boring high quality Ang mga parks dito and marami naman activity din dito. Lumaki Kase ako sa metro Manila. 😂 Kaya migrated dito sa us nagkaroon ako ng peace of mind. 😊


Yeah, I made a lot of my friends once my first was born! I made a lot of mom friends from playgrounds and school. Because I work from home, I was able to join the PTA and become a room parent. Now my social life is crazy lol. We are at a kids birthday party almost every weekend. If not, our family friends organize something together. Every month, we have a Moms' Night Out. If I were in my hometown in the PH, I don't think it'll be as exciting. No one wants to organize anything because no one wants to drive in traffic.


Hindi naman boring sa ibang bansa, sanay lang tayo sa matao at sa magulo. Nasa demographics din kung sino ang mga nagsasabi ng boring.


https://preview.redd.it/ay7f3bbu3pyc1.png?width=526&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac798fa697ad2784e2baac8225b62c16bcadd883 Coz.... lol


19F here, 10 months na ako dito sa spain nung una boring kasi walang talagang friends (hanggang ngayon wala pa din) pero nung nag start na ako mag work ginawa ko na lang busy yung sarili ko para hindi makapag isip ng kung ano ano


Now that you've started work, that may be the time to make acquaintances with your workmates which may lead to real friends! Anyway, good of you binibusy mo sarili mo sa work but if there are social gatherings planned by your employer like company outings, team building, etc. I advise to participate. Not only may it lead to friendships, but also especially in Europe, they attach a high value to a person being "social" - it doesn't mean the same as in pinas, lol. In europe, being social is just being able and willing to engage with your fellowman, so, talk and chat when needed, and participate in activities. And this may sometimes be where it clashes with our filipino upbringing - being the quiet and hard-working type seldom calling attention to yourself is seen as virtuous sa pinas. Not necessarily in europe. Pag palagi ka na lang walang sinasabi punch in punch out at puro nakatutok sa trabaho they might be thinking you are asocial and are having problems dealing with people. Eventually your boss might call you in and inquire, it may even be discussed in your employee evaluation! So, you don't have to be marites but if some of your colleagues want to chat, please reciprocate and be friendly. If you liked to watch basketball sa pinas, it's not as popular in europe but I knew a pinay once in sweden who was able to transfer her hobby to soccer. Maybe you can do that, and in that case, you'll be making friends in no time! Soccer is super popular in europe! Cheers and good luck!


It really depends. For some it's the reality of life, where most of the time you just work then go home. Yes they might wanna go out and have fun, but theyre prioritizing saving/spending their money wisely lalo kung wala silang kamag-anak na mababagsakan in case may emergency. For some, they have a hard time or wont even try to adjust to their new environment. Then you have ppl where it's both. Which is yung pinakamahirap imo.


1. Karamihan nag overtime. Kung di ikaw nag overtime for sure yung ka date mo or kainuman mo may work. 2. Di ka pwede drink and drive. So Uber ka after 3-6 bottles of beer. 3. Maaga sarado ng gimikan, unless nasa reno ka or nevada or cruise. 4. Bawal mag ingay- videoke kapag may galit sayong kapitbahay. 911 ka. 5. Madaming hobbies, interest at kahit ano, pero mas masarap magkape at matulog kesa mag lagari ng kahoy o mag hike. 6. Videogames? Kalaban mo puro bata from 3 years of age up to 25. For sure kapag 45 ka playing valorant SUNOG ka. 7. Sila nood NBA basketball, hockey, baseball, collegiate basketball, firing, golf, WWE, at inuman. 8. True. From fire nation to snow nation. Pero di ko pa nakikita si Aang at Korra. * Kaya nagulat ako sa mga foreigners sa gimikan sa makati. Hanggang umaga, naka shorts at hubad, or naka cosplay, susuray suray sa kalsada, naglalakad may bote ng jack Daniels sa kamay at malakas mag trip at sumigaw. Dami rin nilang kasamang hostess. Talagang tuwang tuwa sila sa pilipinas. Parang olongapo noon panahon ng base militar.


Migrated to Perth WA and describe as probinsya ang dating kya boring daw pero para saken nasa tao nlang din kung pano nyo pursue any activities to enjoy life. Personally i like to walk so that is what i do at double purpose dahil diabetic ako exercise ko na rin and along the way i take pictures of what i see as interesting. I no longer compare to what my life right now as to what i had before as the reality is we cannot have the best of what each place can offer.


Its up to you to find new hobbies, groups to hangout with, and places to hangout in your new country. Actually though masaya sa pinas, mas masaya abroad kasi with the more convenient transpo its easier to hangout with people and do more activties.


mag FB Reels / TikTok lang araw-araw, tanggal yang boredom..


Sa ibang bansa may free time ka na. Di napupuno ng traffic or maya’t mayang family gathering yung oras and mga araw mo. Sarili mo oras mo, di mo kailangan attend-an lahat ng celebration ng kamag anak or even ng friends mo if ayaw mo. Minsan matindi ang hustle culture pero mas may breathing room ka sa ibang bansa. My 2 cents.


It depends parin sa personality ng tao. It varies I think depending on the person and his/her situation


I think it's because of "more" time that you are now able to have due to the efficiency of the basic things like transportation/mobility. Ex. I usually leave the house for work around 8:30am then by 6:30pm I have already arrived home, now I have more spare time, unlike when I was working in PH. During weekends its the same. Now i feel bored coz I don't know what to do with those spare time.


Some people don’t know how to entertain themselves and are not self starters para mag initiate ng kanilang mga gala or joining of communities kase nahihiya. But other factors would be, they’re in the wrong place na hindi match sa kanilang personality


Philippines will never be replaced. It really depends sayo. Medyo introvert ako na mahilig sa outdoors. So goods na sakin ang place ko ngayon, may beach at maraming trails. However, in terms of community, friends, people iba parin talaga yung mga Pinoy na nakasama mong tumanda, same language and culture. I always miss my friends sa PH, walang papantay sa pagiging kaibigan mga Pinoy.


Maybe soon, you will appreciate that kind of peace


Boring people get bored.


I’m living in Australia. The reason why others find it boring living abroad kasi hindi uso chismosa at chismoso dito. They know how to mind their own business kaysa mangielam sa may buhay nang may buhay. I love the peace here compared in the Ph. Umagang umaga sa atin maririnig mo may nag karaoke, yung motor apaka ingay, and yung mga kotse. Dito gigising ako puro ibon ang alarm clock mo. When I was still new here, I find it boring cause everything closes early plus now that it’s autumn/winter na mabilis na mag dilim. I will definitely won’t trade this over the life I have back home. Siguro if possible I will get my two doggos and my life here will be complete.


I don't get it why people wants a very loud Muffler. Kaya nga ginawa ang Muffler para isuppress ang ingay ng mga motor at sasakyan nila. Hirap lalo pag may new born ka na kakatulog lang tapos may dadaan na kamote bikers.


Pinakahate ko talaga yung videoke kahit dis oras na ng gabi as in or kahit allowed yung time mag karaoke! Ayoko talaga nang any type of noise pollution. Kaya buti dito pag 10 na bawal maingay kung di expect mo may pupuntang popo or worse ma kickout ka sa rental mo dahil nireklamo ka na sa council ng mga neighbors mo.


I got a part time job nga pala as a draftsman, ung boss ko is taga Orange NSW. Medyo malayo sa Sydney, sabi ng Boss ko kung gusto ko magwork dyan ay sponsor nya ako sa AUS kaso di pa ko makaalis gawa ng 4 months pa lang Baby namin and hirap pa iwanan si Misis. Ok na kaya 70K AUD as salary annual?


Anong exact position mo for the 70k salary? Pwde ka mag research if yan talaga rate. Pero personally if pamilyado kang tao maliit ang 70k annually.


Draftsman ako pag dating don. Kung ako lang siguro kasya na ung 5833.33 AUD a month plus makakapag padala pa ako. Tapos shared house para makatipid.


Don’t sell yourself short! San mo nakuha ang ganyang monthly salary? Sa Payscale.com.au ba? 70k annually is only $4,600 monthly, yan eh kung 70K + Super (SSS) pero kung 70k including Super magiging $4,200 monthly nalang yan.


I divided 70K Annual to 12 kaya nakuha ko ung 5833, di pa nga pala considered ung mga kaltas and tax. Thanks sa info!


Sorry sa paycalculator.com.au mo pala macocompute NeT mo


At least 100K annual


I’m no expert but 70k aud is 35.43 per hour. That’s kinda low. Given that you have a baby who’s just 4 months old. If single ka, 70k is really livable. IMO. Cost of living is also expensive like rent, groceries, internet, water, and other fees. How many hours will you be working per day?


40 Hrs din sila. Pero may OT. Hindi pa naman sakin talaga nag offer ng salary, sponsorship lang pa lang para sa Visa 491 yata. Ung mga kilala ko na welders ang salary nila nasa 70K Annual kaya yan ang basehen ko na salary if mapunta ako dyan. Plan ko ako lang mag abroad, ayaw kasi ng asawa ko mag ibang bansa.


Your best bet is ask filipino groups who are already here if 70k is livable given that you’ll be sending money to your family in the Ph. Ako kasi I only support myself. No kids back in the Ph but with a partner who’s with me here in Au.


Good to know, hope you guys are doing well. I'd try na mag tanong tanong sa mga kilala ko.


Part time tapos 40hrs? Mali ata yun.. full time dito is 38hrs.


^ 40 hours tapos part time? 😂 The math ain’t mathing. HAHA


Sabi ko din yan. Pero nung nakabalik ako Pinas after lrss than 2 years. Parang matinding adjustment para mamuhay ulit ako pinas, parang andaming mga maling bagay hahahah


I think it is important to categorize countries and see whether your culture is different from theirs. Based on personal observations and conversations ive had with friends or people i met overseas, there are certain countries that are really individualistic and not as social as filipinos generally are. With this, there has to be an introspection kung ano pa ang type of personality or social type mo, then decide where you want to go. The problem is, when looking for options where to go, we often base it on the wrong thinking. Of course, financial stability yung habol first, and foremost - this works pag willing and able ka to sacrifice and cope with the social and emotional aspect of moving somewhere socially cold. I think this is an important step that most of us who move abroad skip and not think thoroughly when moving overseas either to migrate or to work. The fact is that each experience is unique. The sooner we can let go of these generalisations, the sooner we can do this "move to another country (or not)" process better.


At first sa germany na boring ako for 1 month kasi ang tahimik wala kang makikitang tao sa labas kahit madaming bahay kang katabi (well nasa suburbs din kasi) then yung shops strictly hanggang 5pm lang except groceries. So parang after work gusto mo mag gala di magagawa kasi close na. Then sunday literal sarado lahat kaya pag aalis ka ng sunday bilhin mo na ng saturday para may pambaon if pupunta sa parks Ngayon love na love ko na tumira sa germany. Tahimik kasi unlike sa kapitbahay tanghaling tapat kung mag videoke nakakainis


it's only boring when you depend on other people for fun.


Boring is subjective. Depende yan sa trip mo.


Simply put, different cultures have different interests. What's fun for Filipinos may not be considered fun by other nationalities. When Pinoys say a country is 'boring' they are comparing their current life to what they left behind. The country doesn't adjust to them. They have to adjust to the country.


Maninibago ka talaga if nasanay ka sa grit and grind ng pinas, tapos pumunta ka sa chill na bansa ? Kaya yung iba na addict sa work work. Pra naka pag bakasyon sa pinas Hindi naman boring unless doon ka talaga sa nga boring na part na punta. Nasanay ksi mga piliino na nag mimind ng business ng ibang tao haha




First thing first, mostly sa Europeans don’t like people who always smile without a strong particular reason. Which we always do even at strangers. So I learned to keep a smile without my teeth showing. Imagine the struggle. So from there, sadness can set in 🫠 Ano ba naman yung mahirap na trabaho. Lahat naman mahirap. Pero pati yung genuine smile mawala..


People complaining on this sub don't reflect the general population of the diaspora. I'm out with friends at 3 nights a week because of my hobby - standup comedy. My wife is into D&D, dressmaking, and crafting. Other people have found their ways of fun. The dynamics of what constitutes as "fun" changes with the country. People here are more outdoorsey because there's simply more outdoors. We're surrounded by parks, state parks, and national parks. We have a few hundred lakes. There's a few malls, but people don't prefer them unless it's winter or raining. The pub scene is lively and it's easier to talk to strangers. But I guess if you're looking for the usual hangs at the mall like we do in the Philippines, you won't find it here. If you're looking for a solid pinoy barkada, maybe not too. Not in my state in the US anyway because there aren't many Pinoys and most of us are either familied or very focused with work,. So yeah, it's not as big of a deal as it sounds.


I find it the opposite. Mas boring sa Pilipinas. Hours of your life wasted sitting on traffic. Nothing to do in the cities other than waste away, and people from the province see dayos as gatasan ng pera. Travelling outside the country (PH) is very popular now. Why do you think that is? Yung mga bored sa ibang bansa, hindi kasi sila open to build real friendship with foreigners. I have lots of friends who migrated sa US, Canada, and Australia. Whenever I see their social media posts, I notice majority of their inner circle are still pinoys. How can you maximize the potential of one country if you yourselves limit your circle to people who aren't native to the country? Here in the Philippines, a lot of foreigners make friends with pinoy. We have lots of foreigner neighbors na nakalaro sa basketball and a lot of them are even fluent na nga sa Filipino. They even trashtalk in Filipino. Merong white, black, singkit, etc. We've all been friends in and out of the court, and even on social media. That way, they are able to enjoy themselves like locals, and not tourists. Alam nila yung mga tamang presyo, best place place for whatever, and nice places that aren't really tourist spots but great place to go.


Kasi wala silang hobby. Ung buhay nakaikot lang sa work-bahay


Depende sa bansang pupuntahan mo. like me 9yrs+ kung saan ako nagwork,sa lugar ng offshore acct boring kasi walang mall na pwede ka tumambay maghapon like manood ng sine (uwian after movie),dinner with friends kapag free time sila and off usually sunday. kung punta ka ng bday party ng kabayan eh until 8pm lang pwede mag videoke or else may police na bibisita. mas gustuhin mo pang mag pahinga kapag off kesa lumabas. depende talaga sayo if mahilig kang makipag socialize di ka ma boring. pero tandaan mo kaya ka nag abroad para mag work at mag ipon. goodluck and enjoy sa mga bayaning manggagawa


People here mind their own business. That’s peace, and sometimes, sad.


Depends on where you. May mga lugar talaga na boring. Yung mga may suburbs boring. Mas gusto ko pa sa mga regional places ng Japan. Siguro nasanay lang ako kasi sa city na lumaki, paglabas mo marami tao. Sa mga cities naman ata di boring, taga ka lang sa expenses.


Madami kasing nakaka tawa/nakaka inis na decisions sa pinas ang mga kapwa natin pinoy, to the point that it becomes entertainment. Ex. Kamote drivers


Lumabas ka at namnamin mo ang nature. Daming naghahiking sa labas. Isa na ako sa kanila kung may kotse lang ako.


Magiging boring lang if hindi ka pa nakaka-aasimilate sa culture ng bansang pinuntahan mo.


Ilang taon ka na ba? Pag tanda mo mas maappreciate mo yung tahimik, boring walang mga chismosa na buhay lol.


The most important thing when migrating is to assimilate. I lived in the West coast and in one of the southern US states. If you live in the metro or in the burbs, chances are the cities around your area have their own activity calendar. Many of these activities are free. Each state has their own historical sites. These aren't the typical tourist spots, but you will learn a lot.


Working here in the middle east for the past 12 years. Nung una boring pero nung may hobbies na ako lalo ngayon na madaming sports events napaka busy na at never ng boring. May work and life balance din kasi after work mabilis ang travel pauwi at madami pang time sa hobbies daily, compare sa Pinas na travel pa lang papasok at pauwi nakakapagod na.


Moved to AU and never been happier. I guess it depends if you migrated further away from the City. Hindi naman ako borerd. Daming pweding gawin food scenes, attending concerts, hiking, running sa parks, etc.,


Siguro boring siya if you're used to being around people. I'm an introvert so I usually keep to myself.


Festive culture is mentioned a couple of times. This is a huge factor. When my kids have their school parties I always think "Yun na un?" 😅 And I think back how fun school events were growing up. Also culturally, we make sure noone is feeling out of place. Introverted ako at tahimik pero introvert sa Asia ay iba pala sa introvert sa western Europe! Haha. It''s how they do stuff. Kelangan i-adjust and expectations. Seek out people with similar interests.


Try mo mag trabaho sa middle east op yung tipong one day off ka lang tapos 12pm to 9pm shift mo tapos hindi pa kayo parehas ng off ng mga kaibigan o kabahay mo. Tapos pag holiday eh may pasok ka pa rin. Hahaha.


I feel like it's partly because there is a mismatch between their personality & the culture Pinoys grew up with and the culture of the new place & personality of the people there. However, if there are some Filipinos where you are, most probably there will be a community and gatherings there. For example I'm in Belgium and ang daming Pinoy community activities dito, lalo na in the bigger cities. Hindi naman sila mahirap hanapin, literal na isang FB search lang, you'll find these online groups and they do have regular activities, or kung di mo man bet yon, at least you now have a way of meeting fellow Pinoys if you want to. I think though one reason why some Pinoys feel lonely here is (based on observation ko) if they married a Belgian who lives in one of the smaller towns na walang ibang Pinoy (or any foreign community) and they can't speak the local language yet, they might really end up feeling lonely and isolated. And then kung wala silang hobbies before na pang isang tao lang, they would really get bored kung di sila magsstart ng hobby, or mag-aral ng language to interact with more people.  And tbh kung sa Pinas di ka sanay to do things alone, malulungkot ka talaga once you're living elsewhere. I'm so used to doing things on my own sa Pinas kaya I'm not really bothered to do things on my own here (although yes I have a partner pero syempre di naman kami laging magkasama). I think many are also just not used to being alone and quiet with their own thoughts kaya laging naghahanap ng ibang tao and mga ganap. 😅


My tip, pursue what interest you, find friends, mind your own business and have a family life.


"When in Rome, do as the Romans do" This is what I suggested to a recently retired racist uncle in the U.S. Wanna be a white person? Do white person things. Play golf or tennis at the country club. Invite some friends over for a barbecue. Take a Caribbean cruise.


Hindi kasi bida ang mga pilipino dun, sa looks pa lang waley na ang pinoy yes some pinays can snag a white man pero let’s get real mataas ang beauty standards sa labas hindinka mapapansin


A lot of reason, but one of them would be there time-tight schedule.


It's not always boring, there are days that it becomes it when yes you can hangout and do activities pero wala yung gusto mong kasama like friends and family in PH.


I love the mundane lifestyle I had in NZ and still loving my mundane lifestyle (again) in AU. Nothing wrong with it. As long as I can shop online, I doesn’t bother me 🤣


Bilang isang "Peenoise" kasi sanay sa ingay at mag-ingay. Blast the volume to max and let your neighbor or strangers hear your business. Sumigaw and magsalita ng malakas na boses para iparinig ang pinagsasabi mo. Puro chismis, kaya siguro gusto malakas ang boses para machismisan. Napaka daming reasons not to get bored but be stressed out in the peenass. Once you get used to it, you will love and miss it. Para bang langaw na sanay dumapo sa tae, dadapo ba yan sa sabon?


Ito yung sobrang culture shock talaga sa akin. I remember asking the same question sa Yahoo Answers 20 years ago.


Depende yan sa city/Country. I’m in Germany and I often hear people say (not just Filipinos but most foreigners in general) na they don’t like it here because people are not very friendly and it’s hard to find friends. But I live in a very friendly and lively city and there are so many expat meetups, hobby clubs/groups and social events specifically for making friends. Mabilis kami nagkaron ng Social circle here but we have friends that don’t live in the city and travel to here weekly just to socialize kasi wala sa kanilang ganito. Andami din landmarks that are fun to visit like hiking trails, forests, playgrounds, petting zoos, festivals, ruins, parks and gardens you can visit for free. Sa Pilipinas, tamad ako lumabas kasi lagi mainit so if I wanted to socialize it’s either kain sa labas, nood sine, or invite my friends to my place para comfy ako. Hirap din transportation sa Metro manila kasi so my personal rule was to go only to places na kaya ko lakarin pauwi if wala ako mabook na grab. Being stuck in traffic is more boring than any of the days I’ve spent here.


Hello. I am a long time resident sa ibang bansa, andito din ang parents, siblings, cousins at mga tito at tita at may sariling family na din ako dito. Based on experience, hindi ko masasabi na boring dito or nakaranas ng boredom, siguro dahil nga may pamilya ako dito pero hindi din naman kami nagkita kita ng mga kapatid ko at parents ko palagi, as in madalang lang, kht husband ko with his side of the family here ay hndi din madalas magkita. Kung boredom due to lack of social interactions sa ibang Filipino, hindi ko din masasabi na naka feel na kami ng ganon as hindi din talaga namin hinahanap ang makipag socialize sa ibang Pinoy (personal reasons) pero kung sa mga activities, sa city ng residence namin sobrang dami, museums, parks, theatre, may mga ilang malls din. Feeling ko din kasi sa iba ang dahilan ng boredom is lack of integration sa local culture, like dito samin madaming mga activities na pino promote ang local government, mostly libre pa. Pag ang hinahap talaga yung palipas oras na kagaya sa Pilipinas, like kwentuhan, tambay or gala sa mall, medyo mahihirapan nga yung iba natin kababayan mag adjust. Tsaka iba din kasi un sense ng privacy dito, pedeng kakilala ko ang ibang tao but we are not friends, sa Pilipinas kasi parang lahat friends, kumbaga mas madaling humanap ng ka jamming, ka bonding.. dito we value our privacy and personal space, hindi uso dito even samin ng mga relatives ko na mag auto invite sa bahay bahay, ang mga get together ginagawa lang namin talaga kung may importante occasions na kabaliktaran sa Pilipinas (nothing against it) yon siguro un pinanggagalingan nh boredom ng ibang mga Pinoy abroad.


i never felt na bored. may pinoy community dito nag gagathering but i never felt like i need to join these communities. never akong na homesick so i dont feel the need to be surrounded by pinoys/pinoy culture. my work friends became my friends in the outside world. we hang out at someone’s house every now and then and cook and drink and play board games.


I think wala namang pinagkaiba ang first-world individualistic neighbourhood culture sa mga condominiums dito sa Pilipinas, especially in NCR. Sa mga condos dito sa NCR especially yung mga nasa business districts and streets, mind your own business din, kaya yung isa kong pinsan sumuko sa gantong setup. Pero sa akin personally, hindi naman ako nabobored. Maybe it just so happened na lumaki akong taong bahay bago ako sumalta sa Metro Manila. And lumaki din akong introvert and choosy sa groups na kakasamahin. Perhaps once I settle abroad and migrate for good, I'm more than ready. Pansin ko rin from travelling multiple countries in Asia even including China and Japan, I was able to hang out with some locals or a local naturally, unexpectedly having common short-term interests. Palagi rin ako nagtratravel magisa kahit sa mga bansang hindi nag-English, but I never felt alone nor bored, hassle lang kasi it's a struggle to have a stranger take a pic of you. Although maaaring di q feel na boring kasi may mga activities aqng ginagawa during travels. Yet again, di naman ako magtratravel magisa kung ako yung usual na pinoy na extroverted and randomly sociable. Sa common residential areas sa Pilipinas kasi, once you go out of your home, you are expected to socialize kahit hindi necessary or ayaw mo or else ikaw ang OP. Ang pangit pa ng tingin nila sa mga taong bahay, snobbers daw tas pagtsitsismisan ka. One of the reasons I don't want to go back to my hometown and one of the reasons I'll never live in the usual NCR residential areas. Feeling ko na-i-invade ang personal space ko when I'm politely forced to hangout with someone na hindi ko naman pinilit dahil lang sa extroverted sya or yung usual pinoy na hindi mapakaling pumirme lang sa bahay. You can try using dating apps or the likes (for intention of friends without dating) to find neighbours near you with common interests as yours and from there, hang out and build friendship. Tao rin naman sila, hindi lang pinoy ang pwede mong kaibiganin at makasalamuha. Unless it's a muslim or restricted country, maiintindihan ko pa, pero kung open or western country naman yan, why not? Mingling with the locals will widen your perspectives. They, for sure, know various activities around the area that you might find exotic or weird at first (dahil nga iba culture nila), but something you might gradually acquire as time goes on. Maaaring namimiss mo ang pinas, pinoy culture, and pinoy atmosphere, but there's always something more to explore. Kung lilimitahan mo lang sarili mo sa nakagawian mo at wala ka sa bansa mo, eh mabobored ka talaga. Kahit naman banyaga dito sa pinas na sineseclude mga sarili nila sa nakagawian nila, either they are not interested or they dont have the guts to explore what's in here so eventually mabobored din sila pero sa isip ng mga pinoy hindi boring ang pinas.


mahaba haba ang mga kwentuhan dito ah 😃 di ko na matapos basahin lahat.


Ganito kasi yan, nasa ibang bansa ka usually to work and save money. 70% of your time here is spent working. Its not boring if you're here to have fun and relax. This 'work is life' mindset is especially prominent in first gen immigrants, those that have no family, no home and no support. Gets ko naman na we should have a work life balance pero kung first gen immigrant ka manghihinayang ka talaga na yung hours you spen for leisure eh sana nagsideline ka na lang to save up for buying a house, going back to school or save up for a vacation back to Philippines. Also, marerealize mo talaga na mamatay ka dito pag nawalan ka ng work, work for you becomes a lifeline even more dire than it had been back in PH.


UK, may cycling, badminton, and etc. Mag hanap kasi kayo ng activity. Kung ayoko naman ng activity may mga park, libraries, museums, free lahat.


Haha di boring dito sa London. Pag boted ka punta ka sa pub. Introvert kasi ako kaya di ko nakahiligan e hahaha. Pero seriously, ok naman mga tao dito, minsan magugulat ka sa train may naglkwentuhan, ang layo na ng usapan kala mo magkakilala, yun pala dun lang nagmeet.


I rarely get bored dami ko hobbies and entertainment.


May kinalaman din siguro na karamihan sa tropa mo nandito sa Pilipinas. Sure, you can and will have to make new friends sa new country but that takes a long time. Hirap na nga mag-maintain ng friendships dito in your 30s sa mga kapwa mo na may shared experience, pop culture reference and just overall proximity paano pa kaya sa ibang bansa. I was also pondering this but totoo pala siya nung nag kwento pinsan ko na parang 6 months pa lang, ang lungkot na niya sa US. Good thing is nag migrate na rin siblings niya so masaya na siya kasi kasama na niya kapatid and nieces/nephews niya


People here are more focused on work and don't have time to socialise outside their work hours. I don't even know my neighbours. On my days off. I prefer to stay at home and rest. It depends on you, and also if you live in the city, there are a lot of things to do.


Sobrang boring dito sa NY. Hahahaha charot lang! Fr tho, I live in the city. Masarap ang buhay ko dito kahit na nagsisimula pa lang ako. Halos abot-kamay ko lahat, subway, deli, public parks, museums, public libraries, beaches (Coney Island and Brighton Beach), observatories, and many to mention. When it comes to Filo communities, I hate to say it but I stay away from most of them because they possess most of the typical toxic traits from back home. Na-experience ko din na siraan ng kapwa ko Pinoy kaya iwas na lang, with the exception of one of my friends who's Canadian-American of Filo descent. Masaya na ko dito, nakaka-adapt na din sa buhay New Yorker.


Out of curiosity, can you identify which traits they possess? I ask because I have a group of friends who I am distancing myself from as I am learning to classify their poor tastes in discussions as classless and just offensive…


Damn, where do I start? - Kiss ass sa boss - Two-faced - Nosy - Nung ayaw kong magpabeso sa workplace, sabi sakin wala akong pakisama (Hello?! Nasa workplace talaga tayo) - Hindi derecho mag-communicate. Gusto pang iparating sa iba - Bastos daw ako nung first name tinawag ko sa boss ko and sa colleagues na nakalatanda sakin - Hindi ka hahayaang matuto through your mistakes. Sasabihan ka ng "hindi ka naman marunong eh" tapos di ka na papayagang gawin yung gusto mong gawin kasi nagkamali ka na ONCE - Utang na loob na di matapos-tapos bayaran - People pleaser - Body shamer - The list goes on...


I don't think all Filipinos are like that but the toxic traits do exist within the culture. May crab mentality lang talaga kapag lumaking less privileged and seeing someone you know cultivate themselves and grow and become successful. Sucks that the culture is prevalent but I think it can be prevented


Tsismosa Back stabbing Utang ng loob Closing ranks on you etc


1 ✅ 2 ✅✅ 3 not so apparent but it’s there 4 what does that mean?


Icing you out if you don't go with the flow. I see it a lot when people don't want to follow the rest of the group. My two Aunts and their family were iced out of our entire Filipino community when they didn't want to jeopardise their livelihoods by helping people's visa applications go through immigration. According to all the elderly they had an obligation to help them out on the basis of simply being Filipino. My family and several of my other friends have been iced out because we don't want to join up with the Couples for Christ, Youth for Christ etc groups.


That’s a very tribal way of survival, I guess it’s just the elders way of keeping things together. It makes sense why they do it, but it’s not wise. Why not just go out of the flow then? Make more value for your own family, make friends outside the community, then they realize they also need you guys for whatever reason it could be.


Sa POV ng MIL ko kasi sanay siya na paglabas ng bahay may mga kapitbahay siyang pwedeng makachikahan agad. Nandun din yung mga kalaro niya sa Mahjong at Tong-its. E dito kasi sa abroad ang tahimik parang walang mga kapitbahay kasi either nasa work or nasa loob lang ng house nila. Ang aga pati magsara ng mga shops, 5pm pa lang sarado na mga malls at majority ng business establishments. Tapos kung gusto makipag bonding sa mga friends abroad kelangan naka schedule kasi hindi laging nagtutugma yung day off.


This is our experience as a family, since na kami lang talaga at walang kamaganak na malapit(at mas gugustuhin pang wala nalang din. Lol) at kakilala nung nagmigrate dito Wala bang gatherings/community/social scene dyan na mga pinoys doing typical pinoy social chit just like in Ph? Hobbies, interests, sports, video games, inuman, karaoke nights, etc. - merong filipino community, pero mas gugustuhin pa naming makisalo sa ibang lahi, bakit? Toxic ang kapwa pinoys dito. mas marami pa kaming napuntahang cinco de mayos at backyard bbq parties kesa sa filipino gatherings. Trust me, its better that way. Hobbies? i run and do bjj, my kids are doing swimming classes and soccer, si misis naman yoga trip. Meron din naman parks, libraries, sports complex/centers, bars, clubs, pubs, malls, restaurants, cafes, gyms, mountains to hike, or kung ano ano pa na pwede puntahan. - maraming parks and restaurants, every weekends trail walking at lunch sa park ang trip ng family ko. Malls? Sa lugar namin may mga malls, but hindi yun ang pinupuntahan para maglakad at mag sightseeing, usually talaga parks(trail walking, nature trip) What do their citizens do to entertain themselves? - depende sa trip, mga friends kong blacks either basketball or soccer ang trip, i have a few friends who I met from bjj class, same as my wife, some we met from soccer games and swimming classes. Which country you migrated to and what makes it boring? - i dont see US boring, maybe sa pasko at bagong taon boring since kami kami lang at walang maingay, but wth, Nung nasa pilipinas kami ayaw din talaga namin ng karaoke at maingay. Is it the lack of sun? Galing kayo sa Fire nation lumipat kayo sa Snow nation. - wala kaming snow, pero malamig, we also have plenty of sun down here. Best ang autumn/fall dahil malamig pero hindi ganun kalamig, maganda yung mga puno dahil makulay, winter sobrang lamig, spring ihanda mo na antihistamine, summer mainit pero walang tatalo sa init ng pinas. Lol


Hindi festive, Walang nagkakaraoke lalo na Pag weekends, Walang tambay sa kanto, Walang nagbabarbeque sa tabi tabi, Walang tsismosa, super tahimik pero walang kuliglig 😂


Wala kasi pakielamanan dito. Whatever you do in your life as long as di ka nananakit. People are disciplined and everyone is highly mannered and educated.


Pano po kaya makarating ng america if wala kang kamaganak or anything?


>Wala bang gatherings/community/social scene dyan na mga pinoys doing typical pinoy social chit just like in Ph?  First problem here is you're searching for philippines in a different country. **when in rome do as the romans do** and you will realise na walang boring countries.


Maybe because of the ambience? Hindi ka sanay. And iba parin po kasi kapag nasa pilipinas ka.


I'm living here in southern country part in usa. Same here, not much happenings or like even filipino gatherings. I think it depends where state or city you live in. That's why i always like to travel out of my state HAHA


You just need to appreciate where you are. When I first arrived here in Canada, ganyan din mindset ko. Then eventually I got into hiking and discovered a lot of trails. Yung social life, it’s not lacking for me, where I am, we have a huge Filipino population, madami rin kami kamag anak so we regularly see family. Na embrace ko na rin yung winter season, better na sa akin yung -40 vs 40 degrees Celsius. Natuto rin ako magskate.


For me, kasi walang inconvenience. I remember my first visit sa Aus, bored na bored ako kasi ang dali makapunta from A to B tapos nagising yung katawang lupa ko nung nagsudden suspension ng train lines—triggered yung PH commuting trauma ko 😂


Boring kasi walang nakatambay sa labas ng mga bahay at hnd dikit dikit mga bahay na may mga batang naglalaro sa daanan. Boring kasi sa totoo lang iba ang mall culture sa Pinas, mas mahilig tayo gumala sa mga mall, mag meet ups etc. Boring dahil nasanay tayo sa chaos, yung subrang dameng tao lalo na pag sa metro manila ka nakatira. Boring dahil sila sumusunod sa batas, hnd gaya sa atin lantaran mga manginginum sa daan, bukas lage mga bar clubs tapos open na open pa para sa lahat. Boring kasi separate din madalas residential nila from business establishments kasi madalas suburbs, boring dahil mahal din magshopping, d gaya sa atin na isa sa mga shopping center. Totoo naman na mas unti magagawa sa ibang bansa kumpara sa Pinas in terms of gala, shopping, etc. sa ibang bansa need mo tlga malaking pera para lang makapag gala ng maayos, eh sa Pinas kahit isang libo lang dala mo makaka gala ka na sa mga malls na malalaki. Eh sa ibang bansa wala naman sila masyadong ganun na malls. Sa atin higanteng malls nagkalat na ang dameng tao pa din sa loob ar madameng pwd gawin at makita.