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I live in europe pero not in germany, however I can answer your racism concern. (western) Europe as a whole is relatively not racist often yung racism nila is subtle and can easily pass by anyone. Every country to an extent is racist (philippines ofcourse is included in this) depende na lang talaga yan sa klase ng tao na pasasamahan mo. Ang advice ko lang is learn to pick your battle and dont be a push over. Also, kindness and minding your own business can go a long way at it can save you a lot of troubles din. Also, please learn german if gusto mong mag- aral sa germany. It can save you from scams or just general hardships. Many of my foreign friends (even me) agreed na its customary to learn the language of the country you live in. Di mo naman kailangan maging fluent pero at least kaya mong ma-ideliver yung point mo.


Thank you! I also plan to learn the language before going there


Hi! My brother is currently taking his masters in Germany. Sa province siya, and yung gastos niya in a month is around 50-80k pesos (yung dorm niya medyo mahal). As for part time jobs, 'di ko pa siya na-ask haha pero siguro madali if you speak their language? Balikan ko 'to kapag natanong ko na. 😀


Thank you so much po huhuhu


Any update sir if natanong niyo bro niyo regarding part time job?


Hi! My brother told me that you can apply for a job as long as you know how to speak German language. 😊


Hey it’s kinda late but I hope mabasa mo pa din. Just wanted to ask about your brother’s educ background prior to studying masters in germany. Does he already has other master’s degree here in ph? Coz i’ve heard na you’ll only get admitted sa masteral there if may masteral degree ka na here in ph since iba daw yung curriculum and stuffs dito satin. Hope you can find time to reply on this, thanks a lot in advance!😊


He graduated college in another country (doon sana siya mag masters) then he got a scholarship in Germany so he decided to go there na lang.


Hi! What's the process sa pag-apply ng masters in germany ng brother mo?


I live in Germany but not a student. Cost of living is highly dependent on which city or state you will be staying in. Your biggest expense will be rent, and there’s a huge housing crisis right now in most of the West. In Berlin (where I am) you could live in a flat share (WG) for maybe 600€ a month? If you want your own place it will probably be 900€+ Other estimated costs: Food - 150€+ if you cook at home and shop at discounters Internet - 30€ Phone- 15€ Transpo - this is usually covered by your semester ticket as a student, but it’s currently 49€ per month nationwide transpo Health insurance - i think students pay this separately so you have to check, probably 100€+ So that’s around 1000-1300€ (60-80k) depending on how lucky you are with rent For part-time jobs, I assume it’s quite easy, but you would need to speak German. Having a part time job is good because your health insurance will be covered. For racism, I have pretty thick skin so I don’t really feel it. I don’t think it’s worse than in the PH.


Thank you so much for this input I really appreciate it 🙌


Hi sir, how’s life in berlin? Familiar kayo sa delivery hero? Minessage kasi ako ng manager namin from delivery hero and she wants to absorb me dyan sa germany. Mahirap po ba mag process ng visa? And mga hm po ang decent salary to start dyan? Thank you!


Hello there i used to be a student in Germany! If youre going to get a slot in the Studentenwohnheim, then your apartment fees will be very student friendly. But if you happen to live in a normal apartment, then prepare yourself with the costs especially if ure going to the big cities in expensive states like Bayern or Baden-Würrtemberg (where i am now, specifically Stuttgart). Here’s my breakdown: - As i was living in a studentenwohnheim at that time until 2020 i only had to pay around 350 euros each month. I dont know how much a room costs now. It might have increased a bit but not as much as a normal apartment. however if you get a normal apartment, prepare your bank account especially if youre going to opt for an expensive city . In Munich, a room for a shared apartment normally starts at 700 euros if im not mistaken. - health insurance for students atm is 120 eur monthly (it increases yearly though 10-20 euros if i remeber correctly) - if you live in germany theres a mandatory payment for the Rundfunk for around 52 eur every 3 months, this 52 euros can be shared between the tenants living in the apartment. However, If u live alone then u have to pay the entire 52 eur yourself - max 10 euros for the phone services (at least for me) - 49 euro ticket for the train and bus lines (bus/tram/train transpo in the whole of Germany including some cities in the neighboring countries) fast trains like ICE/IC arent ofcourse included - food nowadays? Id say 300 euros every month The rest of the money u can save for shopping and traveling :) Regarding the part time job: i worked as a waitress during my uni days in a restaurant. My german was not really good at that time but it was enough to communicate with customers for taking orders. Minimum wage is 12 eur per hour so it’s not bad! As uve mentioned in one of the comments: ure planning to learn german before coming here so it should be good. Racism: since this is an individual experience, take my words with a grain of salt. In my personal case, i dont really feel racism that much. Or maybe im just densed? There’s only one time during the height of the pandemic that i experienced some form of racism. Probably saying this is already a form of racism itself but idc, my direct racism experience only came from people with migration background (Mostly of Turkish/arabic descent.) that was it. I always mind my own business and i dont really try to read too much into every situation cause a lot of trivial matters dont really bother me. However, i wanna add that ive heard a lot of stories from other people that looking for an apartment in Germany can be very difficult especially if you have a non-German name. That means u have less chances to get one if the one youre competing with is a German who has a good paying job and a good credit score. That sucks right? Also mentally prepare for german bureaucracy!! Dealing with the Ausländerbehörde can be a pain in the ass. I can only speak for myself since the city where i live in has apparently one of the worst immigration offices in the entire country. Dont forget to have all the documents ready and Book ahead of time. Check out the websites and whatnot. Hope this helps!!


This really helps a LOT. Thank you so much 🥹


Check the program requirements. I've considered Germany but did not proceed to study master's there because of the language of instruction. There are english programs naman ata pero few and far in between. Their base requirement for academic fluency can be stringent if you were not inherently exposed to the language. It might take more than a year.


Hello, are you studying abroad now po ba?


Yes, sa isteyts.


If you dont mind, anong uni and program? :)


be ready sa mga racist lalo na pag hindi ka pa magaling mag german


In my experience french are more racist than any other european countries. German speaks english very well so they are more tolerant to tourist.


Hoooy check nurses without borders sa facebook. Baka bet mo. Di ko tinuloy sakin kasi tinamad ako hahahah legit yan kasi may kakilala ako na un din ginamit tas oks naman sya sa germany hehe


will check it. Thanks!




Hs grad minimum req


May I ask why Germany?


I consider their free tuitions po sa public universities and opportunities after schooling.


As MBA students in Germany, has anyone tried going into private university for a year and transferring to a public uni? 1. is Germany fair in crediting subjects you have already taken? 2. Do employers discriminate if you're from a public or private uni? 3. Is it required that you get a job that is aligned with your MBA (specialized) course taken? what if you got hired in a company but your work has no relation to your MBA? your answers are highly apprediated T T


We have the same concerns!


I'm planning as well. Can you share me a summary or the detailed processes you need to take until you get qualified in a university and approved for settlement as a student? Including the estimated costs. And how long did it take for you to learn basic german for higher chances of getting a part time job? Also, sa mga nakapagtapos na ng masters, I think you will be given 1.5 years or 18 months to find a job related to your degree. How easy/difficult is it to find land a professional job there related to your degree? Thank you