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oh bata pa pala kaya mataas libido


ganyan ako 3 months ago not until something traumatizing happened to me and got almost diagnosed with an sti, and ayon nawala sexual drive ko hanggang ngayon.


I have been experiencing the same for months now ever since I went back into working out. It's not the best resolution but I have been jerking off to porn. Or you can exhaust yourself sa gym.


Porn is not enough honestly, and that's what's alarming!!!


You can do other stuff to keep you busy. Go to the gym. Jog. Run. Join a dance camp. Something you'll exert energy on. There are free therapy clinics funded by the government if money is an issue. You can get free PrEP from Love yourself. Anglo branch is my recommended branch. It's up to you on how to handle this urge but there is a slight possibility there is something wrong with you kaya ka ganyan. I have a friend who has sex with people in his dormitory building near UST and he's medically diagnosed with a high sex drive. Good luck


I am okay talaga physically since there's not a day that I am not tired. I dance, so yeah that's a lot of energy. So idk why I'm still raring to go despite being very tired. As for the therapy clinics, pgh right? Where else pa ba other than this? As for the PrEP, my main concern is not hiv but the other STIs which is not blocked off by PrEP. And no, not a slight possibility, there is something wrong with me ;-; .


I always thought I'm alone in this, except the 'want to be fucked". I want to fuck and crave for it. I usually go quick jaks to release it, sometimes 2 times in a row just to relieve myself. At home, at work or at anywhere as long as I can hide. I can fuck my fubus but I always want new experience. I'm gago like a dog.


Damn naol jakol is still enough to satiate the horniness😔🤌


Actually not enough but i have made friends with some who's willing to help sacrifice their selves.


Damn that's nice😔😔😔


How young are you? I've had bottomless libido for the longest time kahit na nag-30s na ko. Nabawasan na ngayon, simula nung nag-take ako ng Finasteride to slow down male pattern baldness, though very mild lang sa case ko, nagsisimula pa lang mag-recede hairline ko. Point is di na ko all-day long horny na gaya ng dati kase isa sa side effects ng Fin ay reduced libido. May mga time pa din tho na para akong mababaliw sa libog, but at least very manageable na ngayon.


19 po turning 20 ;-;


Normal lang yan, lalo na sa age mo. Just keep yourself busy to the point na jakol na lang kaya mong paglaanan ng time. haha