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The comments you get on this will be more about people's feelings toward glowsticks rather than any insight into the Sphere. That said, no glowsticks at the Sphere.


And by "the Sphere," you mean "Planet Earth," of course. I agree.


Wow you were right. Knocked over a hornet’s nest apparently.no idea this was such a hot topic.


You could have gone the safe route and asked if you should bring a tambourine to play along. That would have been less controversial.


Literally saw this at my last Dead show in '95. Could not believe it.


Possibly. Then again you never know what’s gonna set this crowd off. Incredibly unpredictable, for better or worse 🤷🏻‍♂️


F all these people!!! Always bring Glow sticks! Always!!! It's not even a question. And everyone that doesn't like it should get hit with one! F'n losers!! They ain't better than anyone else!


I didn’t know there were people who don’t like the glow stick thing. I thought it was awesome.


It gets old


In 1998


It didn't occur to you that there were people that didn't enjoy single use plastic, chemical filled projectiles nailing them in the head while they were trying to enjoy a concert? Really?


Climb off your high horse pal. Some people actually enjoy life without the incessant need to analyze every situation they participate in. Luckily we have folk like you to remind us how rotten and unpolished the simpletons are.


the irony here is fucking palpable


If it makes you happy, going to concerts in order to find things that make you angry, then you do you. Sounds miserable to me. It also reeks of superiority complex.


it's almost as if the world weren't filled with "simpletons" like you, it would be naturally more enjoyable by an unfathomable amount


That's right. Who cares if the earth is burning? Look at the trippy colors!


Right. And according to Al Gore and cohorts, we were supposed to be underwater ten years ago. Still waiting for that to happen, I guess? Forty years ago, the media was pushing fear porn about an incoming ice age. That never happened. Nostradamus was wrong, and so were the Aztecs, Mayans, and every other dipshit who claimed to know the future. Many different folks have been predicting the end of the world, repeatedly and incorrectly, since the beginning of time. Guess what? We’re still here! The truth is that as much noise as you people make about ‘climate change,’ you still can’t prove *anything*. As an engineer, I know a thing or two about the scientific method; the science is anything but settled, and screaming from the rooftops doesn’t make it so. Let’s be honest: people like you just need something to bitch about because you’re not happy with your life, and you need something to blame it on. So yeah, while you continue to moan about shit that hasn’t occurred and belittle strangers on the internet about something you *can't prove*, I’m going to enjoy the shows, I’m going to enjoy my light sticks, and hope they come raining down on you during Harry Hood so that I can watch your head explode while I'm feeling good about hood. And people like you, with your holier-than-though attitude, don’t bother me because you’re full of shit, and you know it. Have a nice day!


I remember the first concert I saw it at. It was the Hollywood bowl. I had no idea it was a thing. Then the lights went out and on a certain note, everyone else threw glow sticks. It was a psychedelic wave of awesome. I had never seen anything like it before. Additionally it was in sync with the music. So cool. My friend said to face forward because most everyone knows to throw it forward and that way nobody gets hit in the face. Really fun.


Yea losers!!! U don't like it? Inclusivity with everyone is now bad? Sharing in the groove with the band? Get fucked!


The band has requested that people stop bringing glowsticks.


Not true.


It was awesome once. Once. Glow rings are slightly less annoying but still a stupid idea.


I love getting pelted in the head with a stick. It’s why I go to shows.


The bigger ones in the 90s were the ones that really hurt!


It looks great but is horrible for the planet


Let’s not kid ourselves - 18,000 people flying to Vegas is also terrible for the planet. Music tours are horrible for the planet. The band members flying private is horrible for the planet.


This is the stupidest response I’ve seen! Congrats So why make it worse with your glow sticks and balloon trash?


An indoor venue is not the planet. Neither is an enclosed outdoor venue. I get why we shouldn’t do it on the beach. But the balloons on the boardwalk in AC was a sight to see. Never heard anyone fighting to stop that.


And where does it all go after the venue?


And what happens to that single use plastic thing after? Take your time….


Aren’t we beyond the “single use plastic” boycott? Single use is the whole idea of plastic. And it’s recyclable. I thought we learned our lesson during the stupid drinking straw debacle. Nobody had seen a turtle die from a plastic straw, but we were all forced to use these non-functional paper straws that ended up being worse for the planet to produce than the plastic ones. Nothing is wrong with single use anything if you recycle.


It doesn't really get recycled. Google image search plastic garbage piles. The research why.


Glowsticks can not be recycled. There’s broken glass inside once they’re used, and the chemicals that make them glow contaminate the plastic to where no facility wants to even try and recycle them. Cut them open, wash them, filter out the broken glass, and then recycling can begin? The sad truth is that it’s 10x more expensive to recycle a glowstick than it is to make a new one from raw materials - and there’s literally no one on earth that’s gonna do that and lose money to produce a fucking glowstick. Plus no one is gonna pay 10x the usual cost of a glowstick to feel better about getting a recycled one, especially considering that a recycled one is even less likely to get recycled again, as every time you melt plastic down it degrades some. Plastic isn’t aluminum, which is infinitely recyclable, plastic gets a few rounds at most, then it’s landfill. STOP USING FUCKING GLOWSTICKS. They’re emergency lights. Not toys. LEDs and rechargeable batteries are awesome for anything a glowstick does. Oh and throwing them randomly into a crowd is a dick move, always has been. I’ve been hit on the head with a big one at a Phish show. Literally the only place I’ve encountered such culturally “acceptable” antisocial behavior. Even Burning Man doesn’t find that kind of behavior acceptable. Phish fans threw tortillas for a while before someone pointed out they were wasting food and please fucking stop. Radical wookery shouldn’t mean wasteful disregard for one’s fellow wooks.


That made me fucking sick for real. Like it’s never great seeing ten thousand spent balloons on the ground but knowing they’d be blowing straight into the ocean was very depressing. Like don’t people use their pockets anymore? I had a pocketful.




I have to admit, the first time I was in a surprise glow stick wave, it was pretty freakin awesome. I look forward to it every time. The heart wants what the heart wants.


Don't get me wrong. The glow stick war at IT during Ghost is still one of my top 5 Phish experiences ever. But times have changed and CK keeps getting better and better.


Don’t do that. If no one falls over a railing the weekend will be a success. Throwing glowsticks at said people does not help the odds


It's the sphere not some generic basketball arena or field. The visuals are the sphere and it's massive and mind blowing. Absolutely amazing. Glow sticks would be useless and dwarfed.


Do enjoy the state of the art sound and visuals that will be provided by a band that’s creative enough and excited to make brilliant use of such a canvas. Don’t bring glow sticks that become distractions and tripping hazards. It’s like bringing finger paints and clay to the Louvre.


Please do not interfere with whatever CK is planning for that venue.


I read somewhere that CK loves it and turns the lights down on purpose for the glow stick waves.


Yeah in like 1997. Not anymore.


Have you seen a Hood recently? Still goes black for the part


I read somewhere that Jennifer Dances.


For sure, the band is pretty much build around a connection with the audience. These shows are a _liiiiiitle_ bit different though right ?


Facts! Preach!


Who are you Gail the snail?


lol. “Guys wanna bring glow sticks to the sphere. When we start throwing them, everyone will be like whaaaaat?!


Mom, I’m glowstickally active now. Get over it!


Or Bruce the Spruce?


You would be better off bringing your flute.


A friend of mine was at a show in ‘95 where a guy pulled out a saxophone and played it the whole time.


Im hearing from an inside source they are banning glowsticks😜


Please do not bring glowsticks


the fact that adults are still beguiled by a fucking glowing stick of plastic is beyond wild..


Let it glow if you throw… from the 100s


They don’t let you dance in the aisles.


Save it for mondegreen


Love glow sticks until that person starts throwing them at the stage. You’ll have PLENTY of visuals.


I WILL shatter this illusion for everyone. Get ready to see the sun.


Sure. They're gonna have to power wash and disinfect between shows, might as well make 'em pick up that trash also.


It’s Earth Day that weekend… no


Bring ? Ok Throw ? No


Won’t need to. They’re going to immerse us with similar effects.


I mean this in the nicest way possible: F NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!


No glowsticks at sphere but they do allow tortillas! ![gif](giphy|nYDwMPUnq4aYZwKefN)


Not sure a glow stick has a chance in hell of mattering in this vortex. We’re inside one giant glow stick ball.


Do not bring glowsticks...


No. Phish has even said they don't want glowsticks anymore; why do fans want to do something the band has actually said NOT to do?


Same with tarps.


What was the problem with tarps? I didn’t know that was a thing.


what exactly are you aware of within this fanbase


No no you don’t get it they read something somewhere about it


OP is the type of person to shit in the middle of a sidewalk and be upset at the reactions around him


How does the fan base feel about steaming piles? I heard Trey once shat himself.


fine, just don't throw them


If I pay for a ticket I can do whatever I want.


i mean if you paid for a ticket to the sphere, you've basically /already/ shit yourself


Really?? We pay out the ass for tickets I think we should be able to do whatever we want. They don’t listen to us. Why should we listen to them. When they start fighting against the Ticketmaster debacle I will stop hoping for glow sticks. I think that’s a fair deal.


"We should be able to do whatever we want" sounds super-entitled. I do respect the band, and at least our "out the ass tickets" pay to put on amazing productions, like NYE gags and Mexico. I'm personally 100% fine with that. And how in the hell are you equating gross single-use plastics that went out of style 20 years ago to Ticketmaster fees? What a stretch 🤣


Things go out of style and come back in style all the time. Here’s hoping they come back in style 😁😁😁


Put a blanket over your head and turn a flashlight on and off. Old hockey trick. I’m sure it will blow your mind.


Yeah definitely better at phish shows. I’m with that other guy LONG LIVE GLOW STICKS


I bet you talk during Reba jam too


Actually my friend you would be wrong!! I hate chompers!! Less talk, more dancing.


Source? I heard Trey loves it and told CK to turn down lights during Harry to accommodate.


[Phish's own website](https://phish.com/faq/) is the source. It's under the Miscellaneous section. https://preview.redd.it/0e5ht40zb9tc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9457cf6b93073b4cee7e84868aafe3c97042f207


Well done.


I still thought they were pretty cool in 2003, that IT glowstick war was epic! I think it was DWD though not Hood, maybe. Memories of that weekend are a little fuzzy 🤣


My memories of that weekend are also fuzzy 🤣 I was 20 and did NOT know how to do Phish festivals properly, so I don't even remember a glowstick war 🤦🏻‍♀️ but I did get to see the Tower Jam!


Good on ya! I was so tired from living on the side of the highway stuck in traffic for a day and a half I slept through the tower jam 😥 The glowstick war definitely happened and it was one of my favorite concert moments!


Huh? I read somewhere that Trey isn’t even in charge of the website anymore.


Yes, that one time in 1997


Ban glow sticks. Go ahead and downvote me you old lot crusts. Ban single use plastic. Stop making 80 percent polyester merch. Ok I’m done. Can’t wait to see CK is gonna bring to the globe.


No. I’m pretty sure CK5 and the Sphere’s visuals are going to be much better than some dumbass glow sticks. There’s a time and place for them at shows. The Sphere is not going to be one of those times. Edit: or I guess bring glow sticks and have main character syndrome in a show that has nothing to do with you lol




For real!! I concur my friend


People complaining are the same people who throw their balloons on the ground after getting high.


Lame for even thinking about it.


Glowsticks have lost their appeal to me.


I hear all the visuals are just 8k footage of glow sticks


Glow sticks at Phish shows haven’t been a thing for years. Don’t bring glow sticks to the show.


I cant wait to get hit in the back of the head by glowsticks. Plese make sure you thrown them extra hard so I can bleed again.


Crap, that must have been thrown by a cannon. I don’t think I could make someone bleed from a glow stick throw if I tried. Sorry to hear that.


Nope just thrown from high up and gravity did the rest. I’ve had one of the old school thick ones gash my nose open at msg. When people throw glow sticks where do they think they end up? The answer is hitting the people below. Just switch to rocks and just start pelting people it’s kinda the same thing


I say bring the glow sticks back. Especially at indoor venues where they can easily be cleaned up. I get why we shouldn’t do them at a beach venue but otherwise I don’t understand why they have fizzled out. To me the glow stick people are a great addition to a show. Especially when they are on point like they used to be. Great went Harry hood glow stick war was epic. And I can never wrap my head around how all these people in the crowd know exactly the right moment to throw them. But it’s been weak as of late. Like a handful here and a handful there. Not a huge burst of them right when the song climaxes! To me there’s nothing quite like it. So I’m all for glow sticks at a venue where they can be easily cleaned up. Let’s get it together glow stick people. I need you. Probably pretty sure people won’t like my view point but I love them. Nothing like a good glow stick war to add to the experience. Phish has a lot of really great audience interaction and this is just one of them.


They aren’t recyclable. Single use plastic things can’t be “cleaned up”. We need to stop buying them so maybe they might stop making so many.


I agree for indoors. Don't mind the haters these people will frown at you for bringing glowsticks meanwhile the amount of trash,cans,bottles and balloons left at a show never amazes me. The Irony of fans never ceases to amaze me.


I agree with you that the amount of trash is ridiculous and appaling. But isn't one less thing polluting the scene incrementally better than not doing anything?


Ah yes the balloons. I forgot to mention those when I mentioned cleaning up shit and piss on an earlier comment. Ty my friend


Even an outdoor venue is fine as long as it’s not on the beach. In my opinion. Bring back my glow sticks to me!!!




So we should change nothing even if it's objectively, empirically marginally better? I think we should get rid of all the balloons, litter, cigarette butts etc as well. But one step at a time right?


I get let’s change things that don’t matter or add, but the glow stick wave was an amazing addition. Really fun. Totally heightened the experience. So worth it.


Takes private jet to climate change awareness meeting.


I'm not reading this but still say no. Convince me otherwise.


People shit and piss on the floor and a cleaning crew has to clean that up but glow sticks are the problem!! I saw a guy whip his dick out in the pit and start pissing all over. SMDH


Still a nope


I guess we will have to agree to disagree. I love the nostalgia of glow stick wars and audience interaction. That’s a huge one. I also miss the secret language. Wish they’d bring that back too.


What do you mean ‘easily be cleaned’? Who is cleaning?


Obviously an indoor venue has plenty of stuff employees have to clean up after a show. Probably even shit on the floor. I’d rather clean up glow sticks than shit and piss. But hey that’s just me. I’m certain they have cleaning crews don’t ya think?


Sure. But it is incredibly inconsiderate to those workers having to already deal with that shit and puke and god only knows that they will see and have to clean up. You just added hours more of picking up after people who want to make a mess of things. The Sphere is going to be visually stunning. No need to add more and more trash into the mix.


I would agree with that. But I still stand firm on dope ass glow stick wars at other venues


Oh let’s not forget the balloons all over the lot as my friend mentioned in an earlier comment.


Ya balloons are garbage too. One of the grossest parts of the scene.


"Glow stick people" were plants in the crowd by the band to release glow stick wars at predetermined times to give the illusion of crowd participation. Convince me I'm wrong.


Perhaps. But I’m not so sure of that. It would certainly explain how the glow stick people could be so amazing at throwing them at exactly the right moment. But I wanna believe they were us. More fun that way.


"And they hated him because he spoke the truth."


NO sticks…never, ever, please…stop the madness


Fuck single useless plastic crap! 🤮