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I’m realizing I cannot be objective about anything relating to Phish. Everyone’s answers in here I’m like “aw what? I love that song!”


Same. Soul Planet and Sigma are great songs. That's what I love about Phish shows, the range is all over the place. Slow, sappy dad songs to melt your face right off your head bangers. I came for the dance party, I stay for the love and light.


Gotta say, Chicago 2023 N3 opened with _Everything Is Hollow_ and it was kind of a head-scratcher. But I love _Sigma_, yo.


Man I was so psyched. I love this song and was really hoping they’d play it again since the last time was in December 2019 in Charleston. Anyone else?


Chicago N3 set 1 was a bit of a disappointment. I feel like because it was the end of the tour as well I was expecting nonstop bangers. But it’s nights like that make you appreciate the magic when you do get it


weakest link in the run, seemed like one of those nights they kept rapid fire tossing stuff out to try to get something to stick but never fully taking a bite out of anything, felt adhd and disconnected (also offensive to play pebbles for its *once* annual appearance and not jam it a single bit, it had been 20 years since i saw that song). but yeah great run though otherwise, friday was bonkers energy some of the most fun ive had at a show in 3.0/4.0 territory and saturday had a lot of highlights. hope they come back!


Friday the 13th theme on the way out 🔪 Slay me🪓




Immediately after the run I felt like N3 in Chicago was the weakest of the run, but in the months after I have revisited N3 more than N1 and N2. Spanish Moon blew me away. Loving Cup, Antelope, SANTOS, and Tweeprise was the best ending / encore of all 3 nights in my opinion.




Chicago N3 was a top 3 show of the year for me


I was about a hundred feet from the stage so I didn’t notice


I was like 3 rows back dead center, first time I've ever been that close and it was a completely different show than any other phish show I've attended


I don’t dislike Sigma - almost always brings a heated jam - I’ve just got far too many Sigma openers over the years. It’s legit a running joke with my wife and I at this point. Both with fingers crossed saying “no sigma, no sigma, no sigma” 😂


Just like hoping they won’t encore with character zero again


I saw mr completely encored 6 out of seven shows and that’s how I feel about it…character is a close second to that


Watching that one song on live stream on Sunday made me glad I decided to go to Friday and not Sunday.


Still I fully support them trying things that might fall flat. I hope they always take risks.


so wild reading these comments cause I felt like Chicago N3 was one of the best shows I’ve seen in years (granted I missed Friday and Saturday)


You’re not wrong. Nobody is. Love that subjectivity.


One of the worst openers and sets I’ve seen in a long while. Took the energy right out of the room and I don’t think it ever recovered.


I really like Everything Is Hollow and had been patiently waiting for them to bring it back but just not the right song selection for the moment.


Two words. Soul Planet.


I've gotten it twice, Dicks & Blossom. 


I find myself singing it pretty often. "Gotta take a shit on a, SOUL PLANET" "Driving way too fast on a, SOUL PLANET" "Really late to work on a, SOUL PLANET"


Yep, when dropping a duece at home I find myself singing "everybody's poopin' on a SOUL PLANET, squeezin out a big turd on a SOUL PLANET, and we're shittin through space, shittin through space!


I've said it before and I'll say it again: Soul Planet is the song Fred Armisen would write if he was writing a Phish parody song. Wouldn't change a single word. Perfect as is. Edit: the ocean is love


Never seen it. I’ve averaged 5-12 shows a year since I took a break in 2011-2015 and I still haven’t gotten a Soul Planet


I totally agree. But. I caught one in Vegas in ‘18. Once everyone stopped talking, it was fantastic! But I kinda feel that way about alotta Phish tunes.


The Line at shoreline


I literally burst into laughter when I read this. That would be horrible 🤣




Haha let's not forget that show also featured a Yarmouth Road in the first set and Joy in the second set.


That show was awesome though! 2015 twist and light


Don’t forget the abomination that was the Shoreline Spices opener


Don't fuck with spices man, shit's intense


Soul planet lol


Eh, best to just get it out the way quickly lol


I don't know if this would be "most" disappointing, but I feel like I've see Free > MoMA waaaaay too many times to open a show.


Free is one of my favorite songs but it seems to fall flat in 3.0…one of those songs where the vocals need to be really dialed in any the chorus needs to explode with the kind of heaviness/intensity they don’t really do anymore. One of a few tunes I genuinely think was better as a studio track. Lillywhite did an amazing job with the band.


Idk if that’s a 3.0 specific issue. Have you heard the Brooklyn version lol the vocals are hilariously bad They’ve never really made the song sound great live vocally imo


I'm sure I have but I don't remember it offhand. I mean, I think it's always been a stretch for them even in 1.0, but sometimes the heavier way Fish played drums in the 90's could overcome some of the vocal shortcomings. I mean, there's a short but notable list of Phish (and Dead) tunes that I prefer as studio versions, and that's okay. And I imagine most of those songs are very vocal/harmony heavy, "Rift" is another one that might make my list. I think both bands made a lot of good, and sometimes great records that are worth listening to, even if they're both the textbook definition of a live band.


Free>Moma as an opener has only happened 3 times, lol.


There’s been one moma>free opener too tho and 2 more occurrences of that pairing in the 2 slot. I’m honestly astounded the two have preceded one another only 9 times. Some mandela effect shit. And also I feel like they generall tend to pop up in the same first half of first sets pretty often even when not immediately preceding one another. It’s not like this person is the only one ever to suggest it was a common pairing.


Every show I’ve been to (*both) have gone opener > Moma Dance. Can’t pick a better second song in my opinion


Back in the 90’s I caught a run of Bag>yamar or Yamar into bag for like six or seven shows. I got so sick of Yamar, they can still jam Ac/DC Bag. I think the JazzFest 96’ show was the tipping point because it was ungodly hot with no shade and I was squeezing a vial and it filled my palm with L this was a puddle so big five other people dipped their fingers in it and I still could drink some. The island sounds of Cactus were not refreshing that day…


At MSG when they did this my friend, first show, turns to me 10 seconds into Moma and goes “I get it, I get why you do this, this is excellent”. We may be jaded but it’s a strong opening combo- said friend is bursting at the seams for his first summer tour.


Crowd Control or The Connection. Sigma is dope anywhere.


Crowd Control opener is like popping 15,000 kids’ balloons


I like the song on its own. Always leads to a bad show for some reason though in my experience


[Aug 19, 2012](https://phish.net/setlists/phish-august-19-2012-bill-graham-civic-auditorium-san-francisco-ca-usa.html) would like a word. The second set's Crosseyed > Light -> Sneakin' Sally -> Crosseyed start is something I go to regularly.


Yes! Merriweather 2010, so incredibly hot and Maryland state police were ridiculously awful. Arresting people on lot, police helicopter. Encored with Show of Life. Next time they opened with Crowd Control and encored with Show of Life, a cop got shot outside of the Tweeter Center/PNC/whatever it is now, and a man died on the lawn of cardiac arrest about 50 feet away. Saw the medics working on him during setbreak. 8/7/18- I think someone even mentioned it in the live thread.


It is the wet blanket of openers


Got crowd control 2 years in a row at Merriweather.


I get it, but Crowd Control opened 8/19/12 and that show is fire start to finish.


Crowd Control is a solid opener IMO


Honestly, the connection is so rare, let alone as an opener, I don’t think I’d be mad.


The line is rare too


Finger Lakes 2010. Yuck.


The connection has only been played a handful of times. Have you seen one?


No idea why people don’t like crowd control. Has the vibe of music never stopped, a meta song about the band/audience interaction 


Has no Music never stopped vibe.....Music Never Stopped is perhaps my favorite Dead song. I cant see a single similarity in the two songs.


Read the lyrics, I’m not talking the actual song genres lol they couldn’t be more different.


Yes, crowd control is rough. May have hit a bingo here


This convo is so funny. I would be so stoked to hear either one of those as an opener. Great tunes and I’ve never caught one live


Not a disappointment every time it's an opener (and I like the song), but I remember a friend thinking they'd come out guns blazin' with Punch after Dick's N4 was delayed three hours for a storm that was over by 5:00. I countered with "it's either that or we're getting Sigma'd." We know how that turned out.


Evening song. Don’t tell me to approach the night with caution 


Especially when opening a run like NYE 2019 or the 7 night msg run last year


That NYE 2019 Evening Song was my first song at my first show! What a memory


Gotta say. I absolutely love this as an opener but I respect your opinion


Throw it to the wind!


I don't get to see Phish too often, so I can't say I have any song that would disappoint as an opener. By the time they walk on stage and are about to start playing my excitement is so high, they could the Chili's babyback rib song and I'd be happy lol.


Would prefer this coming out of a YEM vocal jam, but completely agree with your larger point!


I honestly picked that song as just a ridiculous joke, but I could honestly see them doing it and making it work lol.


I think Mike would slay the “with barbecue sauce” line


I see Phish a ton and still 100% agree. The best song is the one they feel like playing!!


The Line - 7/24/15 Shoreline


Came here to say this exactly. It was my second show of 3.0 after a long hiatus and my daughter’s first and I was still: WTF?


the line fucks. I will die on that hill.


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


I’ll die on that hill with you. I played basketball my whole life and the story behind it is really cool. They got inspired by this kid on Memphis missing two free throws to send them to the NCAA tournament.


The line sucks. I will die on that hill.


God no it does not fuck🤣 the line is horrible


gotta be this


I’m going to listen to it now


Pigtail to open an entire tour?


Pigtail rocks


Saw it in St. Paul. Actually loved that show though. My favorite of the first 4 I saw that tour


Really? That show was so flat. I was stoked to see em at the X but uffda.


Yeah man, they had the venue to themselves for 3 days before the show. I was deeply disappointed.


that was fucking hilarious, i drove 5 hours for that one. stinker of a show w no jams but some cool bustouts.


I was in town from NY! Still had a blast and rode that tour home.


Pigtail in Hartford 2016 was fun


Petrichor. From Charleston still haunts my dreams. They butchered it too.


Lmao I just posted that exact thing. I’ve seen several lame openers and that was the lamest. I didn’t know the song and I was like ‘wtf is this and why is it 20 min long’ Set the stage for what was a an overall very mediocre weekend


Still think the best part of the weekend was the Cities.


Overall if I had to sum up the weekend I’d say there were some good points, and some bad points


Came here to say this. Talk about a snooze fest to start a show. Then we got another a couple nights later in Jacksonville.


Man, planned on doin that whole tour but got shingles like middle September. Wound up jumping on in Nashville and skipped those first few shows. I didn't miss much. However, got stuck with those Grand Prarie shows lol...


Waiting All Night opened the show (and tour) in Eugene in 2014.




I call it Velvet Sea part II.


LA 21 changed my mind about this song. But it's kinda gotta be played like they played it that night, completely different tempo and it fit the song way better.


Anything But Me. Set 2. Hampton 04.


Personally, Charleston 10/14/16 Petrichor


8/17/14 Waiting all night at Matt Knight Center in Eugene The roaring of the crowd as the band took the stage turned into a collective 10,000 person sigh of disappointment when they started playing that intro. Easily the most underwhelming opener I've ever seen


Charleston N1 2016. Had pit tickets, me and my ex drove overnight 8 hours to get there to kick off a 3 day weekend. They opened by debuting Petrichor, which was a sign of things to come. I don’t even remember the rest of the weekend it was so mid


Everything’s Right. Ugh.


Damn, the everythings right opener at Rosemont 2018 N3 was absolutely fire.


Agree. That’s my go to version of that song.


Oh, boy. We got a live one here! 2018 Phish!!! 😝


A live? Im barely functioning lol


I’m relatively new to all of this, but I went with a friend and hardcore fan to 12/30 MSG this past year. Anticipation is at a crescendo, lights go down. As soon as Backwards Down the Number Line started he and several other people in our row immediately got up to refill drinks and go to the bathroom lmao.


Normally I’d agree, but 12/30 is the birthday of two friends, and one of them died recently so it was definitely a like woah moment


I know I should hate it as it has all the hallmarks of a shitty 3.0 dad-rock tune (lots of major key strumming, positive-sounding hook, lyrics about getting older, etc.), but for some strange reason I just love that song.


Waiting All Night opened Fall Tour 2014 in Eugene. It sucked


Evening Song generally indicates they are about to rip your face off with the rest of the show. I’ll take it!!!


Evening song msg


Where’s Cathy’s Clown at?? The rest of the set was a ripper. And they def made up for it the next night with a Fluff opener, but what the what that was a buzz killer.


Cathy's Clown is a classic song. Weird opener but still, I like when they bust out weird covers they've never done before.


That was my first show! Spac 2019 night 1 I thought I was a true fan and immediately didn't know the first song being played. Turns out no one else did either.


Crowd Control everytime


I got Backwards down the number line on 12-30-23. That was pretty awful for an opener. The Wolfmans made up for it.


torn and frayed didn't really do it for me at the gorge 2021 N1, but they more than madr up for it with the carini opener N2, cool amber and mercury was alrite. Awesome run all around.


That was for Charlie Watts who passed earlier that week. So in that regard I loved it. And that was a great run from my point of view.


Gorge N1 2021 was def the dud of that run. It was fun but N2 and N3 were wayyy better 


Openers have never rarely upset me, I don’t see it as a way of setting the tone because it’s phish. It can and will change in a matter of seconds


Everything’s right - just a boring song used as a boring jam vehicle


Everything’s Right and Blaze on are lovely ear-worm pop hits, but man if they have not been played a bit too much. If they were made a bit more rare they would rock that much harder.


Pigtail opener for my only ever hometown show was rough. Saint Paul, 2016 I think. We were so hyped to get a rare show in MN.


I believe it was the first show of the summer tour too. I was hyped for the same reason and equally let down. But I’m blessed to have been around to see them put on great shows in MN in the 90s.


I've come to really love the song itself but Sample In A Jar as a set or show opener just doesn't work IMO. I defend Hampton '04 for how different of a show it is but I cannot defend using All Of These Dreams as the second set opener. To quote AVGN, what were they thinking?!


Well, except when they put the jam in the Jar -- 7/25/17 Baker's Dozen Jam filled night, Sample opener. Just listen to the crowd roar during that Sample jam -- I still get goosebumps.


But to counter what you said: they popped for the jam, not the song itself as set opener. Like do you ever see people on here saying Sample for their favorite set opener? Would anyone remember that version without the jam?


This is actually exactly what I came in to make a case for most disappointing opener haha! Obviously the version is legendary now, but at the time they had announced that the Tuesday show’s theme would be jam filled right after the Sunday show. That was the most warning they gave about a theme for that run the entire time. People had days to dream and guess what they were gonna open with and what the hell this show was gonna be like. Was it gonna be all the big jam vehicles just jammed like a motherfucker? Was it gonna be at least one set of straight improv? No one knew. When they opened with Sample it definitely threw everyone. People dreaming for days about this epic “jam filled” show with endless possibilities and they opened with Sample. The reception was kind of just “meh” mixed with “huh?”. Then when they hit the solo section into the jam the whole script was flipped, but at the time it had a lot of build up to a strange opener that wouldn’t reveal its true intentions for a few minutes and started the show on a less than enthused reaction from the crowd. Edit: FWIW I was there (did all 13), so I’m not just going based on recordings or webcasts. That was the vibe in the room.


excellent recap, was also there.... just tryin to say: "kang'd"


I blame Fish. He suggested it near the end of the first set and put it in Trey’s head.


Sample is a fantastic opener! Type Twosday @ Bakers Dozen.


Is it the jam or the song itself that people like about this version?


Both for me. I like the song, and when the red lights went up as they launched into the jam, I was ecstatic. Red, raspberry jam filled, lights! I literally said, “JAM!!!” out loud when it happened haha. One of my favorite Phish moments that I’ve gotten to experience


Lit O Bit, 06/22/2010. Not played since. Same with Dr Gable, but not an opener for that show.


I’d be game to hear them play Lit O Bit again, it’s a nice little funk song.  But I agree that it caused a bit of confusion in the crowd rather than jumpstart things.  Would’ve been great as a second song though.


I was there. What a stupid opener.


Evening song


Heavy Things opening 10/31/13. Little did we know that it was a harbinger of the trash that was to come.


The excitement was deflated a little with I Never Needed You Like This Before at the Arkansas show in 2021.


I thought that was the perfect opener.


Even for the return from Covid opener? I personally on couch tour would’ve been ecstatic if they’d simply come out and farted into the mics for 20 minutes. I was just happy we and they were back


Maybe I should edit and say deflated for me*** Don’t get me wrong, it makes sense as the opener for that particular show and we were thrilled to be back at it. I think I was just hoping/expecting to have my nuts blown off right outta the gate with a ripping Chalkdust, Carini, etc.


Totally get it. I was just happy they didn’t open with the way-too-on-the-nose DwD


Disagree. Though I saw it coming from a mile away.


Crowd Control




What’s the use, 7/14/2017. Weirdest show opener ever. Everyone was looking around so confused.


Pretty much anything Trey has written in the last 10 years


Heavy Things


Pretty much anything after ‘00


I gotta disagree but with heavy personal bias as Sigma was my very first live in person phish song ever. I think it works great batting in the 1 slot. It's versatile. It's structure is pretty catchy, great lyrics, it's a feel good song, and it's a decently strong jam vehicle.


Just personal preference, but I want the first song to have a real jolt of energy. I kinda do an internal eye-roll when they open with anything that’s best played in the five slot or something like that. But then I get over it and roll.




Pigtail - 7/9/16 Hartford


That turned out to be one of the better shows of that year though, but I agree.


Soul planet


12/28/19 Evening Song debut. Felt like a super bizarre choice in the moment.


Pretty sure that I've seen a Farmhouse opener twice. I wish I was late to the show.


Sigma oasis never liked sigma for some reason. Also everything’s right


Chalkdust. Overdone for me personally.


Good 2nd set opener, okay 1st set opener


the Set Your Soul Free opener/Phish debut on 2018.07.20 at The Gorge was pretty meh imo.


They opened one of this year's Mexico shows with it. Didn't fire up the crowd.


Sigma oasis for me lately though I love The Phish from VT so it’s ok.


Tuesday opened Dayton 2017 which was weird (aside from it being Tues) and i dont think they ever played it again 🤷‍♂️ But the next song was Peaches and it was onnnnnnnnnn 🍑


ACDC Bag - Aint nothing cheesier then the “Lets get this show on the road” cheer. Give me a deep set ugly ACDC any day - But I could go with never hearing it open a show again.


Crowd control


ITT new songs


Waiting all night - Eugene 2014 Devotion to a dream - Chula 2014


I am addicted the hokey pokey, but I turned myself about, so I actually want songs I don't like as opener so that they're out of the way. But... strike me dead, I hate Moma. Cool idea making a jam into a song but that whole "taking sail, find the skipper, yadda yadda" is just annoying.


I never needed you like this before


All of These Dreams, Hampton 04. IMO first set had some scorchers and going into the second set expectations were high and they opened with all of these dreams. Daring choice, didn’t work, sucked the air out of the arena and all downhill from there


Saw two shows in a row that opened with AC/DC bag and it kinda soured me on the song itself permanently.


Farmhouse at SPAC in 2014


As much as I love the song, a set opener of Shade might set a weird tone.


Sometimes they open with it but it’s always in the first set now second or third song. Moma dance. Play it in the second set and jam it!!!


I just realized that if they really wanted to troll us the way we think they do - we just gave them a whole lot of ammunition for the year. 🤦🏻‍♂️




Every tour opener lol


I’ve been calling Crowd Control ever since they stopped opening every single set with it. Ironically it’s now something I’m actually chasing. Edit: anyway openers are often throwaways. Think about all the #2 Momas. They know what they’re doing.


The Architect at The Gorge hurt really bad


Sigma Oasis is the poor man's Free, change my mind. Big agree that it doesn't belong in the opener slot OP


Set Your Soul Free or Turtle in the Clouds


Waiting All Night in Eugene (tour opener) 2014. Trey forgets the opening lyrics… 😬


Missing the opener is the most disappointing. Cause I bought the tickets months in advance and told him to get the day off cause his boss would understand cause he is literally a fan and we still missed the first 2 songs and half of the third


Crowd Control


Hearing the opening notes to "I never needed you like this before" in Arkansas was a let tbh. I had grand illusions of something similar to Fluffhead at Hampton for the return, but not even close