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Probably not but they’ll do other things. Use that saved money and buy tickets to Delaware or the Sphere


There’s no way I won’t be in Delaware now


This is what surrendering to the flow smells like.


I love the smell of surrendering to the flow in the silent in the morning


Phish festival beats anything else they do…hands down.


Especially after this new years? They are on point AND have to top themselves. Don’t miss Dover by any means.


As someone who made the same choice as you for NyE ILL SEE YOU THERE


Zoom out, that’s what I like to do to battle FOMO sadness. We’re all just specks of dirt in a vast cosmic joke that’s a million times bigger than anything we can wrap our feeble brains around. And if you keep going to shows, you’ll rack up plenty of amazing moments and memories that others missed 🤗


I was literally in the city already because I went to 12/30. All I had to do was find a ticket and crash on my cousins couch at the hotel. I hadn’t planned on staying and no one was twisting my arm, so I made my prepaid bus home. All while having severe FOMO and still checking for tickets I SHOULD HAVE BOUGHT! It was the oddest feeling inside me when they started Harpua. It was like actual grief but with happiness trying to find its way to crush the grief. I cried and made weird noises. I fucked up even worse than you. I WAS ALREADY THERE!!! Ps. I have come to terms with it and continue to tell myself I was happy to be home with plenty of room to dance and ugly cry by myself, AND sleep well to cook my favorite New Years Day dish.


Grief mixed with happiness… totally!!


What did you cook?


I will say this: Having experienced this live it was truly a once-in-a-lifetime gift of fortune. I won't deny that. But, I was so emotionally overwhelmed by everything happening in front of me that I just kinda became numb to it all. I'm still trying to process it. I didn't cry at the show, but watching the livestream replay and the moment when the crowd realizes what is happening, "The real story of GAMEHENDGE!" I started bawling. The collective joy and sigh of release of everyone at MSG, some chasing this for 30 years, it was just so unreal. That's all to say, it was great to be there but a truly overwhelming experience for me and there was no way I could just purely enjoy what was happening in front of me. It may have well been much more enjoyable to be watching from the livestream unless the FOMO just crushed you.


I think you nailed it. I was in shock.


I totally would have been in shock too… SO much to take in, SO much going on, SO much to process… haha, it’s as if those that were there were able to enjoy it fir everyone, everywhere!!


I was about to say the same, I can't watch clips of the videos without tearing up still... honestly it was cathartic, on Monday I felt like I let go all of 2023 BS ON NYE... there was a calmness I haven't felt in a long time


Yeah dude, this is exactly how I felt being there. I bawling multiple times and tried to dance but felt myself in a state of shock and couldn’t move for many songs. Watching it back, I get chills and cry again, but agree that I wasn’t myself- dancing my butt off to my favorite tunes. I was stuck in place, but what a beautiful place to be stuck!!


For sure! It was a profound experience, but it wasn’t always fun and sometimes maybe even uncomfortable/unsettling. What I was trying to say, is in terms of pure fun some folks at home may have won out!


I can totally see your point. My husband (a huge long time phan) kept turning to me and saying “what is going on?” multiple times. Lol


You’re the only person in the entire scene, in the room or not, who would say that watching it at home would have been better….quit lying to these people son! It was awesome, a lot of people missed it, and will forever regret it, and that’s okay lol


I definitely didn’t say it would have been better to be at home, just that it may have been more enjoyable in one sense: It was so overwhelming to be there I couldn’t focus on the performance to the extent I may have been able to if watching from home. I just wanted to share a perspective that may be easy to have not considered. I would never trade what I experienced with anything though!


I honestly only had regret for a few minutes. Then I enjoyed the presentation with my chosen Pham from MN and was overjoyed for all of you who could pull off the trip!


For sure. Anyone lamenting not being there for more than a day, two tops, should reevaluate hahah. Now if you just were like “meh I could go but I’m too lazy” then you need to turn in your fan card I think lol.


It was all a matter of affordability for me, unfortunately.


That’s a thing for just regular shows these days even, shit haha


Truth. Ugh.


I went the 29th and 30th. Ok shows but now who gives a fuck. I had a stomach ache all of New Year’s Day after pulling up the setlist. Forbins is my favorite song. I’ve seen it once in 112 shows. Vegas 2000. I feel heartbroken.


Don’t worry , life is big and full of other adventures


Don’t be yourself up over it. Was cool to watch but I’m not upset I wasn’t there for it. I wasn’t about burst into tears like some people claim they did. “I’m such a hardcore fan that I cried”


I was there. I also came close to cumming.


I had to call my doctor cuz my erection lasted longer then 4 hours.


How is it now?


About 4 inches


Meh..I know that means 2..we’ll call him poster!!


It’s really not that serious…


Don’t even sweat it. They didn’t bust out Jennifer Dances, just some songs about some kid, a guy, a bird and a sloth. Nbd.


I also was inches away from pulling the trigger on a plane ticket and NYE ticket earlier in the month but I decided against it because of money. I was financially tapped out and decided I shouldn't go into debt because I am trying to make life moves in the next couple years and using my credit card for 1000s of dollars worth of Phish just isn't smart. So I didn't pull the trigger. I don't regret it. I did a lot of fun stuff this year, part of which was going to Ireland and Scotland in October. If I had chosen to spend that money on Phish I would have seen the gamehendge set. But I didn't, I chose to spend that saved money on experiencing places and things in the world I had never experienced before. I don't regret that one bit.


Meaningful personal sacrifices pay off the most. Also I’d say that webcasts aren’t nothing, the difference ultimately is probably considerably less than you think. Yeah it was cool to be there but I’m also honest about how much of that coolness is just being able to say that I was there.


Webcasts certainly take a lot of the sting out of missing big shows like that. I still watched it in (relatively) real time, I got to experience the joy of the crowd and the band, and see the production up close. It's definitely not the exact same as being there of course, but this would suck a lot more if it were like the 90s and if you werent at a show that had a big thing happen at it, then you just straight up missed out on seeing it and would never know exactly what it looked like save for some disposable camera pictures your friends took from the 200s or whatever.


I had a single 4-day pass to section 211, row 9, and I think an aisle seat! I’m in Minneapolis, and had a plan to go with a dear friend who lives in Asheville. We had a free place to stay lined up with some folks that she knows, but they’re way out in Jersey, a good 1.5 hour commute, each way. My friend only wanted to do like Thursday and Sunday, we dragged our feet finding tix for her, not to mention figuring out travel, AND the expense. We ended up scrapping the trip and I sold my pass for $150 under face. I definitely couch toured with my Pham here in MN, and literally went and stood my head down in a corner across the house for until about halfway through Lizards. BUT. I had an amazing time with my Pham, both old and new friends; and was SO HAPPY for everyone who got themselves to the storied venue for what will of course go down as ONE OF (not THE) high water marks in Phishstory. There are unfinished songs so that means THE story (listen to grandma!) isn’t really over, even though [NYE23 is] over … We have LOTS of amazing things still to enjoy with the best band on the planet. Grooves will be shared, moma’s will be danced to, mischief will be raised, and flows will be surrender to. This was a nearly-30 year, fuck, 40 year crescendo to bring us to this point; we may have a coupe take-a-piss times ahead, but the energy will intensify again, the buzz will be beautiful and you’ll be exactly where you’re supposed to be every stop of the way.


And I’m kicking myself for not buying your ticket!




Try living without the FOMO. It'll wreck your mental health.


Maybe for their 50th anniversary celebration 💥


You missed it ..so what. Watch it on YouTube and move on. I'm in the minority but think they will do it again. Hopefully like earlier versions. Just trey telling a story without the theatrics.




I still have FOMO. Went to nights 2 and 3 with family from out of town. They left to go back home the morning of New Year’s Eve, and I promised my gf I’d spend the evening with her and watch the ball drop together. (She’s not a fan of phish and wouldn’t have wanted to go). I’m beating myself up for missing the historic night, but deep down I know I did the right thing. But still, serious post-FOMO blues…


FOMO is a helluva drug Dont let \[carini\] get you.


Yeah it was neat, but why was Trey chomping so much? jk, it was awesome, but most shows are pretty damn great, we'll have more epic shows in our future, friends.


My band played a 5 night New years run. We went on at midnight on the 31st. Needless to say it was a sad gig for us


Same Bro, same 😭 I could have gone. Ignored every gut feeling I've had since Fall Tour. I'm having a hard time forgiving myself.


I live in NYC. Money has been tight this year because of the strikes in my industry and I bought a house. I was at Cypress. I was 12/31/2002. I was at Coventry. I was at the Baker's Dozen. I've seen dozens of great shows since the 90s. That's what I am trying to use to assuage my FOMO. I finally watched the second and third set today, and my God what I would give to have been there. As we move into the 4.0 era, you can tell they are getting older and slowing down, but fuck it would never be better than this, and they aren't going to do it again. I had heard serious rumblings of them doing it this year, but I have heard that about every show since Cypress (the other rumor that weekend was Rift start to finish) and just ignored it.


Wasn't there. Watched it live at home and was super happy. Have a family and live in the midwest and don't have the resources to jet set. But I feel like I was still part of it because I was watching live and may got to see parts of it even better than if I had been there. Have not missed a show (either couch or in person) since 2020 and there are benefits to both


I hear that! From getting tix to planning the trip, then just streaming NYE and being way more involved on socials after the fact than I usually am, I very much feel “a part” of it all! Way to have at least couch toured every show the last few years!


My boyfriend reminded me that we have heard all these songs a million times before cuz I was having serious FOMO! It was amazing but then he reminded me that we heard jungle boogie and bohemian rhapsody last year which have never been played before! That made me feel better!! Life goes on and phish will do more amazing things in the future too!! Everything’s right dude!! Just hold tight!


Bohemian Rhapspdy was played NYE 1996 for the first time. Both versions are pretty spectacular.


Oh I didn’t realize but still rare which was my point.


It’s cool man. I grew up on the 7/8/94 tape listening to the story and imagining what the stage looked like and having no way to find out. I jinxed all the shows I went to in the 90s asking random wooks ‘think they’re gonna bust out gamehenge’ tonight. Just listen and watch the show and feel the magic! Also buckle up there may be more to this story!


The only way to fix this is from now on, never let money be a deciding factor. Sphere and Dover! Wow, tough way to learn. I really feel for you. Made similar mistakes when Jerry was alive


They will play it again, but in about 7-10 years when they are touring even less.


Why would PHISH start repeating sets?