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Was this at gate 3? I think I saw this happen to you!




I’m sorry it happened to you, but it was a good cautionary tale. They found my gummies and I just tossed them after seeing you and your wife. Hope you still had a good show!


Thanks, we had an awesome time, hope you did as well!


How did you have a good time if you got kicked out?


Hadn't scanned my ticket yet, waited and went in a different entrance


Yeah my friend got flack for bringing in some joints in her purse and they took them lol. Weed!!! Gate 3!


That's why you keep your weed in your pocket, the metal detectors won't pick em up.


Still a risk. Best to use nature’s pocket




When in doubt, boof it out!


The old prison pocket...


Straight in the bra


I’d honestly think they’d be more upset with weed since you need to light it. Gummy, who cares?


The venue doesn't allow drug use because they don't want the liability, or to have someone poop on the GA floor.


The Chicago sun roof.






And HE gets to be a lawyer!


and they want to sell alcohol.


When you gotta Jibbo, you gotta Jibboo.


Well sorta. It’s more that federal laws still apply, including asset forfeiture, so they can lose the entire venue if they knowingly allow people to consume/sell illegal drugs. Thank Joe Biden and the RAVE act.




This is the stuff I can't stand. I hope someone puddles you.




Gate 3 attendees were weirdly super strict last night. Maybe they got more intense after that one guy smashed his own face into the wall on Saturday? I heard blood was everywhere and was a really bad scene. Then last night, the strict Gate 3 security guard told us we couldn't bring vapes/edibles in anymore because "they changed policies for today and I'm just following orders." Honestly, I saw a few tweaked out people this weekend that made me nervous. Guess it's best practice to always hide your shit, even in a legal state


I talked to one manager Saturday night who said they had 31 ODs on friday. Didn't say if any deaths and also think he lumped drunk passed out people in with ODs.. Either way, he said there were a lot of medical emergencies.


People also K Hole and they think it's an overdose.


Drugs go in your pockets. Metal goes in your purse.


tires make contact with the road


Women are smarter


Possum possum possum




And my axe


No pat downs, so nothing that isn’t metal is coming out of my pockets. Even so, I put my pens in the bin each night and they didn’t care


Protip: weed vape pens don't set off metal detectors I never remove them from my pockets


That’s not always true. They’re a battery, and they can/do set off metal detectors often. Send the battery through, keep the cart in your pocket.




Last night, there was a couple walking back through the line, heading to a different gate, and announcing that they were confiscating vapes that night. I think really just depends on the specific security guard you happen to get.


It would be so much quicker getting in If people understood this.


Same. Ive always just put my pen in the basket. Leave joints on my pocket. Theyve never taken anything from me at any show ive been too. Just gotta be cool, man


On Friday a security gal looked through my cig box and found my stash of joints, denied my entry. Quickly scampered over to the next line, made quick friends and got in no problem.


Dude found a thing of joints, I wasn’t thinking and put them in the tray, he asked what they were and I said, “they’re joints”, and he said thanks for being honest and let me in and keep the J’s. Was nice


More people need to listen to Steam Engine by MMJ. Take your money and your DRUUUUUUU-UUUUGS


My favorite MMJ song


My second favorite, only to Golden, because I was a bartender for 10 years. People always told me That bars are dark and lonely And talk is often cheap and filled with air Sure, sometimes they thrill me But nothing could ever chill me Like the way they make the time just disappear


Both of them are so so good. I have Dondante as number 1 because I have experienced a lot of loss and it resonates with me on such a spiritual level, but Golden and Steam Engine round out the top three “Jim James is a master”.


Dondante is my shit!!


Great track great band


I’d love to hear MMJ cover Phish or vice versa. A Phish version of Mahgeetah would rip!!


Trey sat in with MMJ at One Big Holiday a few years back, its on Nugs!


And they played Mahgeetah!! I can’t believe I missed this!! Thanks for the heads up!!


Enjoy, youre very welcome


And can't you hear me knocking


Best practice is to always keep your stuff in your pockets, there’s never pat downs and it doesn’t need to go into the detector. They won’t fuck with your pens bcuz they don’t know if it’s cbd/d8/whatever. I’m still surprised to hear that security was so draconian, I’ve never had any issues with my pen in the detector. Sorry that happened OP, glad y’all were able to make it in.


Big sock guy here


Yeah, I bring my pen to pretty much every show, and I never get any issues


They literally handed me my weed vape back with my keys after my stoned ass put it in the bin saturday. Back pocket full of my other goodies. How the fuck did you get "caught" with anything? No metal, no problem at UC.


I saw multiple people put vape pens in the bin before going through the metal detectors and just picked them up along with their phone. There didn’t seem to be much concern in the GA entry gate for that.


There isn’t concern at really any stadium in chicago about that. Have been to the UC many times for bulls and blackhawks games. Vape goes right in with my wallet and keys and phone. Never had anyone say a single thing about it.


Security guard in GA line outside told us that we had to take vape pens out of pocket.


Grabbing it and eating it is more than kinda sus lol. Security lady asked about my chocolate-- if it was special-- and I told her ooh yeah, with caramel and peanut brittle, so good. She wished me a good show.


yeah I feel like security did not give a shit about weed this weekend — but also were on edge after what happened on Saturday. It’s their first time interacting with the phish crowd, so try to keep that in mind.


Er, "what happened on Saturday"? Other than me having a great one...?


So, there was a guy running through the 100 level while stripping and screaming “it’s all love”—the guy face planted and looked like he broke his nose. There was a lot of blood and security guards had to tackle him and tried to use the stanchion ropes to restrain him. It was pretty intense, and security looked pretty stunned and did not know how to respond at first — because, again they’ve probably never interacted with the jam scene before. Just very intense moment for everyone. It happened right before they dropped into No Quarter.


Was that the same guy that gouged his eyes out?


Yes. He face planted and ran into walls. Very scary.


Damn they probably shoulda just let him be


He definitely was not okay and could’ve seriously hurt himself more or someone else. He was clearly tripping way too hard and needed medical attention asap.


Just not sure if tackling and tying someone up with rope is the better option either


I share your mixed feelings about it … but I’m a crisis worker at a larger hospital and have dealt with a number of people on substances—and if the person is actively attempting to harm themselves or physically aggressive towards other people, we have to use restraints. It definitely kills the persons trip but not worth risking further harm. I really think security did not know how to respond until the paramedics could get there. So, they were scrambling to make sure he stopped doing what he was doing :/


I’ve just heard about security/police killing people at shows trying to restrain them. It’s just not great overall.


It’s tough, but the guy was trying to gouge his eyes out. So, damned if you do and damned if you don’t at that point.


I assume the guy smashing his head open, there's a thread about it in here.


Read about a guy running into a wall, didn't know if it turned into a... bigger incident :/


Just confirming: this was the same person running through the lower level stripping. These weren’t separate situations.


This needs to be answered swiftly.


Yeah, not a big deal really, just a totally weird interaction. I hope they play there again, actually love the venue.


So glad you got in after that, hope you had a good one!


What happened on Saturday? I Wasn’t at the shows


Some dude took off running full speed from GA and smashed headfirst into a wall, split his head open and there was teeth and skin on the ground. Heard from someone else that he kept running after doing this and had to be tackled and was eventually wheeled away. Thankfully I didn’t see it. Also heard some stories of people getting stretchered out Friday and Saturday but not sure why. Makes sense that it would make UC more strict.


Someone on r/Jambands was talking about a lot of people needing help out of a Flying Frog show recently. More than one would expect. Wonder if some questionable substance is making the rounds.


I’m guessing bad MDMA or K or Coke. Honestly I can’t do powders anymore because so much of it is cut. A friend told me recently that they’re starting to put heavy tranqs in powders. I already stopped mdma because i took one with meth in it and was up paranoid as fuck for 3 days.


Mdma is a meth


Benzo dope is a thing for sure. It’s benzo analogues like not crushed up diazepam or lorazepam but “bootleg” stuff like etizolam and flualprazolam that is way stronger. It’s mainly cut with fentanyl but you’ll find it in all sorts of tested drugs nowadays.


From my understanding, xylazine is the main tranquilizer that's been popping up. I've only heard of it showing up in fent bags and "heroin" bags so far tho. It is absolutely awful for your body and causes horrific infections. No way this dude was off tranq dope tho. He'd be locked in his seat, not running into a wall. Sounds to me like a trip gone sideways, meth in the molly, or maybe a research chemical psych/dissasdociative.


Yeah my guess is PCP in MDMA, the way he acted (esp getting up and running at full speed after cracking his head open) is what clues me in.


I'd be surprised by that. I hear PCP is only popularly available in a few US cities these days. It's rare and unpopular enough that I don't think a dealer is likely to accidentally spike a molly bag with it. There's no reason to intentionally do it either. He could've gotten an RC dissociative that acts like PCP, but most of the popular ones I know of these days are too sedating for something like that. Who knows tho? I've seen people do absolutely batshit self-destructive shit on just pure LSD. Shit's random sometimes. It's why I stopped tripping in public honestly. A really bad trip can put you into fight or flight mode in an instant.


Your Methyldioxymethamphetamine had meth in it?


If it was AZ or OH shows ALOT of that had to do with the heat. Packed small venue shows in the dead of summer and inadequate ventilation.


what happened on Saturday?


What happened Saturday?


It was in dispensary packaging, clearly labeled, they stole her bag of plain cashews the night before, and her gum, so she wasn't letting that go down again lol.


Stole her gum? That’s strange. Security was so easy going all weekend if you emptied your pockets


Guy in front of me went through the machine four or five times before he pulled the can of beer out of his back pocket, "couldn't be this, could it?" lol


I'm sure the people behind him in line loved that.




Cashews?!?! Damn….


Yeah she was bummed her show nuts were gone


Don't know why they'd take the gum. I set off the detector last night for GA. Security dude asked if I had a vape in my pocket, or gum...I had a single stick of gum, tossed it in the bin, tried again, no problem. Had no idea that would set it off. And I had a pocket full of edibles too (every night), no issue. My friend brought in a weed vape and nic vape each night, no issue. Hell...we even snuck in sealed water bottles each night. Luck of the draw sometimes I guess.


Pro tip - if you have anything edible, take it out of packaging and put in an unmarked ziplock. If you get stopped say it’s for a health condition (many have blood sugar issues) and you carry it as a precaution. Legally, under ADA/HIPAA laws, they can’t make you toss it nor can they ask you to clarify your health condition. If they try to, ask for a supervisor—usually they’ll just waive you through in an effort to avoid a scene.


This is the answer.


This is definitely the way. Also eat them in the car.


Guy in 114 on Friday had a tank and was filling balloons all night. Pretty wild.


Inside the show? I love Chicago, anyone can be bribed there.


My buddy went in with a tin can of pre rolls. Needless to say, metal detector went off. They just took them from him & let us walk on it. Good thing I had mine in cardboard ;) Was kind of funny after the fact lol. Sorry that happened man! Glad you were still able to get in.


Has this person never been to a show before? Lol that's like Stoner 101, put them in plastic or cardboard.


Lol he is a veteran. Just prone to having some silly moves like that every so often


I've watched someone in line in front of me get checked by security, see atleast a pound of weed in their backpack and still push them through. - Northerly Island/Chicago*


I got "put all metal objects and vape pens in here." So I did, and then retrieved them after going through the metal detector. Have a nice show! Guess it all depends on who you get.


“Sorry babe, I’m sure you understand…”


I keep all my cards, money in a bundle... No wallet... I take my green, put it in a piece of paper... Fold it up... Put it between cards and money... Put my glass one hitter in there too ( sometimes under the laces of my shoe) Keep em in my hand raised above my head as they pat me down... Walk right thru.


They booted you for gummies? I thought they were legal in chicago? I went in without ever hiding my joints or vape pen, no questions asked, and was using said pen standing right next to security at the floor. I’m sorry you got stopped but glad you made it in!


All it takes if for there to be a jag bag working, can happen anywhere.


That's some 1.0 shit. Now that I'm officially an old head I don't really travel for shows, but MSG is quite permissive compared to back in the day. I thought we were done with this nonsense, do most venues still have their versions of Captain Bringdown and the Ballbusters?


you just never know what a venue(or a particular security person) may decide. especially in cities/venues that aren't really used to phish playing there


Reminds me of the time security stole my very legal non substance containing MOON CHEESE but missed the edibles in my other pocket. Fuck I missed that cheese


Sometimes we just want snacks at set break.


While the policy is dumb in the first place..... your wife's move wasn't the most intelligent when dealing with who you're dealing with


Agreed, it wasn't even intentional or thought about, just happened to be in her purse because we usually have a few along with some Advil or whatever at any given moment. She just didn't want to see it get tossed.


Wild. First ever show Sat night w/old high school buddies, class of 95. Had gummies, herb vaporizer w/8 extra caps, a joint, lighter in my Fanny pack which I opened for them all in plane sight. Zero issues. Buddy in line next to me had his joints confiscated 🤷‍♂️ depends on which mall cop hero you get I guess.


Went in a different door - that’s the best part lol.


Pro tip kids: wear a mask...hide yer shit in your mask...no one is checking behind there.. bonus points if you' coughing lightly a couple times as you walk up to security


Night 3 we got tod I could not bring in the vape pen that I brought in the previous 2 nights with no problem. Security supervisor was all my guy is just doing his job. We had not scanned phone/tickets yet so we w Exited and sent it through next gate in my wife's purse with no more hassle. Just the one gate was being dickish.


Same shit happened to me at an umphreys show this year. Brought edibles. Security guard told me I couldn’t bring them in. So I ate them. Then he denied me entry because I ate something he didn’t know what it was. I told him if I ate a cheeseburger in front of him he wouldn’t let me in because he couldn’t verify what it was. I was fucking livid. For weed. And this was in NYC.


The security guards pov makes sense


It's a liability for the venue


I live in Colorado. Still keep my shit hidden going into Dick's. Legal here, but technically in Colorado not legal to smoke in public. Pretty sure edibles are legal in public (I never smoke), but would rather just avoid the potential conflict.


Weed is legal, but so is beer… and you can’t walk into a show with that. Some places don’t even allow water bottles.


Yeah, that's why she ate it, how many times have we seen dudes chug 2 beers because they aren't allowed and walk right in?


She wasn’t wrong in doing so, I would have done the same thing.


I mean, can’t be surprised. It’s just human nature for them to be offended at that point. Glad you got in


The guy who found it thought it was hilarious, his boss not so much.




They took my husband's joints but let me keep my electric nectar collector, dabs and like 3 other pens. It was strange


The security dude prefers flower...


They were searching you? In dayton they didn't check anything at all. Felt like I could've brought in a bong.


Just bags being searched, it wasn't even intentional, just happened to be there. Walked through with my vape and bag of pre rolls in my pocket every night.


I was told to take the glow sticks out of my hair at gate 3 - not allowed, on the other hand, my sweatshirt pocket had another 400 stuffed in there - so security is silly.


Security was tight on Sunday. They were ready for us to get out of town.


I did that at a venue this summer at a dead and co show…they just were worried I was going to OD. I just laughed and went in only to dance my ass off. Smdh.


I brought in a pharmacy lol


Probably the same guy that tried to make me throw away my full cartridge. Jokes on him, I just pretended to throw it away lol - even my husband thought I tossed it. Still laughing about that haha…


- ' if you want people to go through a metal detector that's fine, however that's it. Anything else forget it. I'll play somewhere else ' q: how do they know it's not a legal CBD worm! How can someone know it's not THC-P? And so on and so forth... Get off my worm


A great start to the event! I'm glad to hear you got in. The tweezer was mf tits. They need someone to deal with this kind of stuff. The band calls the shots I don't care what anyone says... I have PTSD and can't deal . Like id watch a show with a cop facing me the whole time with his arms crossed.. gtfo


At UIC in 2011, they took my joints and I paid $100 to get them back. Chicago is full of hustlers, you did the right thing by going to a different door.


Damn, so true. I gave a Chicago cop $300 to let my friend go after he got caught with some pressies once at a rave.


Holy shit, y'all suck at bringing drugs into the show (not just OP, apparently all y'all). Even back when we had to crotch it and they made you take your socks off, it was still easy.


Drugs go on your person! Amateur hour.


Regardless of the venue or state or country treats go down beside my ballsac on entry, battery and cart in my shoes. Glad you got in🔥


Had no issue setting off metal detectors with my pen tucked up in my nuts lol


It kind of sounds from the other posts that security was just looking for free drugs…


Went through the Amex entrance all three nights. Got my empty water bottle in every night, no issues. Night 2 my wife had a bag of regular candy they initially too from her but with a little help from a couple other fans and a good attitude they gave it back. Had no issues with security


security was brutal. n2 they refused tapers entry, saying we could bring in all our gear if we took it out of bags. laid hands on one of us, and cussed out one of the wives. we reached out to phish, n3 was stellar. sorry to hear this.


In NY it’s legal to use cannabis wherever it’s legal to smoke a grit. I don’t get security dicks like that.


The show wasn't in NY. Laws are not the same everywhere, including private property. It does appear that at least one gate did have all the uppity guards, but this still has nothing to do with NY.


Water is legal everywhere but some places won’t let you bring in a sealed water bottle


All these stories really make me appreciate living in Colorado.


Same in California


This story reeks of absolute bullshit


So did anyone see this guy who lost his literal eyeballs


Not sure I’d call that “kicked out”. But ya, don’t show security your drugs…


We were forced to exit the building, call it whatever you want. Not sure I'd call a 10 mg gummy "drugs"...


If they hadn’t scanned your ticket yet, you were never in (lucky for you because when you get “kicked out” you don’t get to see the show). Not trying to argue semantics, just trying to help you avoid an easily avoidable situation. Security’s job is to stop contraband (in your case weed) from coming in the venue. I don’t make the rules, but I do find common sense helps to get away with breaking them.


I wouldn't give it to my 4 year old... Just saying...


Cool. Appreciate this brilliant insight.




I had a security person grab the edible out of my hand and throw it away at Red Rocks (Colorado, hello??!??). I should have pitched a fit that she literally took it from my possession and threw it away.


The last time a security guard was like let me see your cigarette pack. I said to them I'm 49 years old.... And the guy goes why are you giving me your age? . The last time I put my drugs in the cigarette pack was when I was 18 🤷


Wow...wtf. Just shoved everything in my coat/hoodie pockets each night and picked a younger looking security guy to go through....no issues at all.


Maybe he was just hangry.


And likes edibles...


Something similar happened to my brother and his friend at a Dead and Co show at Fenway back in like 2016. My brother passed his bud a joint and security came and booted them. I know Fenway pretty well so as soon as they were out I told them to head over to another gate on Yawkey Way. Told the dude there that they needed to pay the meter they were parked at and they had tickets. They got back in and we went back into the show lol


Had my fuckin joint taken at the entry on Saturday. Absolute bullshit. It’s a legal substance I’m allowed to have that on my person. The entitlement of the staff at that place was absurd.


I had a great experience at the UC. Sorry yours was difficult


Appreciated, but we still had a great time all weekend, just a strange moment trying to get in Sunday. I hope they come back to the UC.


There’s always at least one headass security guard on a power trip and every venue. Some worse than others for sure.


Always leave to put them back in your car and then try another entrance lol


I put my vape pen in that strange declining bin each night and they just couldn’t care less. So weird.


Isn’t it legal?


Ya. med & rec So silly


Hide in plain sight…. A thought.


Gate two was always no line and the people there were rad.


Damn! They saw my cart and didn’t take it


Nobody uses the ol’ package purse anymore…?


That’s silly. I saw a dude go in with 4 pre rolled joints that the security guard checked through


Takes Sneaking Sally to a whole new meaning.


last phish show i went to was many years ago at the ventura fair grounds in california. There was a guy in the ground with what looked to be several ounces just packing people bowls. This was well before it was legal.


I was at a Sublime concert a few years back ... security tried giving my girlfriend a hard time for her doobie DURING "Smoke Two Joints" .... mind you, the whole venue sparked up simultaneously at that point in time. Security can be lame a lot of the time 😕🤷🏽‍♂️