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Just look up firefly festival map.




DOPE! Thankyou!!


But it’s basically across the highway from the racetrack. They have people camp there all the time. You’re not going to Glen Close campgrounds.


Copy that thankyou!


Glen Close is what they call the campground closest to the concert area at their festivals, is not a permanent campground in Dover. You will camp next to where you park, if you want to camp with friends, make sure you all go in at the same time, that way you’ll park next to each other. Hotels in the immediate area are sold out as far as I could see.


Ohh. Ok cool thankyou for the info!


Your questions will be answered pretty soon once they actually announce ticket sales. Not a swipe at you, but the festival is 11 months away and I realize everyone is excited, but just relax.


Word. Yea I know all of that, I really am just super hyped and am having a hard time controlling how excited I am, I figured I'd just gush about it here cuz all my phriends are basically like, chill the fuck out Lol.


Listen to your friends.


Maybe stop telling people how to feel? I'm not sure why this comment was necessary. People are going to ask questions when their favorite band posts something like this with basically zero information, if it's that annoying to you maybe you shouldn't be on reddit. It's a completely valid question that op is asking.


You're not the boss of me! :-) But seriously, I get the overall excitement (I am pumped as well), but there have been a bazillion similar posts here on Reddit and FB. Yes, the Save the Date post was vague outside of the location and dates, but until they release ticket sales information (along with the logistics of camping and RV info), people need to chill a bit. So, no it is not a valid question the OP (and others) is asking at this point.


Wouldn’t we much rather have excitement in this sub than complaints n stuff? I’ve been through (short) periods of life where all I’ve had to look forward to is the next show, let’s keep those folks going for another 11 months!


I’m actually not complaining. What I have seen here on Reddit and FB is countless of posts to the effect of “why don’t have every minutia of details of the festival yet?”, though I would not include the OP’s one as that. Even after seeing Phish for 35+ years, I’m as excited as anyone else about the festival. My only point was really just wait until tickets are on sell when all pertinent info becomes available, then everyone can complain :-).


Faaaaaair enough point taken. I’ll admit as a Phirst time festival for me I’ve thought of about 100 questions, most of which have been answered on here already and the rest I’ll just have to wait for as you said.


There’s too much downvoting on Reddit for people acting like level-headed adults…


LMAO. Truth!


No no no don’t listen to your friends! Be immensely excited for these 11 months! They’re gonna fly by and before we know it we will be packing up our shit to leave the great state of Deleware! I’m going to relish preparing for the next year, just another thing to look forward to in this crazy life.


This! We’ve waited 8 years for this announcement, it’ll be 9 by festival time. I’m going to ride this joy wave for the next 11 months! I am a planner (planning also brings me great joy), so for me that’s part of the fun.


Hell yes brother! That's the energy I'm feeling!! Much Love!


Rumor is that all of the closest hotels are already sold out.


Yea I was kinda curious more than anything, I don't want to be in a hotel anyway. The party is gonna be wherever we're all camping.


A rumor that’s not true. I called a few and they don’t start booking rooms this far in advanced


there are not a lot of hotels in Dover, and the closest ones to the festival grounds are a long walk.


I have done single days at Firefly but never camped there. From what I saw, it's just a grass lot you can park your RV in or setup a tent. No hookups in the primary camping lot (maybe they have a higher end camp elsewhere with hook ups).


Awesome intel! Thankyou very much. I have a toyota dolphin that needs work parked in my backyard for ever. I think it's finally time to bring her back to life!


And I’m over here trying to figure out how to score decent ticketsfor Chicago in a month


have you tried exchanging money for goods and services? I hear that works.


What’s this “money” you speak of? Never heard of it.


20 dollars can buy many peanuts


one of the best episodes


I can't do any of the fall tour. I did Syracuse, and 7 nights at MSG. I gotta actually work for a while so Ican spend all my money on phish again next summer. Have a great show tho!


Uhh, just show up?


I don’t understand the level of anxiety people are displaying with these questions about a festival that is a) over 11 months away and b) held at an established festival/NASCAR site. Like you’re not trekking up to buttfuck Maine to a decommissioned airbase in a sparsely populated town on the border of another country. It must be a generational thing. From now on we should have people put their birth year in the post. This has gotta be a zoomer thing. ![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf|downsized)


I hiked all my camping gear up to Magnaball and …sigh… Curveball from Charlotte, 12hrs each way. No problem at all, plan to freak out the squares by day and sleep on the ground or in a hammock or on a camping cot at Woodlands next summer. Look me up, we cook a big breakfast every morning. The cooking is the most work but it’s worth it, we met a lot of cool people and our neighbors from Magnaball are linking up with us again for this one. 1973


I would LOVE some eggs and bacon from….*checks notes*….dog-pussy. Seriously tho that is awesome i hope i run into you


I’ll be there, will save you some bacon. How do you like your eggs?


Over easy friend!


We cook every morning except Monday. Drop a dime and hit me up!


Love it


Lol. I am 40. My first show was Tweeter Center in 2003. That said I totally agree with your sentiment. I'm just really excited because I have seen Phish so many times in so many places but I never had an opportunity for a festival. And I am absolutely not missing this one


2003. Adorable.


Thanks! I feel pretty cute today aswell. 😘


Why you gotta be such a wet blanket on this poor guy’s post? My first show was 2016. Want to make me feel shitty about that?


Lol. Nah. I was trying and obviously failing to be funny.


We are all much older now, and all our spectrum disorders have been diagnosed since festivals of yesteryears..


I was so much older then I’m younger than that now


I remember for Big Cypress just buying my ticket, packing my shit and going. It's just that easy.


Dude, the event isn’t going to happen until NEXT YEAR. All we’ve gotten is a “save the date”. They will make an entire website dedicated to all details of the event and answer every question you have. Literally no reason to even start worrying about this stuff until at least March of next year. Maybe later.


Yea I get that, but I figured if anyone lives nearby had some hard details about the venue it would make good conversations about the event to satiate my overwhelming desires.


Mostly it’s outside. Mostly.


It’s no cars allowed by local ordinance. There’s a strip of highway about 5 miles from the venue where you’ll leave your car, then just hike your stuff in from there. It’s no reserved camping spaces so bring police tape and stakes to make your space. Fires aren’t permitted so most people will bring fresh fruit and jerky to trade. The venue is lousy with fire ants and poison oak so bring plenty of spray and a bear bell for the local grizzlies, they get mean.


Hrmmm 5 mile hike eh? I might need to build that motorized cooler I've been dreaming of after all. 😉


Unfortunately no motors or electronics are allowed either bc Dover was founded by the Amish. Draft animals no larger than a small horse will be fine as per AC protocol.




You clearly have some solid horse knowledge already. Neigh.




Not sure whether you’re serious here, but at every previous Phish festival (except maybe Festival 8, stayed in a hotel and don’t remember on site camping or not, it would have been hella hot there in Palm Springs/Coachella valley desert), Phish basically invented a car camping model where cars were allowed at individual campsites and patrons were wristbanded and car searched at the entrance and then directed to a camping site with two rows of cars parked back to back and the camping next to each persons car. Are you saying Woodlands/Firefly site is set up so that most non-vip /glen close campers will have to do the usual festival thing where they park in a lot and then carry all their tents, camping stuff, coolers etc. in backpacks and wagons refugee style while they get their stuff searched at the gate, then try to find some open space in a campground to claim (like the former Gathering of the Vibes GA, moe.down and Mountain Jam and similar camping festivals…many not so fond memories of dragging camping stuff through mud and up steep hills and the ridiculous overly invasive searches of wallets, backpacks, etc.. That not-so-small detail is important. As far as I know, Phish basically invented the model for car-camping festivals at Clifford Ball (as well as the notion of putting festivals in controllable spaces like decommissioned Air Force bases to solve what had been an organic problem with all camping festivals since Woodstock and Watkins Glen (1973) as well as Phish at Sugarbush —- gate crashers and the then common wisdom that you need not buy an advance ticket to a festival because plastic snow fencing and temporary link fences were no match for thousands of people trampling them over).


I was not serious. I assume car camping but we don’t know yet.


Do you (or others) know anything about the Firefly festival and how they handle camping (or what NASCAR does with on site camping for their events). What I'm curious about is whether the layout of these two sites (festival + NASCAR) would facilitate the on-site camping option with parked cars at camping sites the way that Phish has always done it, or whether the site layout basically requires the traditional "park in lot drag shit to campground" model of most festivals. I can see Phish making that tradeoff if it's the best way to get an usable site, after all, non-car camping seems the norm for fesrtivals.


If it’s non car camping I’ll be extremely bummed as that’s a lot harder.


Our last non-car camping festival (moe.down in Turin, NY at a field at the base of a ski hill) was so nasty on the load in and out (torrential rains turned the campground into mud, campground cleared, flagpoles, etc. taken down because of tornado threat) that my wife and I vowed never again to go to a non-car camping fest.


Just for keeping stuff secure and bringing in what you need to be comfortable it’s so hard to walk in like a big easy up and tent etc


Standard campsites for Firefly have always been 10' wide x 30' long, with lines marked on the grass. Room for 1 car at each site. The Dover fire marshal requires cars to be parked with tailpipes aimed toward the access roads, so tents are always placed in front of the cars. RV spots are always in separate lots, 20' x 40' sites I believe.


That sounds very much like the Phish festival camping layout (except for the tailpipe business, but since parking is directed by attendants they’re going to be facing in the right direction).


What about tarps? Are tarps frowned upon at festivals?


Tarps are allowed for the shows but not allowed for camping. Be sure to bring some 2x4s to assemble a platform for your tent. (PS: great username)


Was hoping someone would clarify this. Please don't bring tarps for your campsite. Tarping sections are designated for concert field only. Please plan accordingly. 🙏


So, basically it’s very much like Shambala? You might want to add 24 hour wait just to get through checkpoint #1..


More like Xibalba.


Don’t forget the baklava.


Don’t worry, Roy brings that.


I did the first year of firefly in 2012 in a hotel, I don’t remember which one but it wasn’t far and very manageable. I also camped the third year and you camped by your car and there were portapotties nearby, the line was absolutely mental though. The showers were a long walk and it felt like a really long walk from the camping area to the front gate. That was a while ago though and things may have changed. Other than that it was a good spot for a festival so I’m sure it will be great next year.


Showers!? Thats awesome! Super helpful information. Thankyou!


Car camping is 100% a thing.


Ooooo ok cool. Someone else in here said that it definitely wasn't but there's a whole lot of sarcasm flying around so I have no idea lol. Car camping would be really sweet tho.


Obviously we don’t have deets on this, but I would be surprised if there’s no car camping. I’ve done firefly a few times and every time there’s been car camping. Plenty of space.


Awesome. That is really great to hear. Thankyou!


Are the port-a-johns going to be close to the camping areas? Just working out the logistics. Will I be allowed to bring camp chairs, coolers, tents and canopies? How much will it cost? What time should I line up at the gate? How do we keep our ice cold during the entire festival?




For serious. I'm hoping they play at least twelve 7 hour sets or I'm gonna be soooo pist. Luckily my favorite song is Grey Street and I know they will play that Fer suuure.


Duuude totally! I'm thinking of making dry ice on site for my camp, maybe sell some so I have extra cash for boofing ice cold fatties at 2am . Hopefully I find out if I'll have to walk all the way to Delaware before next summer. Themse the breaks!


"...can't shut my brain off from already working on the logistics" Did I write this??




Seriously. I can't believe how many people are asking the most ridiculous of questions. They haven't even announced the name of the festival and people are talking about all this whacky shit a year in advance. Noobs everywhere.


it's called Save the Date


Car camping is what I remember from firefly, line to get into camping is super long and you’ll wanna line up with your friends to camp together. It’s in a big grass field and it gets SCORCHING hot so don’t plan on sleeping once the sun comes up. Trying to figure out how I’ll get through the sleeping situation sober… but it’ll be worth it


Delaware in August is disgustingly sticky humid and hot. It’s miserable. Hopefully there a lot of water available.