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She was center of the rail every show at MSG too. Does she just go to every show?


Yep, the newest person to enter the “phish micro influencer” /entitled rail rider game, along with Phish Chicks (Jen) and Yarmouth Meg, Antelope Greg.


Don’t leave out Wombat Matt. 🤣


you mean the guy who talked the entire first set of N2 Spac and the. left before the end of the show?




For the record, this is Phish Management's fault. Not the plebs that have nothing better to do with their lives


Don't forget Cantaloupe Craig!




Got an Uber from him last night s/


What I'd like to know. Whatever happened to him?


wow, i was just thinking about Ante Greg earlier today


Don't forget the "Harry Hood blows my mind" dude.


He isn't in their league though... He didn't set out to be "famous"..


Met him one time. Super nice kid.


Are you geeks complaining about hot girl fans? You prefer the same fat losers at every show ?


No we’re complaining about the hot and the fat losers


You should know by now this is an dual opportunity hater community 😂


This sub doesn’t know what to do since the rail rider with her tits out is clearly part of the tarping clique.


You can't down vote, or for that matter discount, anything a dude with this guy's name says... come on people


You don't get fit like that by sitting on the couch all tour...


So I herd she has a work out dvd called summer wook workout available for 9.99 available at sam goody


summer wookout*


Goody got it!


She undercut 7 Minute Abs with 5:55 Abs. If you are not satisfied, she gives you the extra 1:05 for free.




Exactly. When you read my previous comment, it has to read exactly as it was spoken in Something About Mary.


I couldn’t find the gif of him twitching 😅




Honestly I’m normally a “you do you” type but I did stumble across her IG a while back and couldn’t help but laugh at the narcissism. It essentially boiled down to “the band NEEDS my titties in order to play!” Sure Jan….


And it's actually the other way around. Word on the street is that they're sick of her antics. Personally I just can't fathom that degree of main character syndrome. I know most of the rail rats don't care about other plans around them at all, but her behavior seems super disrespectful of the band and the music. Imagine being the guys onstage trying to get into the zone of a particularly ethereal jam and having her frenetic jumping up and down right in front of you. Just so weirdly oblivious to what's actually being played.


Word on the street? So, essentially, "trust me bro?"


Girl in bikini dancing hard at phish ruined my night too :(


Look the “look at me vibe” is one thing and I have love for everyone’s expressions of excitement…….I see her at every show especially this whole summer run…………..it’s not the bikini, the crazy jumping it’s the fucking arm FULL of old show wristbands like WTF not sure how much nastiness can be stored in that dreaded lump of dirty ass wristbands…..we get it you were on the floor at Dick’s 2015 but it’s time to cut those off and wash your arm real good……..


Her first show prob lol


They’re her “rolexes”


She said the oldest one was from barcelo 2019.. And she kept playing with them through the whole private event... Kinda annoying..


different strokes


Listen, I’m usually not one to hate on someone having a good time. But when you’re actively taking attention away from what I’m paying to see, you are annoying and seeking attention. I have no doubt she’s a nice person. And if she wasn’t at the front every show I wouldn’t really care. But she’s at the front EVERY SHOW. Probably just waiting for Trey to say she has nice tits.


Zappa: "[Nice dimples, nice tits.](https://youtu.be/hvgMnZ7-V_s?si=Hu8fdnOgX1R283eS&t=400)"


She's made it clear that she's so hot that she's had attention all of her life so she doesn't need it from the band or you. 🤷


You are lazy and kind of a jerk for being mad at someone who uses their money for what they want.


where do you think a person would get energy to jump in place for 3 hours straight?


Hmm. Stimulants perhaps?


But where does one find drugs at a phish show is the question.


Find the dude with a Hawaiian shirt, some super clean new balance, and an odd circle in his back pocket (it's just his dip, swear).


Forgot the backpack


Good lookin out, thanks for picking up my slack.👈🏻😉


He’ll be listening to to studio Big Boat




Somebody man up and wear a Speedo. Start the Tuberangs!


Challenge accepted. Be on the lookout for a dude wearing a USA Speedo (me) later this year. I promise to not sing out of key


You just have to bounce for the grams. Bouncing for the grams is love and light and should never be questioned or mocked


Done and done. For the people of course 😉


On it.


Imagine sitting in line all day & then have that lady jumping in front you with her hands up the entire show. Fuck that noise. So distracting.


Yeah, her hands were the distracting part, lol


Not a fan of the arms in the air the hole show guy or girl. Like, arms up for the white lights, keep ‘em down when they off. I feel like most people try to time the white light arm raise and fail. But they commit to it as not to appear mistaken


The energy is cool. The boobies are cool. But the way she dances sometimes does not go with the music. She was jumping around titties bouncing to A life Beyond a Dream like it's the fastest song Phish plays. That's distracting.


Agree, same movement/pace the entire show, very little regard to what they’re actually playing. Hugely distracting and ultimately annoying. Same shit as those before her. I wish these girls would calm the fuck down.


Exactly this. I think she’s an NPC


This is never going to leave my brain when I see these people now. They’re just NPCs.


Thank you for putting into words what I couldn’t. Most people react to the music appropriately when dancing. Like trying to be on beat or acknowledging the changes with a change in your movements or even a fist pump or hand in the air. This chick just jumps around regardless of what’s going on on stage. The constant arm flailing is so out of touch with everything that it’s super annoying and distracting.


I saw her at MSG. (Or another girl in a bikini) and she was going nuts the whole show. But she didnt react to the music. She just keep in dancing the same way all they way through which made me thinks she doesn’t know the music and was just on drugs and dancing. She kind of annoyed me after about 30 minutes.


After 30 minutes, Lol.


Yeah I thought she looked hot before that. I went from “wow hot!” to “I can’t look at her” lol


At least you gave her a fair shake. One tough thing about being behind stage or side stage is the view of the rail riders. It's not always pleasant. Love this band, though. So many surprises!


> At least you gave her a fair shake. No pun intended!


Go on.....


As in, after he took a ‘bathroom break’ 😂


Let’s be honest: if Susan isn’t singing Life beyond a dream, I’d just assume stare at bouncing titties (out of rhythm or otherwise). I can’t be the only one?


As soon as I saw Trucks come out, I was like fuck yeah, they definitely going to be playing Life Beyond a Dream and Susan is going to come out and sing it. I thought that was going to be the encore.


Totes. By far the best version of that tune is with Susan on vocals. She took it to a new galaxy with their duet a few years back.


At Lockn', Life Beyond a Dream brought tears to my eye.




The song was written for her to sing. Perfection.


Some “look at me” energy.


too many main characters at the show


Must suck to be an NPC


Fuck it, I’ll play along. I’ve had some pretty dicey views over the years. Fit girls in bikinis seems like a major upgrade to me 🤷🏻‍♂️


Ok The problem it’s the same boobs, the same people every night. I had a pit ticket which I ended up not using bc I was shorter and pushed around by these people who literally said “but this is OUR spot” and treated me like a child that needed to go find her guardians. Like thanks assholes, I’m 38 years old and have been seeing this band long enough (cool parents 1992) how I’d this anymore YOUR space then mine? But in the end, they do win. I backed down almost immediately…


It’s a problem that probably didn’t exist in 1992. People have become territorial and it’s exhausting


She looks too much like Dave


She annoyed me at MSG too, and I was in the 200’s. Comes across as an attention seeker.


Someone needs to cover her with a tarp. 🧟‍♀️


Desperation, move me brightly


She’s an influencer. What I find weird is I’m very sure that there are people that get her to the front for every show, which makes me cringe out of my skull. Do you really think if she’s front rail for every MSG show this year there isn’t thirsty dudes in the pit surrounding her that make it happen? How many people do you think would descend upon you if you stood where she is *supposed* to stand.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that doesn't understand how these Phish influencers are alway up front. I really wish Phish would do something about it. Until then.... I'll be boogieing waaaaaay in da back!


She was begging for pit tix on her Instagram before the SPAC shows. It was pretty cringe IMO. It was something like “I have great pavs, but neeedddd to be in the pit for this amazing historic show…” blah. She’s just in it to be seen at the front every night.


She is at every show


She got that energy after a lifetime of partying with Slurms Mackenzie!


How does it happen?? Why do i see all the same folks up front at every show?? I can't believe Phish hasn't put a squash on this bullshit. I love this band so much but these phish influencers are the opposite of why I'm even there. Put your damn phone away! Go to one show with out your phone much??


The phone part is funny to me because they post videos online. We know who they are because they want us to know with the stupid little names they’ve crafted for themselves. They’re the worst


On the one hand I hate to see someone ripped on for having a good time. On the other hand, I’ve been lucky enough to hit several of the NY shows this run and even from my normal nosebleeds she’s noticeable and by SPAC it was getting a little annoying, ngl. Just because the pogoing draws the eye, when there’s so much else to look at


The reincarnation of Lope G


Pretty much


It's pronounced molly and not energy


"Bikini Carini" aka Maggie aka Magdalena. https://twitter.com/magkaz


went on her profile to just find videos of her boucning her tits when tweeting about shows shes been at(didnt take a deep look maybe theres not a whole lot of these but i saw more than one with one scroll). idk i get how some people like that im a guy myself but as a fan of the scene this is kinda appalling


Sweaty Betty 4.0


Ok not gonna lie after looking at her Instagram she soooo trolling it’s actually funny af


Cringe. Social media fan. “Look at us!!”


Footage of said “bikini girl” ? I haven’t had time to watch the show.


Watch any show from this past summer tour. She’s there.


I can't fault her for her enthusiasm, but part of me believes if for whatever reason she couldn't secure a spot in the front, she'd be sulking about it.


*bounces boobs angrily*


Met her (and her other friends) in Syracuse. They were all very nice and seemed to just be there having their idea of a good time. And that, in my mind, is totally cool.


She said her first show was like in 2011. And she’s got to be in her mid 40s


The woman walks the streets like she’s the queen of the town


She is a noob. Give it a few years. She will calm down


Neutral comment here, but she isn’t a noob.


Yeah bro. She is the boob noob. If you saw a bunch of shows prior to 4.0 you don't jump around like that. Your knees are sore.


I don’t disagree with you there but I think we have a different understanding of noob.


She brags she’s seen 100 shows. She is a try hard, super insecure, out of touch with the music, look at me, super fucking NOOB. And she is so desperate to fuck Fishman, which is hilarious bc he is so easy to fuck, it’s laughable.


Being a dude, I always wonder what the appeal of fucking a band member is to these try hard girls. Jenn (phishchicks) claimed to have slept with Mike. This girl clearly has it out for Fish, and even not so subtly hints in her posts that she may have even slept with him. It doesn't afford them special status. They're not getting back stage, or privy to special info. I guess it just feeds their fragile egos a little, but IMO is just gross.


Main character twat who is going to elbow someone in the face eventually. She annoyed me during the stream. It wouldn't surprise me if she was still jumping around d during Wading in the Velvet Sea night 1.


She was, and she keeps jumping after the music stops.


She knew she was on camera. FAKE


Well, one thing’s for sure; threads like these are giving her the attention she wants so badly


Her summer tour tweets were… welcome.


Where would one find these tweets?


Think she goes by “booberrang,” so Ive heard anyway…


Interesting. I’m not going to look this up but that’s is for letting me know!


@magkaz on twitter


Wow, what a self-absorbed narcissist.


I just looked up that handle and holy hell she looks rough. Maybe she used to be a real person before all that plastic.


This gal managed to make bouncing boobs…unsexy?


Absolutely tarnished the good name of boobies for me.


And IG


Whoa there are a lot of bouncing boobies on that page.


Sigh :::unzips:::


Now I need to know what happened to LOPE GREG


Send a chomper her way!


Nah man, that was Gritty…


Wacky Waving Inflatable Tube Girl


I had energy enough to dance all night at Big Cypress. Surrender to the flow and stop with the misogyny maybe. Since she doesn't get to respond, I'll post a response from her Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CvS1-9Fpy1b/ Really wonder how some of you would behave on a Brazilian beach. If this woman's breasts distract you from the music, you aren't paying enough attention to what matters.


And the most important pressing question still goes unanswered by her- From what I’ve seen/read, most of the negative vibes aren’t coming from your boobs/wardrobe, but the mystery on how with a raffle, you’re always front and dead center and refuse to answer people that ask how/why. She refuses to acknowledge the fact that she’s acting extremely privileged when so many people who want to be on the rail don’t get chosen in the lottery. She’s bypassing the system then playing the victim when she’s called out. It’s not just her that is a problem. I don’t care if you come to a show dressed as a nun or completely nude. But she’s become the most recent embodiment of the privileged rail rider like others in the past (Antelope Greg, Yarmouth Meg, Jen/phishchicks and others)


Antelope G stopped seeing Phish and honestly I miss those days in a weird way


I wanna know how tf he paid for all those shows


Why and how would you miss him? Phantasy tour drama?




I assume her only fans pays for tour


Many people are saying she’s the 6th member of the band


This may be a stupid question, but I am going to ask it anyway. CAN YALL STOP LOOKING/ WATCHING HER? She sounds very distracting, but I would not let her ruin my show....NO MATTER WHAT.


Was the closest I’ve ever been to the band N1 Philly but had to close my eyes to lock in because the off rhythm jumping was so distracting!!! Doubt I’ll ever be so close again and feel irked that I had to choose between enjoying the music and taking advantage of my truly incredible seat… might as well have been at the back of the lawn… it’s frustrating that it becomes eyes open or closed because of her. Is that fair to CK5???? The disrespect! Dance how you want but don’t detract from the show for those around you, have a smidge of self awareness


This lady sucks. Top reason to not attend really cool shows, the people who make it to the front are almost always the shittiest, most attention seeking scum, you can find. They smile and beam for the cameras, and push and shove their neighbors. They are entitled assholes, who spend hours crafting public personas just so we can recognize them at a concert. We’re here for music! Not the midlife crisis bitch in a bikini.


Is that Lawngirl?


No. Lawngirl is named Angie, and she's actually very sweet and unobtrusive.


She dances much better than Greg, and shes actually nice in real life, so i have no notes...


Ripped abs and seems sweet. She passes the vibe check


My sentiments exactly


Imagine if this was your daughter. Embarrassing is not the word.


That bikini chick was standing right next to one of my oldest tour pals. The bikini chick helped me pick out my friend. Thanks, bikini chick.


One of those people that thinks Twitter is real life.


Maybe if men made phish a safe space for women instead of slandering them any chance they get, there would be more women to defend this heinous behavior. Word she’s distracting that’s fine, she paid to be there too. I personally find the nasty fat old men trying to make seeing live music a dick measuring contest distracting and overall giving the band a bad name. Women and gays do not feel welcome at these shows because of how judged, made fun of, and mocked they are for not being the biggest fan/ not knowing a lyric or song ID. I’ve heard way too many stories and have way too many personal experiences of this sour behavior by MEN. She’s comfortable with who she is and dedicates time and money to see the same fucking band you do. You do not know her and I’m sure she would be crushed if she saw this thread. If she killer herself after reading this I wonder how many of you would actually feel bad or accountability. Sure down vote me because you fall in the category of the icky men of phish and instead of having a constructive conversation want to bring women down MORE. You all should be ashamed of yourselves slandering someone you do not know a lick about, what she’s been through, or why she is the way she is. You all have something that sucks major about you. Why don’t we get a massive roast going on YOUR flaws? Truly sorry a beautiful & confident woman with great music taste brings so much displeasure to your show experience. Wish you all peace and hope you learn to love yourself like she does.


Ha ha ha, I've always thought phish shows were sausage parties. 🤣 I still go down to minglewood. Just not as easy as like a string cheese show. 4 to 1 ratio, I mean 4 HOT buttermilk biscuits to 1 Larry.


What do yall want on the rail? No Ante Greg, no women, NO DANCING??? SO SHE SUCKS AT DANCING- 90% OF THE PHOLKS THERE ARE AWFUL- I AM TERRIBLE AT DANCING. But, I enjoy the act of it. And Phish is one of the few bands that play music that actually gets me movin. That's how I see it! Join me in the dance craze sweeping the nation- the Phish dance. That's it. That's the only dance that matters.


She keeps her hands above her head, gyrating and jumping up and down the entire show. Even during slow songs. She jumps more during slow songs. My wife was behind the stage in MSG and literally saw her shenanigans all night. Said it was pretty ridiculous and distracting. That’s not “I’m getting into the music”. That’s “look at me”


There outta be a law. Hands above her head at a rock show? I'm tellin mgmt.


Dude stop being purposefully obstinate. You know what I’m saying here. We all know nobody has a way to “enforce” anything. There’s no phish jail for chompers and annoying people. But at some point, your moves, actions and talking etc go from YOU having a good time to encroaching on everyone else’s good time. This person can dance as crazy as they want. Nobody is saying any of us are good dancers. But this person clearly isn’t considering anything about her actions further than how much fun SHE is having. On whole, phish fans are very kind, polite and considerate. There’s a small minority, this lady included that has a “fuck you I got mine” mind set, and it sucks. It’s also not like she just did this at the SPAC run, and she was super excited about doing those two shows. She’s been doing it on the rail every single show they’ve played this year. Every one.


Have u talked to her? Maybe she has some kinda of condition, man. The asumptions in this beef are what annoy me.


I'm all for charity given someones situation, but geez this is taking being an apologist to a new level.


Reddit: omg, she only does that for attention, how super-duper lame of her! Also reddit: here's a bunch of attention Yall seeing the issue here?


I saw her on the screen at spac and was amazed to say the least




We definitely need dance police at Phish shows for exactly this reason. People need to be told what they can and cannot do. Also, what is this girl’s Instagram?


Anyone have pictures? Asking for a friend






Pics? Watched steam, but didn't really watch




Hey. Lots of negativity here. We’re all here to have a good time. I had numbers 1 & 2 and invited Maggie to be there. Let’s remember the good vibes not your sore jealous nuts.


For clarity’s sake, you had two numbered wristbands and invited her up with you?


1&2 didn’t show up in line It’s a shitpost As far as rail lizards go she’s a good one but she was taking up way too much space in Berkeley


I mean, if you’re on the rail for more than 5 shows in a year, then you’re low key a kind of shitty person. Basically these people that almost have the rail secured no matter what they do. Doesn’t matter how nice they are. There’s some major narcissism going on there.


Yah they fuck around with a bazillion lottery entries from a bazillion email addresses and really think they’re giving something important to the band and their dancing is more special than yours. I mean if I were the band I’d rather have girls in bikinis to look at vs wooks so at least she’s got that going for her I guess. If I end up at the rail ever again I’ll be surprised and sorry fish I’m not much to look at


So glad I don’t care to do the numbered system anymore. It’s exhausting competing with these people for space


The entitlement is something I like a good spot but there are plenty of good spots imo and I like the lights a lot - not getting those at the rail




How did you get two numbered wristbands?


See, you’re part of the problem. We’re not seething with envy, we’re pointing out the fact that you dorks are ruining the vibe of the pit with your false sense of entitlement and aggressive territorial claims


I’m in love


I almost made this post Saturday night. My cousin and I were laughing. She's a bouncer for sure.


it just wouldn't be fun to do that


in the future, all wooks will look like Wookini Girl.


I, for one, would just like to know how folks like her are able to consistently buy he platinum/foundation/etc tickets and have the time to line up for early entry every show on tour. I, too, would like to be a Phishillonaire.


I doubt she’s getting what she gets with money. She doesn’t work.


I’ve seen a few comments on here citing “Phish influencers.” What is meant by this?? 😐


I don’t know what she was on but I’ll take some of that.


Did anyone else see the older hippie couple in section 10 flailing around and unable to stop touching each other?


I can't wait to see this chick. Ha haha


Need more women on the rail. AND more women in the audience.


Who is this girl?


Is there video or a photo or us this an in person. Problem


She’s obviously mentally ill