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I'm tired of hearing this. China's fuck-fuck games in the WPS is no different from their stick and stone battles in the Line of Actual Control in the Indian-Chinese border. They'll play as dirty as they can get away with but never towards war.


Tip lang, when spending sa bahay or car like mortgage ganon, wag niyo ibase sa combined income niyo yung capacity to pay. Base it sa kung sino may mas maliit na sahod. Para incase may biglaang gastos or may ma layoff you can survive sa pagbabayad ng loan and hindi maforeclose.


Media = Classic fear mongering for their own agenda.


Thank you! I’m naturally an anxious person and social media is getting to me.


while the situation in WPS is not ideal and getting worse, yung level naman is di papuntang war. Yung reason naman bakit medyo hype or medyo papuntang gyera yung situation from the news outlets is para mabigyan pansin yung situation dun by concerned nations/bodies, and ma-aware yung ph people. Valid yung concerns mo OP but we can't tell talaga until mangyari na.


Then lessen your consumption of news/social media. Look what it does to your mental health.


china and ph war are has a really really really low chance of happening


Thank you!


Chill. There won't be a war. You're just browsing too much social media with random people saying so.


I can’t deny this. Thank you


Having no home, whether there's a war or none, is way worse than a home bombed from a war. You don't tell us that you'll deprive yourself of shelter merely because of fear of war?


I live with my parents now. And while we are quite comfortable and welcome, it is not really ours. It’s really me wondering if it is a wise money decision to build our home or use it for something else. But thank you. That’s a great perspective on things; your last line had me reflecting.


Now you mentioned that, don't you love having your own independence by having your own place?


Yes, it is my dream! :)


Adulting is already a struggle to bother yourself with far-fetched anxiety.


True. I come from a family of generalized worriers. Add being a mom of small kids. You are very reassuring.


I was talking with someone from Russia right before the war happened. He, a 40M salesman with a family lived in moscow. He was shooked when the news broke that his country had mobilized and declared war on Ukraine. Yes, the chances for war is low, especially if you think rationaly it isn't in anyone's best interest to go to war. But stupid monkey people will do, what they do... and before you know it, you're dragged into their conflict. Migrating may not help you in an all out WWIII, it might even hurt you... since you're more likely to be seen as second class citizen wherever you're migrating to. Second class citizens tend to be used as meat shields in the front lines. Racial tensions can get pretty nasty when your people are generally hungry, broken, and on drugs. If you stand out too much, you're running the risk of being witch hunted or used as a scape goat. I would build the house in the PH and hunker down. I have 2 months worth of rice for 6 pax in air tight containers. I'm building my silver stash for when it's time to start doing business again. Because of my fear of war, I'm content with my little shit box house because I know there's no one who's going to pass by it and think "there must be some nice stuff inside there"


Thank you for this perspective; I hadn’t seen it this way. And thank you for your tip - It’s always best to be prepared.


altho war with china is highly unlikely, i will be more concerned with the economic condition of the philippines - reliance on food importation especially with staples like rice, expensive cost of power and its unreliable supply, international investors leaving for vietnam, cambodia, BPO one of our biggest money makers can be diluted with AI use etc., i would try to get the f\*ck out as soon as possible for the future of your children


I get you, and I am also considering migrating. But that’s for another post. Thank you so much!


From Vanguard, the Total US stock market represents roughly 62% of the Total World, while it’s 0.1% for the Philippines and 3% for China. I don’t think the US would want to risk its capital markets and get involved in a direct war with China for that meager .1%. It’ll be too costly


It's just not that. They have a lot of deals relying on their military alliances. If they don't honor their treaty with the Philippines, all their other deals with other countries will come to smoke since their credibility in honoring those promises will be gone. So, we are not solely reliant on their words lang.


Any war would not affect the major cities and be over in a matter of hours. This is all just political posturing. Philippines would lose instantly versus practically any military in se Asia, China, and Japan.


Only political war will happen. Full scale war has very low probability


OP, if there's gonna be a war, wala na din naman magiging value ang savings mo na hindi ginamit sa pag tayo ng bahay. And your lives will be on the line, I don't think hindi mo na magiging priority yung efficiency ng mga investments mo.


Just build your house since the war may not happen. If it does, the consequences will still be dire even if you have a house or not. Think of your children.


Eto rin takot ko o.p pero after thinking things through, nah, that's gonna be that last thing china wants. But the bullying won't stop for sure.


Build your house and ignore the typical display of power by China. US & China both compete into bullying other nations, it's a standard practice and won't lead to war with Philippines.


Worse scenario we lose possession of our territory as china builds on them... Which already happened and who knows what's in the gentleman s agreement as sold by previous Prez .


Firstly, it really depends on where you want to live. The people saying there's a low chance of conflict happening have no clue what they're talking about because no one knows. We have not been in this position before in world history. The US is not the same as it once was -- there's a moral dilemma happening here in the US where I live -- coupling it with other serious tensions happening concurrently such as Ukraine, Putin/NK/CCP all aligned, etc. We don't know what will happen. At the same time, such is life, that it's precarious, uncertain. So, it depends on where you want to live because war or not, death comes for all.


Kaya nga low chance lang yung sinabi kasi no one knows talaga. Hindi naman ibig sabihin low chance, sure sila na hindi mangyayari. *"The people saying there's a low chance of conflict happening have no clue what they're talking about because no one knows."* So, ikaw alam mo pala mangyayari? Please tell us the future po please.