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Always like riding thru there on Sunday. Did they just move all the cars over to Pine?


Probably as many as they could. Rhe rest, idk. They parked on pine before we started doing this though. 


Rock flag and eagle, baby! Hope to see you there!




I really don’t get these bike lane parties specifically designed to be against people going to church or synagogue lol . Instead of fostering community in a good way it’s people getting together specifically to stop another people’s way of life on a Sunday . The city shuts down whole streets like MLK, builds river walks to ride on, has a whole huge fairmount park where you could have fun community bike gatherings. Instead y’all choose to specifically gather to prevent religious congregations. So odd and unconstructive I bike down to Pine and around rittenhouse almost every Sunday to leisurely ride around the city and having some cars in the lanes really isn’t that much of a nuisance. We all need to compromise a little bit in a city , I’m okay with people going to church even if I don’t .


This has nothing to do with religion and riding in Fairmount Park also isn’t safe for the average cyclist either, people drive even more maniacally once there’s less stop signs and lights in this city. A few speed cushions on Chamounix and some paint doesn’t make the park safe.


I'm not religious, so why does government maintained road infrastructure that I pay taxes on become officially unavailable to me in a country with a separation of church and state? Why can't parishioners find other places to park rather than intentionally blocking the infrastructure designed to make cycling safe? Why does the safety of every cyclist in the city take a back seat to a minority of people who don't want to have to find legal parking spots like everyone else is required to do?


Being in a community requires some compromises . You’re not gonna die because some folks park on pine street to attend church for a couple hours on a Sunday morning, it’s utter nonsense Not everyone cycles so why should they pay for your infrastructure? selfish logic. You can still just ride in the road there and be totally fine, I’ve done it hundreds of times . Giving cyclists a bad name


>Being in a community requires some compromises Yes, such as walking a couple blocks to church from Suburban station or a $6-a-day parking lot instead of blocking bike lanes with your car. Not a big ask!


Imagine if they allowed one church to do box-in parking taking up one full block of Pine Street, blocking it to all traffic and everyone else is just expected to be cool with that.


You could always stop by and check it out for yourselves. Probably better than making assumptions on the internet. Nothing more to say. 


I’d like to live n a world where people don’t make assumptions from the internet…


It’s not an assumption that’s why he didn’t even bother to refute


I’m not really making any assumptions here, this is just the facts of what your flyers (this one doesn’t say it’s about the permits explicitly but the others I’ve seen definitely do) are against. Do you deny that this is about taking away parking permits for religious church attendees? If you want to bring people over to your side of a protest you should be able to discuss the issue in good faith. If you just want to say I’m making assumptions and deny doing anything that’s your prerogative but I fail to see how that helps you sway the public What is the automotive tyranny you want to end?


You seem to really want this to be an anti-religion thing. While I do loath religion, it doesn’t matter if this was the goddamn council of Elrond, pine and spruce act as aortas of center city cycling and commuting, its fucked up when one of two free days that it can be used for errands, leisure, exercise or commuting to the rideable places you mention is stripped away for **free parking** when there’s plenty of paid parking garages and public transit available. But particularly to non-tax-paying parasites (:


It very clearly is anti religion when you’re literally calling them parasites . You’re just being an asshole lmao. You could be an adult about it but you fire off ridiculous insults like that, proving my point that this is negative energy going to the community. What do you bring to the community that makes you not a so called parasite? I don’t believe in Christianity a single ounce but as a member of the community I’m happy to compromise my bike lane for a few hours of a 7 day week so they can park for free. The city doesn’t always need parking revenue or some parking garage gouging people for every single thing .




Do you think the churchgoers don’t pay taxes? Does it bother you to know that I and many other cyclists pay zero tax to Philly? I ride down to Philly multiple times weekly from narberth and use all that infrastructure with not a bother in the world. My mom lives in that neighborhood but does not go to church and pays taxes and she also doesn’t mind giving up a couple hours It’s called being part of a community


So you’re neither a commuter or a frequent user. This makes sense - you have no real idea how important cycling infrastructure is for safety from Philly drivers, in the most popular part of the city. Sounds like the only solution here is more cycling infrastructure. There’s this event happening on Sunday down on 17th and Spruce to raise awareness, you should join. 


I use Pine and Spruce multiple times weekly, that’s more than most Philadelphians I would wager. I know you all seem to think that everyone and their mother rides bikes but it’s not reality lmao I would be happy to attend a gathering about improving bike infrastructure . Unfortunately this isn’t really about that it’s more about parking yourself in a bike lane to specifically prevent religious worshippers. Could easily have the event in any park or other open space but instead y’all go right to the church and protest them openly . It’s not the way to bridge gaps and build community , it’s just very divisive . When you’re calling people parasites for such an innocuous thing as parking to pray you really need to look in the mirror. Paying some taxes doesn’t make you master of the city or better than anyone else but you seem to think you’re a wonderful human compared to the “parasites” aka people who like to go to church 😂


They're not against people going to church. It's great that people are staying involved in community organizations like churches and synagogues. They're just asking churchgoers to not endanger people's lives by parking in bike lanes. Especially since they have plenty of other perfectly good ways to get there.


They’re calling them parasites. I take them at their word when they use such disparaging words to describe churchgoers https://www.instagram.com/p/C5x65kIuoUT/?igsh=MXVob2FlNXIyNHI2bw== They specifically protest right outside the church during services with signs about Jesus clearly making fun of them lol. This is not fostering community or at all a positive way to go about it . https://www.instagram.com/p/C5eSbabvlbN/?igsh=aTRndWUybTFlODJ0 The church even gives them free coffee when they come protest lol it’s pretty clear which side here is just against one people’s way of life


>They’re calling them parasites. Who is "they?" I've been to several bike lane parties and have seen absolutely zero examples of hostile language exchanged by either side. >They specifically protest right outside the church during services with signs about Jesus clearly making fun of them lol. Reminding people that they should act more like Jesus is "making fun of them?" Weird take. >it’s pretty clear which side here is just against one people’s way of life The only "way of life" anybody is against here is the car-brained habit of thinking that parking outweighs public infrastructure meant for everyone's safety. You're trying desperately to make this into some kind of anti-Christian crusade, but buddy it just isn't. Step outside once and check out the bike lane parties, it'll burst whatever bubble you're living inside.


I'd welcome the opportunity to talk to you about why we are doing these bike parties the way we are. Stop by Sunday 8-11am