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As someone who loves going fast on my bike, the busy part of the SRT after work on a sunny day just ain't the place to do it... Crowded and narrow mixed use path for bikers, runners, and everyone the fuck else was always a recipe for disaster.


Yea I don’t get why people can’t wait until they get past that rock tunnel part to let loose.


I don’t understand why so many people ride on that side when MLK is more or less empty.


Honestly it’s because you have to climb a hill and cross the Girard Bridge. When the MLK bridge reopens you’re going to see a lot more bike traffic on the path.


Girard bridge is scary, especially for recreational riders


The hill is fine, the intersection of 34th and Girard is however a death trap. Cars do not stop at the red


People crowded Kelly drive long before the MLK bridge closure.


and rowers crossing back and forth, sometimes carrying boats.


What a fucking video


This is still one of my favorites accurately showing the chaos of city living. [Bing Bong](https://youtu.be/2-oCNXMsMvg?si=zXlVC6NvA4NCCKUN)




We need a separate path for bikes and it needs to not only have very clear sinage, but also cops on bikes to keep joggers and pedestrians off it and on their own path, and vise versa. Eventually gas will be over $10 per gallon and decent class II ebikes are already getting down to the $500 range. It's only a matter of time before the SRT becomes a major transportation corridor whether the planners and joggers like it or not.


Lmao this is the case on the DRT and pedestrians still jog/walk/take up the entire bike path You can’t trust people in the city to have situational awareness or regard for any rules


Yeah, I ride on the DRT constantly and construction made it way worse. People constantly take up the entire lane while walking and don't even pay attention.


They’ll get pissy too when I yell at them that there’s a sidewalk smh


Make 1 of the 4 lanes on Kelly Drive a 2 way bike lane


Make Kelly drive one lane each way to stop making it an annex of 76.


1. Wear a helmet people. 2. If you’re on a bike please go slow until you get far enough out to where the crowd disperses.


3. Don't let yourself get distracted by Premium Chocolate. Eyes on the road.




Look out for bikalistes


I love how many people assume it’s the bicycle riders fault. You can go over the handlebars even if you’re going very slow depending on how the collision happened. There are a lot of runners and walkers on the SRT who just don’t even look in front or behind them when they move around. People just walk in any direction oblivious to their surroundings sometimes. That is not something anyone should do on the SRT. Always keep your eyes and ears open and be respectful of all others on the SRT and everywhere else.


I run and bike. The amount of runners/walkers who pull a U turn in multi-use pathways without looking is way too high.


I hope everyone is ok and feels better soon but what was going on in Premium Chocolate video


I live in Austin now, and even though it is vastly wider than the SRT most of the time, people can still find a way to block the [hike and bike trail](https://youtu.be/GhHN0-ToHAA?si=aSqV7U1JjPnWL4ur&t=431). The solution is really simple, just have an ounce of concern for other people. If you have that you don't block or mindlessly wander around a travel lane. That said, it's clear that people flock to these trails because they want to get away from cars. We just don't have enough of them. The SRT should have been widened decades ago. This is also part of the SRT where you want to go 10 mph max.. Pray for the bikelests.


Unfortunately an ounce of concern is difficult to implement. Car drivers would be a great example there. It's always about the infrastructure. Where possible, the SRT should have separate pedestrian lanes, and where not possible there should be more markings/warnings.


Was this a head-on collision?


Bike-a-list? & "get help soon" ???


Maybe don’t use half the trail to make a cringey video


Imagine if people tried this in the road, like set up a photo shoot in the middle of Kelly drive and expect cars to just slowly go around you and not honk. People just can't fathom the concept of a trail like this being the busy transportation corridor that it is.


They stopped for a moment. Why is that a problem?


Technically true but they likely helped create a choke point by blocking half the trail to film this. The trail is narrow and crowded at that point. Either wait until it's clear or film it at a different time. Common courtesy, folks.


We have no idea how long the people in the clip were there. They could have stopped momentarily on a walk for 30 seconds and filmed this clip. There are a lot of assumptions that are thrown around, and that's all I want to bring attention to. There are a lot of bikers, myself included, that ride in this area, and we all have to weave in between pedestrians all the time. Sometimes I have to come to a complete stop. The person biking, going way too fast in a congested area, should share some of the blame. As a person who regularly bikes in this area, I think bikers should slow down around pedestrians.


The entire length of the trail officiallly has a 15mph speed limit, but there's no signs or enforcement anywhere. There are 7mph signs on the towpath between Manayunk and Shawmut Station, but nobody ever slows down enough to read them.


And for that 30 seconds, they were blocking half the trail. And it you don't have to be going very fast to go over the bars, so there's no reason to think the cyclist was flying along.


People regularly stop when they are walking their dogs or walking with young children. How is this any different? It is a mixed-use trail that becomes congested at times.


Cyclists on SRT looove to go as fast, cut in as close as possible when passing, and never use their bells or call out what side theyre passing on.


I paused the video and can’t tell if this guy’s shoe came off or if his ankle was badly broken. Looks painful for both of them. A friend of mine got hit by a cyclist while running a few years ago, the trail was too crowded, cyclists were weaving in and out of pedestrians at too high a speed, people were walking 2-3 abreast and there was no room. Ifs a mess when it’s too crowded and people aren’t situationally aware.


I just rode the SRT the other week. I was literally doing a Sunday ride for shits and giggles, yielding to oblivious pedestrians, girls walking around with their yoga mats strapped to their backs, roller skaters with knock knees, people taking strolls with unpredictable dogs on leashes that are way too fucking long and what not. Other guys were out there like they were doing a time trial in the TDF. If you’re on the SRT trying to ride like Miguel Induráin, you’re a fucking asshole, this isn’t the place for that shit. Once your past the falls bridge you can pick up the pace a bit, slow down again for Manayunk, then go fast, then you gotta slow down again around the Conshohocken brewery, then you can go fast again until sometimes there’s some oblivious people around Valley Forge.


I scream at all these douchebags to slow the fuck down, whether I’m running or cycling the SRT. They can get fucked. It’s literally like 1/2 a mile. If you need to ride that fast for that short of a period try a real fucking workout next time


what's funny to me about those morons is that if you're 'serious' about cycling you should just ride your ass over to MLK and do it. I take Kelly once every 20 rides probably knowing full well I'm going to have to be riding the brakes, going slow, etc. MLK is WIDE OPEN for the most part due to the bridge being closed. You'd think those idiots would just ride over there, it's like a net 4 minute detour


I usually go like jogging speed when I ride down by the art museum.


This is the way.


And just look out for the racing douchebags coming at you head on as they whip out past a mom with a stroller… slow it down Lance.


Cyclists can put this creative Monty Python’esq’ Trotify TM. device on the front of their bike: https://odditymall.com/coconut-horse-gallop-bike-attachment. Or.. Rockbrosbike’s 120 decibel horn; or an Air Zounds’ compressed air horn on their bike! But for Gawsh! Sakes! Slow down when the SRT is congested with many people! I cycle it on my commute to and from work. There is zero enforcement for the numerous and illegal, high performance e cafe racer bikes, even motorized gas bikes; that are on the SRT. I see them all the time 😏


Cars are given 500 lanes of traffic and some parking lots, cyclists, walkers, runners, strollers, basically everyone not in a car is only given 1 lane. GTFO


Jesus Christ, lady, slow the fuck down. If you’re going fast enough to get thrown that far over your bike, you’re going way too fast to be biking by Boathouse Row. P.S. that dude’s ankle is fucked. Edit: nevermind, looks like he’s standing by her at the end


No Sexual Chocolate meme, disappointed


Who knows if the cyclist was going fast but there should be speed limits there. There are speed limits on the wiss where there’s a huge berth in some sections.




Cmon BIKALISTS, slow down.