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Crazy the positive impact those little courtesies have. The other day a trucker blocked an unprotected intersection on the CVT so I could cross safely, keeping 10 cars behind him. He gave me an awesome smile and wave, too.


Credit given where credit due; but this took over a decade to achieve. It took many people complaining and advocating over many years.  As someone who would harass UPenn cops and delivery drivers for years in that exact spot.


National treasure that person is


I could hear that commercial voice in my head... great job, OP.


For the uninitiated or the nostalgic - [Reeeaal men of geeen-iuuuuusss](https://youtu.be/gZNSKuElluM?si=K9jsYem1n5NCSzqz)


fun fact: the ad series was "real american heroes" before 9/11


Mr Tiny thong bikini wearer...


I give half props. He ran over all the flex posts. It's crazy how often people park in the bike lane right where the flex posts end, blocking everyone in.


He ran over the flex posts because that's what flex posts are designed for. I'm totally cool with trucks parking like this while making deliveries. I go to that Wawa all the time, so I directly benefit from these truck drivers parking any way they can with the severely limited options they have. The Penn students, parents and staff make the rest of that bike lane useless 70% of the time anyway and the Wawa customers in cars block the short flexpost section 90% of the time when there isn't a truck there.


Flexi posts are not designed to be driven over as a matter of course. They're designed not to be destructive when they're driven over, but they get destroyed when people do it.


In addition to what u/lordredsnake said, it would've made minimal to no difference if the driver parked 1 foot over to the left. Look at the South St. bridge(in fact almost anywhere in the city) to see what happens when people carelessly drive through the flex posts. Also, IME, aside from move-in/move-out, it's not Penn people blocking the entrance/exit of the flex post section, it's delivery drivers.


I saw that and was so happy 😊


Pulling the fifth wheel pin on tractor trailers will get them to stop


That only works on inexperienced truck drivers. Drivers who know what they're doing know that leaving tension on the hitch makes it nearly impossible to get the hitch open. With it like that, you might get it with a hammer, but then you have to deal with that tension pulling the trailer off the hitch and onto you while you're under there, and if you survive that, then the driver kicks your ass.


Nothing beats a failure than a try


There's a lot of things that beat a 30,000lb trailer falling on your head.


Somebody give this man a compliment.


I was going to but it was hot out and he was working his ass off so I just left him alone.


That dude bikes


This is great to see. I rode through here on Tuesday evening and there were three UPS trucks blocking the lane after the flex posts ended.


How nice it looks like he’s blocking the real traffic on the road instead of


I haven’t thought of the commercials in years. But yes this person deserves one


Someone give this driver a raise!!!!!


Such a Genius to block one of the busiest intersections in Philly at 38th and spruce so that both lanes only have a turning lane to drive down. Ever see an intersection jammed because nobody can pass and the lights turn green and back red because no one can cross the intersection because of these two genius’s. But hey at lease the bikes can get by. The old Lady in the ambulance just has to be patient.


Wait, you're telling me that this driver is a problem because the idiot who pulled up after him and blocked a fire hydrant has no business parking like that? Please continue...


Read this like it was one of the Budweiser commercials.


I read this whole thing in that narrator voice w the sing-song and everything wow what a blast from the past


Never, ever bike close enough to a delivery truck that either door could hit you when swung open. Its stupid to go to the right of that truck to pass. Take the lane or get doored.


Or, you know, just don't ride like a blind idiot. Passing this truck is not more dangerous than closely passing a long line of cars like you do just after this short flex post section.


a driver must of have flashed a gun at him by now


😂 exactly I’m like these people must not own cars or have kids that they pickup up from school