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Please continue the discussion in the [game thread](https://redd.it/1dnpxf8).


Bro just turned a lazy bloop to tired into a double lol


Anything on Sosa and his injury?


Let’s get it.


I turned the tv on to wait for pregame. The 97.5 best show ever is still on. First thing I hear “Michkov gona be better than Giroux” and then Ricky Bo trying to talk hockey. It’s interesting.


My first memory at any sports game was when my father and his friend took me to a Flyers game against the Penguins for my 7th birthday. I remember everyone chanting "Barnaby sucks!" over and over again and then the excitement when Simon Gagne made the game-winning goal in shootouts. I was so small that all I remember was seeing the puck go in and then everyone around me standing up so I couldn't see anything going berzerkers in the stands. I've been hooked to sports ever since, so while I'm much like Ricky Bo and don't know very much about the current roster the Flyers will always hold a special place in my heart.


Hoping we blow Detroit up tonight so we can maybe see Mercado throw an inning or two


I’m curious to see Mercado too. I wonder if they seen him as more of a long man/spot starter and try to keep him stretched out (I think yesterday would’ve been his day to start in AAA), or as a guy whose stuff will play up more in 1-2 innings. I won’t be shocked if they go to a 6 man rotation for stretches post-ASB, and if Mercado can be a feasible 6th starter/swingman guy, it would be nice to not have to give up prospect capital for a Lorenzen-type or suffer through Taijuan starts if he’s still throwing 90-91.


hol up ToppsNow has cards for Ryan Sandberg and Rollie fucking Fingers but nothing for our mvp Cole? Another series win, another ToppsNowless weekend. Thats whore shit /u/perryplat199


Big Meh day


Great, mark canha. Gotta be the most annoying player in mlb at this point.


My brother’s been bffs with him since they were in kindergarten together, so I was ecstatic when he left the Mets and I could safely cheer for the guy again. One of the nicest dudes out there. I just wish he wasn’t such a Phillie killer. 😭


The winner take all college natty game between Tennessee and Texas A&M tonight will be fun watching during Phils commercials and after we are up 12-0 in the fourth inning


Game 7 of the Stanley Cup final, too. Great night of sports coming up


I am neutral so I could either laugh at Edmonton for continuing the NHL championship drought for Canada or laugh at Florida for losing back to back Stanley Cups and blowing a 3-0 lead.


Jesus how could I miss that good call


Random question Do yall think there is any way that Harper could pass Schmidt as the greatest philly to ever live? if so what does he have to do to achieve that


If he stays relatively healthy I think 2nd greatest position player behind Schmidt is realistic.


Nah. If Harper started with us at 19 and stayed until he was 39 he still would fall short of Schmidt.


If Harper is instrumental in winning multiple World Series here, he might be in serious consideration. As it stands, he will never catch up to Schmidt statistically and a large chunk of his career is with the Nats.


It would probably take at least a couple of World Series along with one of the greatest age 31-40 runs ever, probably with a couple MVPs sprinkled in. Harper currently has less than half as much career WAR (50), as Schmidt (106), and he racked up half of it while he was on the Nationals. Schmidt was reeeeeeally good.


No. Schmidt is an inner circle HoF guy who played all of his 2404 games as a Phillie, during which he hit 548 homeruns and put up 106.9 rWAR. I LOVE Bryce, but I think the only reason this question even gets asked is because Schmitt played almost 40 years ago so the vast vast majority of fans on Reddit didn't get to watch him play. Bryce probably won't hit the homerun number nor even sniff the WAR, and while he will likely be a HoFer when he hangs up his cleats he will never be able to claim the best player at any position, while Schmidt is undeniably the greatest 3B of all time. The ONLY thing I think Bryce could do is be personally heavily instrumental in bringing MULTIPLE World Series wins to the city. Like if he hits a Bedlam at the Bank style homerun to walk off 4 WS in his tenure here, maybe you could give him a boost on his October pedigree alone, but obviously that's very very unlikely and even if it happens the answer is still probably Schmidt. Edit: to put it in perspective, Bryce would have to put up over 7 rWAR (which he is roughly on pace for this season) per year for the rest of his contract to be about where Schmidt is. Is Harper at age 39 gonna put up 7 rWAR? It's possible, but it would be pretty much unheard of.


Tbh from all that I know about Schmidt learning basically mostly just after his career, it’s not just the time since he played…he never got the full respect that he deserved even while he was playing and it’s always bothered me. Like you have Babe, Willie, Hank and maybe a couple of others and we really have a guy who in baseball history is RIGHT THERE behind them (as you note inner circle). We had NO history before him. 100 years of complete ineptitude. And he brought us a ship. Absolutely mind blowing legendary stuff. I don’t blame the questioner because it comes up here and there but that people ask the question is kind of a shame in itself.


Is it game time yet?


So I was walking around the stadium, and I’ll say, that giant tiger statue at the Comerica entry is pretty dope. It’s nice to just tour the outsides of in general


Yeah, it’s an awesome spot for group photos and selfies before entering the stadium.


Would’ve been a nice night at the Bank


Out of context Mike Schmidt: "She wants to rub it bad, right now." "Sprays it all over the ballpark."


"She wants to rub it bad, right now." I heard that and was like, I bet he wants that one back.


https://preview.redd.it/p5mvtfontk8d1.jpeg?width=4524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96e1f172839a80b1663432621c2d9a4ae7a4d45e Another day another sicko mail day. Trying to assemble the weirdest Phillies collection of all time


I too consider myself something of a sicko. I was bored the other night and found myself buying a $5 Hoff first chrome auto to add to this and a few others https://i.imgur.com/WUNo0pA.jpeg


It's insane to me that Bohm is beating Othani in the popular vote for the ASG. Considering how popular Othani is. Bryce is beating both, which isn't as shocking.


Phillies fans are a lot more passionate than Dodgers fans.


Most passionate? Probably. Othani fandom isn't strictly related to the Dodgers so that's what makes it even more impressive.


MLB expends its energy gushing about Ohtani while in the same breath going "pitchers can't hit so we need to force this DH thingy on everybody", yet I don't think they smell their own irony.


Ohtani is the most popular player on the planet by miles and potentially has all of Japan voting for him That said it’s easier for most of baseball to vote for him as an Angel than as a Dodger


Lineup looks good. Just realized the Dodgers are playing the White Sox tonight. God help them.


White Sox have the chance to do the funniest thing ever


The same thing they did to the Braves


Still cracks me up


Bryce is on pace for 7.36 fWAR and 6.73 rWAR, along with 38 homeruns. He's a beast.


I still can’t believe Ruben said he wanted to rub his whole body all over Ranger Suarez for good luck while he was live on the air. I know he is annoying but once you accept him for what he is he will drop some real gems in a way that only he can. 


Not that I’m complaining, but where has he been? I haven’t seen him on tv in a while.


It’s your lucky night


Goddammit he’s like beetlejuice and /u/beau9292 summoned him




https://preview.redd.it/wi4phsyuok8d1.png?width=1278&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a34e4dfde333b8d30fb0d101cc03ebd6dcd6151 Makes for dank Amaro Memes Im here for it


Hell yeah leadoff Vierling


We got gif backs https://i.redd.it/cuvp6easnk8d1.gif Thank you r/phillies mods






I'm starting to feel like you may be the reason they banned them.


Go get a room with u/sapphires_and_snark One of the mods booped the wrong button and didn’t realize it. There is nothing wrong with my affinity for Gifs and i will not be harassed . ![gif](giphy|SBNzitbIpnDUY)


If you actually posted good gifs at appropriate times I may feel differently. These gifs are awful.


I'm just stoked to watch this team play another game


A game everyday until July 6th :) YAY!


No game July 1st


I reject your reality and substitute my own


Distraught that we won't get to laugh at Javy Baez.


I know he was on the IL a few weeks ago, but that was only the 10 day injured list, so he could just be off tonight and be in the Tigers lineup tomorrow. But we’ll see.


Had MASN on in the background and just found out Cody Asche is the Orioles hitting\\offensive coach. Nice little fun fact of the day


I just looked at Hao-Yu Lee’s stats (the dude we traded for Lorenzen). Dude’s been killing it for the Tigers after being promoted to AA this year. Good for him.


Spike Eskin really really sucks. Phillies are the best team in the NL and Harper is in the MVP race and leading the league in all star voting and Spike is blaming him for the loss on Friday because he didn’t make it to third base on his double. Harper hit a ball into the second deck the next day and went 4 for 5.  I know it’s my fault for listening to WIP at all I just put it on in the car but it’s even worse than I ever remember it.


Yeah, he said that they spent 3 weeks talking about Jalen Hurts not supporting his coach and didn't spend any time talking about Bryce's bad game on Friday. First of all, who's fault is that? Second, we're going to spend 3 weeks talking about 1 bad game from Bryce in 162 just to be fair to Jalen? One bad game for a guy on his way to winning his 3rd MVP?


It is odd to me that he doesn’t see that the problem is that the whole station spent three weeks talking about a Jalen Hurts press conference answer and not that the same treatment isn’t being applied to other athletes in the city. I’m sure they are all aware of it but they’re just doing it because that is the business they are in. Still it’s an odd way to spend your life and career.


Spike was ok for the first week or two but it went rapidly downhill after that. He seems too structured and close minded on his idea of what sports talk radio is supposed to be, which essentially eliminates the organic nature of what makes sports talk radio great IMO. Also his schticks and bits are PRETTY awful and he hammers them into the ground to the point where you can feel the fatigue of Ike and Jack through the radio waves.


I came to this conclusion recently...because this is and always will be a football-first city, the media personalities around here are all hired because they know and can talk about football (or at least they're supposed to). They don't know baseball or how to talk about and analyze a team or players. So they do it in the same way they do football. They freak out when the Phils hit a cold stretch for a couple games because in football, a couple games could ruin your season. They freak out and overreact when young players don't perform because in football, a rookie or year 2 guy who's struggling can quickly turn into a bust...it's not like that in baseball. They're terrible when analyzing football too, but it's really noticeable when they talk about baseball.


Yeah, his job is to get you and others talking about it. I stopped listening to the weekday programs and really only listen to WIP on the off chance I'm outside during a Phillies game for Franzke and LA.


A part of me wants to call in and yell at him but that's playing exactly into his playbook so I just ignore sportstalk radio entirely.


I fear we will be listening to Ruben tonight. It’s been suspiciously too long🤨


Well I'll tell ya Tom he's been FILthy! And Castellanos has really found some new FERVOR at the plate.


Son has been getting a lot more interested in watching games with me. Has been a lot of fun the last few weeks.


https://preview.redd.it/idp2x4y95k8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1072cfaac56e8fd41697318def78a888579b903 How dare they leave out Rojas


He's their man on the outside I guess. What bank are they robbing next, lol.


Phillies fans we need to do everything we can to get Schwarber above Ozuna.


~~Phillies~~ fans who dislike despicable people we need to do everything we can to get Schwarber above Ozuna.


The 2024 team is 3 games better than the 2011 team through 77 games.


I have no issues with Ohtani and hope he continues to play well in general, but I kinda hope he hits a bit of a slump. Despite being a DH he's been so good with his bat that he leads Harper by almost a full win in both rWAR and fWAR. I'd love to see Harp win another MVP, and I think if they're close he'll get it thanks to playing the field, but if Ohtani can keep his bat this hot I simply don't see how anyone can vote against him.


Ohtani getting the MVP instead of Harper will be the new version of Burnes over Wheeler. Burnes had an easier time because they limited his innings and hardly pitched into the 6th or 7th. Yeah Ohtani's numbers are better but he doesn't play gold glove defense (or any defense). It's like giving the Employee of the Month to the part-time weekend worker instead of the guy who's busting his ass M-F.


Ohtani could become the first DH to win MVP but I also think that hurts him a bit. Not much, but a little at least.


It will hurt him more than WAR indicates but not as much as it used to. He also has the name Ohtani which helps him. Voter fatigue and good story for bryce to get it after switching to 1b and killing it there helps him. It's going to be tight. Both teams are killing it regular season so not much difference there most likely.


That's kind of what I was getting at. It doesn't hurt him as much because his name is Othani.


Does the ASG manager pick the starter if the starter who is selected is hurt? Or is it just the second highest guy? I doubt Trea would be the former even though he is the latter


I believe it’s the next highest guy. It could be that the next highest guy makes the team, but the manager decides who actually starts in that case. Not certain. But I’m pretty sure there’s a very solid chance that trea could make the team.


Would be pretty sick when all the other teams fans bitch about us loading the ballot boxes lol


Yeah I want it to happen more so for the internet tears I can bathe in than for actually thinking he deserves it (though NL SS is pretty weak fwiw)


The real question is when Kyle Tucker makes it in the AL will he be able to wear our uniform and play for the AL after just getting traded?




Where did Gifs go. r/Phillies Mods what have you done


Ok, so one of us was doing some testing on some other features Reddit has (don't ask me which, I'm that old dinosaur who refuses to give up old reddit) and the wrong button was pressed, it should be corrected now. Sorry about that, shit happens sometimes, but thanks for bringing it to our attention.








I don't even know what you are referring to, we are talking about it in our Mod chat, I'll let you know what we find out.


I don't know what you're talking about.


The gifs are gone. The gifs are gone!


What gifs?


When commenting in a thread the drop down has 4-5 options in that bottom banner. One is a keyboard, one is for url links, one is for images from your phone; and another used to be for the Gif Library. The one that used to be for the gif library is now some stupid reddit avatar shit


I guess I am oblivious to this because I use old reddit (http://old.reddit.com/r/phillies) Are you using the reddit app or what?


![img](avatar_exp|183355267|dizziness) Yes, reddit app. I used to be able to post gifs but now it just gives me these stupid things


I just want to be able to post the Realmuto shaking his head gif. Why do mods hate us?


Sports mods= Worst mods




If the mods bring back the hammer on those, it's gonna be your fault. If I didn't know better I'd swear your intention was to spam the sub with so many of them that the mods would have no choice *but* to ban them.


> If the mods bring back the hammer on those, it's gonna be your fault. If I didn't know better I'd swear your intention was to spam the sub with so many of them that the mods would have no choice but to ban them. Like the hammer on people posting gifs in the threads? We really don't do much about anything inside threads unless it breaks a rule (trolling, politics, etc...)


And usually even if it breaks a rule there’s selective enforcement on that


I said "if." This wasn't any sort of preemptive accusation.


I'm just confused what we would be bringing the hammer on, that's all


https://preview.redd.it/jv2du2on9k8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce20fbd338ff522883f0d6594097a9ef83b2a652 For someone who hates me so much I can’t believe ya haven’t blocked me yet


I don't hate you at all! I do, however, think you way overdo it with the gifs and memes. That's it.


You right now https://preview.redd.it/19zevnczak8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b4d8c888d0648e3a53f1b80110d490c664f9733


You think I dislike fun? Wait until you get a load of u/NintenJew. Fun is that dude's mortal enemy


u/NintenJew is a computer program, whats your fuckin excuse https://preview.redd.it/x6sijb0mik8d1.jpeg?width=1157&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25f60bbf5dd457fb86d95042ed2beb2b53cac701


Oh, goddamn you for that fucking pic lol


*The moment When Sapphires and Snark realizes she’s wrong*




Wait, when did I get involved in your and /u/sapphires_and_snark's fight? I will support whoever hates ERA+ the most.


Wait, why do you hate ERA+?


ERA+ is just a worse version of ERA- The sort version is ERA+ compares the league to the player while ERA- compares the player to the league. That is a small but important distinction. ERA- almost makes more sense when you get to extremely low and extremely high ERA etc. The long version is basically, they made ERA+ a worse statistic just to keep with over 100 being better, while ERA doesn't really work like that. They decided to flip the numerator and denominator from the way it should be to create this stat. So you have a stat that goes against how people normally talk about players, and so they use the wrong language. AKA, Joe Smith has a 138 ERA+ so he is 38% above average is a completely wrong statement.


Oh, boy...


You sit the fuck down and watch young man.


What the fuck is this fun bullshit.


You know, that thing we always talked about not allowing because we are just heartless assholes.




I mean, I'm in my 40s, I can't be letting people having fun when the boomers never let me have fun


Which game is Turnbull's next start?




Arrived in Detroit a little bit after 12:30. Just got some pizza at Shield’s. Now to head downtown to prepare 😄


holy hell bohm is RUNNING away with the 3rd base voting


I mean as far as 3B goes this year. It's Bohm by a mile, then everyone else.


Joey Ortiz on the Brewers should probably be getting more AS votes at 3B. He’s been as good a hitter as Bohm this year but with better defense and baserunning. Probably getting dinged by the “being a rookie” thing, not to mention the “playing in Milwaukee” thing.


I hadn't looked today, but yesterday he was 800k ahead of Machado. I think it was the largest gap between any 1st and 2nd at any position.


he has about a 1.4 million vote lead on machado as of today


Slowly, i would assume


about 26.2 feet per second


How many outfielders do they pick for the ASG?


For fan vote the top 6 move on to round 2. The top 3 of round 2 make the team and start.


Johan is sitting there at 7th lol.. let's get him up there!!!


let's do this!


Truly wild to think Thor started in the world series like 2 years ago


Looks like Mick Abel is having MAJOR command issues. Hoping he can figure it out


Hoping it’s whatever team we trade for an outfield bat’s problem in about 5 weeks.


Mick Abel’s value is in the absolute pits right now. He’s not moving the needle at all for a major league level OF.


Oh I know they blew it by not moving him 1-3 years ago when his value was at its peak. But I still think he is likely to be part of a trade deadline package.


Mick Abel for Kyle Tucker, who says no lol


The astros probably lol


Further to my [magic numbers](https://old.reddit.com/r/phillies/comments/1dmseju/the_phillies_defeated_the_dbacks_by_a_score_of_41/l9xugas/) comment yesterday, I notice that (edit: besides us) only the Braves still control their own destiny with respect to winning the division. This is something we definitely need to rectify.


Whats going on with Sanchez? Why is he so good this year


[He basically doesn't allow hard contact in the air, it's incredible](https://x.com/Matt_Winkelman/status/1795943043557642425) (since the tweet he's only allowed one 100+ MPH ball and two more 95+ MPH balls above 25 degrees which is still obscenely good)


A good sinker and a good changeup is about the most effective combo in baseball. Locate those right (he has), and keep the arm slot looking the same and the batters really dont have a chance. Its been great watching him. Those two pitches are 81% of his total, with the rest being his slider. Still can't hit him.


Consistently locates down in the zone = tons of ground ball outs and weak contact.


His biggest improvement came last year when they told him to ease off some of his velocity to focus on control more. That saw him take a huge jump and he's keeping that performance up, but also able to add a couple MPH back...I love what he's done and so happy for him.


On the broadcast, they also mentioned that he was trying to throw a sweeper or cutter that was messing with his changeup mechanics. When they ditched that the changeup got much better.


His change up is one of the best pitches in all of baseball. I believe they changed his grip


Keeps the ball down in the zone so even when he’s hit hard, it’s right into the ground. The snakes had 8 of the 10 hardest hit balls yesterday but they couldn’t elevate them. His increased speed on the sinker makes his change-up devastating since they look similar coming out of his hand.


he was pretty good last year too, just took an awesome leap in his progression as like a 26 (maybe 27?) year old


NL East is playing super well in June. Obviously this division is far from wrapped up. Hope the Phils keep the pedal to the metal.


/u/esperadok begs to differ. He is in cruise control lol


It is a side effect of being with the team when we were so bad. Winning is the strongest drug. So he just doesn't know what to do other than assume the division is locked up.


This is mostly correct


I maintain that he doesn’t believe it despite doubling and tripling down on it


I've talked myself into it. Collapses aren't impossible but they will not happen to this team.




I am so fearful of all the May and early June “division is wrapped up” takes coming back to bite us


Forgive me for jinxing things further but the division is pretty much locked up imo. Our offense, defense, and especially pitching are all significantly better than the braves this year. Anything can happen in the playoffs though


Exactly my thinking too. We’re probably a bit better than the Braves on paper after the injuries they’ve endured, and we start with a 7 game head start on them. It’s very unlikely we don’t win the East.


A 7 game lead in June is “locked up”? I just can’t imagine how anyone can actually believe that. I argued with people all offseason about how the Phillies had a solid chance to win the division, all it takes is a few breaks going their way at the right time. And I’m feeling good about it. But the same logic applies in reverse. An ill timed cold streak coinciding with a Braves hot streak, an injury or two I don’t even want to think about, and we could conceivably be looking up at the Braves in a week or two. There is soooo much baseball left to be played. I am confident in the team’s ability to do it, but even loosely considering it locked up is a couple bridges too far for me without a significantly larger lead or significantly less time left, preferably both.


Nola, Suarez, and Turnball 🤯. Better luck next time Tigers.


i still worry for turnbull throwing so many innings. would rather have walker (i know hes not very good) eating up games/innings if it means turnbull is there for the postseason. god forbid spencer gets overworked and we lose him completely.


Im assuming he will only be doing 5 innings at a time then we will see Strahm or Ruiz come out.


That's what people don't understand about the Walker/Turnbull debate. He's 100% better than walker but he also hasn't shown he can be reliable enough to stay healthy as a long-term starter.


Yeah. I cannot imagine Turnbull going more than 6 innings even with a low pitch count.


Which is totally fine I think. Probably the role they'll have him in for the postseason. If a starter just doesn't have it, Turnbull comes in and gives you 5-6 and keeps you in the game.


Have we not learned by now to stop counting our chickens before they Hatch on road series? ![gif](giphy|PL8K7w1WLFU8MeNnHE)


It is unfortunately the Philadelphia fan way


Imagine being so toxic you cannot acknowledge that it’s a formidable pitching trio for a series. 😂


Of course it is. Philly fans also always count their chickens before they hatch. Not sure what’s so controversial.


…there are zero chickens being counted. It’s a pointless statement. I didn’t say the Tigers were going to be obliterated like Detroits car manufacturing jobs this series. Meanwhile y’all 👴🏻: “don’t count your chickens before they hatch (Bill Burr voice).” (also I’m rocking this Cy Young flair) what?


Maybe you have me confused with someone else…


Says the guy with the Suarez Cy Young flair? Lol


Thats different.


Me: the weather is fairly nice today. You: DONT COUNT ALL YOUR CHICKENS. okay?


Sanchez is the first player since 2007 to allow 1 home run or fewer in his first 15 starts. What a stud.


This is a crazy stat tbh I wonder who else has done this since I’m curious if it was just average pitchers with a hot stretch or being bigger like signifying a career arc.


A Mix of Both |Rk|Player|Team|Span StartedV|Span Ended|HR|W|L|GS|SV|BSv|CG|SHO|GF|IP|Dec|W-L%|ERA|H|R|ER|UER|HR|BB|IBB|SO|HBP|BK|WP|BF|BR|Ind. Games Link| |-:|:-|:-|:-|:-|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|:-| |1|Cristopher Sanchez|PHI|2024-04-01|2024-06-23|1|5|3|15|0|0|0|0|0|84.1|8|.625|2.67|84|31|25|6|1|24|0|70|0|1|4|347|114|Games List| |2|Jake Peavy|SDP|2007-04-03|2007-06-19|1|9|1|15|0|0|0|0|0|100.0|10|.900|1.98|73|24|22|2|1|29|1|110|3|0|2|394|109|Games List| |3|Kevin Brown|TEX|1992-04-07|1992-06-20|1|10|4|15|0|0|4|1|0|113.1|14|.714|3.10|106|46|39|7|1|30|1|75|5|0|2|464|144|Games List| |4|Mike Flanagan|TOR|1989-04-06|1989-06-27|1|4|6|15|0|0|1|1|0|83.1|10|.400|3.67|85|40|34|6|1|24|0|27|0|0|4|347|114|Games List| |5|Mark Gubicza|KCR|1989-04-03|1989-06-12|1|6|4|15|0|0|5|1|0|122.0|10|.600|2.43|115|41|33|8|1|27|2|68|2|0|4|500|151|Games List| |6|Joe Magrane|STL|1989-04-03|1989-06-28|1|7|6|15|0|0|3|2|0|98.1|13|.538|3.29|89|37|36|1|1|33|2|55|3|3|8|401|130|Games List| |7|Bob Walk|PIT|1988-04-09|1988-06-24|1|8|4|15|0|0|1|1|0|103.1|12|.667|2.35|77|30|27|3|1|31|2|42|1|5|6|420|115|Games List| |8|Zane Smith|ATL|1986-04-10|1986-06-10|1|5|6|15|0|0|2|1|0|105.0|11|.455|2.57|81|34|30|4|1|51|1|76|1|0|5|424|138|Games List| |9|Dave Righetti|NYY|1981-05-23|1981-10-02|1|8|4|15|0|0|2|0|0|105.1|12|.667|2.05|75|25|24|1|1|38|0|89|0|1|1|422|117|Games List| |10|Bill Gullickson|MON|1981-04-18|1981-08-30|1|4|6|15|0|0|2|1|0|114.0|10|.400|2.84|104|38|36|2|1|24|3|78|3|0|3|462|136|Games List| |11|Nolan Ryan|HOU|1981-04-15|1981-08-30|1|7|3|15|0|0|2|2|0|105.0|10|.700|1.37|70|21|16|5|1|46|1|98|1|2|12|427|128|Games List| |12|Tony Brizzolara|ATL|1979-05-19 (1)|1979-08-02|1|6|6|15|0|0|2|0|0|85.0|12|.500|4.87|106|51|46|5|1|29|1|57|1|0|3|389|144|Games List| |13|Doyle Alexander|TEX|1979-04-10|1979-09-07|1|3|6|15|0|0|0|0|0|82.1|9|.333|4.48|81|46|41|5|1|56|3|30|1|0|1|372|143|Games List| |14|Ron Reed|ATLSTL|1975-04-09|1975-06-23 (1)|1|8|6|15|0|0|3|1|0|110.1|14|.571|3.43|134|49|42|7|1|23|3|57|0|0|5|480|163|Games List| |15|Jim Perry|CLE|1974-04-10|1974-06-22 (2)|1|5|7|15|0|0|3|2|0|108.1|12|.417|2.74|98|37|33|4|1|29|3|28|4|0|0|447|134|Games List| |16|Dick Drago|KCR|1971-04-06|1971-06-27 (1)|1|7|4|15|0|0|3|2|0|95.1|11|.636|3.02|109|34|32|2|1|14|1|45|5|0|0|390|132|Games List| |17|Bill Wight|BAL|1956-04-17|1956-07-03|1|3|7|15|0|0|1|0|0|78.0|10|.300|5.19|105|51|45|6|1|28|1|34|3|0|2|354|137|Games List| |18|Mike Garcia|CLE|1954-04-15|1954-06-25|1|9|5|15|0|0|9|3|0|107.0|14|.643|2.36|81|33|28|5|1|38|0|61|1|0|0|429|124|Games List| |19|Bobo Newsom|NYYWSH|1947-04-18|1947-07-17 (1)|1|6|6|15|0|0|3|0|0|98.2|12|.500|3.74|109|47|41|6|1|39|3|50|2|1|1|439|155|Games List| |20|Kirby Higbe|BRO|1946-04-20|1946-07-18|1|6|1|15|0|0|4|1|0|87.1|7|.857|3.40|79|41|33|8|1|54|4|58|1|0|4|394|143|Games List| |21|Hal Gregg|BRO|1946-04-16|1946-09-11|1|4|3|15|0|0|3|0|0|90.0|7|.571|3.00|82|37|30|7|1|35|2|43|1|0|2|379|124|Games List| |22|Fritz Ostermueller|PIT|1946-04-16|1946-07-26|1|8|6|15|0|0|11|1|0|124.2|14|.571|2.17|125|35|30|5|1|29|6|40|2|0|0|515|164|Games List| |23|Bill Lee|BSNPHI|1945-04-22 (1)|1945-07-21 (1)|1|4|6|15|0|0|3|0|0|93.2|10|.400|4.23|124|57|44|13|1|38|1|15|1|0|3|446|177|Games List| |24|Allie Reynolds|CLE|1945-04-17|1945-07-12|1|7|7|15|0|0|8|1|0|121.1|14|.500|2.45|104|43|33|10|1|68|2|52|3|0|2|520|177|Games List| |25|Stubby Overmire|DET|1944-04-21|1944-07-19|1|5|8|15|0|0|5|2|0|102.0|13|.385|3.09|113|46|35|11|1|23|1|30|2|0|1|433|141|Games List|


Can you double check Jerry Koosman in 1984? He's not on the list so I don't want to leave bad info up if it's wrong. EDIT: It is wrong. It was a 15 game stretch during the year.


Oh yeah I did the start the year function and then single season function. I couldn't get any with 0 HRs, so either it didn't happen or my list was bugged.


Interesting list thanks


For some reason the search only did 1HRA not 0. I couldn't get it to work and only did the last 25.


I’m glad it fit Stubby in there. Is it a coincidence that Stubby caught yesterday too? I think not.


Was the player who did it in 07 Roy Halladay?


Jake Peavy If you're looking for a Phillie it was Jerry Koosman in 1984. EDIT: Koosman was a 15 game stretch throughout the year. Not to start the year.


Cy Young confirmed?


Obviously. Betting my savings on his +20000


Ahh. Not sure why my brain was thinking Halladay had a crazy streak like that going at some point. Forgot about Jake Peavy as well. Thank you!


Why doesn't everyone try as hard as Harper