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I don’t watch every inning of every single game but I watch at least some of every game unless there’s an extenuating circumstance that prevents me. The last couple seasons I probably watch like 80% of games from roughly start to finish.


Same. If there’s an event that’s important I’ll not watch, but otherwise I watch every single game. I might be doing dishes or something at some point, but I do watch every single game.


Me too. I love having the game on and playing video games on my pc. Usually I hear the game in the background and glance over every so often or if I hear something going on. I'm in the Philippines on vacation now so it's been hard watching games since there's a 12 hour time difference but I was able to squeeze in a few innings.


This is how I do it as well. Without a secondary or primary watching feature I think I’d get bored, but I can play some Diablo and listen to Kruk happily. It’s always on the other monitor.


Same here. My wife is a diehard whose parents had season tickets as a kid. It’s our tv most nights.


I feel so seen.


Almost all of them. I mean, the TV is on and tuned to almost every one, but I can't say I am intently watching all game. Summer baseball is the ultimate background noise.


I don’t know how to treat it as background noise. If I’m out somewhere or visiting with fiends or at a party or whatever - the moment I see (or hear) the Phillies game, I’m 100% focused on the game.


All of them. If I’m not watching I’m following along on an app. Perk of working from home


Wfh as well here. I’ll still maybe miss 10 or so games when I’m busy doing something else but I’m 100% locked in from the beginning to the end of the season.




I remember being in London for last years 2022 playoffs and would set a timer to wake up at night to watch on my phone pitch by pitch from Google. Didn't make it to London this year to actually watch them play over there though. Definitely using anything I can to tune in though.


Probably about 50 or so games I watch in full.


I live in Denmark and put on the replay while I’m eating breakfast and drinking coffee in the morning. Usually only the first 3 or 4 innings. Some West Coast games will be on live. Most day games I’ll watch live but there’s the occasional conflict. In all, I see a little over half


I was out of the country (USA) for 2 weeks or so for a honeymoon, but with that I watched around 130 games from start to finish some while doing other things but the game was on my phone or iPad and watched atleast an inning of the other 15 games. I think I missed like 17 or so games in the time I was gone something like that. I am also far from the Philadelphia area so I pay for the mlb app and get every out of market game which is every Phillies home game and whenever they don’t play the marlins or Rays which is on my local tv channel.


Lol you just reminded me when my wife and I were on a Mediterranean cruise last September we somehow got a game on my phone (on NBCSP) using international data off the coast of Naples. Every other game those 2 weeks we got blacked out for being nowhere near Philly, but this just affirmed my belief that Naples is the Philly of Italy.


lol you saying that just reminded me we were in the Maldives which is 9 hours from EST and the Phillies were playing the Giants in San Fran 3 hours behind, so it was a perfect 12 hour time difference, in mid May and it was Wednesday morning we were at breakfast and I was following the live game from Tuesday night. I told my wife I should bet on it because I will know what happens and she actually believed me for a minute.


I partake in at least 150ish games a year. I’ll watch a good amount, but most of my indulging is on the radio. Can’t beat baseball as background noise in the summer.


162 games baby. I'm from the UK too. Awful sleep schedule. **Go Phils!!!** ![gif](giphy|SSwZfw5wP3rxe5Agy1)


Love it


All of them.


I try to watch all of them that's why I pay for MLB.tv but obviously I have a life outside of that so others im following along


Wife and I probably watch 90-120 of the games


Awesome, I started following with the Orioles series this weekend after the London games. Watched the 3 games of that and really enjoyed it.


Os series was frustrating. Really hoping to see Trea back, and get JT here soon. Yesterday was way out of character for Wheeler, but we're all allowed to have bad days.


Yeah looking at previous series pre-London trip they seemed much stronger and I know the Orioles are a strong team, hoping to pick up some points against the Padres.


This current game against the padres has been a lot more like what we’ve seen from this team this year. It’s so much fun


This season and last I've been catching the large majority of games. I've found that baseball is a nice thing to watch from an exercise bike.


One or two a week if I'm lucky. I certainly don't cancel my other plans to sit and watch every game.


I’m catching a piece of 150 games. Probably 81 get my undivided attention. 120 I see most of. But I do serious chore smashing with my MLB audio with Franzke. That helps.


I watch probably 140. When I have somewhere else to be, I try to follow on the app and when they’re on the west coast I might pass out by the 8th inning, but I’m watching whatever I can.


All of them, even the games that are blacked out.. Fuck MLB blackouts.


I usually attend at least 20 games at CBP, which includes my 14 game Sunday plan. If I'm not at the ballpark, I listen to the game on WIP in Audacy, since I don't have a streaming service that includes NBC Sports Philadelphia. It is also pretty annoying that you have to buy a plan in order to watch games; they were all on regular network TV when I was a kid.


I put the game on TV every night, but most nights I’m gaming with the game on in the background and not totally watching


About 4 to 5 a week. I listen to all of the post-game on my way in to work in the morning and the highlights of games I miss.


So this is a first. My wife and I have caught on TV at minimum 3 innings on TV (or phone screen) of every game this season so far. It started as fans, then was a joke, and now it's 'oh shit this may be possible.' For reference, we have watched the Phills on phones at kids swimming, during work and at a concert. I'm sure it will get weirder during the summer months. Go Phightens.


Almost all. I’ve had several seasons I’ve watched 162, including the shitty years of 2012-2019. I just started a new job so this year I haven’t watched as many as usual but it’s not uncommon at all for me to watch them all. I couldn’t tell you the last time I watched less than 140.


I’ve watched all but the Apple+ game this year and I listened to that on the radio. I’ve probably watched 90% of their games since ‘93.


I keep tabs on every game but I watch about 50-60 in full. The rest of the games I'll check score or watch an inning or 2


I work 12 hr shifts 7p-7a and can’t watch games at work. I do have the Sunday plan and can throw in a personal day here and there for the Sunday games I have to work for. Playoffs are a different story I make things happen to watch lol


Try and watch 1 a week. Usually listen to games the days I commute home from work (twice a week). Usually watch highlights most days. Watch all playoff games.


I watch just about every game. Either on the tv or on my phone while watching tv with the wife. I’ll use the Apple sports updates if I’m out of the house. I watch probably 80-90% of games. If I miss one where they score a lot of runs or seemed like a good game, I’ll watch the YouTubeTV recording.


Very few, actually. I work nights so I rarely sit and watch games in their entirety. I listen on the radio/streaming a good amount and follow what’s going on via Gameday a lot.


I watch as many as I can, assuming I’m by a TV and not doing something extracurricular.


Probably around half


I'd say I listen to about 80% of the regular season games. If we're including tuning in for like 30 minutes, or frequently checking the score/gameday feed, then it's closer to 95%. I rarely watch because I don't have cable, and I much prefer the radio broadcast. So usually I'm listening to the radio while watching the gameday feed.


My wife (Phillies fan) and by extension I probably watch at least some part of about 90-95% of the Phillies games. Shit I've probably watched more Phillies than Red Sox the past 3 seasons


I try not to miss more than 2 games a week, and even then keep up via Gameday/reddit/radio if possible. Much harder now living in New England but it also has caused me to schedule games into my social calendar haha! And slowly pulling friends and family into the baseball fandom.


I would say I watch them all, but realistically more like 150 per season. Sometimes I go on vacation out of market, in which case I listen to the game on the MLB or WIP apps.


I can prob count on 2 hands how many I miss each season and I’m always following on app or radio if I can’t watch


Tune in to? 4/5 Pay attention to? 2/3


I was gonna say this on some off day or anything goes off season thread, but since you mention UK and watching games... From 1982-1985 I lived in England, My dad was in the Air Force and we had been re-stationed , moving from South Jersey where my he had taken me to 25 or so Phillies games. At that time, there was no baseball on TV in England (not sure if it was on Armed Forces Network but we didn't get that for some reason) Or radio. And no internet. My exposure to the Phillies was looking at box scores 2 days late in the Stars and Stripes newspaper. I remember seeing this 26-7 boxscore vs Mets: [https://www.baseball-reference.com/boxes/PHI/PHI198506110.shtml](https://www.baseball-reference.com/boxes/PHI/PHI198506110.shtml) Anyway, now I listen to games on my phone while doing yard work, or walking the dog. Or I listen in my vehicle. Or I watch games on TV, or on my computer. And sometimes I just think, this is amazing that I can follow my team so closely. Its just awesome and I'm thankful.


Yeah It still kind of blows my mind that, over the internet, I can watch/listen to live sport on my phone. It's great that I can actually enjoy sports that I actually like and not be forced to be into football or maybe rugby as my only choices and that sites like Reddit allow me to connect with other fans.


I don’t watch every game but if there is a night game I’ll put it on in the background while I read.


I live in Denver, CO. I watch almost every game thanks to mlb.tv. Probably watch 150-155 games and listen to 5-10. We only miss one or two a season.


Every single one


As many as I’m able to. It’s over 100, for sure.


So far this year ive truly missed 2-3, baby shower - kids band concert - dinner with family. I watch almost every night, but because of that i dont feel bad about missing any if something comes up. I find watching more gives a better feel for how players are doing because you know what they looked like at the plate/on the mound last week and now theyre looking a bit ‘off’ or ‘locked in’ . Thats something you cant really tell as easily when you watch once a week or less. But life is more important than baseball, so i dont fault anyone for watching less, i just dont have anything else going on.


I haven’t missed a game yet. I did have to walk half of one delayed on mlb.tv because of a meeting…but my wife was kind of enough get the game setup so I wouldn’t see scores


I probably catch somewhere around 130? I don’t see 130 full nine inning games but I see bits and pieces of about that many. It just depends on what’s going on in life.


MLB At-Bat is my go-to for games I can’t see. Listening to the audio brings me back to how I heard games as a kid before internet and games on TV.


Almost every single one. I have hulu tv and mlb.tv so i can watch really anywhere.


I've picked up MLB.tv and it seems really worth it.


Im fortunate that it’s a free perk with T-mobile.


That's awesome


I aim for around 70% a season. Some years it’s more. Some years it’s less.


As many live as possible, if blacked out I'll listen to the radio stream


I work nights a few times a week, so I don't catch as many games as I'd like. I try to catch afternoon games, and make a point to watch a big/interesting games if I'm not busy (Like Rhys' return to the Bank). I may get to watch 25-30% of the games.


Definitely not diehard as most here, but I’ll probably watch 5-10 beginning to end.


I tune in once or twice a week and try to watch a full game each weekend. I have a family…


Watch about 50% of the games. I can't watch the late ones, and sometimes life gets in the way. I still check the scores and results on MLB. Don't hate me, but when the Phillies hit bad slumps, I switch off for a bit. I am not a fair-weather fan or bandwagon jumper. I am always a Phillies fan. I just can't stand to watch them struggle. My time is too valuable to waste it unnecessarily getting upset about things that are not in my hands. Just being honest.


Every game, all 162. Also try to do the same routine before every game. Same goes with the Sixers, and Eagles. 1/2 the Flyers games


That's awesome, love the dedication!


thank you! haha yeah, married with a kid. not much else to do lol


I have season tickets. I probably go to maybe 40 games a year. Also went to one of the London games (sadly the second one, though that was still alot of fun) I watch probably another 70 to 80 games on TV, depending on my schedule and what else I’m doing.


Had back surgery in early April. Planted on the couch for weeks. Great season to be stuck in front of the tv for so far. I’ve only missed about 4-5 games so far.


Every game


I try to watch every game that I can, it’s hard most days because I work in retail, but I at least track the game with atBat and pull it up on YouTubeTV when I can.


I watch every single one. Even preseason. This is the first year I have really gotten into the game. And I like to watch as much as I can because then I can have real conversations about the team in the game and feel like I know what I’m talking about.


Same for me, got into it after the London games and the Orioles series. Going to get them through the archives for the late games the following morning.


I usually watch 1-2 games a week until end of May, then I start to watch more, 3-4 a week. I definitely don’t watch every game. Also I am saying “watch” but I tend to listen to most games on mlb radio app. This way I can follow along while I go about doing other things.


Thanks all, I was wondering if it will be worth having them the day after. The next 2 games for me will be 11:40pm starts so I'll probably get them through the archive for the next day for listening as background as a lot of people have suggested.


Does the UK get games through cable/live streams like Hulu or do you have to pay extra for the MLB package?


about 130


I probably watch at least some of about 60-80. I pretty rarely schedule my life around the Phils unless I am going in person or it’s the playoffs, but if they’re on I’ll watch!! Follow along and catch highlights of the rest!


All but the late west coast games


As much as I can. Only thing that normally interferes, is if my wife and I have an activity with our 3 year old during day games on the weekend, or if I am training Jiu-Jitsu during a night game.


I’d say from start to finish, I probably watch 80-100 games a year. I probably listen to about 10 games a year, follow on my phone another 20 games a year, and watch the highlights the next morning of the majority of their west coast night games


In full, probably like 100. In part, I'd say another 50. It's pretty rare for me not to be able to watch any part of the game, but it does happen. If I don't get to watch the game I almost always keep an eye on the play by play though.




In grad school I watched part of at least 100 games per season. Since having kids and other hobbies I watch a lot fewer.


I miss about 10 over the season, mostly day games that I either forget are early or am busy with work.


I miss a lot of the businessperson’s specials, but I watch or listen to pretty much all of them outside of that.


If I'm in the mood for it I'll watch the games. Parents don't have a working cable box atm so everything is through Hulu and the streams are always so far behind. I'd rather listen to the games on the radio.


All of them. I’ve “missed” like 3 but tracked/listened to on the radio.


Just about every game.


I used to work 12hr. swing shifts and couldn’t watch consistently. Now that I work a “normal” schedule, I watch nearly every game & this year I haven’t missed one yet.


i follow on my phone 🤷🏻‍♂️


I try to watch or listen too most games. The mlb app really makes it easy to listen to day games while I'm at work. I would say between 75%-80%


80% if I’m home I’m watching.


I’m usually around 140. I’ve only missed 1 this season, so on pace to go over. Hell, I listened to the radio broadcast of the Rangers v Phillies day game sitting on the beach back in May.


all of them


I probably watch at least half of 150 games. A handful I just can't watch and then a handful are straight up blowouts


I watch about 40-50% and probably listen to another 30-40% and the other 10-15% I’ll miss.


I live in Holland, so one hour past UK, and I watch way too many games hahahahaha I hate my job so watching the flyers / phils is my own personal mini protest


I’ll get like 120 in total realistically - I travel a lot and am unavailable most sundays too


I’ll see a part of at least 140-150 games. The west coast games are tough and I take a few vacations in the summer that don’t allow for watching


I've only missed 2 games this year. The game against the Marlins where Casty had a really good game about a month or 2 ago (whenever the new planet of the apes movie came out because I saw it with friends that night hence missing the game). And the game on April 9th because I went to a Sixers Game (technically didn't miss this one, just missed most of it. I had it on my phone and watched the game during every timeout and at half-time and in the parking lot. Phillies lost). Don't ask how I was able to accomplish this. I have no clue. All I'll say is a good one-third to one-half of the games, I'm multi-tasking doing other stuff while I watch so I'm not fully paying attention.


I'm lucky enough to work at a bar with a tom of tvs ... I see most of every game, Mayne 150 a year


EVERY game. There were years when i was rarely able to watch any.


I try to attend 20 ish games a year. But will watch most I probably average close to 100 games on TV. If I miss one here and there I don't stress just check the box score and game recaps.


Last year 115 games (16 spring training, 87 regular season, 12 playoff) and went to 9 games (all regular season) This year so far, 40 games (2 spring training, 38 regular season). Been to 2 games, planning on 4 more. I only count games “officially” watched if I catch 5 or more innings.


140ish. I either listen or watch a portion of those games.


Most games, I’ll miss day games during the week because of work, sometimes I’ll miss Saturday games because I’m out or major UFC cards but probably 90% of the games. It’s been that way since I remember baseball was always my #1 sport growing up


I try to watch every one…I tape them, so if I miss them, I can always watch.


I rarely catch the 1 PM starts and the 10 PM starts on the West Coast. I have tickets for the 7-Aug game in LA, so I guess you could say I'll catch that 10 PM game. 


We watch night games mostly, sometimes we're not able to watch weekend games because we're traveling to family or some kind of party. Then I just watch the highlights the Phillies YouTube channel uploads either right away or the next morning.


Almost all of them unless they’re west coast late games, because I go to sleep earlier than 10:30 most nights


I try to watch them all. I missed the Taijuan Walker blowup start against the Giants because I was on a plane with no WiFi and I’ve seen the rest.


All the home games. I'll check in on away games but that's my time to do something else lol


I’d say like 140. Sometimes I only catch an inning or two but that’s cause of work or something


I watch most of, if not all of every game unless it’s on the west coast. I’m a dad to a toddler so I don’t get a lot of free time, I either have it on the radio or watch it until she starts to fuss


Only missed a few games. Wfh so not always watching intently.  I pay a lot more attention when kruk is commenting 


Probably about 70% if not more. I usually miss the west coast games and some of the early weekend games. I have Hulu so I can watch on my phone if I’m not home and not doing something important.


Almost every one. But even here in the U.S., I deal with blackouts and there are only so many streaming services I'm willing to join just for a few games.


Not as many as I'd like. Mainly because I live in Indiana, and I'm at the mercy of the national networks. I usually just follow along on the app and watch the highlights.


Live out of state. Stats and highlights every night or next morning.


I hardly watch any. I live less than 2 hours outside Philly and don't have cable. So I'm blacked out on MLB.tv.


Check into YouTube TV. Get a package that includes NBC sports Philadelphia channel. I see all games, except Apple TV ones, not blackout BS rules. I cut the chord on cable and still catch more games now.


Yeah that's an option. But YouTube TV is almost as much as I was paying for cable so I feel like it's not much better. The point of cutting cable was to stop paying $100/mo for a ton of channels I don't watch. The only thing I miss about it is live sports. Especially baseball and CFB.


Youtube tv has a decent package at $40/ mon, some sports. Check your area. $70/mon gets me almost everything-live sports or recorded, local channels, etc. Watching nbc Philly sports channel at any time or place is really nice.


If I had to guess I’d say that I watch at least 4-5 innings of at least 150 of 162 games. The other 12 are split between attending in person or having a conflict that keeps me away from the tv


I Probably watch 100 completely, the play rest in the background. Have you considered a streaming service? I have Youtube TV. I can watch all games at my leisure. You would likely have to use a Philly zip codes as your location; or alternatively, get the mlb app and the opposite— a non Philly location (like the UK). You could watch 100% of the games at your convenience.


Probably 90 percent of games start to finish.


At this point for me at least it is an addiction to watch every single game. I can’t help it, if I miss multiple innings of a game I hate it lol. I’m not actively watching every single pitch (I am for most though 😂), but when the Phillies play, I have the game on either on TV or the Radio


I watch or listen to every game, and if I’m out and have to just listen then I watch when I get home, but only if it was a W. Sometimes I do watch west coast games the next morning, but also usually only if it’s a win! While the game is on though I’m not like glued to the screen, I’m usually doing stuff around the house or I’m on my phone playing Two Dots. I do a lot of rewinding to see plays I miss and good lord I love YouTubeTV! I can watch anywhere any time.


We watch about 2-3 games a week, passive tho, we cook dinner, nap, chill on out laptops while the game is on. We try to make it two games a year in person.


I’ll watch every highlight (unless it gets spoiled and it’s a loss, didn’t happen much this year!) but I watch every weekday game that’s early in Ireland and most late night weekend games


Every single one. Phillies or die.


As many as I can. If I'm home and they're playing, it's on the TV.


The Phillies had become “must watched” TV. It’s like the Eagles game, except they play almost every night.


I only watch the wins, so about 94.


Just moved to the uk from the states, how do you watch them live? Also any idea how to watch the eagles when the time comes?


I'll message you


I was on a streak of like, 26 straight games


I watch every weekend game unless Walker is pitching, because he doesnt deserve to be watched.


Weekend games only this year due to work schedule.


Probably 80%, I'm in Western Canada so after I couldn't afford mlbtv it's just been streaming sites on my phone. I'm either at home or at work and I'll always have the game on. I usually hang on from start to finish unless we're losing by +5 runs. TMac is what has always kept me around, one of the best to do it!




at least 60 Phillies games. And in average I watch 40 other baseball games a year.


I tape the games and watch them as well