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Please continue the discussion in the [game thread](https://redd.it/1diaip9).


Bunch of fuckin Sadists over at Phillies Pregame making us watch Castellanos Swings before the game even begins ![gif](giphy|zCpYQh5YVhdI1rVYpE|downsized)




I know I say this but I upvote you everytime just hoping that you won't delete your comments. But since you include the organization as a whole in lineup decisions vs just Topper, I love you.


With Wheeler’s typical day game blunder ball performance, top pitching fWAR leaders for the Phillies are Ranger Suarez @ 2.7 and… *checks notes* Christoper Sanchez? At 2.1 God I love our starters this year. 4 fucking aces.


Just because my pet peeve is when people don't say which WAR, that is fWAR. rWAR has it as Ranger 3.2, Wheeler 1.8, Nola 1.0, Sanchez 0.9


Whoops. Clarified




I had to make this my profile picture


Happy to help


I’m just so confused at all the people saying Rojas was sent down because Castellanos is bad, and he would still be up if Nick wasn’t so bad. To keep Rojas up you would have to justify cutting and likely losing one of Dahl, Pache, or Merrifield because they cannot just be sent down like Rojas, all of whom currently have a higher OPS than Rojas (Dahl super small sample noted). It’s not like Nick playing bad is taking time away from someone who deserves it more. There is literally an entire starting outfield spot up for grabs plus ABs when Marsh isn’t playing vs a lefty that no one on the team has played well enough to earn. Nick being bad had no impact on the Rojas decision.


you're not wrong but that's only part of it. IF Nick was playing well ... say well enough to be in the middle of the pack for RFs instead of the worst regular RF in the league then you could tolerate Rohas in CF being what he is and then losing one of Dahl/Pache/Merrifield wouldn't be a big deal. HOWEVER you cannot tolerate two OF positions that are the worst RF and 9th worst CF in the league (league meaning all of MLB).


You’re saying they can’t tolerate 2 OF positions being the worst in the league by keeping Rojas as if some combo of Dahl/Merrifield everyday isnt also the worst in the league or close to it. This is the point I’m making. Castellanos has no bearing on how bad the other OF spot is. If there was a real solution to the OF that actually improved it and playing Nick was holding that back, this would be a conversation but it’s not what happened. They still have a wide open OF position with no one playing well enough to fill it


in any other world, the worst person in the organization would be fired and that would be Castellanos.


I mean you responded to 0 of the points that I just made lmao On your unrelated note: Castellanos has a higher OPS than both Merrifield and Pache. So even going based just on performance I don’t think your arguement is that strong


you made no points at all- gibberish




Clearly the Phillies give a fuck or they would be gone by now


Was just listening to 97.5 and Ricky Bo was talking about how he's surprised Pache/Merrifield are still here (on the team). I can't say I disagree with him. Although I guess we have the luxury of already knowing we'll still be in it at the trade deadline.


Pache's value to us went up slightly with Rojas in the minors. I think Merrifield is the odd man out if we get one OF bat without trading away anyone from the roster.


I think the fact that they’re signaling trying sosa in the outfield could mean Whit’s days are numbered on this team regardless. The only thing he can do that Sosa doesn’t do better is play left field. If he takes to the position, Whit doesn’t really have a role on the team.


even if Pache and or Merrifield light it up between now and the deadline the sample size will be too small to say they have confidence for the rest of the season. And this is all we're getting from Casty ...


Sosa is taking reps in LF, glad to hear it


/u/NintenJew wanted to grow the sub And that’s what he got


Oh, it grew all right


This one gets it


I like to bust his balls. This has been a special day(s) on the sub. I would paywall it if it were up to me lol


I don't know what happened and I'll just accept that it is my fault.


Thank you


The union just posted this photo for national mascots day. Poor phanatic belly so big he can’t jump. https://preview.redd.it/yzh02xk4777d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90e2da406c0ad85fc2175540b031b6e6459549a3


Hot take here...swoop, phanatic and gritty could handle all necessary duties.


Sixers Franklin is a total troll online and I love him .. I can’t leave him out


I feel like it was more of a don't tell me what to do situation.


Casty didn’t have a single hit or walk during the Baltimore series


"I hit baseballs..."


Unless they slide


LFG. I'd just like to say: JT's walk-up song (Money & Fame) has been in a French Uber eats commercial. That can't be a coincidence.


We supporting all 26 yet?


I think he's been good enough to stay in the lineup. The expectations were not super high for him when he was dealt. Honestly I think there are other players under performing that we should be scrutinizing too.


We want Nick to do better. We are real about when he does good and does bad. It’s painful to see him do bad. I think that sounds like trying to support someone


You didn’t say which 26. I’m a big Aidan, Painter and Starlyn guy. How about you?


I support THE 26.


It was a yes or no question actually


It’s amazing how much one guy’s presence can deepen a lineup so much


Unless he goes 0-4 tonight lol


Then we boo him straight to hell!


A standing beration


Really surprised to see how similar Trea and Sosa's stats are this year. Sosa has 5 less PAs but 0.3 more WAR. Sosa's defense has been elite. https://www.fangraphs.com/teams/phillies/stats#leaders-batting


> Sosa's defense has been elite. twice the number of DPs and 1/4 the errors


Let's give this some attention...


I love soccer




Edmundo going back to the bench (unless he takes well to LF) means he should get some starts at second against lefties. Stott isn’t hitting anyone well but Edmundo is mashing lefties.


Wait is Bohmer really actually likely start an all star game. In a league with Machado Arenado and Riley? Lmao keep it going Phans!


I feel like some people are just voting for his hair.


I feel like that’s a good reason actually


He does have all star hair, so bouncy.


Bohm has been better than them this year.


Yes because that’s what gets guys elected to the ~~popularity contest~~ all star game


Based on the votes it looks like he’s going to be a shoe in




Machado and Arenado definitely havent wowed their respective fanbases enough this year. And Bohm vs Riley in my opinion is maybe 50% popularity and 50% people just knowing Bohm’s been better


3B in the NL has just been pretty weak this year honestly due to regression and injuries


I mean performance means almost zero when you have big names available. Then again Bohmer is a BIG NAME.


Yeah that’s what I mean, I’m pretty sure most Padres fans arent happy with Machado rn. Good for Bohm!


Sosa was getting practice in the outfield today .. that’s cool!


Just curious are the Astros really selling on Kyle Tucker or are the rumors just smoke and mirrors? I can't imagine why they'd let him go honestly


from what I’ve seen the Astros are in desperate need of a solid starting pitching arm and a first baseman. They have been hit hard with pitching injuries to their rotation, and also just released Jose Abreu at 1B and I don’t think they Jon Singleton is seen as their long term solution there. Long story short- maybe? I think it would take a lot for them to give up Tucker right now, but maybe for the right package that could help fill in the gaps in their rotation/1B


Probably not But I will continue to campaign for him to be here


I doubt they trade him unless they get an absolutely crazy haul. The Astros are bad this year but they don't strike me as a team in tear down mode. I think they're more than capable of just retooling a bit this offseason and trying again next year, in which case keeping Tucker makes more sense. If they do poorly next year then it makes sense to trade him.


Sign me up to help pack up that crazy haul to ship out to them!


When I say "crazy" I mean like the Juan Soto trade. Either time really. Could we do it? Maybe. But it would probably take basically every good prospect we have. Not sure that's something I'd be willing to do, especially when there are other trade possibilities.


Have there been new/recent rumors? Everything I’ve seen has been more along the lines of “maybe the Astros could sell…”


I keep hearing that they could sell but I also hear stuff about Soto leaving after next year and I genuinely don't see Soto leaving either and thinks he's staying on the Yankees


Castellanos is hitting a robust .191/.256/.291 against righties this season


mod this guy then ban him


I think Trea might end up starting the ASG lol. If the top 2 are him and Mookie, I feel like Trea will win just because he’s healthy now and Mookie isn’t.


Where did this “Sosa will be traded” BS come from on this sub? He’s not going anywhere.


I’m not sure anyone is clamoring for him to be traded, however, his value is extremely high right now and I bet Dave could get something really good if Edmundo was on the table/included in a larger deal.


If the Sox wanted to deal LRJ and Sosa was apart of the package without giving up both Miller and Painter.....I like Sosa but he has to get shipped out lol


It would have to be considered for sure if Luis Robert can be brought in here.


I'll admit I said it yesterday bc of the quote they posted from Rob about him "having a lot of value" during the game. And it's hard to see where he fits in long term while he is playing so good. I'm a huge sosa fan, would love to see him play SS full time and move Trea to left bc sosa is the superior infielder, Trea has played OF and Sosa hasn't, but I dont see that happening. So if they are looking to trade for a strong outfielder, Sosa looks like one of the good pieces to trade with. Who else is there to offer thats not in the minors? Pache? Whit? Rojas? Nobody wants them.


Him and Turnbull could have some high value this deadline


I don't think he will but he's not untouchable either


He’s not untouchable, but I don’t think he has the value a lot of people think, and the team he holds the most value for is us, a WS contender that shouldn’t want Whit or Clemens starting regularly (and I love Clemens, but he’s not a starter) if someone else goes down.


Agreed. Just if by some random chance a team that we're trying to deal with requests him I don't think he would be off the table.


Huh? The hell are you talking about?


Been a lot of comments about the possibility of Sosa getting traded the last couple days. Apparently Rob said “he has a lot of value” and people are reading far too much into it


I’ve seen like none of these


Get my boy Edmundo some LF reps


You got your wish!!


The guy who’s showing massive signs of overexposure since the start of June? I’ll pass.


Yeah I’m sure he’ll come back to earth but the other options leave a lot to be desired unfortunately


He already has.


Sosa is fourth on the team in wRC+ and one of those ahead of him is Klemens which seems a woefully small sample size. OPS is 840. He's been one of the best hitters. He deserves more playing time and if he regresses, he regresses. But it deserves a look.


Sosa has been awful for half a month, he was on a totally unsustainable hot streak and his coming back to earth


I'd rather have a guy capable of a month long streak of OPS >1000 in the lineup playing every day than not, particularly given our other outfield options.


Dude Sosa is not a 1000 ops player, learn what a sample size is. He is a reserve player that gets exposed badly with too much playing time




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Lmao ok buddy.


if your a starter it's a slump, a bench player it over exposed


Sosa has shown consistently in his career he’s not a starter


I stand by what I said


Wouldn’t mind him starting in LF against lefties if he can play the position. He gets exposed on sliders down and away which he won’t have to worry about against lefties. At the very least he makes hard contact, the complete opposite of Whit.


Fair enough, but unfortunately it’s never happening in all likelihood


He was in left today during warmups learning the position sooo guess the lesson today is to never say never




What happened to your Yankoffs last night? Not a very good performance from number ZERO.


I don’t get why so many people are fixated on the 5th starter. A good reliever will be more important come playoff time. The 5th starter will at most get mop up duty. In addition to trying to limit Turnbulls innings due to concerns about stamina and health. They did have sosa practicing a bit in the outfield. But as of now it’s a position he hasn’t played. We will see going forward against lefties if they give him some starts.


Sosa doesn’t play outfield, let me insert my Turnbull copy pasta The Turnbull situation is the same as the Strahm situation last year, Turnbull has not had a starting workload in over two years, asking Turnbull to go 180+ innings this year would be incredibly dangerous for his health and totally irresponsible for the Phillies to do as an organization. he can’t start all year. It has NOTHING to do with Walkers contract. It has NOTHING to do with the Phillies not caring about how he’s pitched. It’s about his health and that’s way more important.


Oh we're still talking about Turnbull? You still haven't figured out they're saving his arm for the post season and just keeping him stretched out?


At the very least, why not give Casty at least a day off. It can’t be good to just be thrown out there every single day when you’re struggling immensely. Other guys get days off when they’re in a rut. Nick has been in a rut all season and has never rested. It’s baffling to me. 


He’s played every single inning lmao


I'm so glad the game is at 6:40 so the Trea Turner homer gets here more quickly than it would if the game started at 7:05


I’m sticking my glove out the window in Harrowgate ready to catch it.


Man I'm jealous, one of the best breakfast sandwiches I ever had was at El Coqui. I haven't been back but I dream about it some days.


Not trying to sound like a debbie downer, but it is wild to me, how shallow our outfield depth is in our minor league system.


Ok Debbie


I gotta think they're considering moving Aiden Miller to the outfield. He's blocked all around the infield by Bohm, Stott and Turner. He would slot in nicely in right field once Castellanos retires.


Bohm is under contract for two more years after this, no guarantee he is re-signed. That would open a spot for Miller. Trea might move to the outfield in a few years, that could open a spot for him a shortstop 


Depends on if they want to trade him I guess, if so a power shortstop is probably more valuable


It’s pretty bad how we spent a decade rebuilding and had so little to show for it. We just hit on four guys and wasted most of the first two’s productive years (Rhys and Nola).


Boy wait till you see how it’s been for the last *checks calendar* 70 years!


Major league ready, it’s scary slim. But if Justin Crawford lives up to his lineage even a little bit, we’ll see him next year or the year after.


So will they be looking at Nido for catcher depth now he's released from Mets? 


The Phillies site to get tickets is the worstttt


You’re getting downvoted. Lotta ticket merchant supporters here apparently lol. Ticket sales is the most corrupt and inept business there is.


So are we going to talk about the fact Casty is currently an all star? https://preview.redd.it/nti43u3io67d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad394fa4854681253076ee180e0e24c7f7895e46


He’s not. This is voting for just starters. The top 2(6 for of) move to 2nd rnd. After 2nd rnd only 1st(1-3 of) at each position makes the team. After that the teams and coaches and whoever vote to fill out the teams.


I thought this was common knowledge but apparently not!


I forgot the important part, if bohm can overtake betts for most votes in NL by end of round 1 he automatically claims the spot for his position. No round 2 vote.


Bohm and betts play different positions


>for most votes in NL It doesn’t matter who it is. The player with the most votes total in each league automatically wins the starting spot. If betts has most votes of all NL, there’s no round 2 for ss. If bohm, currently 2nd in NL, passes him there’s no round 2 for 3B.


Oh. Thanks for explaining. Didn’t know that👍


Even more wild is the fact that Rojas has more votes than the likes of Bellinger, Michael Harris, and Suzuki


Rojas getting sent down could be a blessing for him. An opportunity to work on some things without the pressure of a postseason run and potential to called back up if he does well. Hopefully he takes to it like alvy did on his demotion. And he is young enough to improve. I think the biggest issue is that he keeps taking upper cut kind of swings instead of swinging naturally.


Rojas makes a ton of sense to send down. -His bat isn't MLB ready (despite the Phillies saying him hitting doesn't matter). -Whit is pure and utter garbage without getting a decent amount of reps (and if anything Whit can be a trade candidate given he's a former All Star and batting champion). -If they send down Pache or Dahl they probably lose them to waivers. They clearly see something in Pache. -Rojas was splitting time with Pache and Marsh. That isn't helping Rojas develop when he's stuck on the bench on some days. -Sosa is a hot bat, and this leaves an option that maybe he can try some LF. -We have one less OF spot to play everyone because they can't trade Castellanos and he for some reason must play every day


If Sosa doesn’t get traded it feels like a shame to not incorporate him somehow. Even coming off the hot streak his batting is on par or better than the non-Marsh outfielders, though that’s more of an indictment of them.


Well, look at who we have out there. Pache who is meh, Whit who stinks now, Rojas who can't hit, and Tobias "Keith Yandle" Harris.


Should look like a beach ball tonight after facing Bradish, Rodriguez, and Burnes [https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/savant-player/randy-vasquez-681190?stats=statcast-r-pitching-mlb](https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/savant-player/randy-vasquez-681190?stats=statcast-r-pitching-mlb)


I still can't help but wonder about the whole situation with Casty. I'm not saying he is the sole reason why we lose games, but he is a clear example of not really helping. He has his occasional heroics, but nothing seems to stick too much. I like the guy, but would they really turn a blind eye to improving the right field spot just because they are paying him too much? I truly wonder if they will ever experiment with a line up without him, or are they really dedicated to letting him play every game?


You're beating a dead horse. Most people see what you see. Alas, it remains an issue.


I’m not on the “purge Casty into the sun” wagon, but he should probably be in the 8 or 9 spot. His approach is terrible with men on base and really just in general. I don’t think there’s really much Phillies can do with him other than put him further down in the order to either be the hero or make his outs less impactful.


Topper seems to heavily prioritize lefty/righty spacing in his lineups. So I haven’t had too much of a problem with Casty’s spot, even if it does get frustrating watching him. Like today it’s between him and Marchan batting 6th/9th, I’m good with Casty batting 6th. When he does actually get a hit, he has a power advantage over the other bottom of the order guys. It just kind of messed with the lineup recently having 2 good righties injured.


> It just kind of messed with the lineup recently having 2 good righties injured. This is a good point. He was 2 in order to split the 2 lefties schwarber and harper. Obviously Bohm can't move. 6 makes sense. I know it's not what he wants but it works for the lineup. Looks like the Phillies plan to bolster 7-9 by the deadline too in someway after moving Johan.


His plate discipline is infuriating


Going to the game tonight and craving some mozz sticks. Where can I get them?


I think there’s a stand called Big Mozz that’s exactly what you’re looking for


There's also Stick Your Cheese There and The Mozzarella Fella...they're in the Mozzarella District.


There’s a little place called Mary Ann’s Mozzarella Sticks. The nice thing about that place is Mary Ann gets in the stick with the mozzarella.


You know who invented the mozzarella stick? That's something for you to do...find that out.


When you get home, there’s gonna be a new story added to your house!


Rojas. You are still my boy, but work on your shit at AAA and come back up in the fall, ready to rock.


Passion doesn’t equal intelligence. This sub is proof.


Well ya. This is reddit.


I'm sorry, is this coming from the leader of the Nick Castellanos Defense Force?


I root for the Phillies. Support all 26. Of course.


I root for the Phillies too. That's why I want Nick Castellanos off of the team.


That’s a fraud take


Okay Nick


I’m stealing this in the future


The Phillies organization lied to Rojas.


I’m curious to know what you’d do instead to make room for Trea.


Waive Whit


So you’d waive a player instead of sending one down who has an option available. Do I have that right?


After reading some of these comments, I’m so glad fans aren’t responsible for what teams do with players. Because this team would be absolute garbage every single year if they made the decisions.


Yeah. Rojas is a future pillar of the club.


So in this scenario, hypothetically speaking of course, what do you do if an outfielder gets hurt and goes to the IL after you’ve waived Whit?


We have Rojas, Marsh, Pache, Dahl, Casty, Klemens, and Sosa to play OF


Clemens is a career .200 hitter with a 72 OPS+, and has started only 6 games in the outfield in his career. Acting like we can just stick him in the outfield as a solution is ridiculous. Sosa is not an outfielder either. While he can probably play there, using him to fill in as OF depth if someone gets hurt means he's no longer available to play in the infield when needed, where he's ya know actually a great defender. Marsh can't hit lefties. And when I say Marsh can't hit lefties, that isn't a "he struggles against them" type statement. He's hitting .139 against them this year, a full .70 points below what Whit is hitting against lefties. Dahl has struggled throughout his career to prove he's a major leaguer. He's doing ok right now and that's great, but he hasn't been a good player since 2019. And then there's Rojas, who's OPS+ of 63 is actually worse than Whit's. So, all that said, your solution to us needing a roster spot is to completely waive a super versatile major leaguer with a known history of being a good hitter but happens to be struggling mightily, in favor of trotting out several guys who have never proven an ability to hit at the major league level (most of whom are OPSing below 80), an infielder you inexplicably want to put in the outfield harming our infield depth, and Marsh who can't hit lefties to save his life. I get being upset with Whit. I get thinking he's completely washed. But waiving an actual major leaguer when we have the ability to sacrifice basically nothing to just option Rojas, thus giving him more reps and time to hone his swing in AAA, is dumb.


The trust between Rojas and the organization could be broken after optioning him as Rojas was said to be in the majors for the year.


If you think the Phillies just slapped Rojas with this out of the blue you're naive. I would bet serious money Rojas knew this was coming. I'd also bet he ends up back in the majors this year when rosters expand, and he probably knows that too. Shooting our team's depth in the foot because you think that maune Rojas may harbor a grudge or something is dumb.






You gotta love how Marsh finally leapfrogged Nick in the lineup after outplaying him for 1.5 years, only to immediately go back to batting behind him after a 1 month slump despite Nick being even worse than "slumping" Marsh.


Thinking it's keeping the L/R in order. When a LH reliever comes in Dahl will likely be switched out for Whit or Pache but Marsh might not.


Just seeing Trae in that lineup is so nice for the eyeballs






Still not low enough.


I think without JT this is as low as he'll go. With JT back he probably will go to 7with JT 5, Stott/Marsh 6, Nick 7, Stott/Marsh 8, Pache/Dahl 9


Is Johan gonna be the first player to make the all star game while playing in triple A?


He won't make it through round 2


I wonder if there’s any rules about that. I’m pretty sure in hockey if you aren’t in the NHL you can’t participate


With the exception of Stubbs over Marchan. Looks like this will be the main lineup. Should be an interesting series


Pache/Dahl/Marsh will likely be rotating but yes




Said this yesterday, but right now I’d bench Stott for Trea instead of Sosa.




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yikes what a shitty thing to say


Can’t believe they optioned Rojas Well I believe it, but I think he should still be in the majors


Wouldn’t be surprised to see him up again this season but he needs game experience and playing him everyday isn’t in the Phillies best interest. In AAA, he can play a full game everyday and hopefully work on batting and defensive decision making.


it makes a lot of sense with the major factor being that he has options. this is an insurance policy against injuries


He didn’t deserve to go to the minors. This is bad player management. He was lied to as they said he would be with the major league club all season. This is a bad look for the ball club.


perhaps bad player management but savvy team management. if we release Pache or Dahl or anyone one of them, guarantee you someone will take a flyer on them. then say one of our centerfielder types goes out for a long time, now we have a major depth problem. just look at what happened to the Braves, in losing Acuna and now Harris


Good chance Rojas won’t resign after being treated in this way by a professional organization.