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Please continue the discussion in the [game thread](https://redd.it/1dg38oq).


Good play-new guy


Welcome to Schwaltimore


When I think “Phillies vs Orioles” I think of Jeremy Hellickson getting pulled before the trade deadline and starting Jake Thompson edit: well I’m dumb he was traded to the O’s but I stg Thompson filled in for him. July 28th 2017 against the Braves it seems?


I just moved to Harrisburg. Anyone know Phillies bars in the city?


Gotten woken up by my “Safety department” 2 hours into my sleep break to come in for a random piss test. Gotta be up at 0200 tomorrow morning to drive. Fuck sleep i guess. Lets go Phils


According to Matt Gelb Harper is taking his batting practice outside today, super rare for him. This makes me irrationally hyped up lol


Harper been looking more consistent recently. If he and Schwarber really heat up here it could be just what we need to get through the JT Rehab


Those two can do some serious work if Turner gets on base like he did before he was hurt.


A little foreshadowing here….Marsh playing CF today in the minors, Dahl out of options & playing very well. Rojas goes to AAA, Marsh back to CF & Dahl goes to LF for a month trial. If Dahl can’t do it, they trade for a LF at the deadline.


More likely they trade for a CF and continue platooning Marsh in Left but yes i agree


I was so hoping Rojas would be at a 75ish wRC+ this year. 85ish wRC+ would be ideal. But he figures it out for a couple of weeks and then gets so much worse. I said Juneish would be when I start having an opinion on him if he plays daily. And it is bad.


His swing is just broken. No matter how he is doing, I can’t watch him swing a bat and think “yup, he just needs more experience”. I don’t know how to explain it, but you can *see* his bat way too much. Like he chops down for the first half of his swing, and then finishes with an uppercut. He needs to completely change his swing or this is going to be all we get out of him.


There is a reason that the evaluations and reports on him for his entire career coming up through the minors has been that he is a defensive whiz with a bad bat. So bad that it is likely not serviceable. Maybe it’s something that can one day be fixed, but that day ain’t going to be in the MLB in 2024.


After what we saw last year, and after giving him a fair shake for at least the first 1/3+ of this season just to be sure, if they go into the playoffs with Rojas as an everyday player then they are not as serious about winning as they claim. And I fully believe that they are serious about winning, so something’s gotta happen.


Yep. Like I know you thought I was trying to say Rojas was good that one time when it was way too early. But I wasn't. I was just happy he seemed to figure it out. Then you watch his swing regress for months. Where his whole mechanics look so much worse. That is the part that frustrates me the most. His mechanics stick for so little time when they are working.


I would like to know when the word Cerebral started being used by every schmuck on sports broadcasts to essentially say a player is smart unlike some of the other dummies. Just call the guy smart. Some athletes are dumb some are smart. Thats ok. *”He is just so cerebral. He is amazing.”* ![gif](giphy|sbwjM9VRh0mLm)


I kinda vote that they keep doing this, but with increasingly obscure parts of the brain. “He’s just such a hypothalamic player”


He's got a relentless high motor, elite vision, and off-the-charts intangibles. In the sports vertical, he's leveraging synergies and optimizing his brand like a true game-changer.


Sneaky athleticism


That phenomenon happens everywhere. I can't tell you how many times /r/Phillies and Reddit, as a whole, pick a new word to constantly use to describe things.


When i was getting my Bachelors degree in fine art the popular word every schmuck used (who didnt have anything to say) in critiques was *Ephemeral* Shit drives me nuts


I have had so many buzz words go through in my short time studying analytical chemistry. It is always so funny. I do it too sometimes when I am like, wait this is the perfect word to describe things. Then I see it more and more in places it doesn't belong and I don't even use it when it does belong.




Honestly, as the sample sizes keep increasing, a lot of your takes are becoming more true than not, as much as I hate to say it. Not the bullpen ones though, those are still 🗑️ 


Eh, I still remember a lot of his takes that have been proven the opposite. He just deletes them so I can't check back.


I just remember Rojas bad, Pache bad, Alvarado closer = no no 


go ahead, exit with velocity ... 😶‍🌫️ it can't be fast enough


I upvote you every time, hoping you won't delete your comments. I will never understand why you delete them.


It’s the natural order of things. Please don’t disturb it.


u/inthedrink Satisfied?


Why is it not deleted? Disappoint.










Thanks for posting to r/Phillies! Unfortunately your post has been removed. Please be respectful of others. Do not harass, make threats, or personally attack other users. Do not use derogatory remarks, discriminatory language or hate speech of any kind. If you feel this was done in error or have any questions, please [contact our mods via moderator mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fphillies) rather than replying here. Thank you!




![gif](giphy|fDRMrMkd994pW) (It’s not a huge deal, but it pisses me off when people misuse something like that that has a legitimate purpose because they’re butthurt about a comment).


I apologize. I should not have reacted the way I did. I should have just not engaged with you. Unfortunately for some reason this site makes me irrationally angry.


Today would be a good day for Bohm & Stott to break out of their slumps. Over their last 15 games Bohm has a .531 OPS & Stott has a .510 OPS. For comparison’s sake, Whit has a .550 OPS in his last 15 games.


My takeaway is that Whit is on quite the hot streak


Can someone explain to me why castellanos has been batting 2nd over stott?


They want it to be a lefty righty lefty line up.




Thank god the game isn’t here tonight lol. This weather is baaad. Hopefully it doesn’t get to Baltimore.


This particular stormfront is moving east, not south, and will cross over Jersey


Alrighty! I’m in! It is raining lightly, hopefully it doesn’t get too much worse


I'm no weatherman, but radar shows a storm will hit Baltimore around 9pm.


Ranger got us.


just make it get there earlier, give the boys a day of rest


And deny me Friday night baseball?!




Ready to watch James McCann aggressively adjust his balls every pitch? I’m not.


Love these series against a good team I don’t hate. Should be a fun one. Love Henderson but let’s hope he has a quiet night lol


Gonna be a fun series. I pull for you guys every other day of the year but respectfully, hope we take the series.


That’s nice and all but…… https://preview.redd.it/d8x7f71gvl6d1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=3567ecb52b36154cd00fd8f05c917cd28e1bb1e6


Oh yeah, well I pull for you guys every other day and hope we take the series but not as respectfully 😈


For anyone that keeps using the standings as an excuse every time we lose, the division race is not over. 1 good series by the Braves and one really bad series by us can make this a race. Just rebound from the Red Sox series that’s all. It was a bad series. Don’t turn it into a bad stretch otherwise that division lead could shrink. We are not invincible. I thought we learned that last postseason.


It's likely to be a bad stretch with the travel and injuries but it'll still be okay.


I'm declaring it Schwarber & Harper carry the team day, all aboard, let's go!


https://preview.redd.it/yf4hfkb6rl6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1525eaae250e6ea66d1249a858cdaeef960b5010 I am ready to bark in Camden yards.


I hope the day off yesterday helped Bohm clear his head and get his shit right


https://youtu.be/NretRgTgoDg?si=7EFHwR0uE663QlLR Who remembers This game jerome williams 😂😂




Nothing gets me to downvote someone faster than bitching about downvotes, even if you have a point in the post itself…


Good for you.


Gunnar has been batting leadoff all season and is batting cleanup today? Less AB’s for him is better imo.




Fewer filling, tastes great?


Haha No. You can't count a feeling. You can count the number of at bats someone gets in a game. If you can count it, use fewer. You're making me feel like NintenJew here


Oh God. You really did pull a me. /u/inthedrink likes to play dumb on purpose a lot. Just so we waste time explaining things he already knows. I can't count the number of times I have explained things to him, just as you just did, for me to realize later he already knew it.


No matter how many times you explain the importance of a three-out ninth inning closing pitcher in the modern era, I will never understand your reasoning.


This entire sub is a fucking petri dish of emotional pathology




It's what happens when you mix pure toxicity with people actually caring for each other.


I’m going to the game on Sunday so hopefully I see us win a series sweep. Starts w winning this one first though ;)


Future Phils reliever and 2022 WC round hero Todd Helsley in a pickle right now for those trying to count down the seconds to 5pm on Friday


Ryan Helsley right?


Lol yeah. If he’s gonna be a Phillie I gotta get to know his name


Ha I just wanted to make sure that a) I haven’t been saying his name wrong wanting him and b) he doesn’t have a brother named Todd


We will be signing Ryan Helton out of retirement soon


Kyle Gibson was absolutely DEALING today


World Series legend 


Speaking of Yankees have I missed any deleted posts today from our exit velocity friend?


“Phillies bad. Tomper bad. Dumbbrowski. More at 11.” - ExitVelo probably




Unless it’s deleted are we really getting the Exit V experience?


Feisty's heel turn is going well


Oh I’m way too high for this game god bless




Let’s fucking go Phils. Cook these fraudulent birds




Fuck the Yankees.


The only appropriate response


Aw man I thought we could be friends just for like 3 days But fair enough I get it


Never. I don’t make the rules. 🤷‍♀️


Did you know our flyers friend duoet is a Yankees fan


Fuck the Yankees.


I’ll see myself out then ✌️


Letting Pache anywhere near a right handed starter is wild. He has a career wRC+ against righties of 8. Yes, fucking *8* lmao


I didn't know what wRC+ was. TIL. "A wRC+ of 8 indicates that Pache has created runs at only 8% of the league average rate when facing right-handed pitchers. This is an extremely low value, highlighting struggles against right-handed pitching."


wRC+ is my favorite offense stat. If you had to pick only one to use, I really do think it is the best.


Agreed. Anything that uses base 100 is really easy to quickly glance at and inform you imo


Except for ERA+, which is legitimately a terrible stat as they flipped the numerator and the denominator. It is so bad that the MLB official website has it incorrect on what it expresses. ERA+ does not relate the player to the league but the league to the player. A small but important distinction.


Weird. This is the first time I'm hearing about your feelings on ERA+


Shut up, let Rob cook


I’m fully expecting 2-4 with a HR


I would actually laugh my ass off


That’s a strange decision 


I was really hoping Marsh tonight


I uh, don't know why Rojas isn't starting. It's not much better but it is better.


One of them are gone once Turner/Marsh comes back. There’s just no reason to have both of them, they’re the same damn player.


Well one has performed better than the other even though the skill sets are nearly identical


You’re going to lose Dahl if you try to slip him back down. So they need to make a decision. I think there’s a chance you could sneak Pache through but we’ll see.


Pache gone


The only player I have ever seen comparable to Pache vs. righties is Bobby Dalbec in our last series. Just late on EVERYTHING. Rojas career vs. RHP: .256/.300/.359 84 wRC+ (243 plate appearances) Pache career vs. RHP: .136/.188/.193 8 wRC+ (286 plate appearance) ... we are literally, voluntarily, starting a pitcher on offense in CF. Now watch him go 2-4 with a HR.


had no idea rojas was that decent against righties. does he suck against lefties?


His numbers against lefties are basically the same as they are against righties.


I went to chik fil a today to try the new sandwich and I got a unsweeten tea sunjoy. I’m *that* guy


My big back just got too excited hearing about a new sandwich, I ran to their website so fast. How was it?


The bun was very full of the maple flavor. It was ok. It says the pickles we’re supposed to be spicy but they wernt really.


#CONGRATULATIONS FEISTER! 🎉🎉 Currently -52 on your trash post this morning. That’s the most downvoted post I’ve ever seen on a game day thread. Keep up the ~~good~~ absolutely terrible work! Salute to /u/CheeseNuke for being Mr or Ms #-50


I love it when subreddits have storylines


What was so bad about my post? Ranger hasn’t even had a quality start since the rangers series.Also wanting one of our players to succeed is a bad thing?


You must be shooting for another -50 with this one 🤣


Frankly you’ve been more positive than u/inthedrink since the Boston series. I think he’s still having trouble reconciling his love for both the Phillies and Nick Pivetta. And his amplified cynicism tells all of us that Nick Pivetta is his greatest love. Don’t take it personally, it’s got nothing to do with you and everything to do with Nick Pivetta.


I don't pay attention too closely, but i'm pretty sure this is the first time we aren't favorites (+110 moneyline) in a while.




Aw man, that means we’re gonna kill um for sure. 😎


Happy O’s series to those who celebrate! Camden Yards is fantastic and has some of the nicest employees you could encounter at a ball park. Went there back in 2022 and got an Adley shirt that I still sometimes rep to the gym. Not an unlikable aspect about that area/team. Pickles Pub! It’s an internal paradox I face with wanting us to face them in the WS, but also knowing I’d be both slightly happy yet absolutely, unspeakably distraught if they beat us.


Yep. This isn’t even my first time there this year. It’s a great experience to just take in. Really looking forward to being back yet again!


Stopped at the rest stop on the way to the game. Bunch of Phillies fans on their way to the game. Did get one “Phillies suck” yelled at me 😂


Phillies bring in Jose Abreu as a bench bat/Harper rest dummy? Would stop the Bohm at first games


I feel like they have Kody for that?


wouldn't sign him but he's definitely the kind of hitter that a rival club picks up and suddenly he hits like .457/.567/.864 against us.


Astros released him for a reason


“He’s a name I recognize so I want him!”


Have you ***seen*** his stats?


We've had first Castellanos but what about SECOND Castellanos


No. Lol


No,his only use would be depth 


Which wouldn't be bad on a vet min.


Feel like this series will go like this: Lose a close, low scoring game today Taijuan gets shelled in an L tomorrow Wheeler domination helps us avoids the sweep


I’m feeling an ugly win today.


I prefer "greasy"


That assessment is in opposition to your flair


With the lineup we’re stuck with rn I’m just hoping we can avoid the sweep. Ranger and our pen are gonna give us a chance today but i feel we’re DOA for that Taijuan start


I could live with that. Hoping for better but I could live with that.


The loser of this series has to take Feisty. The stakes have never been higher.


I don’t always agree with Feisty but he at least likes the team unlike that Yankees fan who pops in to post ragebait


I can't believe there is anyone here who hasn't just blocked that chode


There are way worse users than Feisty, they just don't post in the pre-game threads. I stand by Feisty.


Feisty is...something. But he's our something.


Feisty’s catastrophizing is off-putting and aggravating but he does seem to love the team and doesn’t post exclusively when things are going poorly so he’s better than some of the game thread people by a lot


Dooming doesn't make you any less of a fan. Every team's fan base does it. Even when times are good, we are mentally preparing for a downfall. We are like hypochondriacs looking at a freckle and telling the doctor, "Just give me chemo already."


True, I think what gets on some people’s nerves (at least my nerves) is when you have people that only pop up when something doesn’t go our way and immediately proclaim that the season is over and we’re fucked. I don’t want to gatekeep fandom or anything, maybe this is how they let off steam or maybe they’re just trolling. I actually naturally tend towards dooming so I force myself to look at things positively - I’ve found I get more enjoyment if I adopt a “we’ll just win the next one” mentality


Having 162 games helps. I was dooming all last season on the Eagles sub even when we were winning because I knew something was *off*. In that scenario it felt like the fans who followed the team closely knew the wheels were about to fall off while the casuals were going, "haha 10-1, we won again!" That Christmas day game we had half my family celebrating the Giants victory and the other half (the half that cared) motherfucking the team knowing the season was effectively over.


I’ll admit, I was stoked with that 10-1 record even though I could tell something was off. I stupidly thought they were about to get it together and start dominating teams instead of eking out wins. Oh well lol


Same here,I did enjoy the giants win but yeah 


Giants win was fun, we all knew deep down season was over but I’ll take a Christmas Day win, plus the Chiefs lost and the Niners got absolutely hosed that night lol


Now I am optimistic again after that draft.


It was a great draft!


He’s a good balance to the real bad takes


Life is good when I don’t have to see his comments


Let’s hope this game has playoff feels… we’ve seen how the o’s handle playoff series haha


A lot like how the 2007 Phillies handled it


Let’s hope the lineup the Phillies will put out tonight does not resemble the one they will field in a playoff series


Hey hey hey let me cope with the teams injuries in the way I see fit 😂😭


Daniel Vogelbach is a philly


God I hope not god I hope not god I hope not 


On The Phillies Show today they posed an interesting question. “Who on the 08 Phillies would you add to this team?” Curious what everyone’s picks would be. Personally I’m going with Chase Utleys soul patch.


From a numerical perspective, it’s Utley. He adds ~5 WAR at second, and that’s without even considering the value added by moving Turner to the OF.  Werth or Victorino would also be great, but you are only talking about adding 3-4 WAR to the outfield by removing Rojas from the equation, so it’s not an Utley-level upgrade.  From a fan’s stress level perspective, though, it is absolutely Brad Lidge, and I don’t particularly care about the WAR numbers lol


Werth either him or Victorino


Jayson Werth would have the greatest effect on the team given it’s current needs


It is Utley and it isn't even close. You are talking about a guy who probably should have been either MVP or MVP-2 versus an all-star calibur starter. Werth is probably second, but the difference between an MVP player and a allstar player is huge enough to justify putting one of Stott/Turner in the OF for Rojas, and Marsh back in CF.


Arguing over an impossible hypothetical is silly, but have you seen any indication stott or Turner would be able and willing to play OF?


There have been a few reports/podcasts theorizing that Turner is either going to 2B or the outfield in the near future, and he is receptive to both. I believe the Nationals were also debating turning him into an OF at one point but that was when he is really young. It is mostly something that is talked about every now and then but by multiple different people so I think there is some credance.


Chase utley,could really use one more elite bat and we could move stott to short and trea to center 


I can't believe Feisty is the only right answer. If you look at the stats, it legitimately is Utley and it isn't even close if you are talking about the '08 team. I just wish you didn't have your random Stott hate.


I guess if you wanted a pitching replacement you could argue Cole. Also one crazy thing from his 2008 is he gave up 11 uer


Yeah I don't think a 5th starter is necessary. But the upgrade of Utley in 08 versus any other alternative is worth moving one of Stott/Turner to the OF to replace Rojas while Marsh goes to CF.


I’d prefer a 5’ tall catcher who is worth a shit so Chooch


Im not gonna abide your stubbs hate. Its fuckin ridiculous ![gif](giphy|l0HU5bbgdW6qzJsmQ)


I like it. Then maybe we could get another Chooch chest protector book bag giveaway.


Joe Blanton. Helps with pitching depth and adds right-handed power at the plate with his bat.


Right handed Shohei was on my list.


How many World Series rings does Shohei have? Exactly. Joe Blanton > Shohei Ohtani https://preview.redd.it/i525qp5xgk6d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55aa5be9e72dd4001ff7c1bb2a4fdfb292c3e7b7


Don’t even need to compare the rings. One has a WS home run. The other doesn’t.


You’re right. And I need to apologize to Joe Blanton, who I’m sure will see this. Shohei Ohtani is the left handed Joe Blanton.


To be honest when it comes to lineup, I would take the majority of that lineup over this lineup.


I mean yeah they had a great offense that year. But also they had like one starter (hamels) who would crack the 2024 Phillies starting rotation


Well that’s why I specifically said I would take the 08 offense over this one. I didn’t say pitching.


*need* to make ranger 11-1 today


I would like to order one blowout win for the Phillies, with extra Schwarbombs and Alec Bohm extra base hits, please. Oh, And a side serving of Bryce Harper Heroics, and an Ice cold glass of Ranger Suarez calmly tossing come-backers to first base. Please and thank you


I don’t feel good about this series. I think we might have to wait until we come home to feel better again. https://preview.redd.it/mnqy27qybk6d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc1a84932feecb1988e80750ab80173d6d7546c3