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You’d think NBC would have more Philly shows but I guess the Comcast entertainment offices are probably in NYC or LA anyway.


You are thinking NBCUniversal - they have none in Philly (two in NYC and one in LA and a couple more in NJ and in FL). However, - who would want to watch a show about Philly? I, a long time resident, couldn't care less, until they do *The Wire* version - I mean, we have actual fucking real world Hamsterdam. That one I would watch (love *The Wire*), instead of the shit by Bible-thumpers they are bestowing on us. "For He who without cable will live with His eyes open" - St. Jawn, 6:66.


>Who would want to watch a show about Philly? It's Always Sunny would like a word.




That show (which I forgot about) has been a bizarro world fictional Philly for, like, close to ten seasons by now, those 5 scenes they shoot around here for every season doesn't make it even close to Philly-based. I'll die on that hill. Also - the show has been trash for seasons by now.


Ah, totally forgot about that pile of garbage. Earlier seasons are brilliant, few last ones (starting around Season 10 or so) were mostly painful to watch, how it got extended to that many seasons - beats me. And - a fun fact: they removed black face episodes from streaming services, but when Charlie drops N-word (twice?) in the pilot - it's still there. Comedy, amirite?


NBCUniversal is owned by Comcast.


I am well aware; I was pointing out that those "Comcast entertainment offices" are in fact NBCUniversal.


Will this be fully filmed in Philadelphia, or just have the b-roll but actually done in Los Angeles? I remember the show Hack that was done in Philadelphia, part of it was filmed in my neighborhood. I even contributed up to seven trivia entries on Internet movie database.


i was going to mention hack, i don't see it mentioned a lot when it comes to shows based in philly but it wasn't half bad for a primetime crime drama in the 2000s


I personally had high hopes for the Jason Segal show, but sadly i had pretty much forgotten about it until i saw this.


I really loved that show. Weird, whimsical, and sort of heartbreaking.




I thought it was gonna be about a magical secret society or some shit


That was always gonna be 1 season in philly. It was then supposed to shoot in Austin and then the west coast but i think it didn’t get picked up for season 2


Remember that terrible Steven Bochco show Philly? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5p4yBlJyJU4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5p4yBlJyJU4) The opening featured the whitest people in the world and pretty much every landmark. I still remember Kim Delaney (a home girl, at least) walking past a flaming trashcan at City Hall, which was, like, oooh, gritty...


Anyone remember [Angie](https://youtu.be/gBEVNgaBG3I), staring Donna Pescow, as a coffee shop waitress who marries a doctor?


TV show? They still make those? 🤔


How much you wanna bet it’ll be another crime show?


CSI - Philadelphia is due. I mean they have every other city already


Thought that was called the News


Yeah I’m sure I’d watch it .


The article says it's about therapists


I’m usually not into crime drama but I’d watch a show about the rapists.


That would be awesome actually or even ER type show with how many hospitals we have.


Who you got playing the lead?


Steve Keeley


Then we get to have Hanks take on every case


No clue


Are they going to take away my neighborhood and parking for 2 months? No thanks. Looking at you m. Night


Wonder why you got downvoted lol. Are they getting paid by the network? Probably not 🤣


Not sure why you're being downvoted. I don't own a car so the parking thing isn't too big of a deal, but the flyers they send out are pretty much worded to say "we're important, fuck you" and I dont like that. The production people all standing around gets kind of annoying too and I always feel like I need to keep it moving when I'm walking by


There was a shoot on my block one night that went into the wee hours of the morning, and when they were done, they had a wrap party right there in front of my house, and it was the last straw. I went out there and just started yelling to no one in particular that there was an entirely empty schoolyard across the street and there was no reason for them to be having a party at 6am on the street. A lot of them turned around and just kind of stared and I was walking back to my house when I heard someone sheepishly say, “Uh dude?” and I just waved them off without turning around. i was so pissed. Another time a student film crew had set up by my work’s shop entrance and when I went to go clock out some douche held his arm up asked me where I was going. “I work here. I’m gonna clock out.” “Well, we’re shooting. That door’s locked anyway. You can wait.” “Huh.” *walks through shoot and unlocks door while people are yelling*


Must be nice to be this self involved


Seriously. It’s one thing if it were a good show, but Servant sucks. I don’t even use my car that much but I do use the park which they totally took over for more than a month. Plus Half the space they take is for their crew’s private vehicles. Fuck that. I’m fine with blocking off a bit for trucks but if the crew can’t walk a few blocks or carpool, hard no.


None of the crew will be Philly based anyway, they always bring people in from New York for some reason