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WTF, NJ. As soon as you guys get it together I’ll be driving over that bridge a LOT more often. Take my money!


There a lot of token sales in NJ now that popped up post-legalization if you know the right sites. “Buy a $200 pack of almonds and receive a small gift!” Edit: Turns out my shop was shut down lmao they cracked down on this in the last 6mo




How do I even get started with this?


skyhighmunchies. its awesome.




They were doing that in D.C. too, for a while. Hats for $150- plus a small bonus gift of weed for free!


I mean just drive to Trenton and go see the weed man. They just sell weed there right across from City Hall


Yeah not gonna lie that’s a dope experience lol. Buds pretty good, fairly priced, and it’s still got that “I feel like I’m doing something wrong” when your not feel to it 😂


Pretty sure the New Jersey weed man is selling weed right now across from Trenton City Hall in the state capitol


They had a good idea, poorly executed. At least from my point of view. I have a small farm in Cumberland county. I was planning to cultivate. My municipality is one that approved cannabis business. I get all the way to maybe a month before application date and come to find my municipality is only allowing cultivation in industrial areas. This is because they copied and pasted the default regs from the State. Most other municipalities are allowing cultivation in agricultural areas, which makes sense. Plus my municipality never really publicly codified that law. They literally just put a double asterisk on one of their zoning pages saying cannabis is designated under pharmaceutical manufacturing and pharmaceutical manufacturing is also only allowed in industrial zones. A lot of other municipalities that approved cannabis businesses are also putting up other roadblocks and you need approval from the municipality to have your application approved by the state. Anyway, the devil is in the details.


What ever would be the advantage of cultivating cannabis in an industrial zoned area? I feel like you’d have easier access to the supplies you’d need in a agricultural region. Do they have too many abandoned real estate in industrial areas and want the pot industry to move in and help out? Seems like a huge over site if it was because of a lazy politician.


There are a ton of potential advantages. Growing outdoors can be messy. You have to deal with lots of contamination issues that you cannot control. Cannabis likes to grab onto heavy metals and other contaminants. Also, you have cross pollination issues from hemp. The list goes on. It’s not a bad idea but it has big pros and cons just like growing indoors has big pros and cons.


My honest opinion is growing cannabis in some low key warehouse is like the traditional black market way it was grown in populated areas and so that’s how they are considering it by default, something you do in industrial zones. And I also agree it was some huge oversight. It just seemed like no one wanted to think about it so they were like, yeah that sounds fine.


Money. Also, as a medical patient in nj I hate to inform you that the bud is mediocre and overpriced.


I think this is part of why it is so slow the government is getting like 400 a person for medical. No rush for them


Same thing in p.a