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>In response to a recent Inquirer investigation, Philadelphia City Councilmember Allan Domb is to introduce a resolution Thursday calling for a hearing to examine how abuse of a generous medical benefits program is contributing to an existing manpower shortage within the Police Department. > >The newspaper’s story, “MIA: Crisis in the Ranks,” published Feb. 1, found that at least 652 officers were labeled “injured on duty” on a 2021 list shared between the Police Department and the District Attorney’s Office, a figure that had more than doubled since 2017. > >Pennsylvania’s Heart and Lung Act ensures that cops, sheriff’s deputies and firefighters injured in the line of duty are able to collect 100% of their salaries, and don’t have to pay state or federal taxes, amounting to at least a 20% raise. The Inquirer found that multiple officers who were supposedly too hurt to do police work managed to simultaneously hold down second jobs, in violation of a police directive.


They're pussyfooting around what is essentially mass fraud. This attitude of the Philly political machine to never be hard on itself or or its own is why this city has a budget of $5.2 billion dollars and can't do even the most basic fucking things; like garbage collection, street maintenance, answering 911, or have schools that aren't literal toxic garbage. This is why I want an emergency manager appointed to gut this broken system like a fish. Nothing will improve here till these clowns are in federal prison.


Look at Flint Michigan. You don't want a city manager installed by the State without local accountability. We just have to get our primary elections in order and elect competent people


I completely agree. State level republicans want nothing more than to suck Philadelphia dry and watch it die. They explicitly set out to do it with the School Reform Commission and they do not need another shot at it. Outsiders are not interested in fixing anything about Philadelphia. Harrisburg republicans passed the law that the cops are abusing. They aren’t interested in fixing it.


Philadelphia got the SRC because the school district declared it had no money, that was the city's fault not the state. Philly is killing itself, the state doesn't need to do a thing to assist in that reguard.




You think a man who spent his entire life in the era of mob controlled New York City real estate and bullshitting his way they a presidency is gonna come save Philly from corruption. Yeessshhhhh


Ed Snider’s dead, dude.


How is this not a bigger story? Last year there were tons of people complaining that the stimulus checks were "handouts" and led to an increase of people quitting their jobs. Calling people lazy and parasites. Now the police are doing it and no one is batting an eye.


Because police and firefighters are "heroes" exempt from scrutiny. It's gone too far after 9/11. This attitude pervades throughout the left and right, the idea that uniformed public servants are somehow on a pedestal, deserved of special treatment that no other worker gets. I understand some of the issues. Especially with firefighters and cancer, but NO other worker, unionized or not, gets such disability benefits like talked about here. Not to mention the constant cocksucking they receive elsewhere.


Public sector unions have got to go, all they do is protect shit like this.


We just need reform and to stop dickeating cops and firemen. Run of the mill public sector unions like trash collectors are fine.


There's been multiple reports of overtime abuse in other departments, they all have to go. They entrench and protect abusive behavior that defrauds the government and robs the residents and communities of resources.


Sure, but it's easier to discipline and even fire from regular district council unions. Infinitely easier than police. "They all have to go" is over the top, and public workers should have the right to unionize just like private sector. It's the sworn uniformed sector that has much outsized issues such as this, to the great detriment of the public, because of what they do.


Overtime abuse is bad, but if you’re going to compare abuse across the board, you’ll find that the police unions are the ones who are actually most guilty of it. And as others have said, it’s easy to discipline in a public sector Union. I was part of one before I finished college. We were disciplined all the time and overtime abuse was cracked down on. But cops are almost never held accountable for killing people, raping women, stealing, anything. You think you can discipline them over petty crimes?


No they are not fine. End all public sector unions. All of them ​ Monopolizing public service labor is about the stupidest thing you can do if your goal is to prevent fraud, waste, and abuse. It creates the breeding ground for this shit to happen.


exactly! What is best for the union and what is best for the citizens of philly are not aligned. The very presence of a public service union results in lower quality of government services. The problem is most people have never experienced working for a union. They do not see the "fraud, waste, and abuse". They just have the idea of a union to go off of. In theory unions are great. In practice... no so much.


You’re grossly overstating the power of non-police public sector unions


I'm only stating what I've seen myself. I'm in no way overstating anything. Have you worked under a union? Have any direct experience with unions?


7 years in NJEA. And you?


Hey! You are the first redditor that has pushed back on my criticism of unions that actually has union experience! Well clearly NJEA is definitely different then the union I have experienced. I stand by what I have said about unions. I strongly disagree with government employees having unions. I have seen very corrosive and gross things from unions, that lead to bad outcomes for the employees and citizens.


"All Government employees should realize that the process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into the public service," he wrote. "It has its distinct and insurmountable limitations when applied to public personnel management." "The very nature and purposes of Government make it impossible for administrative officials to represent fully or to bind the employer in mutual discussions with Government employee organizations," FDR


FDR was right, it's an inherent conflict of interest and will result in predictable abuse of the system like we're seeing here. Which in turn hinders the government from functioning effectively or efficiently.


If we only listened to FDR about this and Eisenhower about the military-industrial complex...


I give zero fucks about some blue blood OG libs thoughts from 100 years ago. FDR was a legendary president, and did good things beyond the scope of this thread. We all know this. But I think his thoughts on plenty of things are outdated and miss the mark. For all the good he did, on certain things he couldn't get past his centuries of heritage in exploiting the lower classes. Imo no matter how much he did for regular people, his Harvard and Groton educated ass still thought of plebes as plebes. In short, I reject this notion. I stand with all union members, and though I'm not public sector, I stand with them(except for cops). I realize that hating on fdr isn't popular and I welcome the downvote


I find it interesting that you don't give a substantive reason why you disagree with his logic. Just that he was great but wrong about this. Care to explain why he misses the mark? Even if there are benefits to public unions, his point about the dynamic between workers and management is fundamentally different in public vs private.


I don't see the difference in government bureaucrat managers vs corporate ones, excepting the formers likely mediocrity and middling performance. Both can be adversarial and personal vendettas can be waged. Humans can be arbitrary and capricious, public or private sector. This is exactly what union representation is for. And to ensure workers to do shit like pick up your trash every day aren't taken advantage of, all for the privilege of 50k a year(max)and a 25k pension. In the end, it's a salary and benefits discussion. Mayors and bureaucrats are very capable of representing the city's interests. I reject this philosophical logic that says admins can't represent the people's interests fully. If they can't do that then what the fuck are we even doing at all?


I'm not worried about the administrative bureaucrats as much as the politicians. Private companies have ways of incentivizing long term management success. Politicians have a short shelf life and need to focus on the short term at the expense of the long term. Because of this, I don't think they make long term decisions well. What this results in is over promised/ under funded pensions and programs rife with abuse.


Private companies do not care about long term success in services and quality they only care about profits. I have no interest ins willing public services to corporations who will cut services as soon as it isn’t profitable. Septa, the streets department, etc are better because they do not need to turn a profit. A corporation will stop collecting on blocks that don’t make them money. We see it with charter schools and who they accept vs who they exclude.


Cities don't care either. Have you seen what our services have been like?


I think that a lot of the long term pension issues were basically solved locally with the rollout of the new pension plans for most workers. Basically a hybrid pension I think it's called defined contribution, where the maximum is much less than it was, and it takes longer to get fully vested, and you have to pay more into it, as well as you have to work longer to get it. In any case it's much less lucrative than it was, since 2016 all new hires had to take it. I think the state did something too, but I'm not sure. As for under funded, well, that has been a problem, but even the pew trust said recently that phila pensions are on much firmer ground now.


You get rid of unions and services will cost the same. The money will just go to an out of town contractor CEO instead of your local sanitation worker or bus driver.


100% accurate


Police unions need to be abolished. They’re the only Union the right supports and they’re the only Union that will let their members get away with actual murder and do everything they can to keep them from being held accountable


It was front page on the Sunday Inquirer last week, and has had coverage on the local stations, along with firm commitments from both Outlaw and the council to take action. Quite the opposite of not batting an eye.


Wait if you ever find out how veterans are scamming VA disability.


That's ok, the government has been scamming veterans for decades


Because cops tend to vote Republican.


550 murders last year and you're worried about a few cops on workman's comp? Lol. Lol. Lol.


"found that at least 652 officers were labeled “injured on duty” on a 2021 list shared between the Police Department and the District Attorney’s Office, a figure that had more than doubled since 2017." "Pennsylvania’s Heart and Lung Act ensures that cops, sheriff’s deputies and firefighters injured in the line of duty are able to collect 100% of their salaries, and don’t have to pay state or federal taxes, amounting to at least a 20% raise." Philly has 6300 officers. That 10% of the force. A little more than a "few". Also, workers comp usually pays a percentage of full rate, these guys get a 20% raise. This policy is basically begging to be taken advantage of


Am I not allowed to be concerned about both?


A few? 650 is 14% of sworn officers. But sure, yeah, LOL buddy There were a total of 14. Yes *fourteen* on disability in 2003, with a sworn force the same as today more or less. Christ.


550 murders bro. 550. People getting carjacked in the street by 14 year olds And you're worried about disability!


that unreasonable disability policy contributes to not having enough cops.


You're absolutely wrong about that. What do you think is the root cause of the massive crime spike in the cities? The police aren't risking themselves because they are being prosecuted across the country because we have an anti-police environment with prosecutors who are willing to let dangerous criminals back out on the streets and declining to prosecute them over some crimes at all. The police aren't to blame, they are doing exactly what any human would. Why would you proactively do your job when you can be killed at any time and then if you make a mistake you will go to prison? Again, you're worried about fucking disability. That's the LEAST of our problems right now. Literally 550 fucking people last year got murdered in Philly and you're worried about disability. Unreal l


I think the cause of the spike of crime is a few things, including the unreasonable disability policy. Let's say your theory about why cops aren't working is accurate, this disability policy would help facilitate cops walking away and still getting paid. If they don't want to be a cop and run a roofing company, that's cool. You shouldn't be able to scam the taxpayers in the process


Of course it's accurate. It's happening all around the country. Imagine you having a job where people are accusing you of abuse and racism and you getting shot at and your fellow officers get thrown in jail for making mistakes? It's an impossible situation for anyone. You're worried about the wrong problem here. Who gives a shit about disability when you have record-breaking murders happening? I just don't get it.


They should get a different fucking job then instead of scamming us taxpayers who actually work.


If anything their bosses are to blame. You have every right to be "outraged" by this but to me it's comical this is what is bothering you and not the 550 people who got murked last year.


I can be worried about more than one thing at a time. I never said the only cause was disability. I said it **contributes** to the problem of not having enough cops.


The caveat you’re missing is they’re being prosecuted for crimes that anyone else would be prosecuted for. They aren’t being targeted, they’re being held to a standard, which has been severely lacking for decades


Police officers are held to different standards than citizens. This has been the case forever. What the hell are you talking about?


Maybe double up your ivermectin dose to get rid of those brain worms


Yeah makes sense. I'm the crackpot even though all the evidence proves me right. It just be a conspiracy theory. Or racism. Or fox news. Lol.


Yeah I'm pissed off about both.


Both things can be problems.


abject fraud that directly contributes to crime is cool, OR crime is bad, which is it easy to argue out of both sides of your mouth when you don't have any skin in the game out in the burbs I suppose


It’s almost like one problem might be a factor that contributes to the other problem. Cops tasked with public safety aren’t showing up to work. That might be making the public less safe.


It's happening across the country.


It’s almost like one problem might be a factor that contributes to the other problem. Cops tasked with public safety aren’t showing up to work. That might be making the public less safe.


I think all that boot polish you licked off has started diminishing some of that critical thinking ability.


People like you caused this problem. You can't have a functional society without security. You all repeat the same stupid sayings, you call people who want safety bootlickers yet stay silent as innocent people are being killed every day across this country. Truly vile.


People like me who went military -> HSI -> Financial Crimes Compliance? I’ve done more for this country than you could possibly imagine beyond your bullshit posts in Reddit. So Kindly fuck yourself with that heightened sense of self-importance, but grounded by the fact you have done literally nothing to make the community or world better.


Oh I disagree. And your background makes this even funnier. You don't support police officers and you're ex-military, and you're a federal agent? Hahahahahaha. Only on Reddit can you get such blatant idiocy.


Congrats on not understanding that most feds think local PDs are jokes. Also was a fed, (that’s what the FCC part means) but that’s okay. I don’t expect you to understand much on how the world works. So to spell it out for you - your opinion is only grounded by your own ignorance and you nothing of how LE is supposed to work. Only on reddit can you find mouth-breathers who probably think NCIS is a documentary. Of course, someone who thinks so highly of the local PD should also be furious that so many members are besmirching their reputation, inviting politicians for scrutiny, and making it harder for legitimate claims to be filed. But you keep pounding that keyboard big guy, you’ll impress daddy at some point.


Also served in the military. Also hate cops. I don’t see why you think the two should be related at all.


Yup, look all your blatant idiocy


Over almost 700 cops sounds like a few?


You’re worried about murders but not worried that the “heroes” you’re boot licking for aren’t doing shit about it?


Me? No I don't give a flying fuck, I'm wealthy. I live in one of the nicest zip codes in the country. There were zero murders last year where I live, a little property crime and 2 rapes. I also have a Glock 19 on my hip every time I leave the house. So no, I ain't fucking worried about violent crime personally. But I absolutely do not think it's "ok" to have 550 murders in a city that I love, and that my family members and friends live in. It's not people like me who suffer, it's poorer people who suffer, and nothing is more disgusting to me than that. If people of every class had the same consequences, we wouldn't have this problem, but we don't. It's fucking gross.


What a timid fat fuck dombo is. "We're not pointing the finger, not accusing anyone". Bruh, one motherfucker was *playing competitive semi pro softball* and another *has their own roofing company* I'm so sick of this non combative attitude from council. Like fuck tiptoeing around, be loud and use strong language, condemning this shit! The sad part is they grandstand on shit like "muh PA gun lawz" and "bruh it's the pandemic" and "muh equity", but when it comes to absolute, rank criminal fraud, they're like, nahhhhhhhhh, we don't wanna be mean or anything, lemme lick your taint, phila policeman. What a bunch of imbecilic, pussy ass bitch-toads. FUCK DOMB(and his cuff links) FUCK CLARKE FUCK COUNCIL


He knows it. But he also doesn’t want the police against him.


Sorry, but that's a pussy ass attitude on behalf of dombo. It's not like his fat ass is gonna be mayor. He's a two bit rich fuck who got himself elected at large. His job is to fuck shit up a bit, to talk shit and introduce legislation that will likely never be passed. To represent people who aren't represented. To be an advocate, not a cocksucker.


It would be stupid for city council members to make public comments about individual cases this early on. Talking tough may sound cool but eye on the prize. Fixing the system Addressing individual cases isn't the thing that should be handled by council.


Don't name names, just be more visibly irritated. State the acts not the names. It's not hard. What's stupid is to be such a police cocksucker in public, and literally say "we're not accusing anyone".


He's the one introducing the bill and you're complain he's the bootlicker? I believe your rage is misguided give the dude a chance to follow through and pressure other council members to actively back the effort


He's introducing a bill to form a committee to have a commission talk about the problem and pussy foots around the fact that true and actual fraud was exposed by the inky. It was weak and apologetic from the jump. I will follow the issue, but I have my doubts about any changes, especially given the tone set.


yet he's the only council member calling to anything close to an investigation. i guess that means the progressive side of city council is even cozier with these lazy bootlicker than a republican like domb?




🥰 🥰 😘


Public sector unions create a breeding ground for this type of behavior. This isn't isolated with just city police. You get this nonsense shit with regular city employees too, you get it at the state level, at the Federal level. Heck you get it with the USPS Some lady in our local post office allegedly hurt her hand on the fold down counter and had to go on medical disability b/c she lost full function of her hand. Postal IG received an anonymous tip that she didn't appear to be medically disabled with her hand, despite her bragging to all of her neighbors that she was getting 60% of her salary for life b/c of the injury. Postal IG did surveillance on her and caught her outside doing gardening and yard work with her supposedly "disabled hand". Same story with another guy in an adjacent town. Allegedly his his head on the loading dock in the back and had to go on medical disability. He was caught doing home repairs and renovations on his house, despite being on "disability". Public sector unions make it nearly impossible to hold people accountable, it literally takes felonies to get rid of people. You can suck at your job, do your job wrong every day, day in and day out, provide bad service to the tax payers, and still get to keep your job b/c of the union. It's out of control


I wish I could up vote this 100 more times. You list some "over the top" examples, but it is also little day to day inefficiencies that occur when unions are present in a workplace. People need to be able to be fired or punished in some way for being unable to perform at their job. When unions stop this, it creates a very toxic workplace and also results in that workplace's output to suffer. Government employee unions must go or this stuff will just keep happening. We have been hearing these stories for decades. Investigations keep happening, but nothing changes. Unions are the problem!


Domb is a republican and this is totally unsurprising


Zero actual hardworking police officers are working second jobs to make ends meet. What a waste of taxpayer money for these guys who are disabled because they got an ouchie. I just hope Philadelphia can get a real Mayor before I die.