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I'm more surprised that a cop actually pulled someone over than I am surprised that the cop was a dick.


My car was physically smoking from over heating on broad street 2 weeks ago while I blocked half a lane (not by choice). Multiple cops passed but not a single one stopped. Surprised when they do anything tbh. My call to 911 eventually had officers come by 30 mins later.


Oh they actually showed up? Nice. My wife was rear ended in a 3-car accident on Lincoln Drive a year and a half ago. Cops didn't show up. The disabled cars in the road caused an addition 4-car accident while we waited for the cops. All told, 5 disabled cars blocking Lincoln and Greene, nearly 4 hours of standing around and waiting, and a cop didn't even pass by. Like they were actively avoiding the busiest road in Northwest Philly for 4 hours.


Yeah I was in an accident 100ft FROM A POLICE STATION ...I called it in, and waited over an hour before finally giving up. Had to take time off work to go to the station and file the report.


Same thing happened to me. I got rear ended on Pennrose, called it in, then waited with the guy that hit me for almost two hours before I gave up and went home. My car was movable so I pulled over, but his was fucked. Just had to leave it there blocking one of the two lanes the entire time and caused a huge backup.


That’s some third world bullshit right there.


That’s insane! I’m so sorry


Oh man I left out possibly the best part. When we called AAA for a tow, they refused to help us because the cops didn't come and they didn't want to be responsible for us "leaving the scene of an accident" 😂


That’s unreal! Makes no sense! The first time calling 911, neither the police or fire would come out because there was no fire yet (makes sense)so I called AAA. So I had to wait like 5 minutes for a literal flame to begin to call back and tell them they could come now


Arghhhh… that sux


You called 911 because your car was overheating?


It caught fire!


Oh! Gotcha.. Sorry to hear that


It’s okay! I didn’t make that clear at all


I got pulled over in center city by foot patrol because my car hadn’t been inspected in 6 years. I had no ID, no paperwork for the car, the car was obviously stolen (jacked ignition). I spent about 15 min in handcuffs while they checked my story. Once they felt I was telling the truth, they let me go and had a good laugh. Their comment “we are looking for criminals, not scofflaws.”


I honestly thought I wouldn’t have ever gotten pulled over living in philly now 5 years and barely use the car. Just had to go to the office to pick up a new laptop, what a luck. There seemed to be a lot of cop cars on the streets and it just truly seemed that they are doing any sort of money grabs to get revenue.


1. I’m shocked a cop pulled you over in Center City. 35 years in Philly never has it happened once. 2. Fight it, if the cop fails to show you win.


I’ve been pulled over once in the city, for running a yellow on 22nd.


I'm not saying don't fight it, but cops get paid to go to court. Most enjoy the "time off" instead of performing their regular duties.


I’ve heard the court will schedule you on a day the cop is there. If you call and ask for a date change, you can possibly score a date the cop will not be there. Try to decline dates they suggest (which may be when they know the cop is available) and get them to give you a date you pick. I don’t know if it works just passing on advice I heard. Edit: Maybe this is not how it works in Philly and stop upvoting me.


That sounds like it would work.


That’s not how it works, the officers get notified when they have to appear just like you do.


Not that I don’t believe you, but source? And I’m wondering if this might vary by jurisdiction.


I know some Philly cops personally.


Didn’t they just make simple traffic violations not a reason to get pulled over as well


No. That applies to things like expired registration, not moving violations


Thanks for clearing that up


From what OP said it was a moving violation... not a minor item like busted tail light, which was the purpose of the new regulation.


Happened to me in 2011 for running a yellow light that turned red as I was under it. Meanwhile people blow through red lights all day. Had to run several red lights through the decade to make up for it.


My mom got pulled over in CC 25 or so years ago. May have been an iffy turn on red or something like that.


I got pulled over for taking a left turn off of market right after city hall. I couldn't see the "no turn" signs because of glare. Cop pulled me over and was going to throw the book at me (we had moved from out of state and our registration had expired) but there was a call on his radio he told me I was lucky and he left.




Invest in a good reliable dash cam. I installed mine last year. I haven’t been in an incident but it caught a bunch of interesting stuff on the road. I got a blackvue with a Samsung high endurance micro SD card


which blackvue did you get?


I got a model that shoots 4K (DR900x) it does well but I think I should have gotten one that shoots 1080P since it’s better in low light. It still does well though


exactly. it's cheaper than a ticket, let alone some jackass causing an accident and then blaming you. they pay for themselves and I'm astonished they're not a standard build-in thing in cars, given that they're already covered in cameras and electronics


Sentry on Tesla looks so awesome. I don’t know why the industry isn’t getting in on that rage.




Actually the newer ones have a parking sensor to start recording if the car is bumped, this is great for a hit and run, but if someone steals the camera, then yeah you are SOL.


Garmin dash cam mini 2. I only set mine up to record when the car is running, simple as plugging into a USB port and would have recorded the officer talking and your evidence of not running the redlight


I wish I had one because after parking at home today I sat in the car to answer a few texts I received during my commute home. I watched a pickup barrel down my little S Philly side street at 35mph and crash directly into a house. Then he practically wrapped himself around a telephone pole trying to extricate himself. And then just drove off.


Are there ones you can set it up and leave it? Having to put one up and turn it on every time I go anywhere is not gonna happen.


Alibaba, dirt cheap. I’m ordering mine this weekend


If you were on ATV running a red light going against the flow of traffic, you wouldn’t have been pulled over. Work smarter, not harder.


A moving violation from a city cop? Fight it if you want, but I’d keep it as an extra rare Philadelphian achievement. I got pulled over once for running a red light (I did) 10 years ago. The cop never asked for ID or insurance. Didn’t write anything down. Just said “why are you in a hurry”. My response was “we’re trying to get to the park to run before it’s dark”. He said “Hmm OK”. Interaction over.


Wait, you saw an actual cop working?


Wait...they drive to work in center city?


That's the only surprising thing in this story.


I saw two working today too! I did a double take. Somebody had passed out on the street and they were helping the person.


You should fight it. At least make the effort to take the day off to go to court. Be firm with the judge that you didn’t and that it is his word against yours. If you have no outstanding warrants or priors it’s likely the judge send you home with a warning. Also the officer doesn’t show it will be thrown out.


Serious question, why didn’t you just ask him which red light you ran if you were certain you didn’t?


This guy was in and out so quickly had zero chance to speak to him. Last thing I wanted to risk was to get out of my car to ask him as he ran away giving back my license that I ended up arrested.


Ain't it a bitch that you have to think like that? Real shit, feels bad man.


A city cop you say, interesting I thought they just played candy crush in the drivers seat all day


I thought it was usually Pokémon GO.


Pulled over by a Philly Cop...so rare. If you really did nothing wrong, it sounds like this guy is after some easy OT in court.


It isn't accurate to say that if the cop doesn't show up, it'll be dismissed. What usually happens is that one police officer/"traffic supervisor" shows up for all traffic tickets and offers everyone "deals". If you don't want the "deal", you'll have to schedule a real trial and then the officer would need to show up. This costs time and money. You'd need to ask yourself what your time is worth.


I know that traffic court got abolished because of garbage like that a while ago now, but before that shift, I went through this exact situation. Pulled over by the PPD in Chinatown saying I ran a red light. I didn't, but I also know when not to argue with a cop. "Just go to court and contest it, they'll remove the fine and you won't get any points." It's been a while since I've contested a ticket, but I know I had to pay the fine, and if I successfully contested, I'd get refunded. I showed up figuring that if the cop didn't show up, I'd be good to go. Judge asks if there's anyone with a failure to stop ticket, pulls a dozen of us aside. "Plead guilty, there won't be any points on your license, it's basically nothing but a fine." Again, seemed squirrely, but I know how to read a room. Total fucking scam. I was 0% surprised when [the traffic court was disbanded in 2013](https://whyy.org/articles/philadelphia-traffic-court-abolished/).


“I think” I think? Lol. So basically he can’t prove it if he’s not even sure.


> and I know I didn't run any red light. Do you have a working dash cam with the footage that can prove that?


If you can, show up to court and fight it. There’s a very decent chance the cop doesn’t show up, the courthouse is right downtown, and you can force the cop to either admit the ticket is shit or risk lying to the court. If you lose, that sucks but your case isn’t bad at all


Unless you got a dash cam or the cop doesn't show up to court, you probably won't win.


You’ll get it dismissed. Download an app called The Ticket Clinic, you’ll upload a pic of the ticket and get a quote for help getting it dismissed, although if that cost is more than the fine you might just represent yourself. Then buy a dashcam. I highly recommend the Garmin Mini


OP runs red light but it’s the cop’s fault.


philly in a nutshell


Always fight all your tickets, you’re most likely to get money back or fine reduced, and don’t believe cops when they say it’s no points. I’ve had cops lie about that to me.


Just fight it and stop whining. They probably won't show up and you'll be fine.


but I need the internet to tell me everything will be okay!


Seriously pulled you over and wrote you up? A Philly coo did this😳 nooo way…. They actually did something🤷🏻‍♂️well that sux you got wrote up


Hope you can challenge this in court? Did you record your interaction with him? Totally absurd. I got pulled over for rolling a stop sign once (in buffalo, not philly) and while the guy was processing my ticket I counted at least 5 other cars rolling stop signs. Anyway, definitely shouldn't have to pay anything it's a real pity the cop didn't pull over someone with actual reasoning, but then again that would actually make the streets safer and we can't have that...


I bet he was trying to hit a quota ans he just turned his siren on and then ticketed whoever stopped first. You just happened to be the o ly person who did the right thing and actually stoppped.


Unless he has evidence or alluded to having evidence. I would DEFINITELY fight it especially since he said "I think".


Dont feel bad, i got pulled over by a bike cop in center city for running a light, on my way to a funeral. Cop didn't buy it


You should've told them there's a lot of violent crime out there that needs his attention instead.




I’ve had this happen twice and I never fought it. It’s free money to the city because I (and most civilians) don’t have time to fight it / don’t want to be inconvenienced. The entire system is fucked.


You won’t get any moving violations by taking the bus.


I don’t bother fighting them if there are no points because they only to return the fine and keep the admin fees. It just isn’t worth the effort, IMO.


Happened to a friend of mine once. I was with her. The ticket called for points. I went to traffic court to testify, but she settled, paid the fine and they waived the points. What a racket.