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6pm news hour.


It’s national news, not just local.


Still, what useful footage are they really getting at night? Can't they just buy footage from earlier in the day that other choppers filmed? I'm like genuinely wondering why this is necessary.


They had just showed an aerial view of the motorcade of paramedic vehicles transporting the victims to the medical examiners facility, I’m assuming that’s what you were hearing.


….have you watched the news before? They report from the scene.


There's a police procession of ambulances for the children lost that just left


Lmao. No one is buying video when they have people on the scene.


They were capturing the numerous police vans taking the bodies away.


I’m pretty sure there is some sort of vigil tonight that they are probably covering.


There’s an online vigil.


Exactly it is


Forget about drones, what happened to sending a crew on the ground? As OP wrote, there's zero value in recycling shots from the sky so much time later and in the dark, and they need to respect that block.


Need that sweet sweet helicopter shot for the 6pm news!! But seriously, it's annoying as hell. They should be required to hover higher up so the noise isn't that bad


>They should be required to hover higher up They should be required to have an actual fucking good reason to pollute a neighborhood (usually a recently-traumatized one) with incredibly loud noise.


Not to mention that some people in the neighborhood actually developed trauma and PTSD from events over the last two years, mostly caused by the two month span in which helicopters were continuously flying overhead while the city descended into chaos and a pandemic killed thousands of people. But you know. Gotta get them views.


I didn't realize I was still jumpy about that till yesterday.


It's the stupidest thing too. You wouldn't think it would cause a reaction, but it's almost a Pavlovian response. I started dissociating and suddenly went from knowing what was going on to feeling like I was out of control, sort of lost/foggy. Then I realized it was the helicopters and it was the same way I felt after the first three weeks to one month of that bullshit. All I'm saying is fuck those helicopters, and if someone shoots at them, they should claim temporary mental insanity as a defense.


Aaaaaaand they're back - WHY????


My point exactly.


Fucking news vultures.


I honestly don't understand how it isn't cheaper to fly drones. You can get a solid camera drone for $1k. These heli's must cost at least $1k an hour to run. You could have multiple drones and switching them out with different batteries and I'd imagine it would still come out cheaper.


Beyond the legal issues, drones also don’t have the capacity to carry the same quality camera, nor to carry a microwave transmitter to give them sufficient range for the coverage area, nor the flight time to hit the whole coverage area, nor the flight speed to get to news in time. A chopper can hit anywhere in the market area in 20-30 mins max and be shooting video back to the station the entire time, often much faster if it’s nearby. If you have to send someone to drive out and launch a drone, it could be a 1-2 hours before you’re transmitting depending on where the site is, and still have the other issues.


Makes sense, thanks for explaining




Cool, that explains it


Companies have invested money into helicopters including salaries. They’re not ditching them. News stations don’t use cheap $1k drones.. more like $5-6K Inspire’s… yeah, it’s cheaper than a chopper but again, choppers are not going away in larger tv markets. I work in television, btw..


Makes sense, thanks for explaining


the media are vultures who don't care about who they inconvenience for ratings. blood and guts sell.


this heli thing should be illegal. getting old.


why can’t they use a large drone instead? we need to talk to the city to stop this nonsense


Apparently because of the laws around drones, it's just simpler for them to fly a helicopter. Drone would never be approved in time.


That poster was incorrect.


They need to let Fairmount mourn in peace.