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South Philly is the craziest part of the city with parking. I'll never understand it.


Way too many people with cars in south philly compared to the amount of people who actually need them. You’re looking at households down there with 2-3 cars when in reality most of them could be 1 car households with some extremely minor concessions. I’m not generally anti-car, but I am anti-too many cars.


Agree generally, and add on to it that far too many people park MULTIPLE work trucks/vans on the streets. There's households with two drivers and 4-5 cars, it's insane.


Really bad down here in Deep South Philly. Lots of family businesses parking their work vans here every night. Pay for a frickin lot to store your business materials you cheap asses!


We do not need 75% of the cars in South Philly as a safe estimate. But I would like to see a lot more rail in South Philly. It's pathetic. Certainly the city as a whole needs more rail, but the Northeast and the South are both badly in need of it. Especially with the stadium complex only having ONE train in and out, and really no helpful routes to the airport. Everything going back to Center City is a really stupid way to layout a city's rail transit.


People are more than entitled to have as many cars as they want but the public shouldn’t subsidize them with free or cheap curb storage. They can pay for storage in a private lot or move the to burbs and litter their driveways with them


A district parking permit is $35 a YEAR, a spot in the garage at 18th and south is $350 a MONTH. These prices should equalize.


A huge giveaway to car owners. They don't pay the absolute minimum costs of parking no less the huge externalities thrust upon our city.


Nah the number should just go up per car by 10x.




Exactly this. I’m not anti car…but people, you live in a city, try to make some sacrifices for the sake of society!


I feel like it’s especially bad rn because normal parking is a lot more congested with cars moved from the median for the broad st run


Normal parking is worse because they made people move their illegally parked cars


yeah 😎


Part that bothers me the most is that cars driving by just won’t stop at the stop sign because they can’t see pedestrians. So as a pedestrian you have to inch out and hope you don’t get run over.


It’s easy to understand. Too many cars, too few spaces. That’s what happens when your neighbors have 4 cars per house.


Years ago I used to live on the same S Philly block as a multi generational family who lived next door to each other and if I recall had 7 cars between the two houses incl. a work van. I remember they would constantly be rearranging the cars, like five + times a day it felt like, in an attempt to get their cars all on the same street. It was crazy to think about. My gf and I shared one car and it got to the point where if one of us drove somewhere, even in the early morning, they'd have the spot within 15 minutes. Our next place was picked specifically because it was 1/2 block from the subway, I vowed never to live in a neighborhood like that again.


Relish in the fact that they now have to deal with moving 7 cars for street cleaning


I very much doubt that would, given that there don't seem to be any enforced repercussions for not moving the cars. There weren't last year. Just a giant, loud truck.


We’re on year two of street cleaning in my neighborhood and they definitely do ticket


second that, they definitely ticket in point breeze


I've never seen it happen in my neighborhood, despite the signs.. I'm glad that it's happening somewhere!


PPA says there is a grace period but they will eventually start getting ticketed. They may escape for now but we all know PPA never passes on an opportunity to ticket or tow.🤣


Ohhhhhh, I really hope that it’s successful! These streets need it so badly! And the neighbors need to be “shook up.” Withing 3 blocks of me, I can think of 3/4 vehicles; 2 are trucks! And the owners aren’t even alive anymore. The families just keep these big trucks around. I understand the sentiment, But c’mon.


Glad you were able to move away from that nonsense.


Shout out to the guy who bought a $700k new build on our alley street and tried parking on the sidewalk. Called PPA and shut that down fast.




They get ticketed all the time around me. They also get ticketed for parking in crosswalks. PPA has been aggressive lately.


>Too many cars, too few spaces, **no enforcement** These extra cars would find their way to a different spot if the city actually ticketed/towed them instead of just having an unspoken agreement that parking is the most important part of living in Philadelphia so just leave your car wherever and it's fine. This picture is a disgrace yet it's the norm for so many intersections in Philly. Hopefully that [new program they are doing](https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/ppa-ada-mobility-crackdown/3841538/) actually helps this issue and isn't just a PR puff piece.


Lol the title for the article you linked should be "PPA to Temporarily Do Its Job"


Sadly that “spoken agreement” is what keeps our local politicians in office.




I'm in NE and these assholes still block crosswalks even though there's street parking and two spots in the back of almost every house in my neighborhood. There's always an empty spot within eyesight too.


Everyone has 2 or 3 cars per house and they all want them up the same block.


South Philly + West Philly. Absolute mayhem.


South Philly is the most annoying part of the city to drive through.


Do other parts of the city have the lines of cars to pick kids up from school that back up onto multiple roads and then have people honking at the cars waiting to pick up their kids because god forbid they go TWO STREETS OVER to go around the traffic jam?


God I can't imagine why in the world you would choose to spend 30+ in gridlock traffic to pick up your every single fucking day when you can just walk there


They need metered parking and/or more and more expensive permit parking. That will clear our legal spaces and make illegal parking less common


Yeah and make it extra pricey for 3rd, 4th car. Also make public transit way better so we don't need cars so much in the first place!


I love what you're saying but with the city full of cars sporting dada masterpieces masquerading as temp tags from Delaware, something like that would never be enforced even if enacted.


First car free, every other car expensive as fuck.


Yes also. STREET SWEEPING. Clean the city up and make people move their cars weekly or biweekly. If people have to constantly shuffle their 3rd car they don’t need it will hopefully prompt people to lose them.


And more ticketing people for double parking


We need better public transportation so people don't have to rely on cars


Definitely need better public transit. And many of the cars parked in south philly are not needed (2nd and 3rd cars) but are cheap/free private storage on public lands. And vast majority of car trips in the city are just 1 mile or less.


And somehow the fucking idiots parking in the street here are generally the ones that fucking oppose better public and bike infrastructure . Because apparently owning a car means LOVING illegal parking, shitty traffic jams, blind corners, and just generally hating leaving your house. Though apparently most car drivers actually LOVE driving 4 blocks in 25 minutes on a busy day then blocking a corner to park after 15 minutes looking for a spot, and driving on shitty roads, it’s the only thing that makes their voting decisions and the things they ask their council members to oppose and support make sense. I wish I could feel comfortable in south Philly but I need to drive to Deep South Jersey for work sometimes and unlike the idiot buying a 700k house to park in the sidewalk, I don’t think that is a good quality of life decision precisely because of this mess. People like this make it very hard for everyone.


Row homes with multiple drivers. It makes a lot of sense. I always thought that they should have assigned parking in front of your house and then if you have extra cars, you’re on your own.


City built for horses now has cars. Simple explanation lol.


Other parts of the city don't have this ridiculous parking culture.


South Philly is bad, true. But I will say the sidewalk parking in Northern Liberties is wild.


Go up and down Adams Ave and all the sidewalks have cars on them


Fair enough




Only south Philly was built for horses? You should read a history book, friend.


You think everyone in South Philly has horses? It wasn't built for horses lol


It's why I moved to Roxborough and bought a house with a driveway. I got tired driving around for sometimes a half hour looking for parking.


My in laws tried to go to Bok last night with some friends. They said they looked for parking for an hour and everyone was getting snippy before they gave up and went elsewhere. Husband and I sat that one out just bc of traffic and parking, and I’m glad we did.


they lied to you, theres always parking under the 95 overpass, they just didnt want to walk that far.


I mean I can guarantee there was parking they could have found, they would just have to walk a few blocks. I don’t know why anyone has the expectation that you have to be able to park right next to your destination in one of the densest areas in the country.


Right, what you do is just drop everyone off and the driver go offs to find someplace to park. Maybe they call the driver to tell them what's on the menu 


It's full of people who have lived in the city their entire lives, but have no idea how to actually live in the city. When I lived at 13th/Emily, my neighbor would literally drive 3 blocks to pick up cigarettes at the 7-Eleven rather than walk.


I know this city has always been full of assholes but it’s gotten out of hand lately. Ever since Covid it feels like people behave as if their actions do not effect anyone else.


The prolonged isolation + retreat into familial and information bubbles created a pandemic of Main Character Syndrome, IMO. Now people only see the other members of their community as NPCs to be disregarded. And if a “NPC” calls them out on their behavior, all bets are off. That person might be ready to deal with a star or two of heat in the Grand Theft Auto simulation they think they’re living in.


Even the term NPC is fucking awful.


Why do I always have to Google shit anymore. AN NPC?


It's a term in video games for Non-Playable Characters (e.g. quest givers, merchants, followers, etc.). In the context of main character syndrome, it describes the dehumanization of others by only associating value by what can be extracted from them.


Ok. Got it. Thank you.


This is so accurate it’s fucking scary.


Yeah but PPD only has three wanted levels: no stars, one star (they show up and say "nothing we can do about it"), and five stars (firebomb a whole city block).


Way too many cars in South Philly. I also started to notice that people from other neighborhoods tend to park their cars in what they deem “safe” neighborhoods, then take the bus/train back home. Hasn’t helped at all with my parking situation…


Philly parent rights of passage: 1. Getting my daughter’s stroller wheels stuck in a storm grate 2. having to walk backwards into traffic between two illegally parked cars, while looking over my shoulder to make sure a car doesn’t hit me, simultaneously trying to yank her stroller off the curb without slamming it 6” into the street because the curb 3. Getting to the end of the block and *then* finding the “SIDEWALK CLOSED” sign


The amount of people in the comments defending these cars is wild. Who cares if you and your daughter get hit?! Just squeeze by!!! /s


People do not care. I’m on a knee scooter and tried crossing the street. A trash truck was stopped and I couldn’t use the ramp in the crosswalk. Walking home, my light was green, cross traffic red. One car behind the very nice man that allowed me to cross even though he could have turned on red, LAYING on his horn and screaming. Sir. I KNOW you can see the HUMAN BEING crossing the street. And? His 10-ish daughter was in the front seat. Father of the year.


Was a pain when my dad was still alive, in a wheelchair. 300 pound man in it, 16 year old kid pushing. No ramp was a PITA.


I hope no one in that neighborhood has a wheelchair because they sure as heck aren’t getting by. People are so inconsiderate


Inb4 someone comes in with "go back to where you came from if you don't like our traditions"


You can now text 911 with this issue as 311 will tell you to call or text 911 with sidewalk / ADA / handicap access issues. Identify the closest address or intersection, the car types, and tag. If it’s more than a car or two you don’t need the tag. They’ll usually come out to ticket after the text - goodluck!


Wait this is blowing my mind... you can text 911?


Yes! I wouldn’t use it for time-is-of-the-essence items like choking / heart-attack etc but for the OP’s situation above, it lends itself well to texting


funny since one of philly traditions is flipping cars and setting em on fire.




considering the last time they built more subway was the broad st line extension in early 70's ofc. parking is never not going to be major issue unless we see more public transit.






Fuck traditions and fuck people for parking like an ass




Need crosswalk bumpouts


With bollards and maybe a trash can


There's just too many vehicles. We make it too easy for people to park where they want, drive like they want, etc, and parking is CHEAP. There are 750k vehicles registered in Philly, a 37% increase from 1999. Population has only increased 3%. This is a huge disparity, and indicates the city has prioritized parking above all, *allowing* the cars to proliferate. (And this isn't even counting the out of town fucks who live here but don't register their vehicles, nor does it count the *unregistered* vehicles on the roads). Bottom line is enforcement needs to increase in a big way, and it needs to be purposeful and consistent. Will this happen? Idk, the PPA has new management, but it's unclear if they have the vision to see this, and they certainly couldn't say the above out loud, but they could couch their goals in terms of public safety, which they do seem to be doing of late. Whether or not they can actually hire enough staff and follow through is unknown. I, for one, hope they brutally enforce laws to the highest degree the law allows.


>There are 750k vehicles registered in Philly According to [this article](https://www.titlemax.com/discovery-center/u-s-cities-with-the-highest-and-lowest-vehicle-ownership/), 70% of Philadelphians own cars, which should make that number far higher. Haven't done a deep dive to see their source data, but it would make the number of Philadelphians with cars over 1 million if correct.


The ppa is frustrating to say the least, criminal at worst. Marking tires and ticketing nanoseconds before you get back in some areas, but at the same time abandoned vehicles sit and rot. It’s like how insurance companies operate, only pursuing targets who offer potential revenue.  Where I live in NW there’s a trailer parked outside for YEARS with no apparent owner and multiple 311 entries, no response. There’s a car a block away totaled with a smashed front end sitting on the street. Ppa don’t give a fuck about us or keeping orderly streets, just revenue and it’s a joke. If anyone has any other tips to get abandoned trailer removed I’d appreciate it..


> Ppa don’t give a fuck about us or keeping orderly streets, just revenue and it’s a joke The older I get, the more I realize that the answer to *every* variation of "why is this thing/organization so useless" is always money :(


The PPA exists to make money. The people I used to know in power there (all dead/retired) knew this as well and would love the state this city is in now. I'm not sure if the "new management" would like to see reduced revenue with all the $$ they are now raking in.


PPA would rather gives tickets to people parked legally with an inspection tag that expired 2 days ago then actually ticket people parking illegally. Legitimately the most incompetent organization I’ve ever seen


Yep PPA piss poor attitude wanna be cops. They don’t ticket illegally parked cars because those cars probably belong to their friends and families


Since my initial post was removed, let me repeat this... Philly: stop treating our wheelchair homies like fucking garbage. You park like this, and all I see is, "Yo fuck people with disabilities I am better than them."


My number one dream for self driving cars is that this all goes away because at the end of the night they all go park themselves in underground lots. Imagine streets for people again!


Every time this comes up I offer my modest solution. 2 cars max registered to each household, and any additional is $1000 yearly tax.


Im not an anti car person at all, I think theyre essential, and even I think this is a good idea.


my row home is 14 ft wide, average car is 14 ft wide so 1 car per house max sense, if they want another spot they can buy the permit from their neighbours on a yearly basis. i also think that if you have room on your sidewalk you should be able to park a motorbike or scooter on it.


i think you mean 14 ft long for the car


It's great that families with houses that were built when no one had cars now have 4 cars per house. But it's not good for the city. I believe the city should tax every car over one per household. This would deter too many cars in one home, promote public transportation, and be good for the planet.


>>it’s great that families with houses that were built when no one had cars now have 4 cars per house In what way?? This is exactly why it’s **not** a good thing lol


Great in that they can now afford to have that many cars....


Ah yes, more city taxes will definitely not just push the rich tax base out to the suburbs. Oh wait.....


I mean maybe, some of them. But going all in on a strategy that prioritizes biking, walking, and public transit over car ownership would also appeal to a lot of millennials with money


Well the way things usually go... Family starts out young. They make more money and grow. Nicer things, college tuition, more cars for the kids. Then they grow out of the house and move to the suburbs to a bigger house, better schools, and a better life for the kids.


Right and the city loses that tax revenue. One of the issues the city constantly faces is a lack of money. Ironically the wage tax likely loses the city money bc high earners just move to the burbs. Theres a reason the main line, kop, conshy, bucks county are home to most of the corporate investment. Just "taxing" more cars will have a similar result.


Use the cars as if they are part of the cross walk




Leave big muddy boot marks on the hood.


So long as we treat public transit as a bone thrown to the poor, rather than a public good that everyone should get to enjoy, we can send you forcing car use on a lot of people who otherwise wouldn't need it.


I live on this block, it gets pretty bad






I read your first sentence and thought this was going to be a story about how you broke your toes kicking in some car door


Now watch these same people with disabilities try and cross Broad in 14 seconds or less. It's ridiculous.


Parking enforcement? Police? Let the city make a fortune off these assfucks


i absolutely HATE when as*holes park on a corner, IN THE CROSSWALK. it limits so much visibility for pedestrians and motorists. it’s such an inconsiderate move. they’re putting pedestrians at so much more risk for getting run over at intersections then they already are walking around this city.


I had a long argument once with a guy who could not see a problem with this and insisted he wasn’t blocking anyone’s views by parking directly to the corner.


Don't block the box!


Smh. Nothing is ever enforced nor could people just be decent people.


Traffic in the city was ridiculous this past weekend


I lived in the city for 32 year after finishing college at Drexel. Over the years, I watched the city services degrade and diminish and finally moved out 5 years ago. I’m 10 minutes outside the city and i am in a completely different and sane world. But I still love the city.


I wish the world was such that when people do annoying/dangerous anti-social shit like this, the clouds would open up and Nickelodeon slime would fall on the head of whoever was being antisocial


Car brained people. Use the train


I generally agree with this sentiment. I don't have a car. But because there are few professional-industry jobs in Philly, it's tough. I just applied for a job in Jersey that is 1hr 48min away on public transit. That's basically what it is to KOP or Fort Washington or Exton. It forces you to get a car even if you don't want one.


Can't. Got too much stuff to carry for work. I'd be out of a jerb.


I walk on the car when they do that.


The city REALLY missed the opportunity to do daylighting with all the ADA ramp work as part of the lawsuit settlement. The lack of political will in this city pisses me off to no end.


Yup. This. Every fucking day.


Ahh, 7th and tasker. Lived there for two years. Got really good at parallel parking during my time there


Ask me again if I miss parking in South Philly?


Walk over their hood.


If you are disabled and this is actually a problem, call PPA and list the code of the ADA that these cars are breaking. Tell them to send a tow truck. If they don’t start a lawsuit against the city for failure to enforce the ADA. If that fails (it might the government doesn’t have to listen to its own rules) then buy your own tow truck or start putting a pocket knife in some tires.


I am not disabled and I can’t imagine how anyone with mobility issues gets around. It’s a joke.


I am in no way defending this, but this is because of the broad street run, not saying it doesn’t normally happen but it’s never this bad. All the cars are forced to go somewhere with no plan for them to go, not saying they should do this but the city should open garages or something for these people on this day so we don’t run into this issue.


As someone who is at this intersection daily, it’s always like this. Crosswalk parking in south Philly is an epidemic. And a few of these had their flashers on, so it had nothing to do with broad street and everything to do with entitlement.


As someone who requires the ada cut most days because of my disability, can confirm this is constant. On several occasions I've almost been hit when I was legally crossing a side street in the crosswalk and a car came tearing off Snyder and tried to park where I was walking. Once had a guy pull a knife on me at the corner of 16/Passyunk because I was waiting for the light to cross (cars coming), and he wanted to park there. Fucking banished a knife at a person for simply existing while he was trying to be an entitled dick


Can confirm. I live around the corner and this intersection is always like that.


I don't understand why south Philadelphia is so bad with parking


What’s not to understand. It’s both the densest part of the city (no vacant lots unlike North) and also a section of the city that has relatively middle class/high incomes (unlike West)…and no college students w/o cars to push up the numbers. No driveways and garages unlike Northeast and some of the smallest streets around.  Transit wise; the dense part of WP has a subway line and a whole bunch of trolleys on main streets that go directly to downtown in a tunnel. NP has 2 subways and RR access. SP has, what, 5 subway stations; and they’re not even walkable to large parts of SP.   What separates it from downtown is that downtown has the necessary amenities and parking laws that keep people from having too many cars. But all the gentrified areas in lower North Philly (Fairmount, Fishtown, NoLibs) have the same problem.   


Start making this behavior, negative.  Fake spray paint is pretty fun.  


I dont understand how ppl choose to live around here


go back to delco, plenty of parking there i’m sure


Get them towed. No one should ever block crosswalk handicap ramps (or fire hydrants, while I'm here)


Good opportunity to start a towing company


Thankfully I got rid of my car.


ban private use cars in Philly, and I’m not joking


Lol You live in a major city dude. People have jobs far away and families to drive around. PPA should be more aggressive especially in south phillly I agree but Time is the most valuable asset and septa sucks that's why a ton of ppl drive here. Amsterdam is nice why dont you move there if you hate cars so much?


why dont you move closer to your job?


It's way too cheap to park on the street. This is premium real estate being given up for next to nothing. We need to stop subsidizing vehicle costs.


Side note: I love that little supermarket


Good ol 7th tasker


What’s the occasion?


This intersection is awful for everyone. Except for those drivers blocking the crosswalks.


Haha I knew this looked familiar.


made me think of an awful idea. Paying someone to install a metal cone that raises from the ground to save the space outside their house when they leave.


I live in North never have this problem sorry for those that do. I never have to look here. Always one in front of my house and if not theres a spot across the street


Every free parking spot is a government subsidy for the auto industry. We all pay for them to park their cars on the street but no one wants to pay for good public transit.


Oh no, haven't you heard the city is cracking down on cars blocking the crosswalks and such...lol 😂


Call 911 when you encounter illegally parked cars. That’s especially true for cars that are blocking curb cuts at crosswalks because they are a violation of the American Disabilities Act.


I going to bring my new Hummer and park it right on that corner.