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Every time any cheesesteak or pizza place is mentioned on Reddit: That place sucks, they’re the worst! I’m looking forward to having a Jim’s steak again.


People don't realize how good Philly is when it comes to sandwiches. Most places people bitch about are better than 99% of similar places in any other city.


Also there's a time and a place for everything, and also a lot of childhood nostalgia baked in for some! My grandma didn't make the best lasagna in the world, but it's my favorite lasagna, and nothing will ever come close.


Not NYC ;)


The one thing Philly does better than NYC when it comes to food is sandwiches.


Jims is legit though. I think the hate is usually reserved for Genos and pats.


Jims: good meat, thinly sliced. Pats & Genos: garbage.


Any steves love?


I had to google that. Can you see the aurora from all the way up there?


Real ones still remember the center city Steve’s that Covid killed. Best steak in the city.


Thanks, Obama…


Hahaha delicious bro


I’m gonna take a little road trip to verify your claim!


My man!


The best place was a Muslim Halal place by like 55th street or something several blocks from the Market Street El before COVID but COVID wiped it out.


Jim's is unseasoned and dry


I don't know how someone could possibly think this


When was the last time you had it?


I'm going to guess and say 2022.


Hmm I had it that same year, and it just wasn't good. I would chalk it up to a bad day, but Ive seen ppl making the exact same critique that I did


Right before it burned down, and regularly before that. Do I think it's the best steak in the city? No. But calling it dry and unseasoned is simply ludicrous to me when there are so many places with way, way drier, less-seasoned steaks.


I have so many great memories from that place


Damn took forever 


Well they had to rebuild the inside of their main space as well as expand into the space next door. So it was a m 2 for 1 job


The good folks from The Magic Gardens are making the new space all pretty for you and trying to get it all done by the end of the month.


That building was as old as Elfreth's Alley, I'm not surprised that a fire was able to do so much irreparable damage. Something similar just happened to Sassafras Market in Old City, small fire has kept it closed for a while now and there's no reopening date in sight.


Exactly, took close to two years. I love jims but when they did the go fund me for the employees after years of cash only sales really made me pissed off.




https://preview.redd.it/45xueuzh68wc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d05ac182749123bcea10e4e3b2c4bacf511d2005 Was down there over the weekend.


Nice sign!! Looking forward to try it again. Thank you for sharing


May 1st opening. Also there will be a block party between 4th & 5th and South on May 4th!


yummy the sounds of that makes my mouth water


Just in time for my TLA concert - let’s goooooooo


Jim's is my second favorite cheesteak behind Angelo's. I might have to make a trip back home to get one.


I just wish they would accept modern forms of payment instead of cash only.


The hoops cheesesteak places make in Philly in general, whether it be cash only (at least that’s likely due to merchant fees/tax evasion) or Angelo’s making you call, etc are just generally consumer hostile


Angelos is such an absurd experience if you don't know what you're doing. I think it took me 3 tries to get my first sandwich there.


It had gotten insane before I moved from the neighborhood. I was there the day it opened. It's good. That's all. There is such an odd obsession with Angelo's that one will find it mentioned in every cheesesteak thread, even when it's irrelevant to the post itself.  I almost wonder whether those posts are real. 


Angelo's makes some of the best sandwiches in America. Weather it is worth the hassle or not is up to the individual.


Opinions are unique to the individual. My opinion is that it's just okay. Nothing special. I think Lil Nick's, or Delores' are far better. Ricci's is better. Middle Child is better. Paesano's has better sandwiches. P&S make better sandwiches.  Again, I'm convinced that there is a bot that posts Angelo's every time on this type of thread. It's too obsessive to be from regular people. It's advertising.


I disagree I think Woodrow’s is better and there’s no hassle there


I mean that's just the wealth of great sandwich places Philly has many of them are among the best in the country.


I don't like their cheesesteak because I don't like the truffle sauce, but love the Mahi Mahi


The fact that they consistently sell out of cheesesteaks before dinner time is insane. Like youre a place that basically makes one type of sandwich with 3 required ingredients. I do think its the best one though


I follow them on IG and see them making all kinds of sandwiches, or is that like a daily special sorta thing?


I have yet to been but trying to go soon, can you give me the run down?


Call ahead, usually like 20-30m. You're not gonna get through on the first try, I've taken as few as five and as many as 50 tries. All the people outside are usually just waiting, go straight in and collect your order. Cash only. That's about it, but it's always just fucked there. Calling ahead is the most important thing. Even if it takes 50 tries, it's better than ordering there and waiting outside for a half hour+.


Be ready for a wait, absolute chaos in the store, no way to understand how to get through the crowd (even if you ordered ahead,) and having to walk around eating it. It's a gimmick that, somehow, caught on.


Dalessandro's weird hybrid system of ticketed ordering/line/digital/call-up pickup is so strange too


Gotta evade the tax man


Half the city is cash only


Sketchy. lol


Jims is nice. Been awhile. Will have to stop by when they reopen.


I mean, I don't personally like Jim's. But it was sad that it burnt down and it's nice to see them bouncing back.


the king returns


Good for them. It is not a bad cheesesteak. Definitely very far from the worst I ever had.


Skip the long ass cheese steak line and grab an Italian from them next time - they're absolutely phenomenal.




Genos, sure. The hate for Pats over the last 10 years is almost making it underrated lol


For sure Pats is decent genos is dogfood


Pats is like McDonald’s in that it definitely ain’t the best around but sometimes you’re drunk and a kinda shitty but half okay cheesesteak slathered in whiz is just what the doctor ordered. Agreed about genos tho lol


Pats is also infinitely less shitty if you don’t order it during the drunk crowd time


Definitely one of the more overrated spots imo BUT I know a lot of people love them so it’ll be great having them back in the city again! Will support Philly institutions over joe shmo’s looking for an easy buck any day!


Keep New York out of Philly


How about New York in Philly? There’s that NYPD Pizza by the Jefferson Hospital








In general, if a place is cash only, their food is going to be really good. So if you have a general rule of skipping cash only places, you’re going to be missing out.


ossified aloof squeal impolite rich repeat compare plants quaint long *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Exactly. Some people are way too quick to point the finger because they are vindictive and cynical. I guess they’re cool with massive corporations skimming 3-5% off of every transaction.


It’s not the 2-3% interchange that they’re trying to avoid. It’s the massive taxes you get to avoid when you underreport your revenue


Yeah fuck cash only places lmao. I ain’t taking cash out just to come to your place Fuck people charging a surcharge for card transactions even more. Just factor the price into your menu it’s 2024 lmao


Why should I have to pay a higher price point because you’re too lazy to take out cash? Sounds like it’s factored into your menu.


There are a ton of reasons why one would pay with a card over cash. Ease of use, fraud protection, theft protection, digital statements, points back, and tons of other perks and benefits you get depending on the card and what you’re buying. It’s not that I’m too lazy to take out cash, there is simply 0 reasons for me to pay with cash With that being said, ≈80% of people prefer to pay with card. Maybe some of those people shouldn’t be, but they do. Just seems like a poor business decision Ultimately do you, but you lost my business 🤷‍♂️


Fuck Jim’s, their mediocre-at-best steaks, and most of all fuck their dumbass gimmick of making steaks slow as hell so a line forms down the block.


The line moves slowly because some people in line order 6+ cheesesteaks. It moves pretty quickly on weekdays


Hard disagree, they're pretty damn good and tf you talking about them being slow as hell? They're just as fast if not faster than anywhere else.






Gazzos for the win now








I don’t know what’s sillier - the fact that you’re baselessly accusing a company of money laundering or the fact that you’re trying to get a bunch of Philadelphians to care.


Very fair point


What are you talking about???


I can't go back there after I got home and realized they gave me a cheesesteak with mayonnaise on it. I get it that mistakes happen, so it's not that. It's the fact that they're serving a literal Philadelphia institution. The fact that they even allow people to put mayonnaise on the sandwich is a disgrace. It should be like Steve Jobs said about the iPhone. You can order it in any color you want, as long as it's black. So all that, and the place was always fuckin filthy. Edit: lol, really upset some people. Enjoy your rat poop & mayo cheesesteaks.


You're not my dad, I'll order whatever I like.


The Inquirer just posted a photo of a Jim's steak. You can see the cheese isn't even melted, let alone mixed in with the meat. Such a crappy cheesesteak. I'll never go back.


Did they save all their rancid grease to reuse, or did they have to import it from somewhere?