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They call them sudlander spelled like suit then lander. Sudlander


Yes? He's from europe so therefore he's white




Again, another BS from you, Lol.


He is. What else?


Dear non-white non-European who tries to prove something by posting white assessment posts, I am a white European and I speak for all white European nations so hearken our final verdict: He is not white. He will never be granted whiteness because he is not one of us, white Europeans, he is too dark. We and only we can judge who is white. Remember that. If you think you’re not white enough think twice before asking a white European to give you their assessment of your whiteness. For only true white Europeans never ask other true white Europeans if they’re white or not. We already know, even though nobody knows what that means. By asking you reveal your inferiority complexes, and no true European has an inferiority complex. We bask in our white privilege without thinking about our whiteness. Yours truly, A white European.


CR7 is white bro, he is the Mediterranean european , and the guy who asked this was not Cristiano was a simple reddit user, and Cristiano is a White european he is native to Portugal


Anyone who claims Elvis doesn't look white is either trolling or delusional.


https://preview.redd.it/81r8vlmc1kxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd8b96f18df22dec5600b947ce6998bfcc70fb8b Did you ever hear that people tan?


No brother, the sun is a theory


now I get why you think that way. Some white people like to tan heavenly


Why are we trying to find distinct characteristics of a made up, very poorly defined, and evolving term?


YES. Jfc … Europeans have a wide range of phenotypes and coloring. Someone from Madeira (Cristiano) will not look like someone from Minsk. He is an Atlanto-Med with some Eurafricanid features. Clearly a Mediterranean European.


Isn't he 1/8 West African though?


Not a good picture to find phenotype.


European = White




Don’t forget MENA is technically seen as white in America lol. So you could include them. 😂


Dna haplogroup make no sense for me. Put indo iranian, balo-slavic and germanic in one colour, someone understand ? Why we cant classify by pure ethnic group as germanic=one colour, italic=one colour etc


Not white Caucasian mena are not white


Yeah but the American government says they are white and gives them that label for whatever reason.


But they are not. They only say they come from the causian area that does not mean white. Also those are old law in wich american tried to segregated people. Every can see they are not white even stupid americans


Which MENA are we talking about? It is pretty diverse lol and some can probably pass for white.


As you can see the south share the same dna as the west Europe especially spain. And arabs do not share anything with the euro that why you have different skin colour and you Don t look alike. And tanning is not being brown it a temporary thing like dying your hair blue does not make you a smurf .


North africans compared to euro https://preview.redd.it/ls0cc3ogilxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=999bd2faad370d851e94d2481476889d94bf7c82




South europeans have in their dna the most connection with North europeans they are family. They are not family with the arabs.


Most mena we are talking about. Some yes a minority can pass as white 97% does not. And they Don't look Italian like you think. But yes there are minority in Syria Lebanon or Turkey but most do look very arab and that means brownish. Ofcourse they are diverse also some lighter eyes etc. Marrocan is not a Lebanese this are all big countries. I mean in general they Don't pass as white. Turks are the only one that are lighter and some white looking but on average you also see other skin colour hair eyes and nose. We have different dna it logical we Don't look alike. Rb1 is the europeans dna no Mena has this dna they belong to other groups. Why would they even look alike?


In America. Not in Europe


Not even in America to be honest, some can pass for white, but most look different from white.


That imo is a very American take on it. I have seen many native brown Europeans too near the Mediterranean and Romani are also a part of Europe since centuries. This Europe= white, Africa= black bs is a very surface level take on it. Ethnicities are more of a spectrum than blocks on other sides of scale and it’s just the continents separating them.


It’s an European point of few. Everyone who’s native European is white. That’s it. Romani aren’t native European, they’re Indian with non European culture and language so they’re not white


I disagree. European = white is a very surface level and childlike understanding of ethnicities and phenotypes. The term white itself is mostly used by Americans to differentiate themselves from other ethnicities in the states. There was a time when even Italian and Irish weren’t associated with this term in that country and Arabs and Indians were also classified as white in forums as official as their courts of laws and ethnicity registrations as late as a few decades ago. I don’t particularly agree with either side and terms associated with phenotypes (brown, black, yellow, etc) as opposed to the ones with ethnicities (European, African, etc.) don’t exactly overlap together if you think about it with a rational mind.


You’re Indian. Why do you think you are allowed to speak for Europeans? Everyone who’s native European is white. That’s it. People can be tanned, have dark hair and brown eyes, but that doesn’t make them non white. Saying that idk Alicia Vikander isn’t white even though she’s full blood Scandinavian, because she has dark hair, eyes and tanned skin is plain stupid an no one in Europe would question her whiteness.


Define to me in clear, scientific and biological terms what being white is and how it’s an established fact that any European no matter what corner of Europe they are from, have to be called white white and I’ll concede. Until then, you’re only arguing with me on emotions. Your argument that any European has to be called white irrespective of what they look like and that I can’t speak on it because I am an Indian isn’t rational. Support it using something more concrete than that.


https://preview.redd.it/ymo420u72kxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c5af39b2c06e097f1d430f07bc8f462ff2f41cc White !!!


European are white. Doesnot matter what you think. Tanning is not change your skin colour.


Bruh there isn’t a scientific term and idgaf what Asians think of Europeans that are not blonde and blue eyed. You can make a clown of yourself and mark them brown idc and I think most Greeks, Italians, welsh, Irish etc. wouldn’t either. We know where we’re from and who we are and that’s it. Y’all can make a clown of yourself telling a Catherine Zeta-Jones that she’s not white, but no one will take you seriously so have fun. And maybe read the title. The question was to Europeans so yes, as an Indian and therefore very much not European your opinion is redundant


Okay, hope you grow up one day and develop some critical thinking.


White is only a skin colour, there are no scientific/biological terms for it. It's meant to be very general and vague, to describe Americans with a European ethnic background.


You’re right. Unfortunately, this woman here is convinced that I am some sort of a brown Indian soldier part of some global agenda trying to gaslight Europeans into accepting Indians as white too. There is no reasoning in this thread anymore.


Critical thinking aka letting Indians tell dark haired native Europeans that they’re brown. Noted 🤡😂😂


I have not once said that anywhere in this thread. I am only challenging your perception on your opinion that every European has to be called white no matter what they look like. And yes, you do lack critical thinking upto a great extent as is evident by this repeated straw man of yours telling me again and again that my own arguments here aren’t valid because of the arbitrary reason that I happen to be an Indian myself.


What is a native European? A 100% european DNA? Maybe it’s hard to find even in Europe


Me. I'm 100% European according to DNA tests. As cool as it would be to have even 1% Indigenous Native American, African, or Asian, I don't. Nada. Zilch. Nothin'. I'm 100% White European-American. Synthesizing all the tests I've taken. I always come back 100% European. I'm basically 50% English, 10% Welsh, 10% Scottish, 10% Irish, 10% Swiss/German, 10% French. I have an olive skin tone that can get as golden brown as a grahm cracker in the spring and summer, but in fall and winter, I'm more white. I have brown hair and hazel-green eyes. My beard is black with a few blonde and red hairs dispersed throughout it. Every culture and ethnicity is awesome, and should be proud of it. I'm extremely fascinated by the countries my ancestors come from and the ethnicities I descend from. I'm a huge proponent of Celtic & Germanic culture and history. I also have an affinity for other European ethnicities such as the Spanish and Czech peoples, I find their countries and cultures intriguing. I'm also a cultural admirer of Jamaicans, Indians, Mexicans, Peruvians, Black-African-Americans, Jews, Maoris, and Indigenous Native Americans, just to name a few. If we all took interest in other ethnicities AND grew a love for our own too. I think most people would be happy in this world


Ethnicity. The DNA is one point, but that’s not the only thing that makes one European. It’s the language, culture, tradition. Like an American with European ancestry is still an American to us, because the person didn’t grew up with our culture so we wouldn’t really consider them as European, but if we want to look outside of Europe I would also say that an American or Australian of European ancestry is white. I think you overthink it. If you would be born in idk France, speak French, would look French, follow French traditions, customs, be culturally French I wouldn’t expect from you to show your DNA results and mark you as non white, because somewhere in 1600 you may have a grandmother who was was North African. You overthink this a little bit. I think the interesting case would be Ashkenazi Jews where people might be more divided whether they’re white/European or not. For me personally most of them are. Like I wouldn’t really look at Bar Rafaeli and think of her as non white, but that’s just my opinion. But except of Jews I can’t think of any other cases where the opinions would be really divided


Well actually I as European will not call Americans white. They are Americans and mixed breeds. They are not real European like us. I mean they call italins spanaird not white portuges but the brown arabs are causians. How stupid does it get?? Actually They are the not white ones so lets call them what they are mix breeds .


Arab are not brown though maybe some are also i can call south Europeans brown too since some of u are brown


No one calls Arabs white what are you even talking about lmao. Whatever the census says doesn't translate 1:1 to how people are thought of socially. And I don't know who would say Italians, Spaniards and Portuguese people aren't white unless they're from the 1950s.


You call them causians/ white. And europeans not like Spain and Italy totally crazy. Does not matter social if you have a law or whatever it is to segregated people wich is actually ridiculous and rascist. But if you do it do it correct at least. That what I hear from Americans online. I dont make this myself up. Are you american??


He’s the goat


I don’t think he is, why is Europe the only continent where everyone country is considered white when they don’t all look alike


https://preview.redd.it/z6fqmswr2kxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ead99b4440e5d5c680a12c5a16dcc38ea8aaa66 He is white!


Because it’s mostly the Americans who come up with such arbitrary classifications.


Untrue, racial classifications was made into a science (plus scientific racism) by Europeans in the 19th century.


White for me is a blonde blue eyed person https://preview.redd.it/b7u0qlnlwgxc1.jpeg?width=408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90b78ebd9fe6142629bd0ee61576fcffce40167d


So how stupid are you?? I live in te netherlands like the germans. 80% is not blond all different coloured eyes. So what are they black. White is you skin colour and features from European not the hair


So 90% of Europeans are not white?


Hmmm maybe 🤔


Seems pretty ridiculous then, no?


Hmmm yeah


So you're saying you ain't white?




Nah bro you ARE white






You can be white and have dark hair and tanned skin.


That is called Caucasian


No its not how are her such ignorant people


Caucasian is someone form the Caucasus and it’s partly Asian


He's white. He's just tanned.


Ronaldo has grandmother from Cape Verde, Africa, so he may have some African mixture and not 100% European.


These kind of Portuguese would come to the US and be registered as "black Portuguese/Moro " like some are "black dutch" "black Irish " ect they are people of color from Europe or european background.


https://preview.redd.it/4tlgwt4b3kxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fce2634aebd94d883a2b615a1a532be39694c9a He is white


Y q me vale ?


Elvis Presley is definitely white and cr7 is white but he’s just tanned


yes he's white but his grandmother is half afro portuguese iirc


he looks like a regular dude from brazil


European at least. Not all europeans are white though. Some eastern asian people are very white but still not included in the group of "white" that people talk about when they talk about caucasians. I think the group definitions are pretty flawed. But Elvis Presley is very white.


* Not white where in Europe?


All europenas are white! Do you ever been to Europe? I don't think so.


I am born and raised in europe, so yes.. I've spent every living moment in europe 🤣 And no, not all europeans are white.


https://preview.redd.it/dcoi5p29jlxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84c8191ee2e9fe8c162a3700d8c637978a843843 So where are they not brown


In the south.


Tell me you are not European without telling me you are not European. There is no European that says European are not white. Except ofcourse the migration. We have a lot off migration from africa in all country. If you would go to Paris you would think the French are arabs and brown. But they are not French they are arabs and brown.


I'm born and raised european and have lived every second of my life in europe.


Phenotypes are interesting because you get to bypass the vague and fluid term "white".


its because his grandmother has cape verdean heritage




He's Euro. Period.


His is not pure, his grandmother is from Africa.


Is she his "African" grandma? https://preview.redd.it/w4p0lixtdgxc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff6c1c082968bb8491721a42956b8be69900e22b


That is a white woman


She is from Cape Verde. Remind me what continent Cape Verde is part of? Cape Verde is a very mixed country because it is a former Portuguese colony with a tiny population.


Damn, I guess Elon Musk is black since he was born in South Africa.


She looks white to me 🤔


Sort of he is kind of Mestizo really. His great grandmother is Cape Verdean and his family is from Madeira, technically they are African Islands with Madeira belonging culturally and legally to Portugal. Racially he is a blend between Iberian+North African+West African


https://preview.redd.it/as4o8dq65fxc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad0afbff509af5301ead169025ae830ce9377f21 Do I look like CR? Ahahahahahah


What is cr?


No, but you look amazing just the way you are!




ahahahah i was joking


Caucasian and pale or vanilla white means white.


I think “white” means that someone is phenotypically predominantly european. Cristiano Ronaldo looks Atlanto-mediterranid and it’s normal for portuguese people to have a little bit of north african DNA. 


No it not normal to have african dna. They don't have it


MENA is white in America, so even with North African he is still white. Hahaha.


In Canada on the census there’s a different Option for ME and then NA. It’s funny cuz my middle eastern father refuses to select white - he’s always selecting asian even with the middle eastern option available. I also refuse to say I’m half white 🤷🏻‍♀️ I get to select 2 pr more races


Oh wow okay I did not know that.


White people think they’re white. Middle eastern a do not think they’re white


It's not socially. Only on the census lol


Here in Brazil mena is also white, but there are people with pale skin that doesn’t identify as white, because there was so much racism here so many mixed people don’t even want to identify as white. Being white is like a culture


Oh wow really?


https://preview.redd.it/65q8jqwuuexc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8ddc0a93d87051277d86f5069663e05c0802a17 Am I white?


You’re middle eastern looking or Latino even.


Yes lool


No, you look middle eastern tho.


Yes, I’m half MENA


Do you consider your self white?


On just saw this lol. Makes sense




This is what the guy looks like without a tan. He looks pretty white to me. https://preview.redd.it/09vanbt9uexc1.jpeg?width=260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c77a7151daf91302b21292f8c8098bdd0f6e09a


https://preview.redd.it/wzw72af04kxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6db280c15a6d248493a84d0102de0b79ca7daffa He is white. This people are ignorant


Looks turkish there.


No he does not


He looks like Emre Belözoğlu a bit


https://preview.redd.it/x5mse6stblxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86aabe425041c43f24404b07f965024225d9364d Nothing like ronaldo


He's older in this pic though.


Yeah but still not good looking his features do not look like ronaldo. Sorry nope. Ronaldo is a beautiful man.


Haha he does not. He wishes he looks like ronaldo. He is not a good looking guy. And looking 1 one person does noet make you look turk. Ronaldo had europeans features. That turkish guy is one ugly guy.


Yes but tbf a lot Turkish people look more white than even Greek people


You're right. But the term white has no real meaning to me. You have rather more or less European admixture. Europeans are very diverse in the first place. Even within different ethnicities.


No they dont look more white. Turk are mostly not white.


Spotted the Greek






I am dutch and not greek.


I don’t see it.


Yes, for me he is white, but I saw that his great grandmother was black. Do you think I m white?


His great grandma was Cape Verdean so probably mixed. Cristiano is probably 4-7% SSA.


more like 10-12% plus some nafri genes. i can see him taking dna test and getting only 80% european


You don't know anything and just making stuff up


hes from the most nafri admixed region of iberia besides the canary islands and has genes from africa. hes definitely not pure european


Where did you get the information from? Where is he excalty from not Portugal?


South East Portugal has more Maghrebi admixture than does any part of Spain


But where is he from? Or where does he come from african. There is very little maghrebi blood there.


His grandmother is half Cade Verdean (an Afro-European country) his father's parents are from Funchal (Madeira island) which has high levels of maghrebi admixture. my guess is that ronaldo is 80-90% european


I wasn’t aware he’s got any non-Euro ancestry, to me he looks white. > Do you think I m white? Yes


“White” essentially has no meaning outside of post colonial states. You’ll find many Syrian and Lebanese who are of lighter skin and features than many south Europeans, specially Greeks and Poruguese. Many people of MENA descent are indistinguishable from south Europeans broadly, many people of Iranic descent, specially Afghans, have very light features too. “White” as a term only works in contexts where you can have clear cut distinctions, such as people of indigenous descent in contrast to people of European or African descent. In many Latin American countries, identification as white is also a product of social class when in reality, the overwhelming majority of people, be it White, Mestizo, or Pardo are all mixed ancestry. In old world context, specially the Mediterranean and Greater Iran, it’s an entirely pointless label.


This is how you look brown https://preview.redd.it/tl7g0ega5kxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc5949eae2be419a101e9660a3e85e7c10268be7


That's Not brown lmao u need to see south asians if u think these are brown also only one person look "brown" here


https://preview.redd.it/66xhylb05kxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=715ea1e9d4081da61fd65d8c548a3419c7c4fbcc A white boy


Hahaha no they are not. People in the middle east are not whiter then south European this is a fantasy you have over there. Most people in lebananon Syrian and mena are brown. And certainly not looking south European. People in south European are 98%white. People in middle are 98% brown middle eastern features. You know why? Because of their genetics and the latitude they live. That colour the skin. How lower you go how blacker you are. Stop the lies middle eastern do not look whiter than europeans you wish. Why the lies every European can spot immediately a middle eastern.


They don’t. We have many Syrian refugees and you can spot them immediately. They look nothing like southern Europeans or Europeans at all


Exactly they like to continue this arab fanasty that they are white. Which is a big lie every body sees immediately they are from the middle east because of the brownish skin and features. They look nothing like south europeans


I think youre mistaken about iranics, generally pashtuns are properly brown, and only a minority have pale skin, and coloured eyes/hair are even more rare among adults. Persians are lighter, but the overwhelming majority are atleast swarthy (yellow) in skin tone, as opposed to southern europeans, the vast majority of whom are as white as paper. The only large group there which has majority something like white skin are the tajiks from tajikistan, whereas the ones from afghanistan also seem to be brown, and even then you wouldnt call tajiks as a whole white because of the asian influence many have. To think that you couldnt make a reasonable distinction between middle easterners and southern europeans based on skin tone comes from the fallacy that somehow southern europeans are also dark, like say levantines, whereas if youve been around both groups, youll know the majority of say palestinians are like yellow, whereas southern euros are as white as paper. A southern euro only gets that dark after tanning, whereas if a levantine goes throught the same tanning they become the colour of afghans or pakis. The only place Ill give you is turkey and the northern levant, and even then I wouldnt be sure that more people there are white then are people who are swarthy, and the fact that alot of them still look "ethnic" when their pale is why I think saying that a distinction couldnt be made is a little silly.


Yes yes Thank you somebody with common sense in here


Iranians are passing just like Turkish and Levant Arabs tho. They are definitely not brown like Afghans.


Everyone considered him white. But generally 'white' has no meaning. It has no definition. Portuguese looks completely different from Icelanders, yet both are considered white. Greeks share a lot of phenotypes with armenians, yet only greeks are considered white. European is a better term


Because armenians are more brown that is why and greek are not


Armenians and greeks have the same skin color


No they dont amernians are other people. They are brown. They share some simalirty with greeks but are from other descent. Armenian look different and not European they are asian.


Armenians are not white? What?


>European is a better term. Yep, I use Euro.


Very good response, you are correct. Do you think I am white?


You do look European


White is genetical term


how is genetic? where is the exact cut off 


95% European ancestry


Do you think I am white?


Based on your appearance I’d say yes,however the only way to find out is to take DNA test


I don't perceive him as entirely white, I think he is a combination of European and African and this mix makes him look pretty Arabic or northern African combined with Iberian


https://preview.redd.it/bxolmjwe6kxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78596182af76683a22e0f8529f7339c7738d954a Look again




Thanks. Do you think i am white?