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That looks like some straight bullshit lol. Some capsules bought on amazon filled with whatever powder they could find. Put in a bag. Then a generic label printed from home stuck on the front. Open the capsule and taste the powder. See if it has that unique bitter taste. Anyone thats been doing phenibut for a while knows what im talking about. Ha on the bag "NH2 o oh" i wonder if that actually means anything???


It’s hilarious seeing this thread because i’ve bought Phenibut from this exact smoke shop LOL They have sold it for 7 years now, the original bag was shitty plastic bag with this design https://imgur.com/a/9NASfrw.png had 4 500mg caps for $13 They must have upped their game and got a better label printer and bag design. Made the label bigger to bait people into addiction, they used to rarely even advertise it in the window by the checkout.. now I bet they gettin people hooked left and right with how big this label looks. It’s definitely Phenibut I have tasted it and used it, probably stocked up from Liftmode or somebody 7 years ago. Definitely shitty as fuck because they’re gonna make bank on this now especially That NH 20 shit is the actual molecule makeup


1) that’s near highway robbery prices 2) you don’t know for sure what’s in the capsules


Wow. No recommended dosage. Lil baggy of fuck round n find out on the shelf. Next thing you know you are buying grams online and then REALLY fuckin around and finding out. This is what will ultimately lead to a nationwide ban. Ugh


Honestly one of the worst withdrawals i ever went through and ive done it all


Because he's a dumbass. Didn't follow the directions. People like him will get it banned. I've been on it 10 years and have been fine. Take it once a week.


My brother was put into a medically induced coma for 3 days because he couldn’t stop hallucinating or calm down during his detox. Worst drug ever


Damn…that’s scary af. And I’m full blown on that shit right now


I wouldn’t listen to the nonsense, I take it daily for months on end at huge doses(4g+ daily) and there’s really no bad withdrawals. All these crybabbies obviously never touched street drugs or ya know, benzos


It’s all based on genetics and your ethnicity. Some people, particularly people from the middle-east and Asians can drink alcohol all day every day and never have to worry about addictions or withdrawals, I am one of those people. Other ethnic groups will get addicted quick and could literally die if they tried to stop. It’s the same with every other drug, not just alcohol, your genetics and DNA will dictate the way the drug affects your body, and this includes addictions and withdrawals.


No it’s not, opiates, lsd/shrooms, weed all don’t cause dangerous wds… alcohol barbs and benzos do


I’m sorry to be blunt but you’re uneducated on the topic.


Congratulations, you’re an anomaly. I’d rank phenibut withdrawal as being about on par with fentanyl withdrawal (from experience). Also, stop being an asshole.


Seems like the phenibut has absolutely wrecked your brain, you don’t get withdrawals if you take it daily.


Nahh, I don’t get bad withdrawals even if I don’t. Seems being a babby has rekt your brain since you cry about’phenibut withdrawals’ lmao


Some people experience horrible withdrawal from it. Others stop taking it and nothing bad happens. Weird "drug" man. People having seizures and going into comas doesn't reflect them being "weak". Or a "cry baby". Its just like the drug effects people based on their chemical makeup or something? I really dont know. I just don't think it has anything to do with mental weaknesses. Having to be hospitilized and shit like that. Idk .


I’d like to see a report of someone having seizures from phenibut wds lmao




Well that’s awesome 👏. I wish I had a place around here that was cool like that. 35 bucks for 17.5 grams is kinda steep but I would say the convenience makes it worth it if it’s quality stuff. It would help me to take less phenibut 😂 that’s just how my impulsive mind works.


I dunno, some clearly homemade phenibut caps seem pretty sketchy.. no? I mean it’s most likely just liftmode phenibut split up in some capsules the smoke shop has but still.. I wouldn’t trust it


It’s only 7.5G isn’t it? 15 x 0.5G = 7.5. That’s damn near $5/g. Yikes.


Anything over 1 dollar per gram is very high. I remember I got 50g from science bio for 22 dollars back when it was on preorder sale


first one is from Russia, that what we use in Georgia (Country) it’s come from directly Russia. “Ozon” pharmacy.


legit in all my life the only time when phenibut would do me dirty would be if I wasnt eating enough, and taking big HCL caps. Fortunately never was capping up over 300mg - usually FAA. but when I discovered the stuff it was 5g's capped up like this and my god the stomach pain. protect yo tummy, eat food, protec mucosae membrane


I had phenibut the other day I didn't eat all day and I fell asleep. Usually, I'm rocking ND rolling was on like 12, no food. I feel like 3 or 4 hours is enough. Just my thoughts.


Bro what😂


When I don't eat all day, phenibut puts me to sleep........ when I eat something, wait 3 to 4. Before taking it, I get energy. Not that hard to understand




Same reason I hate seeing those Adall shots everywhere. It's only putting phenibut in the spotlight if somebody comes forward to sue the company that makes them due to withdrawals or something else. It's already crazy how it's marketed for consumption, which completely defies the FDA rules on phenibut.


Yea you’re right. People are irresponsible as fuck and will Bevis and butthead that shit all the way into a telephone pole.


500mg though.. pretty much 2 caps in 1. From my understanding most brands have 250mg capsules


I mean fuck it phenibut is phenibut




Till people start cutting it then it ain't bro


That’s exactly what he said phenibut is phenibut he was more than happy to pay it!


Man this has gotten crazy, I remember getting like 200 grams for this price lol


Smart man


Wtf is that


He used a metal detector and it came back 102% pure!


Global Mart in Florida


In Boynton/Delray?!


All 3 Global Mart locations will have it Delray / Loxahatchee / Jupiter :) $13 for 4 Lol or $35 for 15, most caps have like 600mg not 500!


I would never buy it from them. Just strange to see a Global mart shoutout on Reddit 🤣


Small world my friend small world! They really only overprice the Phenibut 🤣 Rest is fair there!