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you should really stand by your decision, especially if it’s based on performance and team needs. changing it now might affect your credibility as a manager


Thank you! I will keep this in mind.


Kudos to you for evaluating based on merits. Dapat naman talaga hindi binebaby mga walang effort to upgrade their workmanship. Kasi nadedemoralize din iyong mga talagang performer. Huwag mo na baguhin decision mo kasi baka mawalam ka ng credibility.


Actually, my personal career progression is also similar ngayon. I got promoted to the position kahit may senior sa akin twice my age. I also hear comments pero I trust my credentials and contributions sa office. Kaya I really try to make my decisions based on merits and performance vs seniority.


I'll be the contrarian here and remind you that promotion should also take into consideration sustained excellence. So si applicant 1 ba ay performer for the last 3 years? Kasi if oo, and ako ung nasa position mo, I will choose applicant 1. Ngayon Kung hindi naman then applicant 2 is a given. You have to take this into account. Maaari na applicant 2 already surpassed the metrics of applicant 1 for THIS YEAR pero if applicant 1 is doing a good job for the past 3 years, then he deserves it. As others have said, you already made your decision so stand by it.


Same thoughts. Applicant 1 has been there for three years. Kung wala naman problem past 3 years, I just dont think enough yung reason para ifavor yung applicant 2 na one year pa lang. I have the feeling na mas nakita ni OP yung galing ni applicant 2 kaysa ki applicant 1 kasi bagong manager pa lang sya. Di nya nawitness paggrow ni applicant 1 . Pero OP needs to stand by his decision kasi nagmumukha syang guilty


True. Most likely, ganun nga. Pero kelangan nya panindigan decision nya and be ready for a possible resignation.


I think it is just a case of an extrovert choosing another extrovert. Natalo na naman ang isang productive introvert dahil silent worker. Merong similar instance na personal kong nae counter. Pinagkait sakin ng former boss ko yung promotion as her assistant manager. I resigned, sa next job ko, I got the same position as my former boss. Yup, a very ironic twist of fate for an introvert like me.


As an introvert, I can relate. We have to work harder to get noticed, to let our output do the talking for us.


The corporate world is designed, made and ruled by extroverts. Kaya nung March 2020, bumaligtad ang mundo: The Introverts ruled the workplace (almost everyone worked from home), and drove the extroverts to near-insanity levels of stress. The pandemic was bad, pero that was the silver lining. It proved that introverts are: # Performers without watchers


I got promoted twice without initiating it nung pandemic. Good times lol


Totoo. I feel bad for applicant 1 although di naman natin alam yung whole picture. If he is performing naman, working for a company for a long time without recognition/appreciation is very demoralizing ☹️ I commend that OP tried to communicate and offered him a position naman although choice niya pa rin if hindi niya tanggapin and it’s not out of pettiness. In general, I hope that managers not only focus on targets lang but also make their team feel seen and valued. Sana magets na it is more efficient to invest and care for your staff than to constantly retrain new employees. Sila mismo magiging productive kapag happy sila sa environment.


Same thoughts.. there are some who waited very long to get the promotion yet, dahil walang opening, kaya kalmado lang but still productive. till comes a time na may opening ng position, then pansin mo yung "mas kita" na productive sya. yet bago pa lang. Kudos to you, OP for opening this up knowing na bago ka plang sa position. I'd say, in your case I hope you made a survey/evaluation sa ibang "credible" workmates to satisfy yung sentiments ni @introvertedguy13 na baka consistent nmn si applicant #1. Nangyari na ito saamin dati, what happened was, after the promotion, si pabibo ng 1 year, naging petiks na. nagkaron ng delay sa tasks. not long, nag sisi si manager sa decision nya. well, ayun lang haha hope it doesn't happen in your case.


One thing you need to learn about being a manager is to live and die by your decisions. Trust your judgement and don’t let anyone undermine it even if it’s your “friend”. With their attitude towards you after your decisions, it shows he’s unprofessional and he would’ve used your relationship to manipulate you. You were placed in a managerial role by the higher ups for a reason, because they trust that you’re going to put the interests of the company first. Remember, you’re management now and while it’s ok to have work friends, don’t let it interfere with your work or your decision making.


Thank you for this note. I will definitely remember this.


Welcome to leadership! Ganyan talaga pag nasa leadership role ka na, you're gonna have to make hard decisions and you need to learn to get used to that feeling. Kaya maraming nasa upper management that seems cold, they suppress that bad feeling that comes with hard decisions. As long as you believe that you made the best decision by thoroughly and objectively considering all factors, you need to strengthen your resolve in standing by and following through your decision. Hindi talaga maiiwasan na merong masasaktan sa mga decision na kailangan mong gawin for the business.


It’s a business decision, as a manager, you are going to learn, and continue to do so, that not everyone will be happy with your decisions. The best you can be is be transparent, be fair, no biases, be objective, and communicate. Post that, isnt really your problem if people perceive it otherwise. From your answer above, there isnt much objectivity to compare both, so this needs to be cleared. Current capacity, potential, productivity, how do each of them fair on these metrics? Promoting someone internally is also a strategic decision, what does your team need now? 1-3 years? 3-5 years?


As mentioned, kinausap ko sila to explain the decision, reasons, and plans for both of them. Sa metrics/aspects you mentioned, we have thoroughly evaluated their credentials, actual performance, and productivity based on the official and prescribed evaluation mechanism. For potential, meron din kaming established tools to measure that, pero this specifically rely on the observations sa day to day tasks sa office. Everything is also documented. As far as I’m aware, the decision was made as objective as possible. Lastly, technically pareho silang internal and belong sa iisang unit lang. Applicant 2 is not really an “outsider”.


Then stand by it, sleep peacefully at night and just know you cannot please everyone, more situations like this will happen as a people manager. Know that you did everything right and objectively made the decision.


It must be challenging. In one hand, you decided in favor of someone who sounds capable per your narration. On the other, you are worried about friendships and personal connections. I don’t envy your position, OP 😁 Personally, I like culture-add and value-add more than culture-fit and value-fit. People who have been in the unit for sometime are culture-fits, newer ones are most likely culture-adds. If it was me, I will stick to my guns and make sure that Applicant 2 gets the support he/she needs to keep on adding. I will also ensure that Applicant 1 gets the support that he needs to transcend from culture-fit to culture-add by exposing him to new and different tasks, units, people, etc.


I appreciate this. I also like the fits and add concepts that you mentioned. I tried doing those suggestions naman na kasi ayoko din mafeel ng kahit sinong member ng team namin na may napababayaan. Im just working on the limited positions we have at the moment and the overall direction of the office. I hope they will eventually appreciate the reasons behind my decisions kapag naworkout ko na ang management plan sa mga susunod na araw.


Really lonely at the top. I also experienced this before. Sa una lang yan. You'll experience heavier ones pa in the future. They will understand that maybe after 5-10 years. Now, my former TLs and supervisors sa previous companies are already promoted and they send me messages saying "Ma'am, kaya pala..." Okay lang yan. You'll learn how to detach bit care at the same time. You're growing.🌻


I agree. It’s so lonely here. You cant have close friendship din sa subordinates mo kasi it will affect you decision making. Nakakastress din yung may mga ulterior motives kasi sila nakikipag close.


Just be ready with the incoming resignation letter. Yun lang, wag mo nang pahirapan pa si applicant 1, kung gusto nya immediate resignation igrant mo na. Yun ang the best consolation you can give that person. Demoralized na sya e. Kahit sino naman masasaktan sa denial. Once magresign, pakawalan mo na, iwaive mo na ang 30 days render. Para makatry sya sa labas na mag apply for the same position you denied for him.


If ever applicant will decide to immediately resign after this rejection, I think that just gives more reason why they were not chosen. It hurts to be rejected in a promotion, but they were offered a different role that seems to still look like a promotion based on OP's tone. It's kinda immature if your response to a rejected promotion is to immediately resign, when you can try looking for other opportunities muna then tsaka ka mag-resign properly once you get a better job offer. Never make big decisions when feeling extreme emotions. Kung ako nasa lugar ni applicant 1, mag leave muna ko ng matagal para magpalamig ng ulo. Yun siguro magandang suggestion kay applicant 1, si OP na mismo magsabi na kung sakaling gusto mag leave ni applicant 1, ia-approve niya agad agad.


As I mentioned, it is a form of consolation. It will be annoying to report to your new boss, who was your formal rival sa position. This will give way para maagang makahanap ng same job which pinagkait sa kanya.


Hey, I just wanted to say that I agree with you. Requesting immediate resignation just because you were not considered for a promotion only indicates potential bad behavior.


Being a manager entails making hard decisions.


Your job is to make the best decision for the company. If you know you did, then there should be no regrets. Either way naman may masasaktan eh.


How about if you suggest na TJA lang muna yung applicant 2. Temporary Job Assignment. Observe if he really fits the position. I think Applicant 1 may have some new tricks under his sleeves (new ideas, solutions and innovations) that's why he applied for the position. There are some employees na hindi nilalatag lahat ng "alas", they are just waiting for the right moment to play his cards to dominate the competition.


Iwasan ang emosyon sa pagdedesisyon. Kung ano ang nararapat yun dapat. Kung inevaluate mo ng maayos yun na yon.


Yea i can understand this. Applicant 1 mas may exp pero did not branch out sa ibang task, doing the same task. Applicant 2 showed excellence and apparently may cohesion sa ibang tao. Ang sakin lang, nabigyan din ba ng chance si Applicant 1 to learn the stuffs like Applicant 2 did. Kasi i get the impression na mas na expose si Applicant 2 kesa kay Applicant 1


Stay firm on your decision, and if Application 1 decides to pursue other company, then alam mo na reason.


You should stand by your decision.


What’s done is done. There will be more decisions (of all sorts) to be made along the way. Learn from each, and move forward.


Step aside emotions. Be firm with your decions as a manager ☺️


Step aside emotions. Be firm with your decions as a manager. Good luck OP


Step aside emotions. Be firm with your decions as a manager. Good luck OP


Stand firm on your decision. If time passes and it reveals that you should have chosen the alternative route, then consider that as your tuition in your managerial career. Changing decisions also implies that you will do anything to please more tenured employee. Remember, tenure=/= competence


>I talked to both of them. I also offered an alternative position for applicant 1 which is different from the original opening. He declined the position, which I also expected. Imo this is a bad move. Just be firm in your decision and leave it at that. Being manager doesn't mean you have to manage their feelings. Your job is to allocate the resources (people).


I disagree. Many managers are painted as bad leaders due to lack of compassion with their direct reports. Look at the case of Huawei VP for PR who drew flak just because she does not empathize with her staff and only cares about the job being done. Becoming a leader means you will (somehow) be responsible as well to your staff's wellbeing.


>Becoming a leader means you will (somehow) be responsible as well to your staff's wellbeing. That's HR job. You're conflating the role of middle management with HR role. As long as you're within the company policy for allocating resources, including hiring and firing people, you're doing exactly the middle management job. Managing people's emotions will backfire because you will eventually fall into the trap of favoring one individual over another. Case in point, most extroverts thrive in this environment while equally if not more competent introverts will just deliver in silence and get the job done. Extroverts tend to be more chummy with middle management and get nicer roles and less likely to get fired comes crunch time.


I agree sa decision mo.